Southern Valley EMS



TITLE: Southern Fox Valley EMS System Review Board

NUMBER: E - 2.0

SECTION: Suspensions, Conflict Resolution, and Due Process

PREPARED BY: EMS Administration





PAGE: 1 of 3 pages



The Southern Fox Valley EMS System (SFVEMS) review board is a committee of four voting members and one chairperson from within the Southern Fox Valley EMS System. This board may be assembled to review the decision of the EMS Medical Director to order a suspension of an individual or system provider from the Southern Fox Valley EMS System. It may be convened at the request of the suspension ordered individual or individual system provider to appeal the ordered suspension.


1. If ordered suspended, an individual or system provider may request a hearing before the SFVEMS Review Board.

a. This request must be in writing and sent to the SFVEMS System Medical Director via certified mail.

b. The request must be postmarked within 15 days the date of suspension.

c. If the aforementioned criteria are not met under parts a. and b. above, the hearing may be denied.

d. The SFVEMS Administrative Director may allow a hearing in the absence of compliance with parts a. and b. above in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances.

2. The EMS Medical Director will prepare a SFVEMS System Review Board candidate list of six members for each category of provider in the SFVEMS System.

a. If there are less than six providers in a given category, a list of all providers in that category will be made.

b. The list of Review Board candidates will be posted in the EMS office of the SFVEMS System, as well as in the Emergency Department of the SF/EMS Resource Hospital. Each provider service will also be mailed updated copy.


1. The SFVEMS Review Board will consist of five members.

2. Two permanent members of the Review Board will be the System Administrative Director (or designee) and a practicing emergency physician from within the SFVEMS System appointed by the SFVEMS Medical Director who is not the SFVEMS EMSMD.

3. The SFVEMS Review Board chairperson will be selected by the appealing suspended individual or individual system provider.

4. The remaining two SFVEMS System hearing board members will be selected by the appealing suspended individual or individual system provider.

5. The appealing individual or system provider must choose the chairperson and two members from a list of six providers within the SFVEMS System. This list will be provided by the SFV/EMS EMS Medical Director.

6. All providers included in the EMSMD list of SFVEMS review board candidates will be providers at the same level or category of provider as the appealing suspended individual or individual system provider.

7. In the event that the appealing suspension ordered individual or system provider participates in the SFVEMS system in a category or level comprised of less than six providers, they may choose the chairperson and two voting members from any of the systems provider lists.


8. The EMS Medical Director will notify the two standing members of the SFVEMS Review Board that a hearing has been requested on receipt of the request for a hearing from the suspension ordered individual.

9. The EMS Medical Director will notify the suspension ordered individual of approval for the SFVEMS Review Board appeal hearing.

10. The suspension ordered individual will be responsible for choosing the Review Board Chairman and two voting members from the posted lists of Review Board candidates, within 10 days of approval by the EMSMD for the hearing (appeal).

a. If unable to select these three names from the list, or in the event of a Review Board candidate inability to participate, the EMS Medical Director may provide additional Review Board candidates as needed.

b. The suspension ordered individual will choose the two voting Review Board candidates and the Chairman

11. The EMS Medical Director will schedule the SFVEMS Review Board to meet within three business days after notification of selection of the three Review Board members by the ordered suspended individual/provider.

12. The EMS Medical Director will arrange for stenographic recording and transcription of the hearing by a certified reporter. This transcript, as well as other materials received as evidence and other documents, will be retained in the custody of the Southern Fox Valley EMS System.

13. Both the ordered suspended individual/provider and the SFVEMS System may be represented by legal counsel at the hearing.

14. The SFVEMS Hearing Board will review and consider any documentation or testimony relevant to the issue at hand which may be introduced by either party to the suspension. Transcripts of the proceedings will be available at the expense of the requesting party.

15. After the conclusion of the hearing, the SFVEMS Review Board will either confirm or reverse the suspension order. The written decision will be sent to the suspension ordered individual by certified mail within five business days of the conclusion of the hearing. The EMS Medical Director will receive a copy.

16. The SFVEMS Review Board's decision will be implemented immediately, and is binding on all parties. Should the suspended individual appeal to the State of Illinois EMS Disciplinary Review Board, implementation would be delayed pending the appeal.

17. The SFVEMS Medical Director will notify the Illinois Department of Public Health of the decision within five business days via written statement. This statement will include the details of, duration of, and grounds for the suspension.

18. The suspended individual may appeal the SFVEMS Review Board's decision to the State of Illinois EMS Disciplinary Review Board for reversal of suspension. The suspended individual must send a written request along with the copy of the SFV Review Board's decision via certified mail to IDPH within 10 days of written notification of the Review Board's decision. (see Section 515.440, Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health and Section 10.2 of the EMS Act).

19. The suspended individual has the option of bypassing the SFVEMS Review Board and appeal directly to the State of Illinois Disciplinary Review Board.


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