The Board of Park Commissioners of Decatur Park District, Macon County, Illinois, met in a regular session on Wednesday, the 7th day of November, 2018 at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Avenue, Decatur, Illinois at which time and place there were present the following officers and members of said Board:

Chris Harrison, President

Chris Riley, Vice-President

Stacey Young, Commissioner

Jack Kenny, Commissioner

Bob Brilley, II, Commissioner

A quorum of the members of the Board of Park Commissioners being present, President Harrison called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was recited.

PUBLIC COMMENTS Cheryl Henry asked the Board to address recent negative activity in Lions Park. She requested elimination of the park or closure at dusk instead of 10:00 p.m.

NO. 15878 A motion to approve items 1 – 3 on the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Kenny and seconded by Commissioner Brilley. All voted aye.

1. Minutes of the Previous and Closed Session Minutes of the Previous Meeting

2. Designation of Delegate to attend IAPD Annual Business Meeting

3. Bills for Approval

RECOGNITION Tony Albertina, Jamie Davis and recreation staff were recognized for earning a James Farrell Award of Excellence for their exemplary work on the USA 14U Class B Girls’ Northern National last July. The host city must receive a 95% rating or above in order to receive this prestigious award. The tournament generated 126 room nights resulting in an economic impact of $30,240 for the community.

PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION Staff spends a significant amount of time each year to update the 10-year capital plan. CFO Buhr asked the commissioners to review airport and parks capitals for next fiscal year. He mentioned that several items are basic repairs and improvements like paving and painting. The airport capitals include lighting upgrades. Parks capitals include replacing the fire and alarm systems at the DISC, a couple of mowers for golf, and one for the parks department, as well as improved parking lot lighting at Rotary Park.

Staff will not issue a bond for the airport this coming year. Most of the park capitals will come from a GO Bond Issue that will be complete in February. Early indications show that the EAV will be flat.

There is no vote today on the capital plan. Staff will ask for approval at the next regular meeting. Upon approval, staff will then present the tax levy and debt schedule.

NO. 15879 Staff recommended approval of alternate bid #5 for a wading pool at the aquatics facility. This will add $232,619 to the original agreement with Westport Pools. Commissioner Riley made a motion seconded by Commissioner Young to approve the addition of the wading pool. All voted aye upon call of the roll.

NO. 15880 Staff recommended approval of the low bid received from Bodine Electric for security cameras, Wi-Fi, sound system (aquatic facility) and IT equipment for the aquatics and amphitheatre facilities. The bid (including installation) was $142,147 and the amount budgeted for the project was $170,800. Commissioner Young made a motion seconded by Commissioner Riley to approve the bid from as stated. Upon call of the roll, all voted aye.

AIRPORT Scareport had a record 451 participants. St. Louis Airport and Cape Air representatives attended.

Tim and airport staff have been working through the annual FAA inspection, which was completed with zero discrepancies noted.

Decatur Airport hosted the Illinois Airport Maintenance Association Conference, a two-day event for airport maintenance employees to network and learn maintenance trends. 37 people from 13 different airports attended.

The generator is in and operational at the maintenance building. Airport staff will provide maintenance and yearly inspections.

RECREATION Boo at the Zoo had 12,195 visitors. Staff will have the final attendance figure in December after the Santa events wrap up. The total so far is 92,959.

Parents Night Out at the DISC is November 10.

The Free Audition Workshop for PERFORM! is November 10 at the ARC.

The Turkey Trot is November 17 in Fairview Park.

On November 6, 93 high school boys attended tryouts for MidState Soccer. This is up from 77 last year.

Illini United High School Girls Volleyball tryouts will be held November 11.

Director Gower introduced Toby Tucker, the new General Manager of the amphitheatre.

Commissioner Brilley would like staff to consider a package which includes Scovill Zoo, Overlook Adventure Park, and the aquatics facility where people would be encouraged to spend the whole day or a weekend.

CFO BUHR thanked the directors and staff for their work in getting the capital plan together.

The golf rounds report through October 31 is 38,085 rounds, compared to last year at 49,465.

EXECTIVE DIRECTOR Staff will look at packages maybe similar to the Stay & Play for golf. They will also look at packages with a concert ticket. Toby has been working with local hotels on a room discount with a concert ticket purchase.

There is a need for an executive session to discuss a personnel matter.

PROJECT MANAGER In the last fifteen working days, contractors have lost five days due to the weather.

The soccer pavilion walls are going up and should take about two weeks to complete. Roofing will follow.


Commissioner Riley thanked staff for their work on the 10-year capitals. Capital money is limited with the large projects under way, and staff has done a great job prioritizing to keep things running smoothly.

Commissioner Young said she likes to see staff’s creativity, considering the financial constraints.

Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Young seconded a motion that the meeting move into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. All voted aye and the meeting moved into closed session at approximately 12:35 p.m.

A motion was made by Commissioner Riley to adjourn the closed session and return to open session was seconded by Commissioner Young and unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Young to adjourn the meeting and was unanimously approved.

/s/ Chris Harrison President, Board of Park Commissioners

/s/ Amanda M. Childress

Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners


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