GOVERNING AUTHORITYCommissioner Bill Lee (Chair) BOARD:Commissioner Nathan IvieWASATCH BEHAVIORAL Juergen Korbanka, Executive DirectorHEALTH STAFF:Todd Phillips, Financial Director Randy Huntington, Division DirectorCatherine Johnson, Division DirectorJoe McKea, HR DirectorMarilyn Sanders, Authority Board SecretaryDoran Williams, Care Management DirectorALSO PRESENT:Ben VanNoy- County Deputy AttorneyPat Bird, Utah County SUDRobert Johnson, Utah County SUDEzra Nair, Commissioner Ainge’s AssistantEXCUSED:Commissioner Tanner AingePUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEGOVERNING BODY OF THE SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1WASATCH BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICTWILL HOLD A REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULED FOR MAY 13, 2020AT 9:00 A.M. AS AN ELECTRONIC MEETING WITH THE ANCHOR LOCATIONFOR SAID MEETING TO BE IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THEWasatch Behavioral Health Westpark Building750 North Freedom Blvd. Provo, UtahCONSENT AGENDAApprove the Minutes of the April 15, 2020 Governing Body MeetingThe minutes were approved upon consent. The rules are suspended. PUBLIC HEARINGMOTION:Motion to open the Public Hearing for the FY 2021 Budget for Wasatch Behavioral Health Special Service District was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0.Todd passed out the document titled, “Exhibit A FY2021 Proposed Budget.” This is attached at the end of the minutes. This document shows the FY2020 budget, the FY2021 WBH budget for existing current operations and 3 scenarios for the SUD group being added. Based on discussions from a couple of sources we had been told the County would be required to subsidize SUD treatment by approximately $2.0 million in CY 2020. Our plan was to reduce the amount of required subsidy by 50% in the first year and by an additional 50% in the second year. The first scenario shows the $1,618,348 loss and assumes there is not a county contribution toward the structural deficit. The second scenario shows a county contribution equal to 25% of the anticipated deficit, which is about $500,000. The third scenario shows $1,000,000 county contribution. All three scenarios include funding of $100,000 for UCAP as has been done in the past as well at the required state match. There was discussion about a loss that DDAPT is carrying forward as well as a reserve balance. As a Medicaid entity, we are obligated to hold a certain amount in the reserves of at least 60 days of the operating budget. At the same time, if we are taking on SUD and use their entire reserves to cover the operating deficit, then we are back to the deficit because the reserves are not there as they should be. We learned from Danene that last year there was a budget request from DDAPT for the $2 million but that it wasn’t approved. Todd suggested that with the June 30 fiscal year cycle for the state funding and the calendar year cycle of the county, it appears there was hope for improved funding from the state in the second half of the county budget year, starting July 1st. Todd explained that for FY2021 instead of increased funding there is a reduction of $1.2 million in SUD funding from $5.3 million to $4.1 million. When we discussed the budget last month, we indicated that we wanted to reduce the $2 million deficit by 50% the first year then another 50% the second year. With the deficit, Danene had shared in a previous meeting that we basically have the money to go through July if it was only county funds, however as of August 1st the county would have needed to underwrite the operations of DDAPT. Without the merger happening, usually the county would have to underwrite the DDAPT operations. When revenue decreases, usually it is attached to specific programs and then those programs would be reduced however if the funding is reduced but programs do not reduce then a deficit seems to arise. The area plan budget that was submitted by the county for FY2020 from July to June indicated the deficit to be about $850,000. If half of this has occurred then the remaining half would be through the July to December timeframe. This will end this year with the remaining half falling in the calendar fy and the 1.2 million starts July 1st.In order to have the budget ready to present to the Authority Board next month, WBH needs the support of the Commissioners to have a solution by June 10th so Todd can have something to present on June 24th. Bert and Danene will look to see what the anticipated net loss is. Todd will send the area plan budget to the commissions because it is the best budget Todd has to see what this situation will look like. The commissioners will get together on their end and talk about this to try to find a solution. Commissioner Lee would like more information about the $2 million deficit, what it is and how we can understand where we are at with this. He would also like information on seeing a process on how we can use reserves appropriately and to find a pathway for years forward showing as little contribution as possible from the county, but still maintaining to keep the organization whole. MOTION:Motion to close the Public Hearing for the FY 2021 Budget for Wasatch Behavioral Health Special Service District at 9:30am was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0.REGULAR AGENDASet Public Hearing to Discuss Amendments and/or Increases in the Various Budgetary Funds of the Wasatch Behavioral Health Special Service District Fiscal Year 2020 Budget (Suggested Date: June 24, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. at the Wasatch Behavioral Health Westpark Building, 750 North 200 West, Suite 300, Provo, Utah)MOTION:Motion to Set Public Hearing to Discuss Amendments and/or Increases in the Various Budgetary Funds of the Wasatch Behavioral Health Special Service District Fiscal Year 2020 Budget (Suggested Date: June 24, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. at the Wasatch Behavioral Health Westpark Building, 750 North 200 West, Suite 300, Provo, Utah) was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Lee. The motion passed 2-0.Discuss transfer of County assets to Wasatch Behavioral Health Special Service District for operation of substance abuse treatment servicesThe Executive Team met with Danene and Robert to go through the various assets to look at in regards to the merge. Todd will send the asset list to all of the commissioners. All of these items below were discussed and a decision was not made:Foothill Building: Danene could not identify what monies were used to buy this building. Under the assumption that the building was paid partially by CDBG money (though it is not known), it would then be likely that the building would stay with the organization. In the event that this happened, then there could possibly be an asset there that offsets the general fund. These kind of assets would not include desks, chairs, computers, printers, or even vehicles. Pat talked with Richard and explained that the county saved half of the money for Foothill residential and then the county financed the rest. DDAPT paid back the balance similar to a mortgage. DDAPT had to pay the balance of the mortgage over the following years and this was all worked out with the clerk audits. Payson Build Out: Ben explained that under the terms of the lease, the county is obligated to pay the improvements on this facility. DUI Funds: Robert found this DUI funds account that the county has allowed SUD to have which is provided by state funds.$200,000 Treatment Fund: This was a sur-charge by the state allocated to the county. Bert explained that even though it would be difficult, if we could access this fund, then it could help with the deficit. Client Billing: Services provided by DDAPT through June 30 will be billed to Medicaid and/or clients and payments would be received by the county. Any amounts receivable by the county from clients can be billed and statements sent. The staff with experience in billing clients from the Credible system can continue to send statements and collect funds. The county would need to evaluate how long this process should continue as collection becomes less likely as accounts age.Director’s ReportBriefing/ QUAPI ReportCOVID19: We have significantly scaled back and about a week ago we started bringing staff back with the exception of some folks for various reasons. We have developed a COVID19 timesheet code during the shutdown to see how much production we lost. Our productivity graphs are deceptive because COVID19 code reduces the base of the productivity. The total number of units have gone down dramatically for anything residential or group related. Juergen expressed he is impressed with how well our staff have been able to maintain and provide services. The prescribers have done quite well because they are doing telephone-therapy rather than having to make an appointment in person. SUD Merger: Randy has gone to many different organizations that have an SUD and mental health relation to see how their programs work. They also talked with sister agencies like law enforcement to figure out how to make this work within the community. Randy & Juergen have interviewed key stakeholders, attended meetings, visited locations, and overall got to know the staff members and their thoughts about the merge. They hired 3 Program Managers and have administratively split these responsibilities up. Juergen gave credit and acknowledgements to Ralf Barnes, Ralph Clegg and Danene Jackson for their efforts. Monte is the manager who will be managing the jail based program and homeless clinic where he has connections with IHC and Brent Crane at the Food and Care Coalition. Juergen suggested that WBH will partner with the Health Department to provide mental health services and other essential services to the homeless population that is infected by COVID19. The communication has been strong with the homeless population and WBH to assure the care of this population. Outreach: The MCOT outreach data has been down for the month of April due to COVID19. The police didn’t go to many home unless for major crimes also. The MCOT outreaches for the month of May are increasing and as of today there have already been 15 MCOT outreach cases. The legislature has put aside money for a receiving center and thought it is unknown if we will get it, WBH has put out an RFP for this. Catherine explained that currently some of the police have brought people to the ROC and if they had stabilization bed, this would divert from the ER. The exciting news is that we have CBDG funds to build out the ROC into a receiving center. It would have to be a refusal center but they would take as many as they could. Review and Acceptance of March, 2020 Financial ReportThe cash balance increased and there is a profit of about $4,000. The finance person at the division suggested us to bill out the entire remainder of the year, where possible. We have accelerated the billing of some types of funding where possible. In an attempt to make the expansion Medicaid work, we are required to bill the ACOs’ for the fee for service (FFS) since they are receiving the expansion population premiums. Todd explained the initial billing in January was only 30%, but we are now moving in the right direction to increase this. Over the next couple of months, we must expend $250,000 to prepare for SUD because we need to buy many things like licenses, computers, change signs out, update brochures, etc. Commissioner Lee explained that special service districts are a part of the entities that will benefit from the county funding to cover COVID19 related costs. He wanted to make sure that we are tagging appropriately for this and to look at criteria of expenditure monies that are above or below for the March 1st and March 25th deadline and anything that could be appropriate COVID19 use. Peter Brown has been hired at the county to help identify these kinds of things. MOTION:A motion to accept the Financial Report Summary for the month of March, 2020 was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0. Review and Acceptance of Expenditure Report Summary for the month ending March 31, 2020MOTION:A motion to accept the Expenditure Report Summary for the month ending March 31, 2020 was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting to Discuss the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual or Individuals (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)MOTION:A motion to strike agenda items #7, #8, and #9 was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0.MOTION:A motion to Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting to Discuss the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual or Individuals (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner) was made by a Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0. Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss the Purchase, Exchange, or Lease of Real Property, Water Rights, or Water Shares (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss the Sale of Real Property, Water Rights, or Water Shares, Previously Publicly Noticed for Sale (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)WORK SESSIONPUBLIC COMMENTIn Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Marilyn Sanders at (801) 852-4704 at least one day prior to the meeting.There was no public comment.MOTION:A motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:46am was made by Commissioner Ivie and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 2-0. ................

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