Personal Child Care Provider

Personal Child Care Provider, an individual event, recognizes participants who demonstrate knowledge of information and procedures required to give quality individual care to young children. Participants are also recognized for their ability to demonstrate knowledge of safety precautions and emergency care; creativity and knowledge in planning age appropriate activities; and creativity and knowledge of planning nutritional food selections for young children.


Event # 40: Junior: grades 6-9

Event # 41: Senior: grades 10 – 12

See page 3 of the Event Instructions & Policies document for more information on event categories.


Participation is open to any state/nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member.

The Personal Child Care Provider project must have been evaluated at the Section/District level prior to March 1 to be eligible for the State Competition.


The participant(s) will be assigned a time for the oral presentation. The participant(s) must register with the room consultant 30 minutes in advance of the assigned time.

The portfolio shall be given to the room consultant at the designated time and place.

Event numbers 40 and 41 will be judged independently. Evaluators will use the rubric to score and write comments for each participant(s).

The participant will give their oral presentation (up to 10 minutes in length) for the evaluators. The examples of the activities will be presented at this time. Note cards may be used during the presentation.

Participants will present their information to the evaluators in a 5 – 10 minute question and answer format. The evaluators will simulate the part of a parent/guardian interviewing for weekend child care. The participant should share and summarize information from the child care portfolio during the question and answer period. Participants will be stopped at 10 minutes.

Evaluators will ask a minimum of two questions on each of the following topics: * positive guidance techniques * appropriate activities for children of the three different age groups * child safety * nutritional snacks for children

The participant may use note cards during the question and answer time.

The total time required for this event is approximately 20 minutes.

Spectators are not allowed to observe this event.

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Illinois FCCLA State Events 2020-2023

Personal Child Care Provider


The participant will prepare a child care portfolio appropriate for an individual providing in-home care on a regular basis for a family with young children.

Portfolio Specifications

The portfolio is to meet the following specifications:

Typewritten; each topic begins a separate page Must include: Title Page Table of Contents Numbered pages (include items A-G below) Must be contained in a 1” red or white binder

Child Care Portfolio

The portfolio should include the following headings and related information:

A. Client Information Design a blank form or use the example provided (no more than two pages) which includes: Parent/Guardian Information: Name, Address, Phone number(s), Place and phone number where client may be reached,

Emergency Information: Neighbors/ relatives phone numbers Physician’s name & phone number, Hospital preferred phone number, Child allergies and important medical concerns

Emergency Information continued:

Fire department Emergency # Non-emergency # Ambulance Emergency # Non-emergency # Rescue Squad Emergency # Non-emergency # Police Emergency # Non-emergency # Poison Control Center #

B. Care of Infants Section Write a basic description on how to properly care for an infant. Including feeding, diapering and bathing instructions.

C. Activities for Children Select and write descriptions for fifteen creative age appropriate activities: five activities for each of the following groups of children: Toddlers Pre-Kindergarten Early Elementary (K-3rd grade) Pictures or diagrams are optional.

D. Examples of Activities Prepare three project examples from the fifteen age appropriate activities above: one example should represent each age group above.

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Illinois FCCLA State Events 2020-2023

Personal Child Care Provider


E. Examples of Activities The examples are to be taken with you at the time of the interview. One project for Toddlers One project for Pre- Kindergarten One project for Early Elementary

F. Nutritional Food Selections Select five nutritious meals and five nutritious snacks for toddlers, pre- kindergartens, and early elementary (K – 3rd grade) children to be prepared by the personal child care provider. Prepare a chart listing the nutritious meals by age group in one column and the nutritious snacks for each group of children in the other column. You will be making choices based on what food the family would typically have in the home.

G. Emergency Situations Describe the approved response from a certified emergency response agency to the following situations. List the agency. Optional, participants may include copies of certificates, letters of completion, etc. for completed certified emergency courses.

H. Emergency Situations

Fire Severe Weather Injuries: Choking Burns Nosebleed Cuts/Scrapes Falls

I. Letter of Reference/Recommendation Include a letter explaining your child care training or other related employment:

Enclose one letter from one of the following: * A family for whom you have provided child care services * A teacher * An employer

J. Fee Schedule Pay requested Time period

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Illinois FCCLA State Events 2020-2023


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