Introduction - Illinois State University

centertopIllinois State University100 North University StreetNormal, IL 61761-44022017 ISU ACUPCC GHG Inventory5th EditionPrepared by: Supervised by:Bennet KrullMissy NergardStudent ResearcherSustainability CoordinatorMajor: Renewable For further information about ISU’s ongoing sustainability efforts,10668008220075Please visit CheckThe findings of greenhouse gas emissions for Illinois State University reveal significant room for improvement. A greater sense of accountability must be placed on those responsible for greenhouse gas emissions in order for Illinois State to experience future reductions. This will require a cross campus effort enacting a more formalized reporting system, transparency, and high benchmarks for reduction. Increasing the functionality of this report will provide more accurate information, aiding Illinois State in reducing their future carbon footprint. Based on the following greenhouse gas emissions, suggestions for improvement are set forth.SourceEmissions 2013Emissions 2017Scope 132,829.9 Mt CO2e28,280.9 Mt CO2eNatural Gas Combustion29,804.5 Mt CO2e25,786.5 Mt CO2eFleet Vehicles1,123.3 Mt CO2e1,107.0 MtCO2eRefrigerants 772.6 Mt CO2e772.6 Mt CO2eAgriculture1,129.5 Mt CO2e614.8 Mt CO2eScope 249,256.6 Mt CO2e50,222.7 MtCO2ePurchased Electricity49,256.6 Mt CO2e50,222.7 Mt CO2e Scope 311,581.41 Mt CO2e9.388.41 Mt CO2eFaculty/Staff Commuting 0.00 Mt CO2e0.00 Mt CO2eStudent Commuting0.00 Mt CO2e0.00 Mt CO2eFaculty/Staff Air Travel2,296.4 Mt CO2e2,119.2 Mt CO2eAthletic Travel5.51 Mt CO2e5.51 MtCO2eStudy Abroad Air Travel1,429.6 Mt CO2e1,346.8 Mt CO2eSolid Waste3,100 Mt CO2e1,473.2 Mt CO2eScope 2 T&D Losses4,871.5 Mt CO2e4,565.3 Mt CO2eOn-Campus Composting -121.6 Mt CO2e-121.6 Mt CO2eTotal 93,667.91 Mt CO2e87,892.01 Mt CO2eCarbon dioxide All emissions are reported in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2e). Carbon is naturally present in the earth’s atmosphere and is responsible for keeping the planet insulated. Human interruption occurs when excess carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere forcing the natural process out of balance. In general, trees, the ocean, and other forms of sequestration exist but they simply cannot handle the increased presence of carbon in the atmosphere, resulting in a rising average global temperatures. More specifically, Illinois State currently only has measurable greenhouse gas sequestration from their composting efforts. The degree to which global warming is occurring may be argued, but the reality that the University has something at stake cannot be disputed. Thankfully Illinois State has the opportunity to reduce their emissions, while continuing their tradition of excellence in education. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction4Project Description PAGEREF _Toc257197099 \h 4Scopes of GHG Emissions PAGEREF _Toc257197100 \h 4SUMMARY OF RESULTS 5MOVING FORWARD 6 Scope 1: Direct Emissions PAGEREF _Toc257197101 \h 7On-Campus Combustion of Natural GasDirect TransportationFugitive Emissions of Refrigerants PAGEREF _Toc257197103 \h 8Animal HusbandryScope 2: Purchased Electrcity PAGEREF _Toc257197104 \h 8Scope 3: Indirect EmissionsCommuter Travel PAGEREF _Toc257197106 \h 8Athletic Bus Mileage PAGEREF _Toc257197107 \h 9Air Travel: Study Abroad and Faculty/ StaffLandfill WasteOn-Campus CompostingData Sources PAGEREF _Toc257197112 \h 10Institutional Data PAGEREF _Toc257197111 \h 10IntroductionAs part of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), which Illinois State University (ISU) President Al Bowman signed September 15, 2008, the school performs an annual inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This inventory covers the fiscal year of 2017. Illinois State’s commitment to promoting a healthy, safe and environmentally conscious campus is reflected in this report. Illinois States annual initiative of compiling a greenhouse gas inventory is the first step to reducing emissions to ensure their tradition of excellence continues well into the future. The Institution’s continued success in academics, community engagement and the role of environmental consciousness is best described in the University’s Sustainability Policy. (See addendum xxx). Three previous inventory’s served as references for data collection.Project DescriptionThe purpose of the annual inventory is to account for greenhouse gas emissions by Illinois State University. Version 6.9 of Clean Air – Cool Planet (CA-CP) Campus Carbon Calculator was used to account for applicable emissions. This calculator is the industry standard in higher education because it provides a user-friendly method to input data from a wide variety of sources into one spreadsheet. Output from the calculator is specifically designed for use by colleges, including figures required by the ACUPCC.All emissions are reported in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2e). This is a standard weighted value based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Fourth Assessment Report. The Mt CO2e values in this inventory reflect the sum of all the different greenhouse gases created in a given category. The calculator separates emissions into three scopes seen below. Scopes of GHG EmissionsThe ACUPCC requires that carbon inventories are broken down into three scopes, as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which is a partnership between the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resource Institute. These three scopes, as explained in the ACUPCC Implementation Guide, are: Scope 1:This scope covers direct GHG emissions occurring from sources that are owned or controlled by ISU, including on-campus stationary combustion of fossil fuels, mobile combustion of fossil fuels by fleet vehicles, and fugitive emissions.Scope 2:This scope contains only indirect emissions generated in the production of electricity consumed by ISU.Scope 3: This scope includes all other indirect emissions - those that are a consequence of the activities of ISU, but occur from sources not owned or controlled by ISU.-3048000Summary of ResultsAs one can readily see, the largest single contributor to ISU’s GHG emissions is the use of electricity purchased from the grid. This is followed by the use of natural gas to generate steam for building heat. ISU is currently in the planning process for the Climate Action Plan (CAP), as required by the ACUPCC. This is the first CAP to be completed by the university. It is likely that any comprehensive attempt at mitigating emissions will focus primarily on Scope 2 emissions from the purchasing of electricity. This can be accomplished by efficiency retrofits to reduce consumption or purchasing electricity from renewable sources. ISU has already adopted efficiency improvements by upgrading to Compact Fluorescent Bulbs. Future efforts to reduce dependence on purchased electricity could make use of implementing renewable energy and demand side management through efficiency gains in the replacement of chillers, boilers, and light bulbs throughout campus. Implications of reducing emissionsEnacting progressive sustainable operations will benefit Illinois State in a multitude of ways and further solidify them as a community leader. Adhering to the process of communicating honestly about challenges, seeking continuous improvement, and celebrating accomplishments of emission reductions could lead to long term success. Other benefits associated with taking action could include:-Educational and Research opportunities -Value added education through cross campus communication and interaction-Healthier campus and community -Community engagement- Prospective faculty and student interest (recruitment)-Recognition (public and political relations)- Employment opportunities for Illinois State graduates- External funding opportunities Moving ForwardAnnually reporting of campus greenhouse gas emissions while continually establishing and attaining challenging reduction goals are steps in the right direction. Illinois State has already made it clear they are serious about providing quality educations as sustainably as possible. To gain prestige and credibility the University should set short, medium, and long-term reduction goals and work diligently to achieve them to showcase their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. Working towards carbon neutrality on campus is part of the community’s initiatives set forth in the Town of Normal, Illinois Sustainability plan (XXX). Illinois State University has an opportunity to take action individually and in collaboration with the community. As whole, The Town of Normal sustainability initiatives currently include, but are not limited to the efforts of the Ecology Action Center, Electric Vehicle town, and alternative transportation. The Ecology Action Center has made significant efforts in community outreach and education regarding water quality improvement, recycling, and a Greenhouse report for the Town of Normal. Since 1971, the Ecology Action Centers efforts have improved the quality of lives for Normal residents while making sure Illinois State and Illinois Wesleyan students can get involved. Normal, Illinois has gained recognition from its initiative to be recognized as “Electric Vehicle Town” (EV town). With 55 free electric vehicle-charging stations placed strategically throughout town, Normal provides incentive to its residents and visitors to fuel up, and enjoy what the town offers. The constitution trail and bike friendly lanes throughout the town provide Normal residents with a safe alternative to driving. Riding bikes instead of combusting fossil fuel derived fuels reduces carbon emissions while promoting a healthier lifestyle. Moving forward, Illinois State University can work with the Town of Normal to remain an asset to the community. Based off the results of the greenhouse gas inventory I set fourth suggestions below. - Carbon offsets-Tracking offsets – Turf grass, arboretum, recycled paper- Promoting the institution of carbon offsets and reduction by instituting a system for carbon emission accountability.-Increased accountability for reporting- Utilize the University’s Reporting Office: Planning Research and Policy Analysis- Streamline annual procedures for obtaining pertinent information - Use the Clean- Air Reporting system as a guideline for information accounted for- Faculty and Student air travel and commuting, - Increased collaboration across campus -Use majors and curriculum as education and reduction tool- Sustainability fund- Use to attract student and faculty members to implement sustainable ideas that have the ability to reduce or offset University emissions.Scope 1: Direct EmissionsOn-Campus Combustion of Natural GasISU has four stationary boilers on campus with a total rated capacity of 674.01 MMBtu/hr. The school uses these boilers to create steam, which is then sent throughout the campus to provide heat. The value used in this calculation is based on metered natural gas purchased from Nicor Gas. Although, this scope contributes 24,645 Mt CO2e, the Office of Energy Management has made significant reduction efforts. Improving energy efficiency has been accomplished by replacing steam-powered chillers with higher efficiency centrifugal chillers. Additional reductions in energy and water consumption can be attributed to increased monitoring of system controls to maximize efficiency. In an ongoing effort, the office of Energy Management has effectively reduced their carbon emissions and has future plans to continue to increase operations efficiency.Direct Transportation Direct transportation covers fleet vehicles, which are filled using gasoline, ethanol, diesel, and biodiesel that ISU purchases directly in bulk. Thanks to Tim Murray, the Director of Transportation, we were able to determine the amount of fuel purchased. The calculated value of emissions from fleet vehicles is 1,107.0 Mt CO2e. Of the 123,076 gallons of fuel purchased, 860 gallons were B100, considered to be a renewable fuel. B100 composed of 100% biodiesel. Mixing diesel and biodiesel in other ratios can also be done. Illinois State used an estimated 2,500 gallons of B20 mix in 2017. Unfortunately, Carbon sequestration value was lost with the shutdown of the biodiesel production facility on the Illinois State University Farm in Lexington, Illinois.Fugitive Emissions of RefrigerantsRefrigerants used on campus include HFC-134a, HFC-404a, and HCFC-22. These refrigerants are used primarily in the chillers, which provide cool air to buildings throughout the campus. Refrigerants are tracked by the ACUPCC because some volume of them inevitably escapes from refrigeration system; hence the term, fugitive emissions. We have estimated that fugitive emissions of refrigerants generate 772.6 Mt CO2e. This value is based on approximations made by personnel working with the refrigeration system. No other chemical or refrigerant is used at ISU that would fall under this category.Animal HusbandryISU’s farm in Lexington, IL has 413 animals comprised of cows, swine, and sheep The CA-CP Calculator estimates the net emissions from these animals to be 614.8 Mt CO2e. Scope 2: Purchased ElectricityScope 2 is intended to cover emissions from purchased electricity, steam, or chilled water. However, the only applicable purchase in this category is purchased electricity, as steam and chilled water are generated on-campus. In 2017, ISU purchased 89,675,641 kWh of electricity. The CA-CP Calculator comes pre-programmed with data from the EPA’s eGRID, which tracks data on the emission factors of each region of the United States electrical grid. Using this data, the CA-CP Calculator estimates that ISU’s electricity purchases account for 50,222.7 MT CO2e. Although, this scope contributes 50,222.7 Mt CO2e, the Office of Energy Management has made significant reduction efforts to improve energy efficiency. Replacement of higher efficiency lighting throughout campus and reducing wasted energy through increased monitoring and analysis. The aforementioned efforts are only a portion of the Office of Energy Managements efforts to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. Scope 3: Indirect EmissionsCommuter TravelUnfortunately, commuter travel data was unavailable for this GHG inventory. Rather than generate an arbitrary guess as to commuter habits, ISU has opted to wait until a formal survey of commuter habits can be performed. This will be done via an optional survey offered through the ISU website to faculty, staff, and students.Athletic Bus MileageGiven that the only available data on athletic team bus travel is destination cities, distance from ISU to each destination city was assumed and summed to give this value. In 2010, this mileage was input into the CA-CP Calculator, which provided a value for this category of emissions of 5.51 MT CO2e. This value will change annually with varying schedules, but can be used as an estimate of emissions. Realistically it is not likely sports will discontinue competition to decrease their emissions. A more likely scenario is upgrading the mode of transportation to be sustainable and energy efficient in order to effectively reduce emissions. This would require a substantial initial investment in technology to reduce the emissions using a biomass, hydrogen cell, or natural gas bus fleet for transporting athletes. Air Travel: Study Abroad and Faculty/ Staff In previous years the Study Abroad Coordinator at the Office of International Studies was able to provide the number of students going to each destination. Based on the arbitrary numbers it is difficult to formulate precise results, without exact itineraries, assumptions were made to produce results. In future reports, streaming the data collection for student and faculty air travel will provide a more accurate estimation of their respective emissions produced. The estimated emissions for this category is 2,119.2 Mt CO2e in 2017. Landfill Waste Landfill waste data was retrieved from a submittal to the state of Illinois from ISU, which gives projections for future landfill use. All waste at ISU that is not composted is sent to a landfill. This landfill waste accounts for 1,473.2 MT CO2e of emissions. Increasing composting through dining centers will aid in reducing waste otherwise diverted to landfills. Illinois State is provided with a significant future opportunity to reduce landfill waste by increasing composting to decrease carbon emissions while sequestering more CO2e in the process. On-Campus CompostingComposting accounts for the only carbon sink at ISU. The on campus composting process takes otherwise discarded food scraps from campus dining centers and converts it to fertilizer for use on ISU grounds. Compared to 2013, composting has decreased from 292 tons to 182 in 2017. The decrease in composting is uncertain, but in future years expanding upon current efforts can help to account for carbon sequestration for Illinois State. Institutional DataTo provide a means of comparing different colleges, as well as to calculate per student and per square foot emissions, the ACUPCC requires some institutional data. Budget data is broken down into three categories: operating budget, research budget, and energy budget. Operating and research budget information is publicly available from ISU’s Office of Planning and Institutional Research, in the form of an annually released Fact book (PRPA). Gross square feet (GSF) of all buildings under the purview of ISU had been estimated in previous years; fortunately, a space survey requested by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) provided exact numbers for GSF. While the total GSF estimated was quite close to the actual, estimated space for research was over 2 million square feet, where in fact the actual value is just over 55,000 square feet. Data SourcesThe following sections will provide a description of where various data came from, as well as information regarding assumptions made when using this data. The office of Energy Management has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to cutting back electricity, natural gas, and water consumption. Their leadership through planning, setting goals, and taking action is reflected in the greenhouse gas report. Recognition must also be given to the ISU farm, transportation department, and additional sources of decreased emissions. ................

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