Illinois Capital Development BoardPROJECT LABOR AGREEMENTThis Project Labor Agreement ("PLA" or "Agreement") is entered into this 10th day of October, 2019, by and between the Illinois Capital Development Board ("CDB" or "Board") in its proprietary capacity, and each relevant Illinois AFL-CIO Building Trades signatory hereto as determined by the Illinois AFL-CIO Statewide Project Labor Agreement Committee on behalf of each of its affiliated members (individually and collectively, the "Unions"). This PLA shall apply to Construction Work (as defined herein) to be performed by CDB's Prime Contractor(s) and all Subcontractors of whatever tier ("Subcontractor" or "Subcontractors") on Project No. 040-010-115, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Quincy Veterans' Home - Adams County, Construct New Nursing Home and Domiciliary, Adams County, Illinois (hereinafter, the "Project").ARTICLE 1 - INTENT AND PURPOSESThis PLA is entered into in accordance with the Project Labor Agreement Act ("Act", 30 ILCS 571). It is mutually understood and agreed that the terms and conditions of this PLA are intended to promote the public interest in obtaining timely and economical completion of the Project by encouraging productive and efficient construction operations; by establishing a spirit of harmony and cooperation among the parties; and by providing for peaceful and prompt settlement of any and all labor grievances or jurisdictional disputes of any kind without strikes, lockouts, slowdowns, delays, or other disruptions to the prosecution of the work. The parties acknowledge the obligations of the Contractors and Subcontractors to comply with the provisions of the Act. The parties will work with the Contractors and Subcontractors within the parameters of other statutory and regulatory requirements to implement the Act's goals and objectives.As a condition of the award of the contract for performance of work on the Project, CDB's Prime Contractor(s) and all its Subcontractors shall execute a "Contractor Letter of Assent", in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, prior to commencing Construction Work on the Project. The Prime Contractor(s) shall submit their Subcontractor's Contractor Letter of Assent to the Board prior to the Subcontractor's performance of Construction Work on the Project. Upon request copies of the applicable collective bargaining agreements will be provided by the appropriate signatory labor organization consistent with this Agreement and at the pre-job conference referenced in Article III, Section 3.1.Each Union affiliate and separate local representing workers engaged in Construction Work on the Project in accordance with this PLA are bound to this agreement by the Illinois AFL-CIO Statewide Project Labor Agreement Committee which is the central committee established with full authority to negotiate and sign PLAs with the State on behalf of all respective crafts. Upon their signing the Contractor Letter of Assent, the Prime Contractor(s), each Subcontractor, and the individual Unions shall thereafter be deemed a party to this PLA. No party signatory to this PLA shall contract or subcontract, nor permit any other person, firm, company, or entity to contract or subcontract for the performance of Construction Work for the Project to any person, firm, company, or entity that does not agree in writing to become bound for the term of this Project by the terms of this PLA prior to commencing such work and to the applicable area-wide collective bargaining agreement(s) with the Union(s) signatory hereto.It is understood that the Prime Contractor(s) and each Subcontractor will be considered and accepted by the Unions as separate employers for the purposes of collective bargaining, and it is further agreed that the employees working under this PLA shall constitute a bargaining unit separate and distinct from all others. The parties hereto also agree that this PLA shall be applicable solely with respect to this Project, and shall have no bearing on the interpretation of any other collective bargaining agreement or as to the recognition of any bargaining unit other than for the specific purposes of this Project.In the event of a variance or conflict, whether explicit or implicit, between the terms and conditions of this PLA and the provisions of any other applicable national, area, or local collective bargaining agreement, the terms and conditions of this PLA shall supersede and control. For any work performed under the NTL Articles of Agreement, the National Stack/Chimney Agreement, the National Cooling Tower Agreement, the National Agreement of the International Union of Elevator Constructors, and for any instrument calibration work and loop checking performed under the UA/IBEW Joint National Agreement for Instrument and Control Systems Technicians, the preceding sentence shall apply only with respect to Articles I, II, V, VI, and VII.Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1.5 of this Article, it is the parties' intent to respect the provisions of any other collective bargaining agreements that may now or hereafter pertain, whether between the Prime Contractor and one or more of the Unions or between a Subcontractor and one or more of the Unions. Accordingly, except and to the extent of any contrary provision set forth in this PLA, the Prime Contractor(s) and all Subcontractors agrees to be bound and abide by the terms of the following in order of precedence: (a) the applicable collective bargaining agreement between the Prime Contractor and one or more of the Unions made signatory hereto; (b) the applicable collective bargaining agreement between a Subcontractor and one or more of the Unions made signatory hereto; or (c) the current applicable area collective bargaining agreement for the relevant Union that is the agreement certified by the Illinois Department of Labor for purposes of establishing the Prevailing Wage applicable to the Project. The Union will provide copies of the applicable collective bargaining agreements pursuant to part (c) of the preceding sentence to the Prime Contractor. Assignments by the Contractors or Subcontractors amongst the trades shall be consistent with area practices; in the event of unresolved disagreements as to the propriety of such assignments, the provisions of Article VI shall apply.Subject to the limitations of paragraphs 1.4 to 1.6 of this Article, the terms of each applicable collective bargaining agreement as determined in accordance with paragraph 1.6 are incorporated herein by reference, and the terms of this PLA shall be deemed incorporated into such other applicable collective bargaining agreements only for purposes of their application to the Project.To the extent necessary to comply with the requirements of any fringe benefit fund to which the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor is required to contribute under the terms of an applicable collective bargaining agreement pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor shall execute all "Participation Agreements" as may be reasonably required by the Union to accomplish such purpose; provided, however, that such Participation Agreements shall, when applicable to the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor solely as a result of this PLA, be amended as reasonably necessary to reflect such fact. Upon written notice in the form of a lien of a Contractor's or Subcontractor's delinquency from any applicable fringe benefit fund, CDB will withhold from the Contractor's periodic pay request an amount sufficient to extinguish any delinquency obligation of the Contractor or Subcontractor arising out of the Project.In the event that the applicable collective bargaining agreement between a Prime Contractor and the Union or between the Subcontractor and the Union expires prior to the completion of this Project, the expired applicable contract's terms will be maintained until a new applicable collective bargaining agreement is ratified. The wages and fringe benefits included in any new applicable collective bargaining agreement will apply on and after the effective date of the newly negotiated collective bargaining agreement, except to the extent wage and fringe benefit retroactivity is specifically agreed upon by the relevant bargaining parties.ARTICLE II — APPLICABILITY. RECOGNITION, AND COMMITMENTSThe term Construction Work as used herein shall include all "construction, demolition, rehabilitation, renovation, or repair" work performed by a "laborer or mechanic" at the "site of the work" for the purpose of "building" the specific structures and improvements that constitute the Project. Terms appearing within quotation marks in the preceding sentence shall have the meaning ascribed to them pursuant to 29 CFR Part 5 and Illinois labor laws.By executing the Letters of Assent, Prime Contractor(s) and all its Subcontractors recognizes the Unions signatory to this PLA as the sole and exclusive bargaining representatives for their craft employees employed on the job-site for this Project. Unions who are signatory to this PLA will have recognition on the Project for their craft.The Prime Contractor and all its Subcontractors retains and shall be permitted to exercise full and exclusive authority and responsibility for the management of its operations, except as expressly limited by the terms of this PLA or by the terms and conditions of the applicable collective bargaining agreement.Except to the extent contrary to an express provision of the relevant collective bargaining agreement, equipment or materials used in the Project may be pre-assembled or prefabricated, and there shall be no refusal by the Union to handle, transport, install, or connect such equipment or materials. Equipment or materials delivered to the job-site will be unloaded and handled promptly without regard to potential jurisdictional disputes; any such disputes shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of this PLA.The parties are mutually committed to promoting a safe working environment for all personnel at the job-site. It shall be the responsibility of each employer to which this PLA applies to provide and maintain safe working conditions for its employees, and to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local health and safety laws and regulations.The use or furnishing of alcohol or drugs and the conduct of any other illegal activity at the job-site is strictly prohibited. The parties shall take every practical measure consistent with the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements to ensure that the job-site is free of alcohol and drugs.All parties to this PLA agree that they will not discriminate against any employee based on race, creed, religion, color, national origin, Union activity, age, gender or sexual orientation and shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.In accordance with the Act and to promote diversity in employment, CDB will establish, in cooperation with other parties, the apprenticeship hours which are to be performed by minorities and females on the Project. CDB shall consider the total hours to be performed by these underrepresented groups, as a percentage of the workforce, and create aspirational goals for each Project, based on the level of underutilization for the service area of the Project. Pursuant to the Project Labor Agreement Act (30 ILCS 571) CDB shall provide a quarterly report to the Illinois Department of Labor regarding the racial and gender composition of the workforce on the Project.Consistent with the Project Labor Agreement Act (30 ILCS 571) and the aspirational apprenticeship goals in the Illinois Works Jobs Program Act (30 ILCS 559), the parties agree that all Prime Contractors and Subcontractors working on the Project shall be encouraged to utilize the maximum number of apprentices as permitted under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreements.The Unions shall assist the Prime Contractors and each Subcontractor in efforts to satisfy the aspirational goals. The application of this section shall be consistent with all local Union collective bargaining agreements, and the hiring hall rules and regulations established for the hiring of personnel, as well as the apprenticeship standards set forth by each individual Union.The parties hereto agree that engineering/architectural/surveying consultants' materials testing employees are subject to the terms of this PLA for Construction Work performed for a Contractor or Subcontractor on this Project. These workers shall be fully expected to objectively and responsibly perform their duties and obligations owed to the Board without regard to the potential Union affiliation of such employees or of other employees on the Project.ARTICLE III - ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENTIn order to assure that all parties have a clear understanding of the PLA, and to promote harmony, at the request of the Unions a post-award pre-job conference will be held among the Prime Contractor(s), all Subcontractors and Union representatives prior to the start of any Construction Work on the Project. No later than the conclusion of such pre-job conference, the parties shall, among other matters, provide to one another contact information for their respective representatives (including name, address, phone number, facsimile number, e- mail). Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the right of the Board to discuss or explain the purpose and intent of this PLA with prospective bidders or other interested parties prior to or following its award of the job.Representatives of the Prime Contractor and the Unions shall meet as often as reasonably necessary following award until completion of the Project to assure the effective implementation of this PLA.Any notice contemplated under Article VI and VII of this Agreement to a signatory labor organization shall be made in writing to the Local Union with copies to the local Union's International Representative.ARTICLE IV - HOURS OF WORK AND GENERAL CONDITIONSThe standard work day and work week for Construction Work on the Project shall be consistent with the respective collective bargaining agreements. In the event Project site or other job conditions dictate a change in the established starting time and/or a staggered lunch period for portions of the Project or for specific crafts, the CDB, the Prime Contractor, relevant Subcontractors and business managers of the specific crafts involved shall confer and mutually agree to such changes as appropriate. If proposed work schedule changes cannot be mutually agreed upon between the parties, the hours fixed at the time of the pre-job meeting shall prevail.Shift work may be established and directed by the Prime Contractor or relevant Subcontractor as reasonably necessary or appropriate to fulfill the terms of its contract with the Board. If used, shift hours, rates and conditions shall be as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement.The parties agree that chronic and/or unexcused absenteeism is undesirable and must be controlled in accordance with procedures established by the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Any employee disciplined for absenteeism in accordance with such procedures shall be suspended from all work on the Project for not less than the maximum period permitted under the applicable collective bargaining agreement.Except as may be otherwise expressly provided by the applicable collective bargaining agreement, employment begins and ends at the Project site; employees shall be at their place of work at the starting time; and employees shall remain at their place of work until quitting time.Except as may be otherwise expressly provided by the applicable collective bargaining agreement, there shall be no limit on production by workmen, no restrictions on the full use of tools or equipment, and no restrictions on efficient use of manpower or techniques of construction other than as may be required by safety regulations.The parties recognize that specialized or unusual equipment may be installed on the Project. In such cases, the Union recognizes the right of the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor to involve the equipment supplier or vendor's personnel in supervising the setting up of the equipment, making modifications and final alignment, and performing similar activities that may be reasonably necessary prior to and during the start-up procedure in order to protect factory warranties. The Prime Contractor or Subcontractor shall notify the Union representatives in advance of any work at the job-site by such vendor personnel in order to promote a harmonious relationship between the equipment vendor's personnel and other Project employees.For the purpose of promoting full and effective implementation of this PLA, authorized Union representatives shall have access to the Project job-site during scheduled work hours. Such access shall be conditioned upon adherence to all reasonable visitor and security rules of general applicability that may be established for the Project site at the pre-job conference or from time to time thereafter.ARTICLE V — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES FOR DISPUTES ARISING UNDER A PARTICULAR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTIn the event a dispute arises under a particular collective bargaining agreement specifically not including jurisdictional disputes referenced in Article VI below, said dispute shall be resolved by the Grievance/Arbitration procedure of the applicable collective bargaining agreement. The resulting determination from this process shall be final and binding on all parties bound to its process.Employers covered under this Agreement shall have the right to discharge or discipline any employee who violates the provisions of this Agreement. Such discharge or discipline by a contractor or subcontractor shall be subject to Grievance/Arbitration procedure of the applicable collective bargaining agreement only as to the fact of such violation of this agreement. If such fact is established, the penalty imposed shall not be disturbed. Work at the Project site shall continue without disruption or hindrance of any kind as a result of a Grievance/Arbitration procedure under this Article.In the event there is a deadlock in the foregoing procedure, the parties agree that the matter shall be submitted to arbitration for the selection and decision of an Arbitrator governed under paragraph 6.8.ARTICLE VI —DISPUTES: GENERAL PRINCIPLESThis Agreement is entered into to prevent strikes, lost time, lockouts and to facilitate the peaceful adjustment of jurisdictional disputes in the building and construction industry and to prevent waste and unnecessary avoidable delays and expense, and for the further purpose of at all times securing for the employer sufficient skilled workers.A panel of Permanent Arbitrators are attached as Exhibit (B) to this agreement. By mutual agreement between CDB and the Unions, the parties can open this section of the agreement as needed to make changes to the list of permanent arbitrators.The PLA Jurisdictional Dispute Resolution Process ("Process") sets forth the procedures below to resolve jurisdictional disputes between and among Contractors, Subcontractors, and Unions engaged in the building and construction industry. Further, the Process will be followed for any grievance or dispute arising out of the interpretation or application of this PLA by the parties except for the prohibition on attorneys contained in 6.11. All decisions made through the Process are final and binding upon all parties.DISPUTE PROCESSAdministrative functions under the Process shall be performed through the offices of the President and/or Secretary-Treasurer of the Illinois AFL-CIO, or their designated representative, called the Administrator. In no event shall any officer, employee, agent, attorney, or other representative of the Illinois AFL-CIO be subject to any subpoena to appear or testify at any jurisdictional dispute hearing.There shall be no abandonment of work during any case participating in this Process or in violation of the arbitration decision. All parties to this Process release the Illinois AFL-CIO from any liability arising from its action or inaction and covenant not to sue the Illinois AFL-CIO, nor its officers, employees, agents or attorneys.In the event of a dispute relating to trade or work jurisdiction, all parties, including the employers, Contractors or Subcontractors, agree that a final and binding resolution of the dispute shall be resolved as follows:Representatives of the affected trades and the Contractor or Subcontractor shall meet on the job-site within two (2) business days after receiving written notice in an effort to resolve the dispute. (In the event there is a dispute between local Unions affiliated with the same International Union, the decision of the General President, or his/her designee, as the internal jurisdictional authority of that International Union, shall constitute a final and binding decision and determination as to the jurisdiction of work.)If no settlement is achieved subsequent to the preceding Paragraph, the matter shall be referred to the local area Building & Construction Trades Council, which shall meet with the affected trades within two (2) business days subsequent to receiving written notice. In the event the parties do not wish to avail themselves of the local Building & Construction Trades Council, the parties may elect to invoke the services of their respective International Representatives with no extension of the time limitations. An agreement reached at this Step shall be final and binding upon all parties.If no settlement agreement is reached during the proceedings contemplated by Paragraphs "a" or "b" above, the matter shall be immediately referred to the Illinois Jurisdictional Dispute Process for final and binding resolution of said dispute. Said referral submission shall be in writing and served upon the Illinois AFL-CIO, or the Administrator, pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of this agreement. The Administrator shall, within three (3) days, provide for the selection of an available Arbitrator to hear said dispute within this time period. Upon good cause shown and determined by the Administrator, an additional three (3) day extension for said hearing shall be granted at the sole discretion of the Administrator. Only upon mutual agreement of all parties may the Administrator extend the hearing for a period in excess of the time frames contemplated under this Paragraph. Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, excluding contract holidays.The primary concern of the Process shall be the adjustment of jurisdictional disputes arising out of the Project. A sufficient number of Arbitrators shall be selected from list of approved Arbitrators as referenced Sec. 6.2 and shall be assigned per Sec. 6.8. Decisions shall be only for the Project and shall become effective immediately upon issuance and complied with by all parties. The authority of the Arbitrator shall be restricted and limited specifically to the terms and provisions of Article VI and generally to this Agreement as a whole.The Arbitrator chosen shall be randomly selected based on the list of Arbitrators in Sec.6.2 and geographical location of the jurisdictional dispute and upon his/her availability, and ability to conduct a Hearing within two (2) business days of said notice. The Arbitrator may issue a "bench" decision immediately following the Hearing or he/she may elect to only issue a written decision, said decision must be issued within two (2) business days subsequent to the completion of the Hearing. Copies of all notices, pleadings, supporting memoranda, decisions, etc. shall be provided to all disputing parties and the Illinois State Federation of Labor.Any written decision shall be in accordance with this Process and shall be final and binding upon all parties to the dispute and may be a "short form" decision. Fees and costs of the arbitrator shall be divided evenly between the contesting parties except that any party wishing a full opinion and decision beyond the short form decision shall bear the reasonable fees and costs of such full opinion. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto, their members, and affiliates.In cases of jurisdictional disputes or other disputes between a signatory labor organization and another labor organization, both of which is an affiliate or member of the same International Union, the matter or dispute shall be settled in the manner set forth by their International Constitution and/or as determined by the International Union's General President whose decision shall be final and binding upon all parties. In no event shall there be an abandonment of work.In rendering a decision, the Arbitrator shall determine:First, whether a previous agreement of record or applicable agreement, including a disclaimer agreement, between National or International Unions to the dispute or agreements between local Unions involved in the dispute, governs;Only if the Arbitrator finds that the dispute is not covered by an appropriate or applicable agreement of record or agreement between the crafts to the dispute, he shall then consider the established trade practice in the industry and prevailing practice in the locality. Where there is a previous decision of record governing the case, the Arbitrator shall give equal weight to such decision of record, unless the prevailing practice in the locality in the past ten years favors one craft. In that case, the Arbitrator shall base his decision on the prevailing practice in the locality. Except, that if the Arbitrator finds that a craft has improperly obtained the prevailing practice in the locality through raiding, the undercutting of wages or by the use of vertical agreements, the Arbitrator shall rely on the decision of record and established trade practice in the industry rather than the prevailing practice in the locality; and,Only if none of the above criteria is found to exist, the Arbitrator shall then consider that because efficiency, cost or continuity and good management are essential to the well being of the industry, the interests of the consumer or the past practices of the employer shall not be ignored.The Arbitrator shall set forth the basis for his/her decision and shall explain his/her findings regarding the applicability of the above criteria. If lower ranked criteria are relied upon, the Arbitrator shall explain why the higher-ranked criteria were not deemed applicable. The Arbitrator's decision shall only apply to the Project. Agreements of Record, for other PLA projects, are applicable only to those parties signatory to such agreements. Decisions of Record are those that were either attested to by the former Impartial Jurisdictional Disputes Board or adopted by the National Arbitration Panel.All interested parties, as determined by the Arbitrator, shall be entitled to make presentations to the Arbitrator. Any interested labor organization affiliated to the PLA Committee and party present at the Hearing, whether making a presentation or not, by such presence shall be deemed to accept the jurisdiction of the Arbitrator and to agree to be bound by its decision. In addition to the representative of the local labor organization, a representative of the labor organization's International Union may appear on behalf of the parties. Each party is responsible for arranging for its witnesses. In the event an Arbitrator's subpoena is required, the party requiring said subpoena shall prepare the subpoena for the Arbitrator to execute. Service of the subpoena upon any witness shall be the responsibility of the issuing party. Attorneys shall not be permitted to attend or participate in any portion of a Hearing. The parties are encouraged to determine, prior to Hearing, documentary evidence which may be presented to the Arbitrator on a joint basis.The Order of Presentation in all Hearings before an Arbitrator shall beIdentification and Stipulation of the PartiesUnions(s) claiming the disputed work presents its caseUnion(s) assigned the disputed work presents its caseEmployer assigning the disputed work presents its caseEvidence from other interested parties (i.e., general contractor, project manager, owner)Rebuttal by Union(s) claiming the disputed workAdditional submissions permitted and requested by ArbitratorClosing arguments by the partiesAll parties bound to the provisions of this Process hereby release the Illinois AFL-CIO and CDB, their respective officers, agents, employees or designated representatives, specifically including any Arbitrator participating in said Process, from any and all liability or claim, of whatsoever nature, and specifically incorporating the protections provided in the Illinois Arbitration Act, as amended from time to time.Neither the Process, as an arbitration panel, nor its Administrator, shall have any authority to undertake any action to enforce its decision(s). Rather, it shall be the responsibility of the prevailing party to seek appropriate enforcement of a decision, including findings, orders or awards of the Arbitrator or Administrator determining non-compliance with a prior award or decision.If at any time there is a question as to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Jurisdictional Dispute Resolution Process, the primary responsibility for any determination of the arbitrability of a dispute and the jurisdiction of the Arbitrator shall be borne by the party requesting the Arbitrator to hear the underlying jurisdictional dispute. The affected party or parties may proceed before the Arbitrator even in the absence or one or more stipulated parties with the issue of jurisdiction as an additional item to be decided by the Arbitrator. The Administrator may participate in proceedings seeking a declaration or determination that the underlying dispute is subject to the jurisdiction and process of the Illinois Jurisdictional Dispute Resolution Process. In any such proceedings, the non-prevailing party and/or the party challenging the jurisdiction of the Illinois Jurisdictional Dispute Resolution Process shall bear all the costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred by the Illinois Jurisdictional Dispute Resolution Process and/or its Administrator in establishing its jurisdiction.ARTICLE VII - WORK STOPPAGES AND LOCKOUTSDuring the term of this PLA, no Union or any of its members, officers, stewards, employees, agents or representatives shall instigate, support, sanction, maintain, or participate in any strike, picketing, walkout, work stoppage, slow down or other activity that interferes with the routine and timely prosecution of work at the Project site or at any other contractor's or supplier's facility that is necessary to performance of work at the Project site. Hand billing at the Project site during the designated lunch period and before commencement or following conclusion of the established standard workday shall not, in itself, be deemed an activity that interferes with the routine and timely prosecution of work on the Project.Should any activity prohibited by paragraph 7.1 of this Article occur, the Union shall undertake all steps reasonably necessary to promptly end such prohibited activities.No Union complying with its obligations under this Article shall be liable for acts of employees for which it has no responsibility or for the unauthorized acts of employees it represents. Any employee who participates or encourages any activity prohibited by paragraph 7.1 shall be immediately suspended from all work on the Project for a period equal to the greater of (a) 60 days; or (b) the maximum disciplinary period allowed under the applicable collective bargaining agreement for engaging in comparable unauthorized or prohibited activity.Neither the PLA Committee nor its affiliates shall be liable for acts of employees for which it has no responsibility. The principal officer or officers of the PLA Committee will immediately instruct, order and use the best efforts of his office to cause the affiliated Union or Unions to cease any violations of this Article. The PLA Committee in its compliance with this obligation shall not liable for acts of its affiliates. The principal officer or officers of any involved affiliate will immediately instruct, order or use the best effort of his office to cause the employees the Union represents to cease any violations of this Article. A Union complying with this obligation shall not be liable for unauthorized acts of employees it represents. The failure of the Contractor to exercise its rights in any instance shall not be deemed a waiver of its rights in any other instance. During the term of this PLA, the Prime Contractor and its Subcontractors shall not engage in any lockout at the Project site of employees covered by this Agreement.Upon notification of violations of this Article, the principal officer or officers of the local area Building and Construction Trades Council, and the Illinois AFL-CIO Statewide Project Labor Agreement Committee as appropriate, will immediately instruct, order and use their best efforts to cause the affiliated Union or Unions to cease any violations of this Article. A Trades Council and the Committee otherwise in compliance with the obligations under this paragraph shall not be liable for unauthorized acts of its affiliates.In the event that activities in violation of this Article are not immediately halted through the efforts of the parties, any aggrieved party may invoke the special arbitration provisions set forth in paragraph 7.5 of this Article.Upon written notice to the other involved parties by the most expeditious means available, any aggrieved party may institute the following special arbitration procedure when a breech of this Article is alleged:The party invoking this procedure shall notify the individual designated as the Permanent Arbitrator pursuant to paragraph 6.8 of the nature of the alleged violation; such notice shall be by the most expeditious means possible. The initiating party may also furnish such additional factual information as may be reasonably necessary for the Permanent Arbitrator to understand the relevant circumstances. Copies of any written materials provided to the arbitrator shall also be contemporaneously provided by the most expeditious means possible to the party alleged to be in violation and to all other involved parties.Upon receipt of said notice the Permanent Arbitrator shall set and hold a hearing within twenty-four (24) hours if it is contended the violation is ongoing, but not before twenty-four (24) hours after the written notice to all parties involved as required above.The Permanent Arbitrator shall notify the parties by facsimile or any other effective written means, of the place and time chosen by the Permanent Arbitrator for this hearing. Said hearing shall be completed in one session. A failure of any party or parties to attend said hearing shall not delay the hearing of evidence or issuance of an Award by the Permanent Arbitrator.The sole issue at the hearing shall be whether a violation of this Article has, in fact, occurred. An Award shall be issued in writing within three (3) hours after the close of the hearing, and may be issued without a written opinion. If any party desires a written opinion, one shall be issued within fifteen (15) days, but its issuance shall not delay compliance with, or enforcement of, the Award. The Permanent Arbitrator may order cessation of the violation of this Article, and such Award shall be served on all parties by hand or registered mail upon issuance.Such Award may be enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction upon the filing of the Award and such other relevant documents as may be required. Facsimile or other hardcopy written notice of the filing of such enforcement proceedings shall be given to the other relevant parties. In a proceeding to obtain a temporary order enforcing the Permanent Arbitrator's Award as issued under this Article, all parties waive the right to a hearing and agree that such proceedings may be ex parte. Such agreement does not waive any party's right to participate in a hearing for a final order of enforcement. The Court's order or orders enforcing the Permanent Arbitrator's Award shall be served on all parties by hand or by delivery to their last known address or by registered mail.Individuals found to have violated the provisions of this Article are subject to immediate termination. In addition, CDB reserves the right to terminate this PLA as to any party found to have violated the provisions of this Article.Any rights created by statue or law governing arbitration proceedings inconsistent with the above procedure or which interfere with compliance therewith are hereby waived by parties to whom they accrue.The fees and expenses of the Permanent Arbitrator shall be borne by the party or parties found in violation, or in the event no violation is found, such fees and expenses shall be borne by the moving party.ARTICLE VIII — TERMS OF AGREEMENTIf any Article or provision of this Agreement shall be declared invalid, inoperative or unenforceable by operation of law or by any of the above mentioned tribunals of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such Article or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it has been held invalid, inoperative or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby.This Agreement shall be in full force as of and from the date of the Authorization to Proceed until the Project contract is closed.This PLA may not be changed or modified except by the subsequent written agreement of the parties. All parties represent that they have the full legal authority to enter into this PLA. This PLA may be executed by the parties in one or more counterparts.Any liability arising out of this PLA shall be severable and not joint. CDB shall not be liable to any person or other party for any violation of this PLA by any other party, and no Contractor or Union shall be liable for any violation of this PLA by any other Contractor or Union.The failure or refusal of a party to exercise its rights hereunder in one or more instances shall not be deemed a waiver of any such rights in respect of a separate instance of the same or similar nature.[The Balance of This Page Intentionally Left Blank]Execution PageIllinois Capital Development Board80971695160Jim Underwood, Executive Director00Jim Underwood, Executive DirectorIllinois AFL-CIO Statewide Project Labor Agreement Committee, representing the Unions listed below:List Unions:left1614700Exhibit A - Contractor Letter of Assent(Date) To All Parties:In accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract(s) for Construction Work on [Project No. 040-010-115, this Letter of Assent hereby confirms that the undersigned Prime Contractor or Subcontractor agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Project Labor Agreement established and entered into by the Illinois Capital Development Board in connection with said Project.It is the understanding and intent of the undersigned party that this Project Labor Agreement shall pertain only to the identified Project. In the event it is necessary for the undersigned party to become signatory to a collective bargaining agreement to which it is not otherwise a party in order that it may lawfully make certain required contributions to applicable fringe benefit funds, the undersigned party hereby expressly conditions its acceptance of and limits its participation in such collective bargaining agreement to its work on the Project.72263018478500(Authorized Company Officer)72263019875500(Company) ................

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