Module - Job Skills in Business

Module 5 – Interviewing: Review QuestionsPlease answer the following review questions. The questions are a combination of multiple choice and true/false questions. The questions are based upon information found on the class web site (iteachjobskills.), and from class handouts. A sampling of these questions will be used for the final test.INSTRUCTIONS: Please select the letter that best matches the correct answer.Follow all the items below to successfully complete a job application with ONE exception. Choose the one thing you should NOT do.Follow directions.?Avoid having your application rejected because you filled it out wrong.Read the entire application before you complete it.Pay close attention to what is being asked and how you are expected to respond.Write in sections that say "Do Not Write Below This Line" or "Office Use Only."Do not leave any of the boxes empty.Fill out applications neatly and completely.?Make sure that your application creates a good impression by answering all the employer's questions. Follow all the items below with ONE exception. Choose the one thing you should NOT do when completing an application.If a question does not apply to you, skip the question.Before you leave home, create a personal data sheet. This should include all the information you might need to complete an application like names of previous employers, employment dates, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. Use it as you fill out the application.Most applications will ask for references. Add this to your personal data sheet.Do not use abbreviations, except for "n/a" (not applicable).Always list your "position desired".?Do not leave this question blank or use "any" or "open."TRUEFALSEWhen explaining reasons why you left a job, Choose your words carefully with this question. Avoid using the words "fired", "quit", "illness", or "personal reasons". Always use positive statements. Instead of saying that you were fired from your last job, consider saying:I was let go from my last jobI was terminated from my last jobI was involuntarily separated from my last jobI was asked to leave my last jobInstead of saying that you?quit?your job, consider saying:I gave up my jobI told the company that I was leavingI voluntarily separated from the companyIf the interviewer asks you ‘why’ you quit, all but ONE of the following reasons is an acceptable response. Choose the ONE reason that is NOT a good answer:I resigned from the company for a better jobI voluntarily separated from the company to move to another area.I resigned from the company because I didn’t get along with my boss.I resigned from the company to attend school.? If you were?laid off?from a job due to NO fault of your own, explain the reason for the layoff. All the following are acceptable reasons to use – except ONE. Choose the ONE that is not an acceptable answer.My work performance was not goodIt was temporary or seasonal employmentThe company or plant moved out of stateThe company downsized The company merged with another company or was purchased by another companyILLEGAL QUESTIONSWatch for illegal questions.?Applications may contain questions that are illegal to ask before a conditional offer of employment – before a company offers you a job. All the following questions are illegal to ask EXCEPT for ONE. Choose the question that is a legal question:What is your race?What is your religion?What is your national origin?What is your marital status?Are you a citizen of the United States?What is your sexual orientation?What is your age?Do you have a disability?To apply online, you will need access to the internet, and you must have an email address.TRUEFALSEBefore you can apply online, you first need to register with the job website.TRUEFALSEOnce you have account, you can add the information from your resume. The three most common ways to do this are:Attach a file of your resume.?Copy and paste your entire resume into the online application.?Text the information from your resumeEnter your work history manually one field at a timeA, B and DIf you’re having trouble completing the application, look for a "Help" button or link.TRUEFALSEWhen you get a job offer, to help ensure you make a wise decision when you are offered a job, express your appreciation and strong interest in the job, but request at least 24 hours to consider it, even if you’re pretty sure you’re going to say "Yes." TRUEFALSEIt’s ok to ask about the pay and vacation and sick time benefits – before you are offered the job.TRUEFALSEOnce you have considered the job offer, make a decision and respond to the person making the offer. If you decide to accept the job offer, ask for the offer in writing. TRUEFALSEEmployers hold interviews to evaluate job applicants':Qualifications and MotivationQualifications, Abilities, Motivation, Fit with the teamQualifications, Abilities, Fit with the teamInterviews are conducted in a variety of formats and for different purposes. An interview where you meet your prospective coworkers who decide how you fit with the team is what type of interview?BehavioralGroup or PanelPeerIn-personAn interview where three or more people ask you questions about your qualifications and may include other job candidates is what type of interview?In-personBehavioralPeerGroup or panelAn interview where the interviewer will ask questions that require you to describe how you have handled work related situations is what type of interview?PeerGroup or panelStressBehavioralOn the day of the interview, you should do all of the following actions – EXCEPT ONE. Choose the one action you should NOT do before or during your interview.Arrive early Look professionalPlace your cell phone on vibrateShake hands firmly, but only if a hand is offered to you first.Maintain eye contact.Listen carefullyYou should end the job interview with a good impression. You can do this by NOT asking if there will be additional interviews, and when the employer plans to make a decision.TRUEFALSEAfter the interview, it is not necessary to send a thank you note or thank you email to the interviewer.TRUEFALSEDuring the interview, it is ok to ask the interviewer about the job responsibilities and the key challenges of the job.TRUEFALSEA very common interview question is ‘Tell me about yourself.’ Use your Elevator Speech to answer this question.TRUEFALSE ................

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