EDA Faculty Achievements - Eastern Illinois University

EDA Faculty Achievements

Dr. Bartz

Research/Creative Activity------Summer 2001-Summer 2002

• Assisted East Baton Rouge Parish School System with implementation of its desegregation plan.

• Assisted Dallas Independent School District with evaluating the implementation of its desegregation plan.

Dr. Findley

Research/Creative Activity------Summer 2001-Summer 2002

• Co-Presented at national conference, D.E.—Distance Education or Detachment Education? National Council for Professors of Educational Administration, Houston, August 9, 2001.

• Publication, Needs-Driven Staff Development, National Association of Secondary School Principals, Principal Leadership, March 2002.

• Presenter, Course Flexibility Through Technology: Meeting Students’ Needs, CEPS Research Fair, March 22, 2002 (This also met the requirement of a report upon return from Sabbatical).

• Co-author of Academic Technology Advisory Committee Grant (as member of CEPS technology committee). Grant for $36,000 was awarded to buy three multi media systems, December 14, 2001.

• Co-Presented at national conference, Out-Reach Graduate Degree Programs through Educational Administration Cohorts, National Council for Professors of Educational Administration, Burlington, Vermont, August , 2002.

• Served as Program Committee member for 2002 National Council for Professors of Educational Administration’s 56th Annual Summer Conference in Burlington, Vermont.


• Received Dean’s Service Award from EIU School of Adult and Continuing Education, May 2001.

• Nominated for Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, Spring 2002 (one of 18 nominations).

Dr. Linda Morford

Research/Creative Activity------Summer 2001-Summer 2002

• Morford, L. M. (2001, September). Making time for leadership. Presented at the NewLeaders Assistance Service Workshop, University of IL, Champaign, IL.

• Morford, L. M. (2001, October). Dealing with difficult teachers. Presented at the NewLeaders Assistance Service Workshop, University of IL, Champaign, IL.

• Morford, L. M. (2002, March 22). Learning the ropes or being hung: Organizational socialization influences on new rural high school principals. Presented at EIU’s College of Education & Professional Studies Research Fair, Charleston, IL.

• Morford, L. M. (2002, April). Learning the ropes or being hung: Organizational socialization influences on new rural high school principals. Presented at the 2002 AERA Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

• Morford, L. M. (2002, August). In their own words: Professional socialization influences on new rural high school principals. Presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration’s 56th Annual Summer Conference in Burlington, Vermont.

• Morford, L. M. (2002, August). Mentoring new principals: The NewLeaders assistance service at the University of Illinois and Eastern Illinois University. Presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration’s 56th Annual Summer Conference in Burlington, Vermont.

• Findley, B., Morford, L., Osborne, N., & Rohn, C. (2002, August). Out-reach graduate degree programs through educational administrative cohorts. Presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration’s 56th Annual Summer Conference in Burlington, Vermont.

• Morford, L. M. (2002, Fall). Finding, hiring and keeping good principals. To be published in American School Board Journal.

• Served as Program Committee member for the 2002 Illinois Principals Association 31st Annual Principals Professional Conference to be held in Peoria, IL, October 20-22.

• Served as Program Committee member for 2002 National Council for Professors of Educational Administration’s 56th Annual Summer Conference in Burlington, Vermont.

• Currently serving as co-director of the NewLeaders Assistance Service (NLAS). NLAS is a professional development and mentoring program for new principals developed by University of Illinois EIU, and three Regional Offices of Education.

• Currently serving as secretary/treasurer for the Illinois Council for Professors of Educational Administration.

Dr. Charles Rohn

Research/Creative Activity------Summer 2001-Summer 2002


• Rohn, C.A. (2002) When boards search for a superintendent- What impresses them and what does not? The School Administrator, 59-5, 22.

• Rohn, C.A. (2002) Superintendent pool shallow, Perception or reality. Illinois School Board Journal, 70-2, 4-7.

• Rohn, C.A. (2001). Plenty of religious expression in public schools. Illinois School Board Journal, 69-3. 24-25.

• Rohn, C.A. & Lee D. (2001) A collaborative effort to provide authentic experienced in interviewing for pre-service teachers and administrative interns. Education. 121. 549-553.

Peer Reviewed Papers/Presentations

American Association of School Administrators’ National Conference on Education, San Diego, Ca. Superintendent pool shallow? Perception or reality. February 15-17, 2002. A paper presentation.

Illinois Council of Professors of Educational Administration Fall Conference, Peoria, Il. Implications of changes in NCATE standards to Illinois educational administration programs. September 27-28, 2001. A panel discussion.

Illinois Association of Teacher Educators Fall Conference, Charleston, Il. School law for student teachers. November 8-9, 2001. A requested presentation

National Council of Professors of Educational Administration Summer Conference, Houston, TX. Superintendent shortage-Perception or reality. August 7-11, 2001. A paper presentation.


• Eastern Illinois University- Secondary Teachers Workshop, November 2001, School Law for the Middle Level Teacher.

• Eastern Illinois University- Secondary Teachers Workshop, November 2001, School Law for the Secondary Level Teacher.

• Eastern Illinois University- Secondary Teachers Workshop, October 2001, School Law for the Elementary Level Teacher.

• Wabash Valley Regional Meeting, Illinois Association of School Administrators, February 2001, The status of the school superintendency.

• Eastern Illinois University- Secondary Teachers Workshop, March 2001, School Law for the Secondary Level Teacher.

Collaborative/Service Projects

• Hutsonville and Palestine Community Unit School Districts, 2001-2002. Contracted along with two others to complete a detailed study of the proposed consolidation of the two districts. Study will include community interviews and detailed study of the status quo and projections concerning curriculum, finances, transportation, and facilities.

• Lawrenceville and Red Hill Community Unit School Districts, 2001-2002. Contracted along with two others to complete a detailed study of the proposed consolidation of the two districts. Study will include community interviews and detailed study of the status quo and projections concerning curriculum, finances, transportation, and facilities.

• Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) 2000-2002. In cooperation with IASA, directing the study of superintendents new to their position during 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2001 and 2002. All new superintendents, a member of the board of education and representatives of search firms will be involved in the research. Information is being sought concerning the size and quality of candidates for the position of superintendent of schools. Research is to be completed during the Spring of 2002.

• Reviewer- National Council of Professors of Educational Administration 2002 Yearbook

• Reviewer- National Council of Professors of Educational Administration 2001 Yearbook

Adjuncts (information not available for all adjuncts)

Dr. Richard Voltz

• Excel: Using Advanced Formulas, IASBO Annual Conference, (April, 2002)

• Teacher Observation & Evaluation Techniques, EIU Roundtable (Nov., 2001, Jan., 2002, March, 2002)

• Tenured Teacher Remediation, Rx for Success, Joint Annual Conference IASB/IASA/ISBO, (Nov., 2001)

• School Law For Teachers, ROE #13 Teacher Institute, (October, 2001)

• Excel for The School Business Manager, IASBO Annual Conference, (May, 2001)

Dr. Thomas Dahncke

• Successfully wrote a competitive $25,000 IL Violence Prevention Authority grant to fund social work services for grades K-8 (Nashville, IL).

• Served as Chairman of the Board of Mangers and the Executive Committee for the Egyptian Area Schools Employee Benefit Trust.

• Served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the IL School District Liquid Asset Fund.

Dr. Gary Tucker

• Presenter on School Construction at the Triple I Conference, 2001

• Steering Committee for "I Sing the Body Electric" in Vermilion County, 2001-02

• Chair of the Large Unit District Association's Indoor Air Quality Committee, 2001-02

• Presenter on School Safety at the Illini Division of the IASA Spring Meeting, 2002


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