Bishop Anstey East

MATHEMATICS FORM 5 SCHEME OF WORK 2020 – 2021TERM 1 – Sept – Dec 2020TrigonometrySolution of right-angled trianglesSolution of non – right angled triangles using Sine Rule and Cosine RuleBearings CirclesLinear functionsCoordinate Geometry ReviewTravel GraphsTransformationsTransformation MatricesTERM 2 – Jan – April 2020Simultaneous Equations Inequalities Linear Programming Quadratic Functions & EquationsFactorizationSolution by FactorizationFormulaGraphsCompletion of SquaresSolution of Linear and non-linear simultaneous equations and inequationsTERM 3 – April – June 2020WEEKLY MATHEMATICS SCHEME OF WORK TERMS 1 – 2 SEPTEMBER 2020 – APRIL 2021WEEKTOPICLEARNING OBJECTIVES – Students should be able to:RESOURCES1 – 3TRIGONOMETRY, SINE AND COSINE RULECIRCLES????Solve problems involving right-angled triangles.Solve problems involving non right-angled triangles.Identify when the following rules may be used.Sine ruleCosine ruleSolve simple problems involving the sine rule and cosine rule excluding the use of bearings and elevations.EVALUATION 1Mymaths/IGCSE/ Geometry/ Circle TheoremsMymaths/IGCSE/Measures/Arcs, sectors, segments4BEARINGSDetermine the bearing of one position to another Draw diagrams given the distances and bearings between positionsSolve questions involving Elevation, Depression, and Bearings EVALUATION 25 LINEAR FUNCTIONS &COORDINATE GEOMETRYRREVIEWPlot points and draw given straight lines.Find the gradients of lines drawnDerive the formula for the gradient of a line given two points on the line.Use the formula to calculate the gradient of a line given two points.Applying Pythagoras’ theorem to the triangle formed by joining two points on a line, derive the formula for the distance between two points.Use the formula to calculate the distance between two points. / Algebra – Coordinates 1 and 2Maths Watch Higher 68, 69, 96Toolsie - Vol1 ex 7n6 – 7 Recognize and state the x – intercept and y – intercept of a line.By finding the formula for given lines state the general equation of (i)Horizontal lines(ii)Vertical linesGiven lines as above write an equation for (i) horizontal lines (ii) vertical linesDraw lines given the equationsRecognize the relationship between the equation of the line and the position of the gradient and y – intercept for Oblique linesDetermine the equation of a line given:The gradient, m, and a point (0, c):The gradient and any point (not the y – intercept):Two pointsOne point and the equation of a parallel lineOne point and the equation of a perpendicular lineDetermine the perpendicular bisector of a line joining two points A and BEVALUATION 3Maths watch foundation Clip 113, 114Maths Watch Higher clip 119, Clip 143Vol1 ex 7p / algebra/Coordinates & graphsExam at the end. (Coordinate geometry, Relations and functions and algebra)Past Paper QuestionsTRAVEL GRAPHS Draw and Interpret Distance – Time graphs and Velocity – Time GraphsMymaths/IGCSE /Kinematics – 10 TRANSFORMATIONSDefine a translation by listing its properties. Recognize a translation. Translate an object by a given translation vector.Determine the translation vector given the object and image (diagrams / points).Define a reflection by listing the properties of a reflection. Recognize a reflection. Determine the axis of reflection given the object and image.Reflect objects in the axes and lines parallel to the axes.Reflect objects in the oblique lines y = x and y = – x and through the origin.Perform combined translations and reflections (glide reflections). Identify real life situations that display glide reflections.Distinguish between translations and reflections.Define and list the properties of an enlargement. Recognize that it can be larger or smaller than the object and in the opposite direction.Determine the centre of enlargement given an object and its image. Determine the scale factor of given enlargements.Enlarge objects given the centre of enlargement and the scale factor (positive, negative and fractional).Distinguish between enlargements, reflections and translations.Define and list the properties of a rotation. Recognize a rotation given a graph of object and image.Determine: the centre of rotation; the angle of rotation and the sense of rotation for given object and image diagrams.Perform rotations through 90?, 180? and 270? about the origin.Distinguish rotations, enlargements, translations and reflections from given diagrams.EVALUATION 4mymaths/IGCSE/transformationsMatrices notes and worksheets see google drive11TRANSFORMATION MATRICESState / determine and use the matrix for enlargements, reflections and rotations to determine the coordinates of the image, given the object coordinates.Determine the image for combined matrix operationsEVALUATION 5END OF TERM 1TERM 21INEQUALITIES 1Write inequalities for worded expressionsRepresent inequalities in one variable: Using set notationOn a number lineGraphically as a region on a Cartesian planeSolve in-equations in one variable i. as a set of integersii. on a number lineiii. as a region on a lineMaths Watch Foundation 108MFCS Bk 3, 4 / algebra/ InequalitiesMaths Watch Foundation 109,Vol 1 ex 7f and 7g Exam at the end. (Algebra, inequalities)2SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONSSolve simultaneous equations in 2 variables using:SubstitutionEliminationGraphs / algebra/equations - simultaneousMatchwatch Higher 95; Sumbooks Intermediate 82Sumbooks Higher 21Math Watch Foundation 115; Text 7q , 7r3INEQUALITIES 2Represent inequalities in two variables:GraphicallyAs a set of ordered pairsmymaths/IGCSE/ InequalitiesMaths Watch Foundation 144Vol 1 ex7s and 7tExam at the end. (Simultaneous equations, inequalities and algebra)45 – 6 LINEAR PROGRAMMINGSolve two or more in-equations in two variables graphicallyWrite in-equations given worded informationSolve linear programming problems graphicallymymaths/IGCSE/ InequalitiesMathematics for Caribbean schools Bk 4Text Vol 2 ex 21hMathematics for Caribbean schools Bk 4Exam at the end. (Inequalities and linear programming)7 QUADRATIC EQUATIONSExpansion of binomialsRecognize special types of quadratic expressionsDraw Quadratic functionsTextExam at the end. ( Binomial expansion and drawing of quadratic functions)8Quadratic Expressions and EquationsFactorization of 2, 4 and 3 termsCompletion of squaresSolve by:FactorizationFormulaGraphsCompletion of squaresSolution of quadratic in-equationsExam at the end of 3.1 and 3.2. (Factorization and Completion of squares).Exam at the end of 3.3 (Solving)Exam at the end of 3.4. ( All of point 3) algebra/algebraic algebra/equations – quadratic HYPERLINK "" \h algebra/InequalitiesEND OF TERM 2 ................

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