TENDER # 20-018EQUIPMENT PURCHASEONE (1) NEW NOT PREVIOUSLY USED FIRE APPARATUS CUSTOM SIDE MOUNT CONTROLS PUMPER CITY OF MIRAMICHI141 HENRY STREETMIRAMICHI, NB E1V 2N5Telephone: (506) 623-2208Tender Closing Date: November 10, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m.TENDER 20-018EQUIPMENT PURCHASEONE (1) NEW NOT PREVIOUSLY USED FIRE APPARATUS CUSTOM SIDE MOUNT CONTROLS PUMPERThe City of Miramichi will be accepting tenders for the supply of one (1) new not previously used 2020 Fire Apparatus custom side mount controls pumper as per our specifications.Specifications must be obtained from the City Clerk's Office by emailing: clerk@ Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 a.m., local time, November 10, 2020. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.Rhonda RipleyCity ClerkAPPEL D’OFFRES 20-018ACHATS D'?QUIPEMENT D’ UNE (1) APPAREIL D'INCENDIE COMMANDES DE MONTAGE LAT?RAL SUR MESURE NON USAG?La Ville de Miramichi accepte des soumissions pour l’achat d’une (1) Appareil D’Incendie commandes de montage lateral, modèle 2020 et non usagé selon nos spécifications.Les spécifications doivent être obtenues au bureau de la secrétaire municipale par courriel?: clerk@ Les soumissions seront re?ues par le soussigné jusqu’à 11h00, heure locale, 10 novembre 2020. La Ville se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser toute offre. L’offre la moins élevée ou toute offre ne sera nécessairement acceptée.Rhonda Ripleysecrétaire municipaleTENDER # 20-018 – EQUIPMENT PURCHASEONE (1) NEW NOT PREVIOUSLY USEDFIRE APPARATUS CUSTOM SIDE MOUNT CONTROLS PUMPERBACKGROUND:a) The City of Miramichi is seeking to purchase one (1) new not previously used 2020 (or newer) Fire Apparatus Custom Side Mount Controls Pumper in accordance with the specifications outlined in this tender document. GENERAL INFORMATION:a) The terms "City" and "Miramichi" in the present document refer to the City of Miramichi and the term “Bidder, Prospective Proponent, Tenderer or Tendering Party” in the present document refers to parties who have obtained tender documents from the City and submit a tender. b) Inquiries relating, in any way whatsoever, to this tender shall be sent in writing to:Clerk’s Department City of Miramichi 141 Henry Street Miramichi, NB E1V 2N5 506-623-2201 (facsimile) or by email to clerk@TENDER SUBMISSIONS:a) Tender documentation will be issued by the Clerk’s Office for the City of Miramichi. Said documentation will only be issued to a prospective proponent upon the Clerk’s Office being provided with the prospective proponent’s contact name, address, facsimile number and email address. This contact name, address, facsimile number and email address will be used for any communication by the City to the prospective proponent(s).b) Tenders will only be accepted from prospective proponents who have provided the Clerk’s Office with the information set out in paragraph 3 a) above. Parties are not entitled to copy the tender documentation issued by the Clerk’s Office for dissemination to other prospective proponents.c)TENDERS MUST BE MADE ON THE FORMS PROVIDED, IF ANY, AND BE DELIVERED TO THE ADDRESS BELOW, IN A SEALED ENVELOPE WITH THE CLOSING DATE, TENDER NUMBER AND TENDER NAME ON THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE. THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE SHOULD ALSO HAVE THE COMPANY NAME AFFIXED THERETO AND ADDRESSED TO:CITY CLERKCITY OF MIRAMICHI141 HENRY STREETMIRAMICHI, NB E1V 2N5d)Tendering parties shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their tenders in the manner and time prescribed.e)All tenders shall be delivered to the office of the City Clerk whereupon they will be dated and time stamped. It is the responsibility of the tendering party to ensure that tenders are in possession of the City Clerk or delegated staff member on or before the closing date and time stated in the tender documents. A tender shall be deemed to have been received when the tender has been stamped with the time and date of receipt.f)Tenders received after the closing date and time specified shall be rejected.TENDER CLOSING:Tenders must be received at the office of the City Clerk not later than 11:00 a.m., Local Time, November 10, 2020.Due to COVID-19 the following precautions have been put in place regarding the tender opening;The tender opening will not be a public opening. A copy of the Tender Opening Checklist will be forwarded by email to all bidder’s as soon as possible after the tender opening. (Hopefully within one (1) hour). Bidders are reminded to read the checklist for the limitations on the information provided. The successful bidder will be notified after award by Council.If it is your intention to hand deliver your tender, please contact the Clerk’s Department at (506) 623-2208 to make arrangement for a member of the Clerk’s Department to meet you in the entry of City Hall where your tender will be date and time stamped and placed in the tender box. Emailed submissions will not be accepted.TENDER SIGNING:Tenders must be signed by an authorized signing authority of the tendering party. TENDER OFFER:Tenders shall be irrevocable and subject to acceptance by the City for sixty (60) days following the tender closing date and shall be retained by the City of Miramichi. The City of Miramichi shall endeavor to keep the contents of all tenders confidential, other than total bid price, unless the tender of a tendering party is accepted by the City, in which case the contents of the tender shall be considered public knowledge.PRICING:The tender price shall be in Canadian funds and include charges which are applicable at the time of tender submission. Failure to quote in Canadian funds will result in the tender being rejected. In the event of award, the tender amount shall constitute the full and complete amount which shall be paid to the tendering party for the purpose of this tender.Tendering parties must set out their tender price upon the attached tender submission form, if any. INFORMATION TO ACCOMPANY TENDERS:Tendering parties will be required to include, with their tender, various documents pursuant to the terms of this tender call. All tenders must be accompanied by any and all documentation, the provision of which is made mandatory by the terms of this tender call, and failure to provide said documentation will lead to the bidding party’s tender being rejected. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidding party to determine what documentation must be submitted with their tender. ADDENDA:a)Addenda or Clarifications may be issued prior to the closing date. All Addenda or Clarifications will become part of the tender documentation and contract documents. Tendering parties, where applicable, must include associated costs with respect to requirements of addenda or clarification.b)Clarifications requested by proponents must be in writing and received by the City not less than seven (7) days before final date set for receipt of tenders. The reply will be made in the form of an Addendum or Clarification, a copy of which will be forwarded to each person or firm registered as having contract documents. No other interpretation or explanation shall be valid.c)Tendering parties are requested to acknowledge receipt of all Addenda or Clarifications issued by the City by completing the “Acknowledgement of Receipt” form accompanying said Addenda or Clarifications and returning this form to the City immediately after receipt of the Addenda or Clarification. d)Addenda or Clarifications will be issued through facsimile transmission or email. Said transmissions shall be sent to the contact person identified in paragraph 3 a) of the “TENDER SUBMISSIONS” herein. It is the responsibility of the tendering party to ensure that the City is in possession of their facsimile number and email address.e)It is also the tendering party’s responsibility to ensure that they have received all addenda or clarifications issued by the City.AMENDMENTS TO TENDER:a)A tendering party submitting a tender may amend their tender, subsequent to the deposit of the tender, and prior to the closing date and time, by either:(1)facsimile transmission, signed by an authorized signing authority, and provided to the City, in accordance with the following:The City shall not accept responsibility for faxed amendments not received by the City by the closing date and time due to equipment failure, inability to access facsimile line, or for any other reason.Amendments shall be forwarded to the attention of the City Clerk at fax (506) 623-2201.It is the responsibility of the tendering party to ensure that their amendment has been received by the Office of the City Clerk.The facsimile shall be deemed to have been received upon receipt of the entire document setting out the amendment.or(2)depositing, in the tender box, the letter of amendment, signed by an authorized signing authority of the tendering party, prior to the closing date and time of tender.11.OPENING OF TENDER SUBMISSIONS:a)Rejection of tender submissions:(1)The person designated to open tender submissions shall reject a tender submission for any of the following reasons:(a)the tender submission is not signed;(b)the tender submission is not accompanied by a security deposit in the form and in the amount required by the tender documents (if any);(c)if more than one item is being procured, the tender submission does not contain a total price if one was required by the tender documents; (d)the tender submission is illegible; or(e)is the second one submitted by the same tendering party in which case all tenders by the tendering party shall be rejected.b) Examination for compliance:(1)Following the opening of tender submissions, a tender submission shall be evaluated to determine if it complies with the mandator requirements of the tender documents and shall be rejected if it does not comply.(2)A tender submission may be found not to be in compliance for reasons that include, but are not limited to, the following:(a)the submission contains substantive qualifications or conditions that are contrary to the terms of the tender documents;(b)the submission is from a disqualified prospective supplier;(c)the submission does not satisfy the mandator requirements of the tender documents;(d)the submission contains a change in price that was not initialled by the person who signed the submission; or(e)the procuring entity determines that the information submitted with respect to the qualifications of the prospective supplier are false or misleading.c)Minor Non-Compliance(1)A failure to comply with the mandatory requirements of the tender document is a minor non-compliance if it:(a)affects the form of the tender submission, rather than its substance;(b)does not affect the tender’s price, delivery quality or quantity; and(c)if waived, would not give the prospective supplier an unfair advantage over other prospective suppliers who submitted tenders.d)All tenders will be evaluated for compliance and irregularities in accordance with the Procurement Act. e)Subject to item (a), a tender may be accepted notwithstanding that it contains errors in mathematics, in which case the proper computation will be carried out and the resultant total used in determining the tender price.f)In order to obtain the most advantageous offer for the City of Miramichi, the City of Miramichi reserves the right in its sole discretion:(1)To waive irregularities and/or minor non-compliance by any proponent with the requirements of this tender;(2)to request clarification and/or further information from one or more proponents after closing without becoming obligated to offer the same opportunity to all proponents; and(3)To enter into negotiations with one or more proponents without being obligated to negotiate with, or, offer the same opportunity to all proponents, should the City of Miramichi not receive any proposals satisfactory to the City of Miramichi.Proponents are advised, however, to submit a complete offer as their proposal. Any waiver, clarification or negotiation will not be considered as an opportunity for proponents to correct errors in their proposal.12.CANCELLATION OF TENDER:a)The City of Miramichi reserves the right to cancel this tender and not award in the following circumstances:Prior to the close of the tender, for any reason deemed necessary by the City of Miramichi;After the close of the tender, if there are no compliant tenders, or if all tenders received contain a bid price in excess of the City of Miramichi’s established budget.13.AWARD OF TENDER:The City shall notify the successful tendering party by facsimile transmission and/or mail that they are the successful tendering party.The City of Miramichi has a set budget for the supply of the goods and/or services sought by this tender call. Should all tenders received exceed the budgeted amount, the City reserves the right not to make an award and, if the City so chooses, to revise this tender and to reissue the revised request.The City reserves the right, in the event that the successful tendering party fails to comply with the terms and conditions set out herein, or to comply with the terms and conditions set out in their tender, to: (1) cancel the contract or award, if any, and accept the tender of another tendering party, without penalty or action against the City, and/or (2) bring an action against the original successful tendering party for damages. The City reserves the right to award in its best interest. Tenders with the lowest price, or any, need not necessarily be accepted. The City also reserves the right to waive any informality contained in any tender as to item or class. 14.INVOICING:Invoices shall be directed to the City of Miramichi, 141 Henry Street, Miramichi, NB E1V 2N5 Attention: City of Miramichi, Finance Department. In addition to their G.S.T./H.S.T. Registration Number, the successful tendering party is required to provide the amount of H.S.T., if applicable.15.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:a)The City of Miramichi invites tenders on the purchase of:QtyDescription1New, Unused 2020 or Newer Fire Apparatus Custom Side Mount Controls Pumper b)Vehicles offered under this tender, other than new models, will not be considered in compliance with these specifications.c)The bidder must either be a manufacturer, a factory branch, or a dealer engaged in the business of selling, dealing and servicing the equipment tendered upon and must maintain a full stock of parts and service.d)As only major components are specified in this tender, it is the supplier's responsibility to deliver Vehicles with appropriate components which will provide dependable and efficient service.e)All portions of tender shall be completely filled out including descriptions and details where requested. Failure to complete all portions of tender will result in bid disqualifications.f)Warranty shall be dated the day the units are put into service.g)The City of Miramichi will be responsible for the registration and license.h)The laws of the Province of New Brunswick shall apply to this initiative and any contract formed as a result of this initiative and the Courts of New Brunswick shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any contract formed as a result of this initiative.i)The City of Miramichi name, logo, crest, etc, shall not be used without the prior written consent of the City of Miramichi.j)Bidders acknowledge the City of Miramichi is subject to the New Brunswick Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Bidders shall clearly mark "Confidential" all information regarding trade secrets, commercial, financial, labour relations, technical or other aspects of the prospective proponent’s submission, which in the bidder’s opinion are of a proprietary or confidential nature and are significant enough to be injurious to the prospective proponent should this information be provided under a request for information.The City of Miramichi shall use all reasonable efforts to hold all information marked "Confidential" by the prospective proponent in strict confidence where required or permitted by law but shall not be liable for any action as contemplated pursuant to the Act.If the City of Miramichi’s response to a request under the Act is appealed to the Information and Privacy Commissioner for New Brunswick, the prospective proponent shall have the burden of proof pursuant to the Act. The prospective proponent shall be responsible for all costs related to its’ confidentially requirements.k)The price proposed shall be FOB delivered to the City of Miramichi. The tender price shall be in Canadian funds and include freight and duty. It is the responsibility of the supplier to find out from the appropriate authorities what taxes, rates and charges are applicable to this acquisition. The amount of Harmonized Sales Tax (H.S.T.)(15%) shall be included.l)This tender contains minimum specifications. Tenders not meeting the minimum specifications will be rejected.m)The City of Miramichi shall not be responsible for any expenses or charges incurred by a proponent in preparing or submitting a tender nor in providing any additional information considered necessary by the City of Miramichi for evaluation of tenders.n)The City of Miramichi reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to clarify any tender after closing by seeking further information from that proponent without becoming obligated to clarify or seek further information from any other proponent. However, proponents are cautioned that any clarification sought will not be an opportunity either to correct an error or to change their proposal in any substantive manner.o) Should the City of Miramichi not receive any proposal satisfactory to the city, the city in its sole discretion, reserves the right to negotiate a contract for the whole, or part, of the project with any one or more of the proponents without becoming obliged to offer to negotiate with all the proponents.p)As a condition of award, the bidding party agrees that other New Brunswick municipalities may have the advantage of the price(s) accepted by the City of Miramichi. This in no way commits these municipalities to accepting this tender but provides them with the opportunity to take advantage of the City of Miramichi’s pricing, subject to the Supplier having a unit available they are prepared to sell at said price.The City of Miramichi is not responsible for payment of Fire Apparatus Specifications Custom Side Mount Controls Pumper supplied to other municipalities.The Supplier shall invoice the individual municipalities directly for any products supplied to them under this Request for Proposal.16.SPECIFICATIONSa)All specifications shown are considered to be minimum. Consideration may be given to items equivalent to, or exceeding, minimum specifications. If bidders are proposing components which are alternatives to the stated specifications, the following procedure must be followed: Bidders must seek an addendum from the City acknowledging their alternative component will be accepted.Bidders are required to show details of the component being offered for consideration which support said components being equivalent or exceeding minimum specifications.Bidders requesting an alternative component must do so no later than seven (7) days before the closing.The results of all requests to accept alternative components will be forwarded to all bidders in the form of an addendum.The City of Miramichi will be the sole judge whether the proposed alternative component exceeds minimum specifications and is beneficial to the City of Miramichi.Failure of bidders to propose components which have not been accepted by the City through its initial tender documents, or addendums, will result in the bid being rejected.17.DELIVERY REQUIREMENTSa)Delivery of this equipment shall be made within the period proposed by the successful proponent (if any) and not to exceed 320 calendar days after the date of award. If the equipment is not delivered within that time, the City of Miramichi reserves the right to cancel this procurement from the proponent or to impose a penalty of $500.00 per day that the equipment is not delivered to the City of Miramichi. The submission of a tender will be interpreted as the proponent’s consent to the imposition of the penalty or cancellation.b)A firm delivery date shall be stated on the Tender Submission Form and shall be stated in number of calendar days following receipt of order.18.EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATIONa)The supplier of the equipment which is being considered for purchase shall, at the request of the City of Miramichi, demonstrate his/her equipment at the proponent’s place of business and in the presence of authorized employee’s representative to test/verify any features which may be in questions. Failure of the demonstration machine to meet the City of Miramichi requirements will be adjudged as non-conformance to these specifications.19.INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENTa) The City of Miramichi reserves the right to physically inspect and operate the tendered vehicle, and any equipment thereon. The successful bidder shall be prepared to accommodate up to two (2) inspections by Miramichi Fire Department Personnel of the apparatus, and components thereof prior to delivery of the vehicle. All information sought by the City as to the status of the construction of the vehicle shall be provided as soon as possible so as to allow for these inspections. b)The vehicle, and equipment thereon, shall be subject to a final inspection upon delivery.c)The City reserves the right to reject any vehicle which, upon inspection, does not comply with the tender specifications.20.SAFETY INSPECTION/REGISTRATION/LICENSE/MANUALSa)Where applicable, equipment is to be safety inspected prior to and dated the month of delivery. The successful proponent shall also supply two (2) Operator Manuals, one (1) Complete Shop Repair Manual to include engine repair manual, electrical & hydraulic schematics, operations and test manuals, one (1) Parts Manual and/or other Information Package covering all components. All information is to be apparatus specific. 21.DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WITH TENDER SUBMISSIONa)One (1) global drawing to scale including the chassis for each view (left side, right side, rear, top, and front) must accompany the tender. It should represent the proposed vehicle in its integrity. All main components shall be on the plan:Overall dimensions, height, and lengthRequired chassisDimensions of every compartmentWater intakes and dischargesSteps, footsteps, and handlesEmergency lights with the actual position b)One (1) detailed load distribution document including the center of gravity calculation with all detailed vehicle components. The weight of the distributed load on the vehicle shall be 2,500 lb+1,100 lb for hoses and 300 lb for the ladders and portable tank.c)Two (2) certificates from the Wanadian Welding Bureau, one (1) according to CSA W47.1-M1983 Standard in Division 2 and one (1) accirdubg ti CSA W47.2-M1987 in Division 2 or American equivalent.d)One (1) copy of the chassis manufacturer proposal.e)One (1) copy of the certificate acknowledging that the manufacturer quality system complies with ISO 9001:2008 standard.f)One (1) copy of the V-MUX technician training certificate issued by Weldon.g)A Canada Motor Vehicle safety standard (C.M.V.S.S.) registration certificate.h)Lifetime warranty certificate on parts and labor provided by the tank manufacturer against any manufacturing defects.i)Instead of a bid bond, a certified cheque or bank draft in the amount equivalent to 5% of the contract value, taxes included, payable to the city, shall be provided with the tender submission.22.DOCUMENTATION UPON DELIVERYa)One (1) copy of chassis operation manual.b)Two (2) digital copies of wiring, for the chassis and the body. The diagram shall be “As Built Wiring Diagrams”.c)One (1) copy of engine and transmission operation manuals.d)Two (2) digital copies of ULC documentation (USB flash drive).e)One (1) copy of warranties, instruction and maintenance manuals of equipment added to the vehicle.f)Two (2) operation manuals or USB flash drive of the truck, including the operation of the pump, the foam system and a troubleshooting guide as installed.CITY OF MIRAMICHI TENDER # 20-018EQUIPMENT PURCHASE MINIMUM SPECIFICATION CONFIRMATION AND TENDER SUBMISSION FORMThe supplier should supply a build sheet and/or specification sheet with their tender. Suppliers must comply with the terms set out in this tender document, including completion of the response sections regarding technical specifications. If not, the tender submission could be considered non-conformant. The City will be the sole judge as to what constitutes acceptable minor deficiencies and to what is a major failure to meet specifications which could result in a tender rejection for failure to meet specifications.1.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS1.1This fire apparatus shall conform to this specification and the most recent CAN/ULC-S515 Standard.YesNo1.2The fire apparatus shall be ULC certified. A pump test shall be made by ULC at the apparatus manufacturer plant, and all costs incurred to perform this test shall be covered by the bidder. A ULC certificate shall be provided before delivery and plaque permanently affixed to the apparatus.YesNo1.3The vehicle shall meet the Canadian Motor Vehicles Safety Standards (CMVSS).YesNo1.4All components used to manufacture the vehicle shall be brand new and of high quality. The choice of all elements or all parts shall correspond to the best recognized quality standards in the fire apparatus vehicle manufacturing industry.When a part number is specified, no substitute shall be accepted.YesNo1.5The vehicle will not have more than 480” in overall length and 138” in height.YesNo2.0 SPECIFICATIONS2.1CUSTOM CHASSIS WITH TILT CAB2.1.1A “CUSTOM” chassis developed and designed for the application of a fire vehicle, by a recognized manufacturer in the market, and having dealers established in Canada.YesNo2.1.2Year: 2020 or more recent.YesNo2.1.3Type: Title cab, four-door.YesNo2.1.4The chassis shall be designed for Canada. The apparatus shall be a pumper vehicle designed for emergency service use which shall be equipped with a permanently mounted fire pump.YesNo2.2CAB2.2.1The crew cab section will have a minimum of 10” raised roof with an overall cab height of approximately 110”.YesNo2.2.2The fire apparatus manufacturer will provide a cab crash test certification with this proposal. The certification will state that a specimen representing the substantial structural configuration of the cab has been tested and certified by an independent third-party test facility. Testing events will be documented with photographs, real-time and high-speed video, vehicle accelerometers, cart accelerometers, and a laser speed trap. The fire apparatus manufacturer will provide a state licensed professional engineer to witness and certify all testing events. Testing will meet or exceed the requirements below:European Occupant Protection Standard ECE Regulation No. 29.SAE J2422 Cab Roof Strength Evaluation - Quasi-Static Loading Heavy Trucks.SAE J2420 COE Frontal Strength Evaluation – Dynamic Loading Heavy Trucks.Roof CrushThe cab will be subjected to a roof crush force of 22,500 lb. This value meets the ECE 29 criteria and is equivalent to the front axle rating up to a maximum of ten (10) metric tons.Side ImpactThe same cab will be subjected to dynamic preload where a 13,275-lb moving barrier is slammed into the side of the cab at 5.50 mph, striking with an impact of 13,000 ft-lb of force. This test is part of the SAE J2422 test procedure and more closely represents the forces a cab will see in a rollover incident.Frontal ImpactThe same cab will withstand a frontal impact of 32,600 ft-lb of force using a moving barrier by SAE J2420.Additional Frontal ImpactThe same cab will withstand a frontal impact of 65,200 ft-lb of force using a moving barrier. (Twice the force required by SAE J2420). The same cab will withstand all tests without any measurable intrusion into the survival space of the occupant area.YesNo2.2.3The front fascia shall include a stainless-steel front grille painted to match the body with the unit number “T1” displayed in the secondary colour outlined in white.YesNo2.2.4Minimum of 70” from the center of the front axle to the back wall of the crew cab.Minimum of 7” of interior space behind the rear door and the rear wall.YesNo2.2.5Minimum of 96” exterior cab width and minimum 89.50” interior cab width.YesNo2.2.6The cab will include a minimum 1.00" insulation in the ceiling, 1.50" insulation in the side walls, and 2.00" insulation in the rear wall to maximize acoustic absorption and thermal insulation.YesNo2.2.7The engine hood will be insulated for protection from heat and sound. The noise insulation keeps the dBA level within limits stated in the current NFPA 1901.YesNo2.2.8To enhance entry and egress to the cab, the forward cab doors will be a minimum of 37.50" wide x 75.50" high. The crew cab doors will be located on the sides of the cab and will be constructed in the same manner as the forward cab doors. The crew cab door openings will be a minimum of 34.30" wide x 85.50" high.The forward cab and crew cab doors will be constructed of extruded aluminum with a nominal material thickness of 0.093". The exterior door skins will be constructed from 0.090" aluminum.A customized, vertical, pull-down type door handle will be provided on the exterior of each cab door. The exterior handle will be designed specifically for the fire service to prevent accidental activation and will provide 4.00" wide x 2.00" deep hand clearance for ease of use with heavy gloved hands.Each door will also be provided with an interior flush, open style paddle handle that will be readily operable from fore and aft positions and be designed to prevent accidental activation. The interior handles will provide 4.00" wide x 1.25" deep hand clearance for ease of use with heavy gloved hands.The cab doors will be provided with both interior (rotary knob), and exterior (keyed) locks exceeding FMVSS standards. The locks will be capable of activating when the doors are open or closed. The doors will remain locked if locks are activated when the doors are opened, then closed.A full length, heavy duty, stainless steel, a piano-type hinge with a 0.38" pin and 11-gauge leaf will be provided on all cab doors. There will be double automotive-type rubber seals around the perimeter of the door framing and door edges to ensure a weather-tight fit.A chrome grab handle will be provided on the inside of each cab door for ease of entry.The bottom cab step at each cab door location will be located below the cab doors and will be exposed to the exterior of the cab.The inner cab door panels will be constructed out of brushed stainless steel.YesNo2.2.9The forward cab and crew cab access steps will be a full size two (2) step design to provide the largest possible stepping surfaces for safe ingress and egress. The bottom steps will be designed with a grip pattern punched into bright aluminum treadplate material to provide support, slip resistance, and drainage. The bottom steps will be a bolt-in design to minimize repair costs should they need to be replaced. The forward cab steps will be a minimum 25.00" wide, and the crew cab steps will be 21.65" wide with a 10.00" minimum depth. The inside cab steps will not exceed 16.50" in height. A slip-resistant handrail will be provided adjacent to each cab door opening to assist during cab ingress and egress.The vertical surfaces of the step well will be aluminum treadplate.YesNo2.2.10Robust cab doors help protect occupants. Cab doors will survive a 200,000 cycle door slam test where the slamming force exceeds 20 G's of deceleration. The bidder will certify that the sample doors similar to those provided on the apparatus have been tested and have met these criteria without structural damage, latch malfunction, or significant component wear.YesNo2.3ELECTRIC/INSTRUMENTATION2.3.1The electrical system proposed will include means to control undesired electromagnetic and radio frequency emissions. State of the art electrical system design and components will be used to ensure radiated and conducted EMI (electromagnetic interference) and RFI (radio frequency interference) emissions are suppressed at their source.The apparatus proposed will have the ability to operate in the electromagnetic environment typically found in fire ground operations. The contractor will be able to demonstrate the EMI, and RFI testing has been done on similar apparatus and certifies that the vehicle proposed meets SAE J551 requirements.EMI/RFI susceptibility will be controlled by applying immune circuit designs, shielding, twisted pair wiring, and filtering. The electrical system will be designed for full compatibility with low-level control signals and high-powered two-way radio communication systems. Harness and cable routing will be given careful attention to minimizing the potential for conducting and radiated EMI-RFI susceptibility.YesNo2.3.2The chassis shall have a Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR) the system installed to meet or exceed NFPA 1901 2016 Edition requirements.The following data shall be monitored:Vehicle speed;Acceleration;Deceleration;Engine speed: RPM;Engine throttle position: % of the full throttle;ABS Event: On/Off;The seat occupied status: Yes/No by position;Seat belt buckled status: Yes/No by position;Master Optical Warning Device Switch: On/Off; and Time: 24-hour time.YesNo2.3.3The design of cab instrumentation will allow for emergency lighting and other switches to be placed within easy reach of the operator thus improving safety. All switches have backlit labels for low light conditions.YesNo2.3.4A diagnostic panel will be provided and accessible while standing on the ground. The panel will be located inside the driver's side door left of the steering column. The diagnostic panel will allow diagnostic tools such as computers to connect to various vehicle systems for improved troubleshooting providing a lower cost of ownership. Diagnostic switches will allow engine and ABS systems to provide blink codes should a problem exist.The diagnostic panel will include the following:ENGINE/TRANSMISSION/ABS J1939 Diagnostic Port.ABS Diagnostic Switch and Indicator - The switch and amber indicator will allow access to diagnostic mode and display of standard ABS system fault blink codes that may be generated by the ABS system.ENG DIAG (Engine Diagnostic Indicator) - A red indicator will be provided that will illuminate in a "STOP ENGINE" condition. (A switch with will allow access the diagnostic mode and display of standard engine diagnostic blink codes.) (where applicable).DPF REGEN (Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Switch) (where applicable) will be provided to request regeneration of the engine emission system. An amber indicator will be provided on top of the switch that will illuminate in a "CHECK ENGINE" condition.REGEN INHIBIT (Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Inhibit Switch) (where applicable) will be provided that will request that regeneration be temporarily prevented. A green indicator will be provided on top of the Regen Inhibit switch that will illuminate when the Regen Inhibit feature is active. Regen Inhibit will be disabled upon cycling of the ignition switch to the off state.YesNo2.4ENGINE2.4.1Cummins ISL9 with EPA 2017 engine shall offer a rating of 450 HP at 2000 RPM. The torque rating shall be 1250 lb-ft at 1400 RPM.YesNo2.4.2There shall be one (1) control for the diesel particulate regeneration.YesNo2.4.3Manual High idle switch. Engine preset at 1250 RPM.YesNo2.4.4A compression brake for the six (6) cylinder engine shall be provided.YesNo2.5COOLING2.5.1A fan clutch shall be provided. The fan clutch shall be constantly engaged when in the “Pump” position. A switch shall be provided on the instrument panel to turn the fan off when in “Pump”. The fan clutch shall return to normal operation when either the override switch or ignition is turned off.YesNo2.5.2The cooling package shall include Extended Life Coolant. Freeze-up protection: -34oF (-37oC).YesNo2.5.3A heat exchanger shall be installed between the engine and the radiator.This shall allow the use of water from the discharge side of the fire pump to assist in cooling the engine.YesNo2.5.4Rubber hoses shall be used for all engine coolant lines.YesNo2.6AIR INLET2.6.1Air intake with NFPA compliant ember screen.YesNo2.7EXHAUST2.7.1The exhaust system shall be mounted below the frame for pumper application. The system shall be mounted as not to reduce the depth of the right front compartment in any way.YesNo2.7.2The exhaust shall be modified to adapt a Polymovment system.YesNo2.8TRANSMISSION2.8.15-speed to meet engine meeting HP and Tourque requirements EVS 3000 with package 198.YesNo2.8.2The transmission fluid shall be monitored electronically.YesNo2.8.3The transmission shall include an auxiliary cooling system.YesNo2.9PTO2.9.1Space intended for future installation on the side of the transmission.YesNo2.10DRIVELINE2.10.1All drivelines shall be equipped with universal joints.YesNo2.11FUEL SYSTEM 2.11.1Spin-on style primary filter.YesNo2.11.2A 65-gallon fuel tank shall be provided and mounted at the rear of the chassis.YesNo2.11.3The fuel tank straps shall be constructed of STAINLESS STEEL.YesNo2.11.4No fuel pump for the re-priming system.YesNo2.12FRONT AXLE2.12.1The front suspension shall be rated to 18,000 lb. 5-year warranty provided.YesNo2.13FRONT SUSPENSION2.13.1The front axle shall be furnished with shock absorbers.YesNo2.13.2The parabolic front suspension spring capacity shall be rated at 18,000 lb.YesNo2.14STEERING2.14.1The steering wheel shall be 18.00” in diameter, have tilting and telescoping capabilities.YesNo2.14.2The chassis shall have a front axle cramp angle of minimum 45-degree to the left and right.YesNo2.14.3Power steering fluid level electronic indicator.YesNo2.15REAR AXLE2.15.1The rear axle shall be a tandem axle assembly with a capacity of 48,000 lb. An inter-axle differential, which divides tourque evenly between axles, shall be provided with an indicator light mounted on the cab instrument panel.YesNo2.15.2The top speed of the vehicle shall be approximately 105 km/h (65 MPH) +/- 3 Km/h.YesNo2.15.3Manufacturer to determine the axle ratio based on transmission and speed requirements.YesNo2.16REAR SUSPENSION YesNo2.16.1The rear suspension shall be an air ride. The ground rating of the suspension shall be 48,000 lb.YesNo2.17TIRES2.17.1Front tires shall be Michelin X-WORKS XZY-3, 315/80R-22.5.YesNo2.17.2Rear tires shall be Michelin XDN2, 11R-22.5.YesNo2.17.3Front and rear wheels LED tire pressure sensors.YesNo2.17.4All tires shall be balanced with Counteract balancing beads. The beads shall be inserted into the tire and eliminate the need for wheel weights.YesNo2.18WHEELS2.18.1Two (2) aluminum front wheel 9.00 x 22.5.YesNo2.18.2Eight (8) aluminum rear wheels 8.25 x 22.5.YesNo2.18.3The aluminum wheels shall be painted black.YesNo2.18.4The front and rear wheels shall have black nut covers on each nut. The rear wheels shall have “high hat” style black hubcaps, and the front wheels shall include black hubcaps with axle hole for oil level check.YesNo2.19BRAKE2.19.1An air brake with ABS shall be installed on the front and rear axles. In addition to the air brake system, an automatic traction control system (ATC) shall be installed o-n the rear axle.As a complement to this system, an electronic stability control system (ESC) shall be installed on the braking system.YesNo2.19.2Front brakes disc type with 17.00” rotors.YesNo2.19.3Drum rear brakes shall be 16.5” x 7” with the automatic slack adjuster. The rear brakes shall be equipped with brake dust shields.YesNo2.20AIR SYSTEM 2.20.1Air Compressor shall be a Cummins with a capacity of 18.7 CFM.YesNo2.20.2Manual petcock type drain valves shall be installed on all reservoirs of the air supply system.YesNo2.20.3The air dryer system with the heater.YesNo2.20.4The air system on the chassis shall be plumbed with colour-coded nylor (nylon & mylar) tubing air linesYesNo2.21FRAME2.21.1The frame rails shall be formed in the shape of a “C” channel with the outer rail with an inner channel. Each rail shall be constructed of 110,000 psi minimum yield high strength low alloy steel.YesNo2.21.2Frame components shall be treated with epoxy E-Coat protection.YesNo2.22FRONT BUMPER2.22.1Shall be stainless steel and painted black.YesNo2.22.2The bumper will be extended 24” from the front face of the cab. Heavy duty style chamfered bumper corners. Fabricated “U” shaped channel shall support the weight of the bumper and provide the main strength in a frontal crash. ?” steel is formed into “C” shaped backing plates for mounting of the bumper and providing protection to the cab.The front bumper will have a compartment with a hose capacity of 100’ of 1?” double jacket cotton-polyester hose with a nozzle. Drain holes will be provided in the bottom of the hose bed.An aluminum treadplate cover with D-Ring shall be installed over the compartment; it shall have a cut-out to allow the hose to be connected to the discharge elbow installed above the bumper.The front bumper shall be equipped with a 6” intake equipped with a 90-degree swivel. It shall be threaded to allow for the use of hard suction it shall also be equipped with a thread to 4” Stortz adaptor. There shall also be a bed in the front bumper to house 50’ of pre-connect rolled 4” LDH to be supplied by the manufacturer.YesNo2.22.3Two (2) black air horns “EMERGENCY TONE” shall be recessed in the front bumper and controlled with two (2) lanyards (PS and DS) and with the steering horn.YesNo2.22.4Two (2) black steel tow hooks shall be installed under the bumper and attached to the front frame members.YesNo2.23CAB TILT2.23.1Lift controls will be located on the right side pump panel or front area of the body in a convenient location.The cab will be capable of tilting 43 degrees to accommodate engine maintenance and removal.The cab will be locked down by a 2-point normally closed spring-loaded hook type latch that fully engages after the cab has been lowered. The system will be hydraulically actuated to release the normally closed locks when the cab lift control is in the raised position and cab lift system is under pressure. When the cab is completely lowered, and system pressure has been relieved, the spring-loaded latch mechanisms will return to the normally closed and locked position.For increased safety, a redundant mechanical stay arm will be provided that must be manually put in place on the right side between the chassis and cab frame when the cab is in the raised position. This device will be manually stowed to its original position before the cab can be lowered.The cab lift system will be interlocked to the parking brake. The cab tilt mechanism will be active only when the parking brake is set, and the ignition switch is in the on position. If the parking brake is released, the cab tilt mechanism will be disabled.YesNo2.23.2An LED NFPA compliant light shall be mounted under the engine tunnel for area work lighting on the engine. The light shall activate automatically when the cab is tilted.YesNo2.23.3An access hatch shall be provided to allow engine oil and coolant level checking.YesNo2.24WINDOWS2.24.1A one (1) or two (2) piece safety glass windshield shall be provided with over 2,775 square inches of clear viewing area. The windshield shall be full width and shall provide the occupants with a panoramic view. The windshield shall consist of three (3) layers: outer light, middle safety laminate, and inner light. The outer light layer shall provide superior chip resistance. The middle safety laminate layer shall prevent the windshield glass pieces from detaching in the event of breakage. The inner light shall provide yet another chip resistant layer. The cab windshield shall be bonded to the aluminum windshield frame using a urethane adhesive. A custom frit pattern shall be applied on the outside perimeter of the windshield for a finished automotive appearance.YesNo2.24.2Electric windshield wipers with washer will be provided that meet FMVSS and SAE requirements.The washer reservoir will be able to be filled without raising the cab.YesNo2.24.3All four (4) cab doors shall be equipped with electric operated windows with one (1) flush mounted automotive style switch on each door. The driver's door shall have four (4) switches, one (1) to control each door window.Auto down operation shall be actuated by holding the window down switch for approximately half a second.YesNo2.25CLIMATE CONTROL2.25.1To provide maximum defrost and heating performance, a43,500 BTU heater-defroster unit with 350 CFM of air flow will be provided inside the cab. The defroster unit will be strategically located under the center forward portion of the vacuum formed instrument panel. For easy access, a removable vacuum formed cover will be installed over the defroster unit. The defroster will include an integral aluminum frame air filter, high-performance dual scroll blowers, and ducts designed to provide maximum defrosting capabilities for the 1-piece windshield. The defroster ventilation will be built into the design of the cab dash instrument panel and will be easily removable for maintenance. The defroster will be capable of clearing 98 percent of the windshield and side glass when tested under conditions where the cab has been cold soaked at 0 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 hours, and a 2 ounce per square inch layer of frost/ice has been able to build up on the exterior windshield. The defroster system will meet or exceed SAE J382 requirements.YesNo2.25.2Two (2) 44,180 BTU auxiliary heaters with 276 CFM (each unit) of air flow will be provided inside the crew cab, one (1) in each outboard rear-facing seat riser. The heaters will include high-performance dual scroll blowers, one (1) for each unit. Outlets for the heaters will be located below each rear-facing seat riser and below the fronts of the driver and passenger seats, for efficient airflow. An extruded aluminum plenum will be incorporated in the cab structure that will transfer heat to the forward cab seating positions.The heater/defroster and crew cab heaters will be controlled by a single integrated electronic control panel. The heater control panel will allow the driver to control heat flow to the front and rear simultaneously. The control panel will include a variable adjustment for temperature and fan control and be conveniently located on the dash in clear view of the driver. The control panel will include highly visible, progressive LED indicators for both fan speed and temperature.YesNo2.25.3In addition to the standard heating system, a customized air conditioning system will be furnished inside the cab and crew cab on the roof interior cab. The condenser shall be mounted on the roof, outside, behind the lightbar.At a minimum, ten adjustable air outlets shall be strategically located on the cab. The air conditioner refrigerant shall be R-134A and shall be installed by a certified technician. For ease of operation, the control panel shall include a variable adjustment for temperature and fan control and be conveniently located on the dashboard in clear view of the driver.YesNo2.26INTERIOR2.26.1One (1) 12V, 15 amp, power point plug with rubber cover, four (4) USB outlets at least two (2) front and two (2) rear.YesNo2.26.2The door panels shall include stainless steel mirror finish.YesNo2.26.3Each door shall include one (1) exterior black handle.YesNo2.26.4The cab and crew cab floor areas will be covered with Polydamp? acoustical floor mat consisting of a black pyramid rubber facing and closed cell foam decoupler.The top surface of the material has a series of raised pyramid shapes evenly spaced, which offer a superior grip surface. Additionally, the material has a 0.25" thick closed cell foam (no water absorption) which offers a sound dampening material for reducing sound levels.YesNo2.26.5The cab interior will be constructed of primarily metal (painted aluminum) to withstand the severe duty cycles of the fire service.The officer side dash will be a flat faced design to provide easy maintenance and will be constructed out of painted aluminum. The instrument cluster will be surrounded with a high impact ABS plastic contoured to the same shape of the instrument cluster. The engine tunnel will be painted aluminum to match the cab interior. The headliner will be installed in both forward and rear cab sections. Headliner material will be vinyl. A sound barrier will be part of its composition. The material will be installed on an aluminum sheet and securely fastened to interior cab ceiling. The forward portion of cab headliner will permit easy access for service of electrical wiring or other maintenance needs. All wiring will be placed in metal raceways. The interior colour shall be dark gray.YesNo2.26.6Four (4) 12 V wiring shall be located in the dashboard for future radio installation. Four (4) antenna wire shall also be installed on the roof, and the wiring will be located near the 12 V wiring in the dashboard.YesNo2.26.7Two (2) auxiliary sets of power and ground wires, 15 amp, shall be provided and installed direct batteries, close to the engine tunnel for customer future uses.YesNo2.26.8There shall be six (6) white LED step lights installed for cab and crew cab access steps:One (1) light for the driver's access steps.Two (2) lights for the driver's side crew cab access steps.Two (2) lights for the passenger's side crew cab access steps.One (1) light for the passenger's side access step.In order to ensure exceptional illumination, each light shall provide a minimum of 25 foot-candles (fc) covering an entire 15" x 15" square placed 10” below the light and a minimum of 1.5 fc covering an entire 30" x 30" square at the same 10” distance below the light.The lights shall be activated when the battery switch is on and the adjacent door is opened.YesNo2.26.9A compartment shall be made, rear facing, between on the engine tunnel. The compartment shall have 20’’ wide, 20’’ deep and 32’’ height. A roll up door shall be installed on this compartment. There shall be an AC/DC 3.1 cubic foot refrigerator installed in the compartment. There shall be a 15-amp, 120-volt AC straight blade receptacle, powered from the shoreline, installed near this refrigerator to supply the AC power. There shall be a 10-amp 12-volt plug and connector, powered with ignition, installed near this refrigerator to supply the DC power.YesNo2.27SEATS2.27.1A NFPA compliant seat belt monitoring system (SBMS).YesNo2.27.2BOSTROM air driver seat without SCBA bracket.YesNo2.27.3BOSTROM Officer deat with SCBA bracket and an enclosed compartment under.YesNo2.27.4One (1) BOSTROM rear facing seat (behind driver’s seat) with SCBA bracket.YesNo2.27.5One (1) BOSTROM rear facing seat (behind officer’s seat) with SCBA bracket.YesNo2.27.6Two (2) BOSTROM rear facing seats with SCBA brackets. The seats shall be front facing positioned in center of the cab.YesNo2.27.7All SCBA type seats in the cab will be equipped with a hands-free mechanism for release, SCBA holder except driver.YesNo2.27.8All seating positions will have red seat belts. The seat belts will be furnished with a single automatic retractor. To provide quick, easy use for occupants wearing bunker gear, the female buckle and seat belt webbing length will meet or exceed the current edition of NFPA 1901 and CAN/ULC - S515 standards. The 3-point shoulder type belts will also include the ReadyReach D-loop assembly to the shoulder belt system. The ReadyReach feature adds an extender arm to the D-loop location placing the D-loop in a closer, easier to reach location.To ensure safe operation, the seat will be equipped with seat belt sensors in the seat cushion and belt receptacle that will activate an alarm indicating a seat is occupied but not buckled.YesNo2.27.9All seat upholstery shall be a durable gray material.YesNo2.27.10Six (6) helmet holders will be installed in rear part of the cab. Four (4) on the rear cab wall and two (2) on the engine tunnel.YesNo2.28CAB EXTERIOR2.28.1Windshield wiper control should have high, low and intermittent modes.YesNo2.28.2Windshield washer tank can be filled without raising the cab.YesNo2.28.3Exterior slip-resistant handrails.YesNo2.28.4“Bus” style mirrors shall be matte black finished, heated and remote controlled shall be installed on each side of the front of cab doors. Convex mirrors shall be also heated and remote controlled.YesNo2.28.5Full circular inner fender liners in the wheel wells shall be provided.YesNo2.28.6Mud flaps shall be installed behind the front wheels and behind cab.YesNo2.29CHARGING SYSTEM2.29.1There shall be either three (3) or four (4) Group batteries.YesNo2.29.2Battery jumper studs shall be located in the front step.YesNo2.29.3320-Amp, 12V alternator.YesNo2.30120V ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION 2.30.1The charger/conditioner shall be connected to the vehicle batteries. It shall be located in the cab, behind the driver seat. The battery indicator shall be installed on the front driver side. A Pump 12V air compressor to maintain air in the brake system. It shall be located in the cab, behind the driver seat.YesNo2.30.2Install between front doors, above the wheel, one (1) 20 ampAUTO EJECT electrical receptacle with a red cover.It shall automatically eject the electrical plug when the starter button is released.The unit shall be equipped with two (2) 120-volt 15-amp (NEMA 5-15R) straight blade receptacles, one located in cab and the other one in the L2 compartment. The bidder shall supply and install in the cab a power bar. The outlet shall be connected to the 120-volt shoreline inlet.YesNo2.31LIGHTS 2.31.1Side and front of cab shall include LED marker lights.YesNo2.31.2Whelen 600 LED turn flashers shall be installed near the front emergency flashers.YesNo2.31.3The charger/conditioner shall be connected to the vehicle batteries and shall be located in the cab behind the driver seat. The battery indicator shall be installed on the front driver side. A Pump 12V air compressor to maintain air in the brake system shall be located in the cab behind the driver.YesNo2.32OPTICAL WARNING DEVICE2.32.1A Whelen M2R LED flashing red light clearly labeled "Do Not Move Apparatus". In addition to the flashing red light, an audible alarm shall be included which shall sound while the light is activated.YesNo2.33BACKUP/TURN SAFETY DEVICES2.33.1There shall be a NFPA compliant backup alarm.YesNo2.33.2There shall be a colour vehicle camera system provided with the following:One (1) camera located at the rear of the apparatus, pointing rearward, displayed automatically with the vehicle in reverse.One (1) camera located on the passenger side of the apparatus, pointing rearward, displayed automatically with the passenger side turn signal.One (1) camera located on the driver side of the apparatus, pointing rearward, displayed automatically with the driver side turn signal.The camera images shall be displayed on a 7.00" LCD display located in the cab, close to the driver. The display shall include manual camera activation capability and audio from the rear camera only.The following components shall be included:A display One (1) rear camera Two (2) side cameras All necessary cablesYesNo2.34INSTRUMENTATION2.34.1Instrumentation and gauges shall have metric measurements.YesNo2.34.2Engine hour meter required.YesNo2.35ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 2.35.1One (1) cab fire extinguisher and three (3) safety triangles.YesNo2.35.2One (1) emergency road safety kit.YesNo2.35.3A total of four (4) door keys for the manual door locks.YesNo2.35.4A single radio interface intercom system shall be provided with seven (7) stations. Intercom stations hall be located close to each seat and one (1) at the pump panel.YesNo2.35.5The apparatus manufacturer shall supply and install the required radio interface cable before the delivery of the vehicle.YesNo2.35.6There will be six (6) headset hanger(s) installed close to each seat. The hanger(s) will meet CAN/ULC-S515 current edition, section 13.2.4 requirement for equipment mounting.YesNo2.35.7There will be six (6) FireCom?, Model UH -51, under the helmet, the radio transmits headset(s) provided with the truck.Each headset will feature:Coiled cord with rugged angled plug.Noise-canceling electric microphone.Flex boom rotates for the left or right dress.Adjustable volume Leather ear seals with 24 dB noise reduction.Radio Push To Transmit button. The mic is always live for intercom communication.YesNo2.35.8A radio with weather band, AM/FM stereo receiver will be installed, accessible to the officer side. Four (4) speakersshall be installed in the cab.The radio automatically shut off when the E-Master is turned on.YesNo3.1PUMP3.1.1A brand-new pump WATEROUS CX rated at 1500 USGPM. The gearbox shall be a “C20”, which is capable of handling 16,000 lb-ft of torque.The pump shall be furnished with a maintenance-free mechanical seal. The mechanical seal shall be a non- contacting, non-wearing dual seal design.YesNo3.1.2Pump shall be Class A and shall provide the following ratings at an altitude of less than 600 meters (2000 ft):1500 GPM (1250 IGPM) - 100% of rating at 165 PSI.1500 GPM (1250 IGPM) - 100% of rating at 150 PSI.1050 GPM (875 IGPM) - 70% of rating at 200 PSI.750 GPM (625 IGPM) - 50% of rating at 250 PSI.YesNo3.2PUMP SHIFT3.2.1Pump shift shall be pneumatically-controlled and activated from inside.All indicators lights and pump engagement shall be NFPA1901 compliant.YesNo3.3PRESSURE GOVERNOR3.3.1A Class 1 pressure governor “TPG” shall be installed on the operator control panel.The pressure governor shall be calibrated by the manufacturer in “pressure/preset” mode at a pressure recommended by NFPA.YesNo3.4PRIMER3.4.1One (1) 12V positive displacement type rotary vane primer of a fluid-less design shall be provided for the fire pump priming system. The priming pump shall be the same brand as the water pump.YesNo3.5COOLER3.5.1A ?’’ ball valve shall be installed between the pump and water tank as a pump cooler valve.YesNo3.6DRAIN SYSTEM 3.6.1A manual master drain valve shall be installed on the pump panel. The master pump drain assembly shall consist of a bronze master drain with a rubber disc seal. The master drain shall have a rubber seal to prevent water from running out on the running board.The master drain shall provide independent ports for low point drainage of the fire pump and auxiliary devices.YesNo3.6.2A ?" bleeder valve with lift-up handle shall be provided for each inlet and discharge. The drain shall be located at lowest point drainage of the fire pump.YesNo3.7PLUMBING3.7.1All fabricated piping shall be a minimum of Schedule 10 stainless steel for superior corrosion resistance and decreased friction loss.YesNo3.7.2The pumping system shall have an Akron model 59 pressure relief valve.YesNo3.7.3All the valves on the truck shall be Akron 8800 series except where other else specified.YesNo3.7.4When flexibility is needed, a “Victaulic” fitting shall be installed.YesNo3.7.5The pump and steel accessories shall be painted black. Stainless steel plumbing components are not painted.YesNo3.7.6All discharges, except the 1?” and 2” discharges shall have a 30-degree chrome elbow.YesNo3.7.7The hoses threads on the vehicle shall be:1? ": NPSH2? ": BAT (3.000'' X 8 TPI)6 ": NHYesNo3.7.8A stortz fitting shall be installed on each 1?”, 2?” and 4” discharges on the truck.YesNo3.8PUMP CONTROLS 3.8.1Control handles for discharges that shall not be electric, shall be push-pull “T” style controls.The valve controller shall be a chrome push-pull locking "T" handle located at the pump operator`s panel and shall visibly indicate the position of the valves at all times. The control shall be located directly adjacent to one another and shall be mounted in line, so they are in the same position when shut off. The control lever shall be connected directly to its respective valve by a 0.718" OD rod to form a direct linkage control system.Valve control with cables instead of rods will not be accepted.YesNo3.8.2All discharges and intake located at the sides and rear panels shall be provided with chrome bezel with colour identification.These bezels shall be screwed into the panel without nuts at the back.YesNo3.8.3Colour-coded pump panel labels shall be in accordance with the city standard as follows:DischargeColourPreconnected #1YellowPreconnected # 2WhiteDischarge #1RedDischarge #2BlueDischarge #3OrangeDischarge #4BlackDischarge #5GreenDeluge/deck gunPinkLarge diameter hoseYellow with a white borderInletsBurgundyYesNo3.9INTAKES3.9.1Two (2) 6" diameter suction ports with 6" NST male threads and removable zinc screens shall be provided, one (1) each side.YesNo3.9.2One (1) 2?" suction intake shall be installed on the left side with a manual lever control integrated into the valve. It shall be equipped with a strainer and a chrome plug with a retaining chain. A ?” bleeder valve assembly shall be installed for this intake.YesNo3.9.3One (1) 6" inlet with 6" NH thread adapter and 5" pipingshall be installed on the right front side of the vehicle and will swivel 180o. This inlet shall provide an Elkhart, model40-20, 2?" pressure relief valve.There shall be a butterfly type 5" valve to feed the pump with an electric type controller installed on the pump operator’s panel.One (1) ?", ? turn valve shall be installed on the pumpoperator’s panel to bleed the air from the inlet.An independent priming valve shall be added to the 5" inlet. The bidder shall supply and install 50’ of 4” large diameter hose to be stored, rolled, in the front bumper.YesNo3.10DISCHARGES3.10.1Four (4) 2?" discharges, with 2?" valves and 30-degree chrome elbow, shall be installed on the apparatus.These discharges shall be located as follows:Two (2) discharges left side with control on pump panel operator.One (1) discharge right side with control on pump panel operator.One (1) discharge, rear, left side with control on pump panel operator.YesNo3.10.2Two (2) speedlay discharges shall be provided. Each speedlay section shall include one (1) 2" brass swivel above each hose compartment with a 1?" hose connection to allow the use of the hose from either side of the apparatus.The speedlay piping shall consist of two (2) 2" heavy duty hoses coming from the pump discharge manifold to the 2" swivel.YesNo3.10.3One (1) LDH, 30 degrees, Storz adapter discharge with a storz cap and a 3" valve (slo clos) shall be located on the right side with control on the pump operator’s panel.YesNo3.10.4One (1) pre-connect discharge shall be located above the bumper deck. The discharge shall have a 2?" diameter valve and a 90 degree 2?" black swivel elbow. This elbow shall have a 2?’’ storz to 1?’’ Storz reducer-adapter.There shall be a Class 1 automatic drain installed at all lowest points in the plumbing.YesNo3.10.5One (1) pre-connect discharge shall be located above the pumphouse. The discharge shall have a 2?" diameter valve and a 90 degree 2?" swivel elbow. This elbow shall have a Storz adapter.YesNo3.11TANK FILL AND TANK-TO-PUMP3.11.1One (1) 2" valve to fill water tank shall be provided and installed.The adapter on the tank shall be in stainless steel.YesNo3.11.2The tank shall be connected to the pump with 4" piping and one (1) 3" valve. This pipe shall have a check valve, an anti-swirl mechanism to avoid pump cavitation and shall be connected to the tank.YesNo3.12FOAM SYSTEM3.12.1A FOAMPRO 2002 12-volt electric motor drive positive displacement foam concentrate pump, rated up to 5 gpm (19 L/min) @ 150 psi with operating pressures up to 400 psi (27.6 BAR).YesNo3.12.2Two (2) FRC WLA foam level indicators shall be installed on the pump operator’s panel, one for the class “A” foam and one for class “B” foam.YesNo3.12.3The system shall be capable of handling Class A and B foamThe FOAMPRO foam system shall have a manual, type “A” and “B” foam selector model 3435-0079.YesNo3.12.4Full flow Stainless Steel check valve shall be provided to prevent foam contamination of fire pump and water tank or water contamination of foam tank.YesNo3.12.5The foam system shall be plumbed to two (2) speedlay, one(1) 2?’’ at the rear and the front bumper discharge.YesNo3.12.6The system shall be installed in a suitable, accessible location. The system must be installed and calibrated by the manufacturer before deliveryYesNo3.12.7A label shall be placed near the foam concentrate tank fill opening that reads: “DO NOT MIX BRANDS AND TYPE OF FOAM”.YesNo3.12.8A system rating panel placard shall be installed near the foam controller.YesNo3.12.9Ability to fill foam tank from the pump panel.YesNo4.1PUMP OPERATOR CONTROL PANEL4.1.1Controls and gauges shall be located on the driver side.The side intake/discharge pump panels shall be 14-gauge stainless steel with a brushed finish. Each panel shall be removable for easier maintenance access to plumbing components.Pump operator control panel shall be 14-gauge stainless steel with a brushed finish. The panel section shall be full hinged on one side for easier maintenance access to electrical components.YesNo4.1.2Gauges reading in PSI and kPa. The 4?" pressure gauges shall be filled with interlube.There shall be one (1) 4?" diameter, 30"-0-400 psi (100-0-2800 kPa) gauge connected to the pressure manifold and another one (1) connected at the pump inlet in a single assembly with chrome bezel and coloured labels.YesNo4.1.3Gauges are reading in PSI and kPa. The pressure gauges shall be filled with interlube and back lite.There shall also be one (1) 2?" diameter, 0/400 psi connected to each discharge.YesNo4.1.4A LED water level gauge shall be installed on the pump panel.YesNo4.1.5A vacuum and pressure port for annual pump performance testing and checking the accuracy of pump panel gauges.YesNo4.1.6Three (3) rocker switches for pump heater, pump lights, and hose bed light shall be installed on the pump panel. The heater shall have a red pilot light. A momentary red switch shall be installed with these switches for the air horns.YesNo4.2COLD PACKAGE4.2.1A 42,000 BTU heater shall be installed in the pump compartment. This heater shall use the truck coolant system. The heater shall have two (2) fans.YesNo4.2.2A 2-section aluminum heat pan shall be installed below the pump house to prevent freezing and shall be removable without any tools.The heat pan shall have approximately 48’’ wide x 72’’ long and cover all the pump and plumbing. The front and the back of the heat pan shall be protected by an aluminum plate around the drive shaft.The clearance between the ground and the heated pan shall be minimum of 10’’.YesNo5.1TANK5.1.1A 3000 U.S. gallons (2,500 imp. Gallons) booster tank and two (2) foam cell tanks shall be supplied. One (1) with 30 U.S. gallons (25 imp gallons) and a second foam tank with 90 U.S. gallons (75 imp gallons) integrated to the water tank, which not reduce the capacity of the water tank capacity.The booster tank shall be completely removable without disturbing or dismounting the apparatus body structure.YesNo5.1.2The booster tank shall be entirely in ?" thick copolymer polypropylene with 3/8" tank baffles.The assembly shall be welded utilizing thermoplastic welding technology.The booster tank shall have lifting eyelets for facilitating removal of the tank should it become necessary.YesNo5.1.3The water/foam tank design shall be by NFPA 1901 requirements.The foam tank shall have one (1) air intake installed on the top of the foam tank. The tank shall provide two (2) openings, one (1) for the injection system supply and the second one to allow tank cleaning with a 1" hose with Class 1, 1" valve.YesNo5.1.4At the front, under the tank, there shall be a dirt collector with a 1?" drain and a 3" plug.The drain shall be installed at the bottom of the collector to allow fully draining of the tank. This drain control shall be on the operator pump panel, not in a compartment.The valve shall be enclosed in the heat pan assembly to prevent freezing.YesNo5.1.5One (1) manual fill tower shall be located to the left forward area of the tank. The tower shall be 14"x14" and a 6" vent/overflow pipe shall be installed halfway-up the tower. This pipe shall empty behind the rear wheels.YesNo5.2DIRECT TANK FILL5.2.1One (1) 4" inlet for direct tank fill shall be installed at the rear, as low as possible and clearly labeled. This inlet shall be equipped with a 4" valveless device with a 30-degree 4" elbow Storz connection with filter, cap, and retention cable. Piping, for the fill, shall be routed through the rear wall and include a flow deflector to avoid the breaking of the tank when it is being filled.YesNo5.2.2Supply and install, at the rear of the vehicle, one (1) water level indicator, with LED lights.YesNo5.2.3Supply and install, one (1) each side the side of the vehicle, a water level indicator, with LED lights.YesNo6.1GENERAL (BODY AND PUMP HOUSE)6.1.1The aluminum used to build the body, crew cab and pump house shall be 5052-H32 marine grade and 6061-T6/6063-T5 for aluminum extrusions.The thickness of the aluminum shall be 3/16" for the bottom and the back of each compartment and the front and back of the body. Only the wall between compartments shall be 1/8" thick.The aluminum tread plates shall be 3003-H22, 1/8" thick and shall meet NFPA slip resistance, when specified.YesNo6.1.2All joints that may corrode or degrade by calcium and water infiltration shall be sealed by a continuous welding cord outside.Where there is a possibility of water infiltration between aluminum tread plates and painted aluminum, gray silicon sealer shall be applied.All joints and weldings shall be polished and free of sharp edges.YesNo6.1.3The design of the body is such that the water tank of the truck shall not be visible outside. Any type of "WET SIDE" design shall be refused.YesNo6.1.4All compartments shall be “sweep out” design, which means the floor is raised by at least 1’’ to avoid water infiltration.YesNo6.1.5The aluminum components of the body, crew cab, and pump house shall be manufactured by using CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machine tools. Each assembly part shall be cut and bent for optimum precision.YesNo6.2PUMPHOUSE6.2.1A step shall be installed each side of the pump house, on its full width. The step shall have 11?" in depth built from aluminum grip-strut.YesNo6.2.2The top of the pump house shall be made of aluminum tread plates and shall meet ULC requirements.The front of the pump house shall be covered by tread plates. Between the cab and the pump house, there shall be an access door to access the pump without any tools.YesNo6.2.3The pump house section shall have a total width of 26" and a storage compartment for two (2) speedlay and a crosslay above. The bottom of the speedlay compartment shall be at approximately 65" from the ground.The top of the crosslay compartment shall be covered by an aluminum checker plate cover with a vinyl tarp on each end.This compartment includes two removable storage trays. The trays shall be constructed of 1/8" smooth aluminum plate with an exterior sanded finish. The walls and floor of the tray shall be slotted to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for ventilation of wet hoses. Each removable tray shall accommodate 200’ of 1?" DJ hose with nozzle.A protective strip of 3/16" UHMW Polyethylene shall be bolted on each side of the compartment to contain the trays.Two (2) 1" stainless steel rollers shall be installed, one on each side, to facilitate the removal and insertion of the trays in this compartment.YesNo6.2.4Above the speelays, it shall have a 2?’’ pre-connect hose bed on the top of the pump house. A hinged checker plate cover shall be installed above this hose bed. A black tarp shall be installed on each side on the hose bed.YesNo6.2.5A “P” shaped rubber gasket of about 1'' shall be installed between the pumphouse and the body to avoid friction of the modules.YesNo6.2.6The pumphouse shall be attached to the chassis with rubber insulation between the pump house and the chassis.YesNo6.2.7The pumphouse and body shall have the same height as the cab.YesNo6.3BODY ATTACHMENT6.3.1The main body shall be attached to the chassis frame rails with six (6) U-bolts.U-bolts shall be made of two (2) 5/8" diameter steel bolts and two (2) ?" thick x 2" width steel plates. There shall be insulation between U-bolts and body.The mounting shall allow easy removal of the body in case of major repair.YesNo6.3.2There shall be rubber insulation to avoid contact between the aluminum body and the steel frame rails.YesNo6.4BODY6.4.1The rear tires shall have a set of black mud flaps mounted behind the rear chassis wheels.YesNo6.4.2The body shall have rub rails mounted along the sides and at the rear. The rub rail shall be C-channel in design and constructed of 3/16" thick aluminum extrusion. The rub rail shall be 2-?" height x 1-?" deep and shall extend beyond the body width to protect compartment doors and the body sides. The depth shall allow marker and warning lights to be recessed inside for protection.YesNo6.4.3Two (2) heavy duty tow eyes made from 2-1/2" diameter steel shall be mounted below the body at the rear of the vehicle to allow towing (not lifting).The tow eyes and subframe assembly shall be painted black. There shall be a plate specifying the capacity of the assembly.YesNo6.4.5The top and the front of the compartments shall be covered by 1/8" thick aluminum tread plate.YesNo6.5HOSE BED6.5.1The hose bed shall be made above the water tank and shall have a width of at least 68", a length of at least 180" and a height of at least 12".The sides of the hose bed shall be made from aluminum tread plate.The hose bed floor shall be made of easily removable interlocking plastic tiles, minimum 5/8’’ thick.YesNo6.5.2Three (3) adjustable hose bed dividers shall be constructed of 3/16" brushed aluminum plate with a reinforced aluminum base welded to the bottom. The rear end of the dividers shall have a 3" radius corner, and a handle shall be integrated into the dividers.The hose bed shall have enough space to store 300’’ of preconnected 2?’’ hose, 500’’ of 2?’’ hose, 700’ of 1?’’ hose and 1000’ of 4’’ flat laid 4’’ hose. All hoses shall be in lengths of 50’.YesNo6.5.3The main hose bed shall be covered by (2) two checker plates pneumatically or hydraulically operated plate panels that meet NFPA and ULC requirements for slip resistance and allowed to walk on it. It shall be able to support the weight of a man (250 lb). A device should maintain the panels firmly in place, both open and closed.Behind the covers, there shall be a black tarp covering the rear of the hose bed.The tarp for the speedlays shall be made from the same black vinyl.An orange strap shall be installed to show where to visually open the tarp.YesNo6.6COMPARTMENTS6.6.1Each compartment seam shall be sealed using permanent pliable silicone caulk.The walls of each compartment shall have openings for adequate ventilation.Each compartment shall have aluminum extrusion tracks for use with adjustable shelves. The tracks shall be vertically mounted and attached to the side and/or rear walls of the compartments.The flooring shall have drain holes to prevent the accumulation of water.The flooring shall be covered by plastic interlocking tiles5/8" thick.YesNo6.6.2Compartments doors shall be the roll-up type and shall be painted to match the partments lights switch shall be located at the top of the door. The switch shall be the magnetic type. YesNo6.6.3Each exterior shelf mentioned in this proposal should be built as specified in this section unless otherwise mentioned. Eachshelve shall be as wide and deep as possible.Maximum load capacity of at least 400 lb.Constructed of 3/16" aluminum, with a 2" lip and as deep as possible according to the size of the compartment.Bottom of the shelves is covered by rubber tiles of at least 5/8’’ thick.YesNo6.6.4Each bottom compartment shall be equipped with a roll-out tray. Each roll-out tray mentioned in this proposal should be built as specified in this section unless specified brand and model are required or otherwise mentioned. Each tray shall be as wide and deep as possible.Maximum load capacity of at least 400 lb when fully extended.Minimum exterior slide extension should be about 20".Constructed of 3/16" aluminum, with a 2" lip and as deep as possible according to the size of the compartment.Shall be maintained in an open or close position with a gas cylinder or with self-locking tray slides when cylinder installation is not possible.Bottom of the shelves is covered by rubber tiles of at least 5/8’’ thick.All trays installed on the bottom of the compartments shall have two (2) aluminum runners with nylon cover installed near the center to avoid the tray from collapsing.YesNo6.7LEFT SIDE COMPARTMENTS6.7.1Front of rear wheels – L1The compartment door opening shall be approximately 26” wide x 13’’ deep x 65” height. This compartment is the pump panel operator.YesNo6.7.2Front of rear wheels – L2The compartment door opening shall be approximately 40” wide x 28’’ or 14’’ deep x 65” height.There shall be PAC tool mounts along the lower inner surfaces of the compartment (excluding behind roll-up door). There shall be one (1) PAC tool mount board installed on the rollout tray at the trays center point and with its mounting surfaces to the front and rear of the truck. A ten (10) bracket PAC 1004 shall be provided for mounting equipment.Two (2) shelves shall be installed in the upper part of the compartment.YesNo6.7.3Above rear wheels – L3-L4Theses compartments door opening shall be approximately 52” wide x 14’’ deep x 32” height.Two (2) shelves shall be installed, one (1) in each compartment.YesNo6.7.4Rear of rear wheels – L5The compartment door opening shall be approximately 50” wide x 28’’ or 14’’ deep x 65” height.Two (2) shelves shall be installed one (1) in the bottom and one (1) in the upper part of the compartment.YesNo6.7.5Top left front hatch compartment – TLFThis compartment, accessible from the top is located at the front of the body, driver side. The compartment shall be 85" length x 16” width x 16” depth minimum. The compartment top lid shall be built from aluminum treadplate and shall include a stainless-steel grab handle and shall be held in the open position by gas cylinders. This compartment shall be weatherproof.YesNo6.7.6Top left rear hatch compartment – TLRThis compartment, accessible from the top is located at the front of the body, driver side. The compartment shall be 85" length x 16” width x 8" depth minimum. The compartment top lid shall be built from aluminum treadplate and shall include a stainless-steel grab handle and shall be held in the open position by gas cylinders. This compartment shall be weatherproof.YesNo6.8RIGHT SIDE COMPARTMENTS6.8.1Front of rear wheels – R1The compartment door opening shall be approximately 26" width x 20" depth x 65" height.Two (2) shelves shall be installed one (1) in the bottom and one (1) in the upper part of the compartment.YesNo6.8.2Front of rear wheels – R2The compartment door opening shall be approximately 32" width x 28" depth x 32" height.YesNo6.8.3Rear of rear wheels – R3The compartment door opening shall be approximately 40” width x 28" depth x 42" height.One (1) shelf shall be installed in the upper part of the compartment.YesNo6.9REAR BODY6.9.1The back of the apparatus shall be supplied with a painted steel 10” dump valve and a painted steel swivel chute. The chute and swiveling chute shall have “NO STEP” labels on the top of the chute.The dump chute and the swivel shall be painted to match primary body colour.YesNo6.9.2A storage compartment for pike poles and folding ladder shall be built left rear side above left compartment. It shall contain one (1) 10’ attic ladder and two (2) 6’ pike poles with “D handles” and three pike pole less handle.This compartment door shall be covered by chevron striping.YesNo6.10REAR ACCESS6.10.1A full wide step shall be built above the rear dump valve made of aluminum tread plate meeting NFPA requirement.YesNo6.10.2A tailboard step shall be provided at the rear of the body. The tailboard shall have 18?” in depth.The tailboard step shall be formed from 1/8" aluminum tread plate shall be by current ULC requirements and shall include three (3) grip strut inserts incorporated into the diamond plate.YesNo6.10.3All handrails on the body and pump compartments shall be 1?" diameter knurled extruded aluminum to provide a positive gripping surface.Black painted end stanchions shall support the handrails, and plastic gaskets shall be used between end stanchions and any painted surfaces.Drain holes shall be provided in the bottom of all vertically mounted handrails.Handrails shall be provided to meet NFPA requirements.YesNo6.10.4Eight (8) bright finished and aggressive grip folding steps will be provided at the rear to allow access to the hose bed. Each step will incorporate two (2) LED light, chrome bezel, to illuminate the stepping surface, below and above the steps. The steps can be used as a handhold with built-in openings wide enough for a gloved hand. The step light shall be activated when the parking brake is set, or when the vehicle marker lights are activated.YesNo6.11LADDER RACK6.11.1Ground ladders, suction tubes, and portable tank shall be mounted above the right side of the body in a specially designed swing-down cradle. This cradle shall be electric/hydraulic operated. The system design shall have been life cycle tested for at least ten years of dependable service.The rack is designed to provide lifting capabilities up to 750 lbs.The rack will be made of extruded aluminum and has two (2) hydraulic cylinders, one in a front and another at the rear. A grease point shall be installed on each cylinder pivot.This shall allow for easier access from ground level and shall allow the ladder to be stowed parallel to the body.The system will be equipped with two (2) electric actuators, one on each arm. Everything interlocked as stipulated in the ULC-S515 standard.The system is made to contain two suction tubes 6” x 10’, one compartment for a 4000 us gallon portable tank, one 24’ 2-section ladder and one 14’ roof ladder.Ladders shall be secured to the brackets with two (2) locks retaining the roof ladder and the extension ladder.The fully enclosed compartment for the portable tank shall be made from 1/8’’ aluminum. Two (2) covers, made from one-piece aluminum painted to match the body, shall open on the side. Each door shall have approximately 16’’ height and 136’’ long. The top cover shall open with two gas cylinders. A strap shall be installed in the compartment to secure the tank.The maximum height of the ladders from the ground in the lowered position shall be no more than 64.00", at the center of the ladders.Three (3) red flashing LED lights shall be installed to indicate that the hydraulic rack is ajar. Two (2) lights shall be installed at each end of the rack and the third light in the vehicle cab. An audible alarm shall also be installed on that cab light.A FEDERAL SIGNAL 97-decibel alarm, Model 210331 shall be installed outside the vehicle and will operate only when the rack is in motion.Controls of the rack shall be placed at the rear of the vehicle. The switch will be in a CAST PRODUCTS weatherproof aluminum box. An interlock shall be provided to prevent operation of the ladder rack unless the apparatus parking brake has been activated.An independent hydraulic pump powered by a 12-volt electric motor shall operate the hydraulics. Operation of the hydraulic system for the ladder rack by an engine-powered pump shall be unacceptable. The hydraulic pump shall be powered by a high gauge wire adequately protected by a 200-amp fuse easily accessible.YesNo6.12SUCTION TUBE RACK6.12.1Two (2) 6” suction hoses shall be installed on the hydraulic rack.YesNo6.13REAR WHEEL WELL6.13.1The wheel well shall have monohull fiberglass fenders.YesNo6.13.2A "P" shaped fenderette shall be constructed from fiberglass with a matte black finish.YesNo6.13.3The wheel well outer side face shall be made of 3/16" thick aluminum and shall be painted black.YesNo6.13.4The body wheel well area shall store up to seven (7) SCBA bottles: Four (4) right side, three (3) left side. The bottles shall be externally secured in each storage area by an aluminum CAST door which shall be secured in the closed position by a push button latch.Each storage area shall provide individual storage of a bottle and shall not allow forward or rearward movement of the bottle.The fuel port shall be integrated to the SCBA storage door, on the left side.YesNo7.1ELECTRICAL SYSTEM7.1.1The electrical system shall meet NFPA 1901 requirements. All wiring is done to NFPA standards and SAE standards and complies with CMVSS regulations. The electrical system shall include the following:The wiring in the body shall be securely fastened with stainless steel bolts attached to all each 8"-10";Electrical terminals in weather-exposed areas shall have a non-conductive grease or spray applied;The adhesive device shall be not acceptable;Every electrical wiring shall be covered by a plastic split sleeve;Any electrical component that is installed in an exposed area shall be mounted in a manner that shall not allow moisture to accumulate in it;Heat shrink material and sealed connectors shall be used to protect exposed connections;A coil of wire must be provided behind an electrical appliance to allow them to be pulled away from the mounting area for inspection and service work; andAll lights that have their sockets in a weather-exposed area shall have corrosion preventative compound added to the socket terminal area.YesNo7.1.2The wiring of the body shall be colour coded and number coded.YesNo7.1.3Every circuits added to the chassis shall be protected by internal electronic circuit breakers with transistor outputs. The system shall operate by the J1939 communication protocol.The system shall comprise three nodes of at least eight inputs and 16 outputs; each node shall be protected by an individual breaker. They shall be located to optimize the wiring.The vehicle shall have one (1) programming plug installed near the multiplex node in the pump house.YesNo7.1.4The switches in cab shall have an identification meets ULC and NFPA.YesNo7.2WARNING AND EMERGENCY7.2.1Two (2) Whelen 600 SERIES red light heads shall be provided. The lights shall include black flanges. The lights shall be mounted facing forward of the apparatus, above the headlights.YesNo7.2.2Eight (8) Whelen 600 SERIES red light heads shall be provided. The lights shall include black flanges.Four (4), two each side in the rear wheel wellTwo (2), one each corner of the front bumperTwo (2), one each side of the front wheel wellYesNo7.2.3Two (2) Whelen 500 SERIES red light heads shall be provided and installed on the cab behind the rear door. The lights shall include black flanges.YesNo7.2.4An LED red and white lightbar Whelen # Freedom IV-Q, 92".Configuration colour and light heads:RRR WRRWRRWRRW RRRIt shall be installed on the front of the cab roof.There shall be two other lightbars; each centered over a rear door of the cab Whelen # Freedom IV, 2-21.5".Configuration colour and light heads: RRRR RRRRYesNo7.2.5Headlights shall be alternative on high beam position.YesNo7.2.6A Whelen 295 – 100w electronic siren shall be mounted in the cab.YesNo7.2.7The siren shall feature 100-watt output, with one (1) black 100w speaker.YesNo7.2.8The front bumper shall include a customer supplied Q2BTM Mechanical Q2B siren. The siren shall be recessed in the front bumper; on the furthest outboard section of the bumper on the driver side. The siren shall be actuated by two (2) footswitches on the driver and officer sides. A momentary siren brake switch shall be provided in the switch panel on the dashboard. Siren shall be prepped and painted black. YesNo7.2.9Two (2) Whelen M9 LED rear zone upper lights, and Two (2) Whelen M6 LED rear zone lower lights will be provided at the rear of the truck, located one (1) each side. The colour will be driver side red, passenger side top amber, passenger side lower bottom zone red.YesNo7.2.10An amber directional traffic advisor Whelen TAL65 shall be installed at the back. The control head Whelen shall be located in the cab.YesNo7.3LIGHTING7.3.1LED clearance/marker lights.YesNo7.3.2The center top rear marker lights for marker light AND brake light signal.YesNo7.3.3Turn signal-lights, brake-lights and reversing lights shall be WHELEN 600 SERIES LED lights. There shall be a total of two (2) brake lights, two (2) back-up lights, two (2) turn- signal lights and two (2) emergency lights.It shall have a dimension of 6" x 4" and shall be mounted on a WHELEN #CAST4V rack.The rear part of the lights, visible from the compartment shall be entirely covered with a protective aluminum cover which shall protect the rear part of the light and the electrical wiring.Two (2) amber LED auxiliary turn lights one each side front of the body shall be installed recessed in the rub rail.YesNo7.3.4One (1) white LED license plate light mounted at the rear of the body.The plate shall be mounted with four (4) stainless steel bolts.YesNo7.4AUXILIARY LIGHTS7.4.1Two (2) 12" LED lights shall be mounted under the control panel light shield, one (1) each side.These lights shall automatically turn on when the pump is engaged or when the “pump light” switch is on and when the parking brake is set.YesNo7.4.2One (1) LED light shall be installed in the pumphouse, and it shall be controlled by the “pump light” switch on the pump panel.YesNo7.4.3Two (2) LED lights compartment light strips shall be mounted in each body compartment.Length of each light is the same as the door opening height (+/- 5").YesNo7.4.4All perimeter lights under cab and body shall have LED lights, as follow: Four (4) under cab stepsTwo (2) under pumphouse stepsOne (1) under L1Two (2) under the rear bumperThe ground lighting shall be activated by the opening of a cab door, or when the parking brake is set and when the marker lights are turned on, or when the transmission is on the reverse.YesNo7.4.5A LED shall be installed under each 6" inlet on pump panel for steps lighting.The lights shall turn on when the parking brake is set, and the marker lights are turned on or with the pump light switch.YesNo7.4.6Two (2) Rigid LED scene lights shall be installed on the rear face of the vehicle. They shall turn on with the backup lights when the emergency lights are turned on or with a waterproof rear switch located on the rear left side.YesNo7.4.7Two (2) Rigid LED scene lights shall be installed on the side of the body, one (1) each side on the cab.The waterproof switch shall be located on the pump panel and in the cab.YesNo7.4.8Two (2) 20,000 lumens Rigid LED scene light, shall be installed on the cab, centered over each half of the cab. The switch shall be in the cab. Light shall be painted black.YesNo7.4.9Two (2) 30,000 lumens Rigid LED scene lights shall be installed on the rear exterior wall of the cab and be powered by a hydraulic generator. They shall be telescopic and be able to rotate 360 degrees.YesNo7.5BREAKER BOX7.5.1A hydraulic generator shall be installed above on the top of the body. The generator shall be run, full load, at minimum four (4) hours with an outside temperature of 40 degrees Celsius.The generator hydraulic pump shall be located below the cab truck.The PTO control shall be located in the cab with a pilot light. A protection swtich which does not allow the engagement of the engine if the RPM is over than 900.A digital display shall be installed on the pump operator panel.It shall display voltage, amps and all required ULC and NFPA information.YesNo7.5.2The generator shall be connected to a 120/240 V electrical distribution panel with a capacity of 50 amp which shall be located at less than twelve (12) feet from the panel, in the R1 compartment. The panel shall be recessed between the adjustable drawer slides. This panel shall be a SQUARE D brand with eight (8) spaces.YesNo7.5.3Two (2) 120-volt, 20-amp (NEMA L5-20R) twist-lock outlets, shall be installed in the rear wheel well. These outlets shall be connected to the generator with GFI type breakers.YesNo7.5.4A REEL, 120-volt, electric rewind cord reel and a 200-ft of 12/3 – 300-volt yellow cord shall be installed in a compartment, to be determined.An outlet box shall be provided with a 20-amp twist lock connector. The outlet box shall be equipped with four (4) 120-volt 15-amp (NEMA L5-15) twist-lock receptacles each with a hinged weatherproof cover.YesNo8.1BODY FINISH DETAILS8.1.1All nuts and rivets installed on the apparatus shall be stainless steel unless a superior strength is required.YesNo8.1.2Where dissimilar metals are to be mounted together, the mounting base material shall have an isolation barrier before assembly to prevent a dissimilar metal reaction.YesNo8.1.3All Caution, Warning, Danger, and other safety-related signs shall meet the requirement of the FAMA Standard Product Safety Signs for Automotive Fire Apparatus issued October 2015 or more recent.YesNo8.1.4A rust preventive barrier shall be sprayed under the entire body before their installation on the chassis so that no area is left unprotected.YesNo8.1.5The rear steel sub-frame structure shall be painted black.YesNo8.2BODY AND CHASSIS PAINT8.2.1The painting shall be conducted in accordance with best practices followed in the heavy equipment industry to ensure the best protection against corrosion and abrasion.YesNo8.2.2Paint and primer used shall be of good quality and type“Base Coat/Clear Coat”. The painting process shall be by the paint manufacturer.YesNo8.2.3All removable parts such as brackets, lights, doors, and steps shall be removed before painting the body and shall be painted separately if required.YesNo8.2.4The vehicle (cab and body) shall be painted two (2) colours, “gunmetal” grey over red, according to a curved break line defined by the customer.Colours codes shall be determined by the customer at the appropriate time. Samples shall be provided for approval.YesNo8.2.5The body and pump compartment shall continue the paint scheme of the cab according to the break line defined by the customer. YesNo8.2.6The interior of the compartments shall have a smooth brushed finish and shall be whitened with acid.YesNo8.2.7All shelves and trays shall have a smooth brushed finish on the exterior facing surface.YesNo8.3LETTERING, STRIPING8.3.1A 1" x 6" x 1" wide 3M brand Scotchlite reflective multi-stripe shall be affixed to the perimeter of the vehicle. There shall be a 1" gap between each of the stripes. Striping shall conform to applicable ULC standards. At least 70% of the perimeter length of each side and width of the rear, and at least 25% of the perimeter width of the front of the vehicle shall have reflective striping.The colour of the 3M brand striping material shall be:1” Gunmetal Grey6” Black 1” Gunmetal Grey YesNo8.3.2Maximum of the rear body surface shall be covered by chevron stripes according to NFPA. The stripes shall be red and yellow, 3M-983 Brand (model 72 and 71).YesNo8.3.3The front bumper shall be covered by chevron grey and red matchine the cab colours. Reflective strips shall be a 3M brand.YesNo8.3.4Designated Walking Areas of the standing/walking surface on upper areas of apparatus. 1’’ wide safety yellow on a surface higher than 48’’ excluding steps and ladders.YesNo8.3.5A 3" wide chevron type stripe shall be installed on each cab door. The covering surface shall be at minimum 150 square inches.YesNo8.3.6The lettering shall be made by the bidder and must be approved by the customer.Gold leaf letters and numbers, about 4" height shall be provided.The bidder shall provide 2 gold leaf logos, about 16" height and install it on the location determined by the customer.YesNo9.1MISCELLANEOUS LOOSE EQUIPMENT TO BE SUPPLIED BY BIDDER9.1.1Two (2) folding wheels chocks, 44" diameter tires with brackets shall be installed under L1 compartment.YesNo9.1.2Two (2) 6" NH chrome caps for pump inlets.YesNo9.1.3Two (2) NFPA compliant, clear or semi-transparent suction hoses 6” by 10’.YesNo9.1.4One (1) 10’ attic ladder.YesNo9.1.5One (1) 14’ roof ladder.YesNo9.1.6One (1) 24’ 2-sections ladder.YesNo9.1.7One (1) 6’’ barrel strainer, NH threads, painted.YesNo9.1.8One (1) portable tank with an aluminum frame, 4000 us gallons. The sides vinyl liner shall be 22 oz of resistance, the colour yellow and the floor shall be black heavy duty 28 oz vinyl.YesNo9.1.9Supply and install two (2) wrench holder for 4’’ Storz hoses, one right side, one at the back.YesNo9.1.10One (1) cab fire extinguisher and three (3) safety triangles.YesNo9.1.11Three (3) emergency flares.YesNo9.1.12Two (2) extra aluminum removable hose bed trays with the mat. YesNo10.1WARRANTY10.1.1The warranty is effective upon delivery of the vehicle.YesNo10.1.2One (1) year, limited warranty, material, and workmanship.YesNo10.1.3One (1) year, chassis manufacturer basic vehicle standard limited warranty will be provided.The chassis manufacturer fifty (50) year custom chassis frame limited warranty will be provided.YesNo10.1.4A five (5) year/160,000 km limited engine warranty will be provided.YesNo10.1.5A five (5) year/unlimited km parts and labor warranty will be provided for transmission.YesNo10.1.6A WATEROUS TPP-5 warranty. Five (5) year parts and Labor warranty will be provided. This Increase your coverage to include labor expenses to dismantle, remove and reinstall products or parts for a period of five (5) years.This warranty will cover all components of the pump except the valves against defects in materials and workmanship. Excluded from this warranty are the breakage caused by freezing. YesNo10.1.7Ten (10) year pump stainless steel plumbing components limited warranty.This warranty will cover all components of the pump except the valves against defects in materials and workmanship. Excluded from this warranty are the breakage caused by freezing.YesNo10.1.8The water/foam tank parts and labor warranty shall be provided for life (25 years) against any manufacturing defects.YesNo10.1.9Minimum of ten (10) years pro-rated limited warranty on the cab paint.This warranty will cover the paint and perforations due to corrosion, delaminating and cracking under normal use of the vehicle.YesNo10.1.10Minimum of ten (10) years limited warranty on the structural integrity of the cab and body.This warranty will cover all the structural components of the body and cabin against defects in materials and workmanship. Excluded from this warranty is hardware, mechanical and electrical items or paint finish.YesNo10.1.11Minimum of ten (10) years pro-rated limited warranty on the body paint.This warranty will cover the paint and perforations due to corrosion, delaminating and cracking under normal use of the vehicle.YesNoTo furnish and deliver one (1) new, not previously used, 2020 or newer, fire apparatus custom side mount controls pumper in accordance with specifications listed above.The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the form of tender and the specifications to furnish and deliver the equipment listed below and described in the above specifications and will accept in full payment the following price.One (1) New Not Previously Used Fire Apparatus Custom Side Mount Controls Pumper $ _______________HST (15%)$ _______________Total $ _______________DELIVERY DATE __________________________________________________(Number of calendar days in which delivery will be made after receipt of order.)_____________________________________________________________________________(Year, make, model) Dated, Signed and submitted for and on behalf of: BUSINESS NAME:________AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE NAME OF PERSON AUTHORIZING: BUSINESS ADDRESS: _____________________________TELEPHONE: ____________________________________________________________________FAX: ___________________________________________________________________________EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________________DATE: __________________________________________________________________________ ................

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