CCR&R: Appendix D - Illinois Department of Human Services

Illinois Department of Human Services

Bureau of Child Care and Development

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) NOFO #: 18-444-80-0211-01


Applying Agency Name:

(Referred to in this document as “Agency”)

Service Delivery Area #: (indicate the SDA you are applying for)

Completed by:

Name & Title


According to 20 ILCS 505/5.15 c, Illinois shall develop and implement a resource and referral system that shall provide at least the following five services:

1. Assemble and maintain a data base on the supply of child care services

2. Provide information and referrals for parents

3. Coordinate the development of new child care resources

4. Provide technical assistance and training to child care service providers

5. Record and analyze the demand for child care services.

In addition, Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) agencies shall provide the following services:

1. Administration of the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) on behalf of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS).

2. Community and Provider Service Programs

3. Conduct monitoring visits to License Exempt Child Care provider receiving payment through the CCAP.

Illinois has opted to provide this system through local CR&R agencies within designated Service Delivery Areas (SDA). The SDAs are noted in Section 5 of the CCR&R Program Manual and in the CCR&R NOFO.

The Agency is to respond to all questions. The Program Plan shall not exceed 15 pages. Requested attachments do not count towards the 15 pages. The completed Program Plan is to be returned with your grant application packet.

Agency Information

1. Is the Agency currently providing CCR&R services? ( Yes (No

a. If you replied “yes” to question 1:

• Are you currently providing CCR&R services within the SDA you are applying for? ( Yes (No

• How many years has your Agency been providing CCR&R services?

b. If you replied “no” to question 1:

• Provide a detailed transition plan, including an implementation timeline.

Executive Summary – 5 points

2. Please provide a brief history/overview of your Agency.

a. Attach an organizational chart.

3. Does your agency have personnel policies? ( Yes (No

4. Does your agency have a Board of Directors? ( Yes (No

a. If yes, attach a current Board of Directors Roster

b. If no, provide a statement explaining why not.

5. Does you agency have any advisory groups? ( Yes (No

a. If yes, attach a current roster(s) for advisory group(s).

Answers to the following questions should not be a reiteration of contract requirements but rather give a clear concise description of how requirements will be addressed.

Capacity (23 points)

1. Explain the administrative structure of the CCR&R (organizational chart is be attached). Including a description the role of the Board of Directors has.

2. Explain how the contract deliverables will be executed.

3. Provide a staffing plan, explaining how all contracted positions will be filled and how the Agency will ensure staff meets qualifications. In addition provide rationale for the FTE being requested as well as any non-contracted job title (attach a job description for any non-contractual job title).

Need (27 points)

1. Describe how needs of the SDA (providers, parents, community) will be determined in relation to CCR&R services and how those needs will be met.

2. Describe how the CCR&R will provide services for the identified target population: families of low income and child care programs serving children 0-3.

3. Identify underserved populations within the SDA. Include the methodology used to make that determination and what activities will be used to meet the needs of the identified underserved population(s).

Quality (30 points)

1. Demonstrate how the Agency will execute the project, as a whole, in alignment with the requirements outlined in the CCR&R Program Manual. The plan should also include goals and projected outcomes for year 2 and year 3.

2. Provide details on the methods and procedures that will be used to accomplish stated program goals.

3. What measures will be used to ensure that the CCR&R will adhere to the noted timeframes in the CCR&R Program Manual?

4. What impact (societal, economic) will CCR&R services have on the SDA?

Budget (15 points)

1. On the provided template, prepare a budget & narrative to provide CCR&R services with the SDA. A budget and narrative is to be completed for each CCR&R program area: CCAP, CORE, QRIS. The budget/narrative should identify a three-year spending plan.

Bonus (5 points)

1. Demonstrate how/if the Agency plans to coordinate with the local DHS Family and Community Resource Center(s) to advertise job vacancies and hire TANF/SNAP clients.


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