October 16, 2006 – 7:30pm


President Jon Goldenstein called the Board of Education of the Iroquois West District Number 10, Iroquois County, Illinois to order in Regular Session on October 16, 2006 at the Iroquois West High School in Gilman, Illinois. The following officers and members of the Board of Education: Jon Goldenstein, President, Dan Mushrush, Vice President, Harold Wilken, Secretary, Chet Wade, and David Zachgo were present. Brian DuFrain arrived at 7:39pm and Rodger Bennett was absent.

A quorum of the members of the Board being present the President called the meeting to order at 7:32pm and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

Administrators Present: Eyre, Hawkins, Killus, Peters

Others present were: John Elliott, Wilene Zachgo, Wade Redenius, Brett Arends

The following additions were made to the agenda: New Business – U of I Extension Facility Usage Request and Add-On bills.


A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Harold Wilken to approve the “open session” minutes for the regular meeting of September 18, 2006 and the special meeting of September 25, 2006 as presented. Roll Call Vote: Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 5-0.

A motion was made by Dan Mushrush and seconded by Dave Zachgo to approve the “executive session” minutes for the regular meeting of September 18, 2006 as presented. Roll Call Vote: Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 5-0.


A motion was made by Harold Wilken and seconded by Chet Wade to approve all financial reports, authorize payment of bills as attached totaling $641,251.16 and to reimburse the imprest fund for $3707.32. Roll Call Vote: Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 5-0.

At this point, Brian DuFrain and Kim Hawkins entered the meeting.


President Goldenstein extended a welcome to all present and invited comments.



Superintendent Larry Eyre shared the following communiqués with the Board:

*Thank You from Danny Thomas and Family

The correspondence noted above was brought to the attention of all in attendance.

Board Committee Reports

A Policy Committee meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 23rd at 6:30pm in the Unit Office with a Building & Grounds Committee to follow at 7:30pm.

Special Education

Chet Wade reported that the Iroquois Special Education Cooperative is still seeking a special education teacher for Iroquois West.

Curriculum Reports

A letter about character education has been distributed to businesses in the community and Mrs. Ballard has been receiving responses.

Administrative Reports

Hawkins – Congratulations to Amy Keigher who placed 44th out of 101 in the State Golf Meet.

Killus – Nothing to add.

Peters – UES will have 9 new adult mentors from the community.

Keigher –

Eyre – Discussed IASA Regional meeting; KARVES; Administrative Roundtable; R.O.E. Compliance Visit; Crisis Management Planning; Calendar Waivers will expire this year; Flu vaccination will be administered on 11/7/06; 13 teachers are taking the Reading Course offered by ONU; Dan Mushrush attended TIF meeting


Goal Setting

After discussing the four goals recommended by the administration, board members decided to add a goal to enhance school security. A motion was made by Harold Wilken and seconded by Brian DuFrain to approve the attached goal statements for 2006-2007 as amended. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Policy Modification – 2nd Reading

Revise Section 6-4.2 STUDENT AFFAIRS, Administering Medicines to Students

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Dan Mushrush to approve second reading of Section 6-4.2 STUDENT AFFAIRS, Administering Medicines to Students. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Electrical Supplier

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Brian DuFrain to table action on this item until after the legislature acts or doesn’t act. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Snow Removal Bids

A motion was made by Harold Wilken and seconded by Dave Zachgo to direct the superintendent to contact last year’s vendors. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.


School District Report Cards

A motion was made by Brian DuFrain and seconded by Dan Mushrush to table action on the School District Report Cards until final ISAT scores, PSAT scores and state averages are received from ISBE. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Facility / Equipment Use Request – St. Paul Lutheran Church, Gilman

A motion was made by Harold Wilken and seconded by Chet Wade to authorize the equipment use request by St. Paul Lutheran Church in Gilman at no charge. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Red Cross Facility Usage Agreement

A motion was made by Dan Mushrush and seconded by Dave Zachgo to authorize a Facility Usage Agreement with Iroquois County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

U of I Extension Facility Usage Request

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Brian DuFrain to authorize Facility Usage Agreement with the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Extension Service for the annual Ford-Iroquois Fall Festival / Awards Program on November 12th pending receipt of insurance documentation. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Overnight / Out-of-State Field Trip Request

A motion was made by Dan Mushrush and seconded by Dave Zachgo to approve the overnight, out-of-state field trip request for the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN – October 25, 26, 27, 2006. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Executive Session

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Brian DuFrain to go into Executive Session at 8:44pm for the following reasons: 1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint logged against an employee to determine its validity. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Brian DuFrain to come out of Executive Session at 9:17pm. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Student Discipline

A motion was made by Dan Mushrush and seconded by Brian DuFrain to ban the minor identified in closed session as “Individuals A & B” from all IWHS school events for the remainder of the 2006-2007 school year. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

A motion was made by Harold Wilken and seconded by Dave Zachgo to ban the minor identified in closed session as “Student A” from all IWHS school events for the remainder of first semester. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

Extracurricular Assignments

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Chet Wade to employ Kim Hawkins to be a high school girls’ basketball assistant coach for the 2006-2007 season; payment in accordance with our Master Contract. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.

A motion was made by Brian DuFrain and seconded by Dave Zachgo to employ Stacy Conner to be the high school basketball cheerleading sponsor for the 2006-2007 season, pending receipt of documentation on criminal background checks and other district requirements; stipend to be in accordance with Master Contract. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.


A motion was made by Brian DuFrain and seconded by Dave Zachgo to approve the superintendent’s goal statements for 2006-2007. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.


A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Chet Wade to employ Shawn Anderson to be the assistant sponsor for the Rifle Club at 4%. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.


IASB Convention

The Board discussed pre-workshop sessions, policy positions and dinner reservations.

School Board Election

There will be four seats for the upcoming school board election. Persons interested in being candidates may pick up petitions on or after November 7th.


Pledge for Life Partnership

Mrs. Mary Talbert was nominated for this award. An award’s reception will be on Thursday, October 26th.

Red Ribbon Week Resolution

A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Brian DuFrain to approve resolution designating October 21-29 as Red Ribbon Week. Roll Call Vote: Brian DuFrain – Yea, Jon Goldenstein – Yea, Danny Mushrush – Yea, Chet Wade – Yea, Harold Wilken – Yea, David Zachgo - Yea. The motion carried, 6-0.


A motion was made by Dave Zachgo and seconded by Brian DuFrain to adjourn at 9:35pm. Upon Voice Vote, the motion carried.

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Harold Wilken, Secretary Date

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Jon Goldenstein, President Date


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