Date 6/4/15??PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines??HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY? warplanes strike Hamas targets after Gaza rockets land in Israel Islamic state sympathizer claims rocket fire at Israel Left-wing NGO contends east Jerusalem settlements block contiguous Palestinian state Liberman: Netanuyahu's 'hesitation', 'lack of will', making Israel terrorist's 'hostages' Police clash with Palestinians in Jerusalem during Light Festival Obama invokes waiver postponing US embassy relocation to Jerusalem 'It's not politically correct to be anti-Semitic, but it's super-in to be anti-Israel' Tony Blair appointed as head of organization battling anti-Semitism US envoy Shapiro: The most effective way to fight BDS is to relaunch peace talks The global boycott of Israel is growing silently French telecom giant Orange plans to cut ties with Israel, CEO says UK universities counter students, oppose boycott of Israel Hundreds of Ethiopian Israelis protest in Tel Aviv IDF source: We'd evacuate a million Lebanese if war breaks out with Hezbollah PM claims Iran is continuing to increase its nuclear arsenal despite negotiations Iran nuclear talks resume at expert level in Vienna Obama just tossed away his last card on Iran's nukesIran Sentences 18 Christians to Prison for Their Faith in New Crackdown on ChristianitySaudi names suspects in mosque bombing, offers $1 million bounty Air strikes, shelling kill 19 Yemeni civilians, state news agency reports Corner stores turned EBT cards into cash for drugs, wired profit to Yemen, authorities sayAssad Collapse Deemed Near as Rebels, ISIS AdvanceSenior IDF official: Syria situation disintegratingIsrael Fears Breakup of SyriaSyrian army defunct, rebels 100 yards from Israel border, senior officer saysUsing Violence and Persuasion, ISIS Makes Political GainsDabiq: ISIS Could Transport Nuke from Nigeria into U.S. Through MexicoAustralia slaps sanctions on alleged ISIS recruiter, seizes funds Islamic State's command of social media called unprecedentedReport: ISIS Fighter Who 'Enjoyed' Killing Christians Wants to Follow Jesus After Dreaming of Man in White Who Told Him 'You Are Killing My People'"It Is Permissible for the Mujahid to Enjoy Young Boys in the Absence of Women"Former CAIR Community Organizer Arrested on Child Sex ChargesBoston shooting: Suspect plotted to behead Pamela Geller, sources sayBoston terror suspect reportedly targeted 'Draw Muhammad' activist for beheadingDutch firebrand vows to show Muhammad cartoons on TV Egyptian high court says Mubarak to be retried over 2011 killing of protesters Nigerian military responsible for deaths of 8,000 prisoners: Amnesty11 dead as bomb rocks Nigerian cityKabul on edge after spike in deadly attacks Escalating skirmishes in eastern Ukraine increase threat to cease-fireAt Least 19 Killed in Fighting in Eastern UkraineConcern Mounts Over Russian Crackdown on Internet Search EnginesWill South China Sea Dispute Lead to World War? 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Mike Lee WarnsCanadian Human Rights Tribunal May Drop Gender From Birth Certificates After Complaints by Transgender, Intersex ActivistsFrom Duggar to Hastert to Jenner, how the sexual culture wars are being politicizedAnger over Caitlyn Jenner being chosen over Lauren Hill for ESPY courage award2016 candidate Mike Huckabee mocks being transgender in shocking comments: 'I wish somebody had told me I could have felt like a woman' so I could shower with them Transgender Woman Pushed Onto NY Subway Tracks in Possible Hate Crime, Police SayIndian Occult Beheads Man For Better RainsTanzania Warns Politicians: Witchcraft Using Albino Body Parts Will Not Win You ElectionsThere's a major global shift happening in the Catholic ChurchPROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:???(Featured Article at Bottom)?IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Christian Palestinian-ismPrayers inflame tensions over Jerusalem holy sitePentagon: Iran is continuing to develop missiles capable of delivering nuclear weaponsEgg Shortage in America As Bird Flu Has Already Killed 45 MILLION Chickens and TurkeysCalling Evil GoodIslamic revolution to overthrow US begins Boston?Daily Devotion: From Kneeling to StandingFeatured Article: As in the Days of Noah????????Christian Palestinian-ism - By Matt Ward - ??"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6a)?The world in which we live is a befuddled mess. There has been a seismic move within the Church, and it has generally gone unnoticed. Good theology has been replaced by bad, Christian Palestinianism has replaced traditional Christian support for Israel.?Even the words "Christian Zionist" are tainted, scoffed at and derided, evoking open hostility and vitriol in many. Accusations of "apartheid," "colonization," "ethnic cleansing" or "nazification" abound. The criticism of so called Christian Zionists is harsh, it is nasty and I think is born out of biblical illiteracy.? ?Looking forward it would also appear that the opposition and hostility toward those within the Church who have a heart for Israel is going to get much, much worse. Persecution is coming from within.?As the world's hatred for Israel increases and becomes more entrenched, so will the Church's patience diminish for those within its fold who support Israel. You can see the shadows of coming persecution on our horizons already. Well known, popular Christian leaders are laying the ground work, whether they know it or not, for a persecution of those within their own fold. Notable, prominent? ministers of the gospel are making their views known and preparing the biblically illiterate masses for what may amount to a purge from within their own ranks.?People like Tony Campolo, a prominent American Pastor and the founder of the Red Letter Christians movement openly describes Christian Zionism as, "...a theology that legitimates oppression." [1]? ?Those are harsh words. Those are not the words of a man interested in finding a middle ground, they are openly hostile and aggressive. Most worryingly, they are accepted and applauded by most within the mainstream Christian church, especially amongst the young. He is subtly tarnishing those within his own church who have a heart for Israel, singling them out and isolating them.? ?History teaches us that after isolation, comes vilification and persecution.?Christian Palestinianists advocate a belief that Israel has effectively been passed over and put aside by God. They believe that when the Jews crucified and rejected Jesus 2,000 years ago, God overlooked Israel and re-applied all the biblical promises made to Israel to the new fledgling church. They believe that the re-emergence of Israel in 1948, after two thousand years in Diaspora is a mere note of history, that it is of no biblical significance at all-despite the plethora of prophetic verses indicating a return of Israel to their land in the "latter days" would occur just prior to the return of Messiah.?Christian Palestinianists believe that Israel has been set aside by God.?As Dr Paul Wilkinson comments:?Christian Palestinianism is an inverted mirror image of Christian Zionism. All the basic elements of a Christian Zionist eschatology are reversed, so that the Bible is seen to be Christian, not Jewish, the land of the Bible is Palestine not Israel, the son of God is a Palestinian not a Jew, the Holocaust is resented not remembered, 1948 is a catastrophe not a miracle, the Jewish people are illegal occupiers not rightful owners, and biblical prophecy is a moral manifesto and not a signpost to the Second Coming."?There are basic biblical problems with Christian Palestinianism. It represents a real slap in the face to God. It is the exemplification of Replacement Theology (that the Church has replaced Israel in God's plans and Israel is now completely irrelevant). It is at the forefront of "de-Judaizing" the Bible and it attempts to rewrite key, fundamental aspects of a biblically based Christian faith.?The key narrative of Christian Palestinianism is the often repeated view that Israel is an occupier; the belief that at some point in history past, Israel came and stole the land from the Palestinian people subjugating them and even indulging in occasional ethnic cleansing. On two levels this is a falsehood; biblically and historically.?Biblically, God gave that land to Abraham and his descendants, through the line of Isaac. God gave the land to the Jews,?"The? Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:1-3).?In Genesis 15:18-20, God Himself also specifically laid out the exact parameters of this land. (Speaking to Abraham):?"To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: the Kenite and the Kenizzite and the Kadmonite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Rephaim and the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Girgashite and the Jebusite."?To hold to Christian Palestinianism means one has to discard and abandon entire tracts of God's inspired Word and say, "I know what the Bible says, but I know better..."?Historically, the notion that Israel displaced a Palestinian people already settled is demonstrably false. The last time Israel was in the land, previous to 1948, was shortly after the death of Jesus. In 70 AD the full might of the Roman Empire came against that region. The Jews then living in Israel had rebelled and the Emperor Vespasian sent his son, General Titus with his Tenth Legion to crush the revolt. And crush it they did. Millions of Jews died in the siege of Jerusalem with the Jewish inhabitants so oppressed that they were reduced to cannibalizing their own children to survive.?When the end came it was carnage. Those not slaughtered by the Roman hoard where reduced to slavery and marched off to the Roman Empire with the rest scattered to the winds of the earth. So hated were the Jews by the Romans that they then renamed Israel, Palestine, as a deep insult to the Jews. They renamed Israel after the Jewish peoples oldest and most hated of enemies, the Philistines, long since extinct.?This is where the name "Palestine" comes from, from the Romans. Today's Palestinians take their name from the land renamed by the Romans. The land is not named "Palestine" after the Palestinians, the Palestinians take their name from the land.?But the Romans weren't finished. So hated were the Jews by the Romans that they then sowed salt into the earth, so that nothing would grow there. And nothing did grow there for two thousand years.? ?If you or I could have visited Israel, Jerusalem or Palestine in 1900 we would have found a barren land, devoid of inhabitants with the exception of small nomadic groups wandering here and there. There were no Palestinians there, there were no Jews there. It was a wasteland. The notion that Israel displaced a Palestinian nation to resettle the land in 1948 could not be more wrong.? ?The notion that the Jews have persecuted and oppressed the Palestinian people for thousands of years is wrong, another key belief of Christian Palestinianists. How could they when they were dispersed around the world in Diaspora for two thousand years? On the contrary, it has been the Jews who were harassed and persecuted in countless pogroms and attacks all over the world, culminating in a recent Holocaust.?The truth is that the same 1948 UN mandate allowing the Jews to return to their ancestral land had a provision in it for the Palestinian people to settle land also. The Jews and the Palestinians have been in the land for exactly the same amount of time, both since 1948. Yet a plethora of church attending Christians readily accept a version of history that is not just inaccurate, it is demonstrably false. Just read any history book that has not been altered.?The concept of a biblical Palestine is a deception, yet it is accepted willingly by the mainline Church. They are being purposely deceived. The reason for the power of this deception is down to one main thing; biblical illiteracy.? ?Biblical illiteracy abounds in the Church and this allows those attempting biblical revisionism free reign to rewrite and reinterpret the Bible in whatever way is most convenient to them, even so far as promoting Jesus Christ as the "first Palestinian." Jesus, for the record, was a Jew, born of a Jewish mother and father, of the line of David, the Jewish king, of the line of Abraham. Jesus was born in a nation called Israel, before "Palestine" even existed.? ?Jesus isn't a Palestinian and when He returns to this earth an uncomfortable truth many will have to accept is that He will be returning? as an ethnic King. He will be the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but He will also be the King of the Israel, a Jewish King of Israel.?Christian Palestinianism is an attack upon the very nature of God; it questions the integrity of God Himself. The God of the Old Testament is a covenant maker but this theology makes God a covenant breaker. God made an eternal covenant with Israel and He staked His own life on fulfilling that covenant to Israel,?"I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations? for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God" (Genesis 17:7).?Christians who believe that God has "set aside" Israel should ask themselves one very important question; if God so readily set Israel aside as a chosen people, what is there to stop God doing the same to the Church today? How can we rely on the promises of God if He is prepared to put those promises to one side, and especially if He is prepared to do so because of disobedience?? ?God does not change His mind or revoke covenants because of disobedience,?"...the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind" (1 Samuel 15:29).?Joel refers to a time when God will hold the nations of the world to account for how they treat Israel,?"In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls for wine to drink" (Joel 3:1-3).?God cannot be plainer than this.?Jesus Christ clearly isn't a Christian Palestinianist, He is a Jew and when He returns it will be to fulfill the covenant promises to Israel on this earth. Yet we live in a time when 136 nations, many of them Christian, now back a Palestinian State, against Israel. We live in a time when the Church back a Palestinian State, the Pope even going so far recently as to call Mahmoud Abbas, "...an angel of peace."?Christian Palestinianism is interested in delegitimizing Israel and is a part of the wider apostasy predicted to occur in the last days. Christian Palestinianism is a symptom of the churches general fall into apostasy and it indicates that the end is indeed near.? ?God's word, "...My people are destroyed from? lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6), has never been more true than it is today.?Endnotes?? [1]? blogs/2010/.../christian-zionism-theology-legitimates-oppression ??wardmatt1977@ ??Prayers inflame tensions over Jerusalem holy site - By Luke Baker - morning at 7.30, Murad Hamad sets up a flimsy plastic chair in the shade of the Moroccans' Gate entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem and waits for the tourists to arrive.???? Hamad's job is to help keep the peace at one of the world's holiest places, a site sacred to both Muslims, who call the compound the Noble Sanctuary, and to Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount because of the building that once stood there. The guard is not much concerned with the sun-creamed tourists. But he pays close attention to the groups of devout Jews and Israeli nationalists who try most days to enter the site and pray.???? Those groups are at the center of a creeping shift in Jerusalem: After 900 years, Jews are chipping away at Muslims' exclusive control of the site, the third holiest in Islam. The shift, which has provoked violence in the past, threatens to open a dangerous new front in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, adding religious enmity to a political struggle in the very heart of the disputed city.???? Al-Aqsa has banned non-Muslim prayer since 1187. Like Muslims across the region, Hamad and the other 70 or so guards employed by the Waqf, the Islamic trust that oversees the mosque, see Jews praying there as a serious insult. ???? The risk of confrontation remained small as long as the groups pushing for the right to pray remained at the fringes of Judaism. A decade or so ago, a handful of Jewish faithful would enter the compound each day. Attempts at prayer were rare. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared in 2007 that Jews should not visit the site because it was too holy.???? But in recent years the radical fringe has become increasingly mainstream, drawing in nationalist, secular supporters and backing from high-profile politicians. A hundred or more Jews can arrive at the mosque some days, in large, organized groups. Last year Yossi Farenti, then Jerusalem District Police Chief, told the Israeli parliament's Internal Affairs committee that the number of Jews visiting the site had increased 27 percent in the first half of 2014. "There is indeed a worsening in the past few years as to what happens at Temple Mount," he said. "This is a fact. No one disagrees. You can see it in the numbers."?A growing number of rabbis have contradicted the Chief Rabbinate, saying visits should be encouraged precisely because the Temple Mount is divine. Jewish visitors mumble prayers under their breath and walk barefoot on the ancient stones in a sign of obeisance. ???? A range of groups, some of them well financed by the Jewish diaspora, are campaigning for open access to Temple Mount, which Jews believe is the point from where God created the world and was the site of the second Jewish temple until 70 AD (see "Disputed land"). They want the right for Jews to pray alongside Muslims. Some even want to build a new temple and have crafted sacred gold-and-silver vessels and hand-stitched priestly vestments ready for the day it is sanctified. Other supporters are breeding red heifers, hoping for one without a white blemish that can be sacrificially slaughtered at the temple, as described in the Book of Numbers.???? Palestinian Muslims and others across the region fear their control is slipping.???? "They want to change the rules," said Hamad, the Waqf guard.?CHANGE IN STRATEGY???? Perched on an esplanade at the eastern edge of Jerusalem's Old City - the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane behind - there are few patches of land more contested than this 35 acres.???? The critical moment in the modern era was Israel's capture of the Old City in the six-day war of 1967. For Israeli Jews, control of the Old City tied together politics, religion and nationhood. Following the victory, tens of thousands flocked to the Western Wall, believed to have been a retaining support for the second Jewish temple built 2,500 years ago. It was the first mass Jewish pilgrimage to the site since the temple's destruction.???? But days later, with the approval of the prime minister, Defence Minister Moshe Dayan went to see the imams of the Islamic Waqf and handed them back the keys to the mosque.???? "I said that Israeli troops would be removed from the site and stationed outside the compound," Dayan wrote in his autobiography. "The Israeli authorities were responsible for overall security, but we would not interfere in the private affairs of the Muslims responsible for their own sanctuaries.???? "We had no intention of controlling Muslim holy places or of interfering in their religious life."???? Over time, a status quo evolved under which Jews have been allowed to enter and tour the area but forbidden to pray. Israeli police and some military help provide security, but the Waqf administers the compound.???? There were some early attempts to change that. In the 1980s, a messianic terrorist group called the Jewish Underground plotted to blow up the Dome of the Rock and replace it with a temple. That plan was foiled by the Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence agency.???? In 1990, another group calling itself the Temple Mount Faithful tried to lay a cornerstone for a new Jewish temple, provoking riots that killed 22 Palestinians.???? The Waqf says things really began to shift from September 2000, when Ariel Sharon, then Israel's opposition leader, visited Temple Mount with a large delegation just before an election. Many Palestinians saw the move as a provocation. It led to a violent uprising called the Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada, which continued for five years and left about 3,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Israelis dead. Access to Al-Aqsa for both Muslims and non-Muslims was greatly restricted.???? In recent years the groups committed to overturning the status quo have shifted strategy, becoming more organized and gaining donors and influence.???? While there are still radical elements, and frequent verbal and physical confrontations with Muslims at Al-Aqsa, the groups try to cast the issue as one of religious freedom, arguing that Jews should enjoy the same prayer rights as Muslims.???? A SHOOTING???? The most visible proponent of the new approach is Yehuda Glick, a red-bearded, American-born rabbi who set up the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation in 2007 and now acts as a spokesman for several Temple Mount organizations.???? A 49-year-old father of eight, Glick has become a rallying figure for the movement, frequently photographed with supporters such as an outspoken politician from Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party, or studying pictures of a possible new temple.???? In 2013 and again in 2014 he was arrested by police after confrontations at Al-Aqsa and banned from visiting. He sued and won a court ruling allowing him to return once a month under tight supervision.???? Last October, as Muslim anger at the presence of Jewish worshippers triggered clashes, Glick was shot four times by a Palestinian when he left a conference in central Jerusalem. After 10 days in a coma, and life-saving operations by a Muslim surgeon, Glick came around.???? "I respect the Muslims' right to pray," he told Reuters as he recovered from his injuries. "But there is no reason in the world that at the only holy place for the Jewish people, a Jew should not have the right to pray.???? "The Temple Mount is the holiest place in the world according to the Bible and there should be freedom to pray for all believers - Jews, Christians and Muslims."?? ??? "AN AGGRESSION"?? ???? That is not how Mohammad Ahmed Hussein, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the head of the Waqf, sees it.???? As the inheritor of a job handed down almost without break since the 12th century, Hussein is the overriding religious authority at Al-Aqsa and holds the keys to the mosque. He believes the precedent created by more than 800 years of religious practice is incontrovertible.???? "No one but Muslims are allowed to perform any kind of prayers at Al-Aqsa," he told Reuters, referring to the compound rather than just the mosque itself.???? "Jewish prayer at Al-Aqsa is not so much an insult as it is an aggression. If Jews try to pray at Al-Aqsa, it will only create more tensions in the region."???? For Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that is potentially a big problem.?Netanyahu has repeatedly said the arrangement that has governed Al-Aqsa since 1967 should not change. But after Glick was shot, Israeli authorities temporarily shut all access, including for Muslims. In protest, Jordan withdrew its ambassador to Tel Aviv, the first time it had taken such a step since signing a peace deal with Israel in 1994. Jordan has had special responsibility for Al-Aqsa since the 1967 war. The Hashemite Kingdom has financed the Waqf and paid for renovations to the mosque and the Dome of the Rock. Its anger was echoed in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and beyond, leaving Netanyahu worried about regional stability.??? He beefed up Israeli security around the Old City, a move that many Palestinians saw as proof that change was coming.???? "A SMALL GESTURE OF DEFIANCE"???? Six months on, the situation appears calmer, though tensions remain.???? Five days a week - there is no access on Fridays or Saturdays - religious-nationalist Jews join foreign tourists to walk up the covered wooden ramp, through the Moroccans' Gate, the only one of the 11 ancient gates non-Muslims can use, and into the holy compound.??? Israeli guards assemble the Jews into groups of 10, confiscate their religious and prayer accoutrements for the length of the visit, and then assign them Israeli police escorts.?At the top of the ramp, where Israeli forces keep dozens of riot shields and other security equipment, Waqf guards join the Jewish groups. The Israeli police lead the visitors around, while the Waqf guards maintain more distance.???? On one recent visit, a pious Jewish teenager, yarmulke on his head and long curls hanging either side of his face, fell to the ground in the act of prayer. Police quickly hoisted him to his feet and warned that he would be thrown out if he tried to pray again.???? As the group passed in front of Al-Aqsa mosque, the police urged them not to get too close. Several ignored the warnings and stepped towards the portico, where Muslim men and women enter via separate doorways.???? A group of women in headscarves and veils began shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Greatest") at the top of their voices, protesting the group's presence.???? As the Jewish group moved away from the mosque into a grove of trees on the eastern edge of the plaza, it was left alone, allowing surreptitious prayer to begin.???? Efrem Goldberg, an American rabbi, wrote an account of a visit he made to the Temple Mount last year, in which he described feeling intimidated by Muslims there. "In a small gesture of defiance," he wrote, "we continuously prayed in our hearts and when we paused opposite the Kodesh Ha' Kadashim" - the Holy of Holies, where Jews believe the Ark of the Convenant once stood - "we even had Daniel Katz," a rabbi, "give us the priestly blessing."???? A THIRD TEMPLE????? Last month, an estimated 30,000 Jews waving banners and carrying Israeli flags marched through the Old City to celebrate Jerusalem Day, the anniversary of Israel's victory in the 1967 war. Palestinian protesters clashed with Jewish marchers as they thronged to the Western Wall.???? Some left-wing Israelis criticize the event as a provocation. For supporters, the march is a chance to impose a Jewish presence throughout the Old City.???? Netanyahu said in a speech that "only under Israeli rule will there be freedom of worship for all religions in Jerusalem. Believers pray at their holy sites not in spite of our rule in the city, but precisely because of it."???? Some Palestinians think it is a matter of time before Temple Mount supporters in the Israeli government propose dividing up prayer times, giving Muslims certain hours to worship and Jews others.??? Glick said the momentum is all in one direction.???? "The Third Temple, which will be a house of prayer for all nations, will be built very soon," he said, repeating a mantra of the Temple Mount faithful.???? Hamad, who said he has seen a steady change during his 10 years as a Waqf guard, is convinced a crisis is coming.???? "It's going to blow up," said the 36-year-old. "It's certain."?Pentagon: Iran is continuing to develop missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons - Bill Gertz - ??????? ? is continuing to develop missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons despite an interim agreement on its nuclear programs, according to a Pentagon report.?"Although Iran has paused progress in some areas of its nuclear program and fulfilled its obligations under the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), it continues to develop technological capabilities that also could be applicable to nuclear weapons, including ballistic missile development," a one-page unclassified summary of the report says.?A copy of the report was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.?The report was due to Congress in January but was not sent to the Armed Services Committee as required by law until this month. Analysts said the delay appeared designed to avoid upsetting Tehran and the nuclear talks.?Disclosure of the continuing development of nuclear delivery capabilities comes amid reports that Iran increased the amount of nuclear material that could potentially be used to build nuclear weapons despite the JPOA.?The State Department sought to challenge International Atomic Energy Agency reports on the increase in Iranian nuclear material, despite President Obama's claim that the nuclear agreement had halted Iran's nuclear program.?State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said this week that the increase in nuclear production was expected and that the amount has increased and decreased.?Iran's military also continues to threaten the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the Pentagon report said.?"Iran continues to develop its capabilities to control the Strait of Hormuz and avenues of approach in the event of a military conflict," the report said, adding that Tehran is "quietly fielding increasingly lethal weapon systems, including more advanced naval mines, small but capable submarines, armed unmanned aerial vehicles, coastal defense cruise missile batteries, attack craft, and ant ship-capable missiles."?U.S. officials said Iranian backing for Houthi rebels in Yemen is also aimed at gaining access to the strategic Red Sea strait called the Bab-el-Mandeb, which, like the Strait of Hormuz, could be used by Iran to disrupt oil and other shipping.?Tehran's support for terrorism also has not stopped, according to the Pentagon.?"Iran's covert activities appear to be continuing unabated," the report says. "The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) remains a key tool of lran's foreign policy and power projection, particularly in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, and Yemen."?The IRGC Quds Force also is continuing to improve its access within foreign countries and its ability to carry terrorist attacks "to safeguard or advance Iran's interests," the report said.?U.S. officials disclosed to the Free Beacon last week that Iran is increasing the number of Quds Force fighters and Lebanese Hezbollah militants it is sending to Yemen, to support pro-Iran Houthi rebels there.?The report asserts that Iran's military doctrine is "primarily defensive" and seeks to insulate Iran from more aggressive Iranian policies involving covert action and terrorism.?Iranian military forces seek to deter attacks, survive initial strikes, and retaliate against aggressors.?"The ongoing civil war in Syria and the instability in Iraq have tested, but not fundamentally altered, this posture," the report said. "Meanwhile, over the past year, the tone of publicity surrounding major military exercises has remained tempered, a trend that began in 2013, probably in support of negotiations over Iran's nuclear activities."?Iranian forces have been working with Iraq's government to battle Islamic State forces that have taken over large portions of that Middle East state. They have included IRGC fighters.?The report, dated January 2015, concludes that Iran has not substantively altered its military and security strategies in the past year.?"However, Tehran has adjusted its approach to achieve its enduring objectives, by increasing its diplomatic outreach and decreasing its bellicose rhetoric," the report said.?President Hassan Ruohani has sought to project a global message of "moderation and pragmatism" in support of those objectives.?Also, Iran is seeking to become the dominant regional power and in pursuit of that aim has "unwaveringly sought to improve its deterrent capabilities and increase its regional influence."?Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who is thought to be ill, "remains atop Iran's power structure as both the political-spiritual guide and the commander in chief of the armed forces."?The Senate Armed Services Committee, in its report on the fiscal 2016 defense authorization bill passed May 19, expressed concerns about the annual report on Iran's military.?The report was due to Congress on Jan. 30 but said as of May it had not been provided.?"The committee remains concerned about the threat posed by Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile development programs," the report said.?Last year Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that Iran "would choose a ballistic missile as its preferred method of delivering nuclear weapons." And in February, Iran launched a Safir long-range missile system.?"In 2013, the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) made the following statement about this system: Iran could develop and test an ICBM capable of reaching the United States by 2015," the report said.?"Since 2008, Iran has conducted multiple successful launches of the two-stage Safir space launch vehicle (SLV) and has also revealed the larger two stage Simorgh SLV, which could serve as a test bed for developing ICBM technologies."?The committee asked the secretary of defense to provide an update on Iran's ballistic missile programs.?As a result of the delay in the annual Iran military power report, the committee directed the Pentagon to provide a briefing on the Iranian missile threat, and to update the January report.?Ilan Berman, an Iran specialist with the American Foreign Policy Council, said the release of the report is good news but "has long been conspicuous by its absence."?"The study is long overdue, and its delay suggests that the administration has been leery of injecting inconvenient facts into the Iran debate as it closes in on a nuclear deal with the regime in Tehran," Berman said.?"The findings of the report confirm that Iran's destructive regional activities have not abated over the past year," he added.?"If anything, they have increased despite Iran's dialogue with the West," Berman said. "The product can be seen in the battlefield victories of Yemen's Iran-supported Houthi rebels, of the persistence of the Assad regime in Syria, and of the growing profile and capabilities of Iraq's Shi'a militias."?"Iran's activities represent a significant challenge to peace and security in the Middle East," he said.?"The real question is what, if anything, the White House is prepared to do about it?" he said.?Mark Dubowitz, another Iran expert, said Tehran is continuing to develop long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in violation of U.N. Security Council limits.?"The Obama administration ceded to Iranian demands that their missile program was non-negotiable and, instead, has tried to reassure Congress that this missile threat can be mitigated by constraining Iran's ability to develop a nuclear warhead," said Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.?"This major administration concession to Iran will greatly complicate the U.S. intelligence community's ability to detect whether Iran has develop a nuclear warhead-carrying ICBM capable of reaching the continental United States," he added. "By its very nature, it is much more difficult to detect and prevent warhead development, which can take place in small, covert facilities, than it is to determine the nature and extent of a hostile missile program. In yet another example of how deeply flawed the emerging Iran deal will be, Tehran will have a much easier pathway to develop systems."?COMING SOON!Our new video is in production, and this may be the most important video that we have ever produced.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night, is a video that every believer should own.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night is an excellent video for witnessing and evangelizing here and now! More importantly, it is also a video that each one of us will want to make sure that our loved ones, that missed the Rapture, will have and watch and prayerfully accept the Lord's gift of eternal salvation!??????We must all face the facts and realize that all of us have friends and family members that are going to miss the rapture. In our new video, "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night," we give a step by step explanation of what has happened, why it happened, what to expect next, and what they must do and what they must not do!?Prayerfully our friends and family members will watch this DVD before the Rapture and not miss it, but some will certainly be Left Behind! Every believer needs to watch this video and share it with their unsaved friends, and family members. This video explains why the Rapture is the Blessed Hope of every believer and how this event is different from the Second Coming. It also explains what a person is to do if they miss the Rapture, and the events of the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. It is an excellent witnessing tool that will prayerfully keep many from missing the Rapture, at the same time it's also, a valuable guide for those Left Behind. ?"The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" will be released on *7/3/15, Pre-Order your copy today. When you Pre-Order one of our videos, not only are you making sure that you will be one of the first to receive it, you are also helping to fund the video.??Production Costs?Every video cost us about $2000 dollars to produce, you can also donate to our general fund if you feel led to help us offset the production costs, we will be forever grateful!??To Pre-Order your copy of "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" - please visit our store using the following link:?VISIT STORE?If you feel led to help us offset the production cost of this video, please use the following link to make a tax deductible donation, thanks and God Bless.? ?? ??If you chose to mail in your gift of support or your order, please mail it to:?Prophecy UpdatePO Box 40516Bakersfield, CA 93384?Also, there is still time to enter our drawing for the Bible Commentary sets, see below for more information!??Egg Shortage in America As Bird Flu Has Already Killed 45 MILLION Chickens and Turkeys - By Michael Snyder - ??Did you know that 25 percent of all egg production in the United States has already been taken offline due to the bird flu crisis?? You aren't hearing much about this in the mainstream media, but at this point bird flu has claimed the lives of 45 million chickens and turkeys in America.? When I wrote about this a month ago, the number of dead birds was sitting at about 20 million.? In just 30 days, the death toll has risen by an astounding 20 million.? This is a major crisis and it is already causing egg shortages around the country, and yet very few people seem alarmed about this?? Why is that??And it isn't just one strain of the bird flu virus that we are talking about.? Right now, there are two strains which are spreading like wildfire.?So far, the H5N2 strain has hit the states of Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Idaho, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin.? It has also been identified in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and British Columbia.?The H5N8 strain has not been doing quite as much damage yet, but it has been killing birds in California, Idaho, Indiana, Oregon and Washington.?In addition, Canadian officials have discovered that the H5N1 strain is spreading in British Columbia.?This is the worst bird flu outbreak in the history of North America, and it continues to spiral out of control.? Things have already gotten so bad that some manufacturers are considering switching to "eggless eggs"...??America is facing a major egg crisis due to bird flu, experts have warned.?They say 25 percent of the country's egg production is already offline due to the virus, with more producers expecting to be hit.?To replace eggs, manufacturers are increasingly turning a hi-tech San Francisco firm that makes an 'eggless egg' using a secret blend of plants.?With egg production down 25 percent at this point, and the worst probably still to come, some fast food chains are already cutting back.? For instance, Whataburger has announced that it is going to be limiting the number of hours that it serves breakfast...?Whataburger says it is limiting its breakfast-serving hours, citing egg shortages due to the Midwest bird flu crisis.?The fast-food chain will serve breakfast 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. weekdays, and 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. on weekends. It previously was available 12 hours a day. Whataburger says in a statement that the changes will allow it to supply all of its locations.?The U.S. Department of Agriculture says confirmed outbreaks in the Midwest have cost chicken and turkey producers more than 44 million birds. Egg prices have soared.?Major chains such as Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts and IHOP say they're monitoring the situation but haven't yet been affected.?I hope that people start waking up and taking this more seriously, because this is a really big deal.?But of course of even greater concern is what would happen if the bird flu started spreading among the human population.?At this point, the CDC says that there are no human cases, but they are urging caution...??"While these recently identified HPAI H5 viruses are not known to have caused disease in humans, their appearance in North American birds may increase the likelihood of human infection in the United States," the CDC said.?In fact, the CDC has issued a special alert to medical professionals instructing them to watch for any signs that this virus has crossed over...?"Clinicians should consider the possibility of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 virus infection in persons showing signs or symptoms of respiratory illness who have relevant exposure history," the CDC said in a health alert issued to doctors.?"This includes persons who have had contact with potentially infected birds (e.g., handling, slaughtering, defeathering, butchering, culling, preparation for consumption); direct contact with surfaces contaminated with feces or parts (carcasses, internal organs, etc.) of potentially-infected birds; and persons who have had prolonged exposure to potentially-infected birds in a confined space."?I know that we have had some false alarms with swine flu and ebola in the past few years.?But without a doubt, a major pandemic is one of the greatest potential threats that we face.? Throughout history, there have been massive pandemics that have killed millions upon millions of people, and scientists assure us that it is only a matter of time before the next one strikes.?Just the other day, Bill Gates spoke about his belief that a future pandemic could come along at any time and kill tens of millions of us...??One of the world's richest men, who spoke in 2010 about how vaccines (which he heavily pushes throughout the world) are helping to cull the world's population, is now predicting that as many as 33 million people could soon die from a modern-day pandemic similar to the 1918-1919 Spanish flu.?Microsoft founder Bill Gates hasn't said how such an event will culminate, but he's sure it will, and he's actually spent a pretty penny working on predictive models to show what sort of event will kill the most people in the near future. It won't be a big volcanic explosion, a gigantic earthquake, an asteroid, or even impending world war, according to Gates - at least not in his lifetime. Instead, it will be an outbreak of some horrific disease like Ebola.?Of course for many in the scientific community, a major pandemic like that would be a perfect solution to the "overpopulation problem" that they believe the world is facing.? For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled "46 Population Control Quotes That Show How Badly The Elite Want To Wipe Us All Out".?Most Americans seem to believe that there could never possibly be major food shortages in this country.? But in my new book, my co-author and I discuss how incredibly fragile our food chain really is.? We live at a time when the entire planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we need to realize that it is not wise to be dependent on the "system" because the "system" is failing.?In the months ahead, we are likely to see significant shortages of eggs, chicken and turkey.? And certainly prices for all of those items will never be lower than they are right now.?So now is the time to stock up and to add to your food storage supplies.? Because once the general public starts freaking out about all of this, it will be far too late to do anything about it then.??Calling Evil Good - Dr. Steve Elwart - ??Isaiah 5:20, 23 ?How terrible it will be for those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute what is bitter for what is sweet and what is sweet for what is bitter!?- Isaiah 5:20, ISV?The Battle of Yorktown effectively ended the American Revolutionary War. When British General Cornwallis surrendered, tradition has it that the British band played the "The World Turned Upside Down", a tune that underscored the strange turn of events which had brought defeat at the hands of the provincial forces of America, to the most powerful country in Europe.?Today there is another battle going on where insurgents have taken on one of the most powerful forces in the world and may also win.?There is an assault on the Judeo-Christian worldview by a coalition of groups among them: atheists, Muslims, and secular-humanists who have very little in common except for their common hatred of Judaism and Christianity in all its forms.?Same Sex Marriages?While recognizing same sex marriages has made inroads across the world, some of the most vehement attacks are coming from within.?The Enemy Within?More and more Christian denominations are open to ordaining openly, practicing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) pastors for their flocks. The first mainline denomination in the United States to ordain openly gay clergy was the United Church of Christ-UCC in 1972. Other groups include the Church of Sweden where clergy may serve in senior clerical positions. In 2003 the United Church of Christ General Synod called for full inclusion of transgender persons. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided in August 2009 to accept gay, lesbian, and bisexual clergy in sexually active monogamous relationships. (The first openly transgender leader of an ELCA congregation was ordained in 2014 in San Francisco.)?Many more congregations allow their clergy to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples. Anglicanism, the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, Anglican Church of Canada (in some dioceses) are some of the churches. The United Protestant Church of France performs blessings of same-sex couples. In 2013, Church of England indicated that it plans the blessing of same-sex unions.[19] It is, however, forbidden by law to conduct same-sex marriages within its churches. In New Zealand, the Aotearoa Quaker Meeting in 1995 pledged "to seek formal ways of recognizing a variety of commitments, including gay and lesbian partnerships." On March 18, of this year, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted to formally sanction homosexual marriage.?Even with this degradation of the meaning of marriage, many people are lobbying for even more inroads into defining what a marriage is. There are people who want to extend marriage rites not only to a man having multiple spouses (polygyny) or a woman having multiple husbands (polyandry), but also for a marriage having multiple husbands and wives (polyamory). While these practices have been around for millennia, it is only recently where "First World" countries are starting to recognize them.?Abortion?Abortion has been practiced for millennia; through most of history, it was induced by herbal chemistry. Both contraceptives and abortion-inducing agents were used by a variety of cultures. An inscription from ancient Sumer lists what is likely a recipe for inducing abortion, and Egyptian papyri dating as far back as 1500 BC make references to chemicals being used to induce abortion. The earliest medical writing from Egypt, dated around 1850 BC, contains recipes for preventing conception.?Historical Context?A variety of opinions seem to have surrounded the practice of abortion in antiquity. For example, Virgil used the word "children" to describe the unborn, and Juvenal used the word "humans" to describe a fetus in the womb. On the other hand, Aristotle wrote about abortion in a way that may indicate the practice was considered normal.?The Early Church?Many of the early church fathers spoke out about the practice of abortion. John Chrysostom in the East and Jerome in the West both condemned it. Other examples include:?*The Didache, one of the most prominent extra biblical early church documents, explicitly forbids abortion: "[D]o not abort a fetus or kill a child that is born".*Basil declared that a woman who had induced an abortion should be tried for murder.*Augustine extensively spoke against abortion, particularly as he wrestled with theological issues such as the existence of the soul.?In the first few hundred years of Christianity, the discussion of abortion revolved around when the unborn fetus actually became human. That practice has continued to this day.?As medical advances have shown a baby can survive outside the womb at an earlier and earlier age, ethicists have posited that a fetus becomes human at a later and later time. Many now consider it ethical to kill a child as it starts down the birth canal, but not fully delivered. When all but the head is delivered, a procedure called "partial-birth abortion" kills the baby just seconds before the baby takes its first breath of life.?But it does not end there.?Many now put a "quality of life" as a measure of life. If a child is born with a birth defect that could cause an "undue economic or emotional" hardship on the mother, that child can be aborted. As one woman said, "I believe that my rights, my health, my consciousness, and my obligations to others-including to my toddler daughter-outweigh the rights of the unborn human inside me."?But it still does not end there.?Some medical "ethicists" believe that a child can be killed even after it has been born. The Journal of Medical Ethics prepublished electronically an article by Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva entitled "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" The abstract of the paper states:?Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that:?1. Both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons,2. The fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and3. Adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people?The authors argue that what we call 'after-birth abortion' (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.?They have also stated that abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. Their reasoning goes as follows:?1) The fetus and the newborn are morally equivalent. "The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual."?2) The fetus and the newborn are both "potential persons". Although fetuses and newborns are not persons, they are potential persons because they can develop, thanks to their own biological mechanisms, those properties which will make them 'persons' in the sense of 'subjects of a moral right to life': that is, the point at which they will be able to make aims and appreciate their own life."?They also disallow adoption as an alternative to post-birth abortion. They state that the argument for carrying a child to term and beyond, "... it is not strong enough to outweigh the consideration of the interests of actual people. Indeed, however weak the interests of actual people can be, they will always trump the alleged interest of potential people to become actual ones, because this latter interest amounts to zero."?In the conclusion of the paper they state:?If criteria such as the costs (social, psychological, economic) for the potential parents are good enough reasons for having an abortion even when the fetus is healthy, if the moral status of the newborn is the same as that of the infant and if neither has any moral value by virtue of being a potential person, then the same reasons which justify abortion should also justify the killing of the potential person when it is at the stage of a newborn.?It is a sad, but true statement that the most dangerous place in the world for a child is inside their mother's womb.?You Can't Make This Up?In another new and disturbing paper that has been peer-reviewed and published, two philosophers recently profiled by Australia's ABC network have taken what is already a runaway definition of "equality" to a whole new level of ridiculous.?Professors Adam Swift of the University of Warwick and Harry Brighouse of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, think they've found the root source of inequality in society: the family.?Social scientists have long realized and written on the benefits that loving, intact families give children. Studies have shown that the children in these types of families are more likely to attend college, less likely to suffer or perpetrate abuse, less likely to do drugs or cross the law, and have a higher likelihood of passing on these advantages to their own children. One would think this would make us want good families in our society. But Swift and Brighouse don't think that's fair.?Swift stated, "If the family is this source of unfairness in society, then it looks plausible to think that if we abolished the family there would be a more level playing field."?As the humorist Dave Barry would write, "I'm not making this up."?While even Swift and Brighouse realize that abolishing the family would be overboard (for now), they offer an alternative. Their alternative is to hobble intact families-especially those with means-by prohibiting private school, inheritance, summer camp, and other "purely economic means" of conferring advantage on children.?They also believe that since bedtime stories also give kids a leg-up in life, they think those that to read to their children should "occasionally" feel bad about reading to their kids.?A World Turned Upside Down?Such a scenario brings to mind C. S. Lewis' famous epilogue to The Screwtape Letters, entitled, "Screwtape Proposes a Toast." In it, the retired tempter tells graduates of a demonic college to teach humans that good habits-the kind that improve society (kind of like the family does)-are "undemocratic." Instead of nurturing and encouraging virtues like morality and academic excellence, he says, humans should be trained to resent and destroy them.?The goal, says Screwtape, is the "elimination of every kind of human excellence-moral, cultural, social, or intellectual."?There are other examples on the world calling good evil and evil good. A new game called, "Charlie, Charlie", summoning demons has taken social media by storm. There is also a new TV series coming out called "Lucifer" The series will focus on Lucifer, "who is bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell and resigns his throne and abandons his kingdom for the beauty of Los Angeles, where he gets his kicks helping the LAPD punish criminals."?While one would hope that the above scenarios will not be taken to their logical conclusion, past recent history paints a different scenario.?In a world that has been turned upside down, we need to be like the Christ's disciples in the Book of Acts:?"When they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials and shouted, "These fellows who have turned the world upside down have come here, too," (Acts 17:6, ISV)?If we turned this world upside down, maybe it will be "right-side up" again.??Islamic revolution to overthrow US begins Boston? - Bill Wilson - ??The FBI had been investigating Usaamah Abdullah Rahim and Dawud Sharif (David) Wright, both residing in Massachusetts, for several federal criminal offenses, including terrorism. The investigation became very public June 2 in Boston when Rahim attacked police officers with a military knife and was shot dead. Conspiracy theories aside, the Boston Marathon bombing and the details surrounding this incident could well represent a pattern emerging in America where Islam is beginning a revolution, a jihad, to take over America using violent force. Rahim and Wright, according to the FBI affidavit filed by Special Agent J. Joseph Galietta, were plotting to behead activist Pamela Geller. ?Geller, President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, found herself in the national spotlight last month when an off-duty police officer working security thwarted an attack at her organization's contest for Prophet Mohammed drawings in Garland, Texas. Since then, the Islamic State (IS) has vowed to kill Geller. CNN reports that officials believe the 26 year old Rahim was radicalized by IS. Geller told CNN, "They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily. This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?"?FBI Agent Galietta's affidavit states that the FBI intercepted a phone call between Rahim and his accomplice Wright where Rahim expressed that he was going to attack police officers instead of Geller because they were the easiest targets and that he didn't want to wait so long to behead Geller. Rahim was recorded as saying, "Yeah, I'm going to be on vacation right here in Massachusetts...I'm just going to ah go after them, those boys in blue. Cause, ah, it's the easiest target and, ah, the most common is the easiest for me..." Galientta stated that "going on vacation" was code for committing a jihadist act. The affidavit states that shortly after the conversation Rahim attacked the police officers and was fatally shot.?The FBI affidavit states that Wright admitted to a Sunday meeting with Rahim and a third person in Rhode Island, and "at that meeting, RAHIM told WRIGHT and the third person that he was going to behead the intended victim in another state. WRIGHT indicated that he agreed with RAHIM's plan and supported it." Islam's intent is to takeover the US. It is a showdown for freedoms of speech and religion. While there are Islamic colonies across the US, the beginning of an Islamic revolution ironically appears to be fomenting in Boston. Jeremiah 51 speaks of God's vengeance on Babylon for the violence done to the Lord. Verse 14 says, "Surely I will fill thee with men, as with locusts, and they shall lift up a battle cry against thee." We must work harder to let our light shine before men to honor our Father in heaven lest the darkness prevail.Daily Devotion: From Kneeling to Standing - Greg Laurie - ??And Pharaoh said to his servants, "Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?" -Genesis 41:38?One moment Joseph was in prison, and the next moment he found himself standing before Pharaoh. You might think that Joseph would have been very careful with his words. But when Pharaoh called him in to interpret his dream, Joseph told the ruler, "It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace" (Genesis 41:16).?I think Pharaoh must have been immediately impressed with Joseph. Who is this guy? He's not bowing and scraping before me. This guy has conviction. I like him. He had never met anyone like Joseph.?Joseph wasn't ashamed to tell Pharaoh the truth. He spoke boldly to him. And Joseph's example is good to remember when we're sharing the gospel. Sometimes we want to edit out the parts we are uncomfortable with. We love to share the life-changing message of who Jesus is. We like to tell people that if they will turn from their sin, He will forgive them, and they will have a peace that passes understanding, a wonderful joy, and the hope of heaven.?But we also need to tell them that if they don't believe in Jesus, they will be separated from God for all eternity in a place called hell. I am not saying that we should only preach messages about hell. But I am saying that if we neglect to mention it, we are changing the essential message of the gospel. ?When Elijah walked into the court of wicked King Ahab, he said, "As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word" (1 Kings 17:1, emphasis added). Then he walked out. Where did Elijah get courage like that? From God.?If you kneel before God, you can stand before any man.FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks!Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: ?prophecyupdate. ?Or write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516???FEATURED ARTICLE?As in the Days of Noah - By Britt Gillette - ?? the disciples asked Jesus to describe the signs of His coming and the end of the age, He pointed to many signs. But one of the most often overlooked is the idea that when He returns, the world will be "like it was in the days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37-41). ?So what were those days like? And does life today look anything like it did in the days of Noah? If so, we have yet another reason to expect the soon return of Jesus. ?Fortunately, there's no need to guess. We know exactly what those days were like. Both the book of Genesis and Jesus Himself tell us.?The World in the Days of Noah?Here are four key points the Bible reveals about the world in which Noah lived:?1) The World Was Wicked, Corrupt, and Violent - The Bible tells us that God looked upon the world in Noah's day and saw corruption, violence, and wickedness (Genesis 6:11). In fact, humans were so wicked, they continuously thought of nothing but evil (Genesis 6:5).?2) The World Was Ignorant of What Was About to Happen? - Also in those days, the people of the world lived unaware of the judgment about to take place. In fact, according to Jesus, people lived normal lives right up until the moment of their own destruction. They ate. They drank, and they hosted parties. And the entire time, they remained ignorant of what was just around the corner - oblivious to the coming flood.?3) Noah and His Family Knew What Would Happen - But unlike the rest of the world, Noah and his family knew all about the flood and prepared themselves for it. How did they know? Because God told them. He flat out told Noah He would destroy every living creature and wipe out everyone but Noah and his family (Genesis 6:13).?4) Noah and His Family Were Saved - It wasn't luck that saved Noah and his family. God saved them on purpose. Why? The Bible tells us because "Noah found favor with God" (Genesis 6:8). And the reason he found favor is because Noah was the only blameless person on earth - a man who walked in close fellowship with God (Genesis 6:9).?But how was Noah "blameless?" After all, the Bible tells us no one is righteous, not one (Romans 3:10), and Noah was no exception. While Noah was not perfect in the eyes of the law, He had great faith in God. This is evidenced by his work on the ark for over 100 years, and the Bible tells us Old Testament saints like Noah were justified by their faith.??For example, Abraham was counted as righteous because he believed in God (Galatians 3:6). So even though they lived and died before the crucifixion, the blood of Jesus still saved Abraham, Noah, and many others because of their faith.?? ?The World Today?Why is all of this important? Because Jesus said these same conditions will be present before the Rapture. So do we see any similarities between today's world and pre-flood mankind? I believe we do. Let's see how the same four points relate to today:?1) Wicked, Corrupt and Violent - As in Noah's day, the world today is filled with wickedness, corruption, and violence. And while we may not yet be to the point where every thought of mankind is continuous evil (we can't know what's in everyone's mind), a look at our world shows we're very close.?For example, think of some of the degenerate and evil TV programs that invade people's minds on a daily basis. Programs that portray murder, rape, torture, and sexual immorality of every kind. In fact, sometimes the commercials are worse than the shows. And that's just television. When you think of all the other messages society assaults us with every minute of every day, how could we not think of continual evil??2) The World Is Ignorant? - The world of today is ignorant of the coming Rapture, the Tribulation, and God's impending judgment. Just as the pre-flood world ridiculed Noah, people today ridicule those who await the Rapture and the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ. ??Almost 2,000 years ago, Peter warned of this. He said, in the last days, people will mock the idea of Christ's return. He claimed they would say exactly what we hear today - things like, "I thought Jesus was coming back? What happened to His promise? Yet, since the beginning of the world, everything has remained the same!" (2 Peter 3:3-4).?Most people today don't know what's in the Bible. They mock what they think is silly, just as they mocked Noah for building a boat on dry land.?3) We Know What's Going to Happen - Unlike the mockers, if you've studied the Bible (and the Second Coming prophecies in particular), you know what's coming - just as Noah knew the flood was coming. Why? Because God told you, just as He told Noah. He may not have verbally spoken to you, but His Word reveals everything you need to know. ??While the Bible says Jesus will come "like a thief in the night" (2 Peter 3:10) and "when least expected" (Matthew 24:44), it also says Christians will not be surprised. Here's the full context of the passage (emphasis mine):?"But you aren't in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief. For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don't belong to darkness and night. So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded" 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 (NLT).??Those who are alert and watchful recognize the signs. While the Rapture can happen at any time, and we can never know the day or the hour of His return (Matthew 24:36), we do have the ability to recognize the general timeframe. ??After all, Jesus Himself said, "When you see these things occur, look up. For your salvation is near!" (Luke 21:28). ?Like Noah, we've been warned. We can see the signs, and we know His coming is near. ?4) We Will Be Saved - Just like Noah, if you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you will be saved. Why? Because the Tribulation will be a time of worldwide judgment (Revelation 6:15-17), and there is no judgment for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).??Also, Jesus makes a promise to protect the faithful from "the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world" (Revelation 3:10). This is "the Rapture" that so many Christians hope for, and it isn't something new. God's done it before. He spared Noah and his family from the flood (Genesis 6). He also brought Lot, his wife, and his two daughters out of Sodom and Gomorrah before He destroyed those cities (Genesis 19). Likewise, God will use the Rapture to save Christians from the Tribulation just as He used the ark to save Noah from the flood.? ??Conclusion?All the signs of Christ's coming to set up His Millennial Kingdom are present in this generation - the re-establishment of Israel, the Jewish people in Jerusalem, the emergence of specific geopolitical alliances, and numerous other signs. Despite what the skeptics say, no previous generation of Christians can make this claim. This means the Rapture is closer than it's ever been.?Yet even with all these signs, the world continues on as if nothing is out of the ordinary. This is just what the people in Noah's day did before the flood came and swept them all away. And Jesus says this is exactly what we should expect to see before the Rapture. The fact that we do is yet another sign that He's coming soon.?Britt Gillette is the author of Signs of the Second Coming: 11 Reasons Jesus Will Return in Our Lifetime and Coming to Jesus: One Man's Search for Truth and Life Purpose. He's also the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy.??If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven?Find out, visit:Prophecy Update - GoodSearch Toolbar Prophecy Update Toolbar is free to download and allows you to raise money for our cause every time you search or shop onlineDID YOU KNOW?You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email:prophecyupdate@bak.Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly)??"On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand."??"Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!"??YBIC-RandyStay Connected?? ?? ?? Prophecy Update - PO Box 40516 - Bakersfield, CA 93384 ................

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