Immigration - Salisbury University

Immigration Lecture Outline

Video & Writing Exercise:

Showed section on Houston as immigrant city, from video “Putting Down Roots.” Lots on contact, competition & conflict between groups – not unlike some things mentioned in Zhou rdg. #41, & Steinberg rdg. #40 especially…

Writing exercise was to link your video notes to something from assigned readings on immigration topic.

No Group Discussion


Overview of Immigrant population in the US—Size, origin (Zhou rdg. #41, a bit). Undocumented immigrant pop size and origin-- from what sending countries /world regions…

Steinberg rdg. (#40) Melting Pot & Assimilation – my critique of his use of those trerms as inter-changeable, but they in fact mean different things…

Assimilation – in terms of Language [3-generation cycle], Inter-Marriage rates, Socio-Economic Status (SES) mobility…

How European immigrants fit this model in previous century, and do Asian and Hispanic immigrants today? (He has answer for that)

How African Americans have been excluded from assimilation – but also from Melting pot? (he & I differ on that)

Where are immigrants concentrated now (Zhou, rdg #41)?

What is the new Racial and Ethnic Hierarchy? What is effect of immigration on racial and ethnic relations & on each major group? (Zhou)

What is the effect of increasing US-Mexico border enforcement on illegal immigration by Mexicans to US? (Massey short web rdg.) Not what was intended ….

Immigration intl. issue, not just domestic one

Push-Pull Conditions model

Push Conditions (in immigrant sending countries):

What has been effect of NAFTA (North American Free trade Agreement) on illegal immgraiton to US & why? (Meyerson web rdg.)

[See also Massey, et al. long web rdg. on 8 Scientific truths about immigration as for reasons why people leave home countries…]

Pull Conditions (in immigrant receiving coutries)

Strong labor demand in US (Massey et al. long we rdg.) -- Esp. in Secondary Labor Market

Social Networks key to immigration, which starts as temporary but over time changes… (Massey et al. long web rdg.)

Policy change Ideas (Massey long web rdg., latter portion)

Increased visas to allow legal migration from Mexico, Legalization for undocumented / illegal immigrants already here

& increased enforcement – but in labor, safety & health laws for all workers…

[See same reading also for ideas on increasing investment in Mexico edvelop economy and reduce need to immigrate and fix Nafta problems…]

Other things to be familiar with:

What are the 3 ways that Second Generation Black Immigrants in NYC construct their identity? How is this ID construction process affected by immigrants’: class background, contact with whites, contact with African Americans, and the lived experience here (opportunities, discrimination, etc.) (Waters #43reading)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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