October 19, 2009

July 17, 2017

Honorable Julie A. Stapler

Boone County Clerk

1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 103

Belvidere, IL 61008

Reference: parcel #03-26-180-022

Date of tax sale: 10/30/2014 and subsequent sales 9/28/2015, 10/04/2016, 6/29/2017

Amount of sale: $1,958.43

Dear Ms. Stapler

I hereby declare an administrative sale in error on the parcel referenced above, pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/21-310(a)(1).

The reason for the Sale-in-Error declaration is as follows: Property taxes for the years sold were null and void by virtue of the fact that the parcel was owned by Boone County, as Trustee (35 ILCS 200/21-95).

The tax buyer has been informed of my intent to declare this sale in error and has not voiced an objection.

When the tax buyer surrenders the original tax lien certificate to you, process the sale in error and issue an Authorization for Refund. I will notify the tax buyer of this declaration and send a refund check with interest, per statute.


Curtis P. Newport

Boone County Treasurer

Cc: Tax buyer


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