
ICCB ExhibitsA. Scope of WorkThis is a grant to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) to support students who have been negatively impacted by COVID -19. CURES Act funding is being used to attempt to remedy the harmful impact of COVID-19 on Illinois communities. This grant to ICCB will support individuals impacted by ICCB’s affiliates move to transfer learning to a remote learning format. Funds will be used to help low income students continue to engage in their classwork who may lack the technology to access remote learning. This program has received a GATA exemption for the NOFO posting and competitive review process. B. DeliverablesThe Grantee will use the funds to remove barriers to remote learning for those students currently enrolled, or who are going to enroll, in coursework to earn a degree, credential or GED certificate. Funds will be used to purchase equipment and technology to support students in accessing remote lessons, such as: computers, tablets, monitors or wifi units or other equipment as is necessary so students may continue in school. Funds may be used by the grantee to otherwise support remote learning in terms of making course work and lessons deliverable online or other costs associated with transferring lessons or classes to an online format from an in-person format. C. PaymentsThese funds are Federal dollars from the CARES Act to be distributed for COVID relief efforts. Payment will be delivered in a one-time advance payment to the grantee upon execution of this contract. Grantee will be responsible for determining, tracking and reporting sub-awards. All funds need to be exhausted by December 31st, 2020. E. Performance MeasuresAmounts and names of recipient organizations should be reported to DHS. Numbers of students impacted at each university will be documented and recorded in terms of what support they received and what outcomes where achieved, if any. Outcomes to be reported is staying in programs, dropping out of programs, successful completion of programs and certificates or degrees earned. Outcomes for students should be presented without personal identifying information but will be by college or sub award and include demographic and geographic data. F. Performance Standards100% of the funds should be expended by December 31st, 2020. Funds will only go to support the needs of remote learning.60% plus of the remote learning support should go to students in need, defined by student coming from low income areas as determined by the census or other reputable methodology. ................

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