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Chapter 39 Epstein-Maxwell Zionist Blackmail Operation: Lucifer’s NWO Control Matrix DissectedJoachim HagopianCover Credit: Nora Maccoby with permission from being the work of a single political party, intelligence agency or country, the power structure revealed by the network connected to Epstein is nothing less than a criminal enterprise that is willing to use and abuse children in the pursuit of ever more power, wealth and control. Whitney Webb, journalistMountains of Deep State rabbit hole information have been pouring out publicly ever since convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s re-arrest on July 6, 2019 and the 66-year old’s monthlong Manhattan jail incarceration, culminating with his staged fake suicide/foul played “death” on August 8, 2019. Plenty of disbelievers in the official false narrative lie insist that Epstein’s still alive and the corpse on the gurney was not him. Freelance journalist Jim Stone posted an updated aerial photo of Little Saint James Island showing lots of construction of new buildings, roads, a new swimming pool and major renovation suggesting the pedo-island remains operational, postulating that Epstein might still be doing his thing. Google Gestapo immediately began tampering with Jim’s site, changing dates back to 2017 in a deceitful ploy to debunk his claim and keep us in the dark. But he circumvented their dishonest subversion effort. In the year since Epstein’s alleged demise, scores more victims, one as young as 11-years old, have reportedly come forth, nine in the latest lawsuit filed against his estate for abuse committed from 1978 until 2004. Pedophilia & Empire’s Chapter 14 covered Epstein’s original 2008 legal case against the registered sex offender that included his sweetheart deal with the Southern Florida District Attorney Office, leading to his plush jailhouse sleepovers for 13 months before regaining his freedom in 2010, whereupon it’s been learned he returned to his pedo-crime business headquartered on his Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. A key element within the original chapter centered around Epstein’s legal dream team’s negotiated Non-Prosecution Agreement as a clear violation of the Victims’ Rights Act, since lead prosecutor Alexander Acosta never bothered informing the Epstein victims of their secret deal. This then set into motion a counter-lawsuit on behalf of victims against the federal government for unlawfully entering into its secret plea-bargained deal while willfully and unlawfully withholding it from the victim plaintiffs. Though his second arrest on July 6, 2019 charging Epstein with child sex trafficking was closed after his suicided “passing” in August last year, the Epstein-Maxwell criminal saga was reopened upon the July 2, 2020 arrest of Epstein’s so-called madam-child procurer-partner-in-crime Ghislaine Maxwell. Shortly after Epstein’s July 2019 arrest, the onetime girlfriend and alleged child sex abuser-co-trafficker went into hiding for a year. But the former British socialite’s arrest in her New Hampshire mansion in early July 2020 has her ever since detained at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center, awaiting her July 2021 trial. Guislaine Maxwell has been charged with four counts of sex trafficking of minors and two counts of perjury for her false statements in the 2016 Virginia Roberts-Giuffre defamation lawsuit. Maxwell’s lawyers lost their bids to bail Guislaine out of jail as well as prevent sealed past files from public release. The pampered socialite has spent a second month in solitary confinement and her attorneys requested in vain that she be moved in with the general population to adequately prepare for her trial. Six weeks into her incarceration had her attorney crying foul:Ms. Maxwell is being treated worse than other similarly situated pretrial detainees, which significantly impacts her ability to prepare a defense.Given paper clothes to prevent the option of killing herself in a so-called repeat performance of her male counterpart a year ago, Maxwell was also taken off suicide watch, but then so was Epstein shortly before his suspicious end. Her lawyers are pleading that the poor little rich girl be removed from her “onerous” conditions at the federal jail. Doubtful her “woe is me” pleas will generate much sympathy or favor, considering how she treated her victims as less than human. Just to show what this wretched predator is really like, when a friend asked her what she thought of the underage girls she abused, Maxwell looked at her and said:They’re nothing, these girls. They are trash.That kind of contemptuous statement is highly reminiscent of another alleged child sex predator, Luciferian witch Hillary Clinton, reflecting on what she thought of the “common folk” in 2016 backing then populist presidential candidate Donald Trump as “deplorables.” The ruling elite has always looked upon the masses as scum of the earth, for millenniums, the inferior human herd always in desperate need of the elite’s brainpower, leadership and “divine” authority to rule over them. We are only as good as an exploited commodity to them, branded broad-stroke “useless idiots” and “useless eaters” per Illuminati guru Henry Kissinger. With the elites’ fixation on the Malthusian overpopulation lie, we humans are suitable objects targeted for extermination by their manufactured “killer viruses.” In this 11th hour, 50-something minute, the bottom line is, the human species is currently in their genocidal crosshairs ready to be culled on a massive scale. That’s why sodomized babies, children and minors are all deemed so expendable once used up as adrenalized objects of sexual torture and ritual blood sacrifice. Again, the killers at the top of the predatory food chain are not human (See Chapter 34). This chapter will largely pick up from where the first Epstein chapter left off, unveiling all the latest developments and revelations exposing how the Epstein-Maxwell sexual blackmail machine and its legacy implications graphically encapsulate the ruling elite’s agenda to consolidate and gain absolute power and control over enslaved humanity. More than any other single pedophilia scandal, this one demonstrates what’s gone most wrong in this Luciferian controlled world.A huge shockwave sprang from Jeffrey Epstein’s re-arrest last July 2019, raising hopes that perhaps the rigged US criminal justice system was tilting towards redemption for the thousands of victims of the Epstein-Maxwell sexual blackmail operation. Between more of the Epstein victims coming forth and relentless investigative pressures exerted by the tenacious team of journalists at the Miami Herald, despite MSM’s fake news Russiagate-Mueller investigation misdirection sideshow, pressure to reopen the Epstein travesty and renew focus on the unfinished business of existing legal cases against both Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell was mounting. Hence, the prosecution case led by Southern District of New York Attorney Geoffrey Berman was strong enough to order the grossly under-punished pedophile-trafficker into federal custody at New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport upon Epstein’s private plane’s touchdown from France, charged with sexually trafficking minors in Florida and New York from 2002 to 2005. His offenses carried a prison sentence of up to 45 years, assuring his death in prison sooner than later.On the night of July 23, 2019, inmate Jeffrey Epstein allegedly attempted to hang himself. The pedophile was reportedly found lying in his cell in a fetal position “nearly unconscious with injuries to his neck after a possible suicide attempt.” At the time, he had a former Westchester County cop as his cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione, charged with murdering four men in a 2016 drug deal. Epstein had expressed fear that his bodybuilding cellmate might kill him, although after Epstein’s alleged first attempt, the ex-cop of course would claim that he tried to help Epstein not die from attempting to hang himself. The attorneys of the murdering ex-police officer were reportedly intending to use the videotape that allegedly captured the suicide attempt on film as argument against their client’s potential death penalty. The very day that thousands of pages of sealed records were released to the public, was the same day that Epstein’s cellmate was transferred out on August 9th, one day before Epstein allegedly died when it just so happened that none of the cameras surveilling his cell were working that night. Now why would that be? … except to set up the inevitable. And why wouldn’t the prison ensure that he had a cellmate? It’s then learned that after the video containing footage of the alleged first suicide attempt after first being reported lost, then suddenly was found, but then reported that authorities “inadvertently deleted” the crucial part of the tape with the suicide attempt on it without making a backup of course. This amount of unbelievable anomalies simply chalked up as coincidence is insanely absurd. Yet the authorities do what they have to, looking real stupid in order to make sure that the guilty remain free. Their comedy of errors presentation is no less than pure tragedy for humanity by diabolical design. Then it was never properly explained as to what really happened on July 23rd. But what was known is that Epstein was afraid of the hulk he was forced to share his cell with. Presiding Judge Richard Berman feebly expressed his dissatisfaction:To my knowledge, it [the July 23rd incident] has never been definitively explained what the BOP [Bureau of Prisons] concluded about that incident.There very likely was a failed attempt on Epstein’s life on July 23rd. Pedophiles are notoriously hated as the social pariah within the prison milieu. Placing Epstein in with a bodybuilding murdering ex-cop was not some random accident. Of course this chain of events would set it up for Round 2 - a second assigned hit on the 10th of August that the powers-that-be would make certain would get the job done. No less than eight Bureau of Prisons officials were more than aware that there were strict instructions to never leave Epstein alone in his cell, not for one second, yet for the 24 hours leading up to his alleged death, that order was unanimously ignored by all eight Bureau of Prisons officials. On top of that, explicit orders for inmate Epstein to have 24-hour camera surveillance on him 7 days a week and physical inspections every 30 minutes to check in on him, those written orders guarding the most important inmate in America were also thrown out the window the night he was allowed to allegedly die. Moreover, former inmates from Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center stated emphatically that it’s virtually impossible to commit suicide in that maximum-security facility. For a six-foot Epstein to be able to hang himself from the upper bed rail by leaning forward is believed to be virtually impossible. Epstein’s body from that short of a distance far less than six feet from the floor renders suicide by hanging a one in a million chance. And a review of published stories over the last 21 years found just one incident of suicide in the prison all the way back in time to 1998. So out of the countless detainees that have gone through that prison for more than two decades, the one in a million chance that the most important inmate in the US prison system would somehow be allowed to take his own life through the presented farcical comedy of errors and impossible flukes and anomalies again defies explanation of how these evil fucks are allowed to get away with this shit. But they do it because they can get away with it.The prison officials in charge simply made up these ridiculous, feeble excuses for their “gross failures,” citing that most guards working their shifts on the night of Epstein’s so-called suicide were working long overtime hours, including the two assigned to Epstein’s cell. So we’re supposed to actually believe that’s why the two overworked, sleepy guards simply let it happen, just like they, oops, accidentally erased the first alleged suicide attempt, and oops, cameras surveilling his cell just happened to not function that night. There’s a better chance that pigs can fly, and that’s what killed him. It’s become so cliché now for the corrupt, deceitfully evil system to utilize gross incompetence as its standby reason every single time to explain the unexplainable, unacceptable false outcomes as its sorry-ass excuse for committing yet another criminal cover-up ad nauseam right before our very eyes, yet again. These pricks from hell are getting more brazen than ever with their despicable dishonesty thrust repeatedly in our faces. Again, they continue doing it because they know they can always continue getting away with it. The public just shrugs its shoulders and quietly moves on, impotently figuring we’re in no position to change this bullshit that is the putridly corrupt and dishonest system. So on and on and on it goes… until we get so fed up that we the citizens finally agree to stop putting up with this nightmarish nonsense. And why the highest profile inmate in all of America would suddenly be taken off suicide watch after only 6 days, just 12 days ahead of his alleged suicide? These incriminating facts and questions are never adequately addressed because the authorities know they cannot adequately explain away their gross, all too obvious deception. And it’s too obvious why they can’t, they simply wanted Epstein dead. Period, end of story. Instead of 24-hour round the clock protection as ordered, we’re told that the two prison guards who fell asleep at the wheel subsequently get arrested three months later, charged with falsifying records, conspiracy to defraud the United States and failing to perform their basic duties. As always, shit flows downhill. Those in charge of the prison and keeping Epstein alive to face justice are simply following orders from those who wanted him dead. They who conspired to murder Epstein, from the prison officials in charge who appear to be getting away with their cover-up crime, to the elite child fuckers who got away with another murder-cover-up so they could breathe a little easier, the truth is coming after all of you Luciferian child raping murderers. God will never forbid the truth be told. So the feds’ designated fall guys, as always, are the two lowest on the totem pole guards, after the fact, allegedly fudging records to indicate they did comply with their inmate checks when reportedly both simultaneously fell asleep, that is when they weren’t too busy using their work computers to do their online shopping while sitting all of 15 feet away from Epstein’s cell, failing to conduct five overnight checks per every half hour as standard protocol from 10:30PM August 9 to 6:30AM August 10 when asshole’s lifeless body was allegedly discovered. Then for the cameras outside Epstein’s cell conveniently not be working that night, a favorite trick used regularly in every false flag playbook, and then offer up these two bungling keystone cops’ scenario to the public in order to explain how Epstein was allowed to kill himself, is beyond preposterous. Initially appearing incensed right after it happened, Attorney General William Barr’s later vapid explanation once the guards were arrested, really isn’t any better of an acting excuse to pawn it all off as:A perfect storm of screw-ups.Yeah, perfectly staged with the same old-same old pratfalls. No one in their right mind would actually believe the authorities’ version of events just as hardly anyone believes Epstein committed suicide. Caught in so many boldface, too obvious lies, the government has zero credibility as its deception for years has been limitless, and everyone knows if Epstein’s actually dead, he was murdered to protect all the pedophiles in high places. Or, the lesser chance that he’s alive and well, sitting pretty after a little cosmetic surgery, living the “life of Riley,” in the modern day episode “life of Epstein in Israel.” Take your pick. It’s déjà vu all over again with false flag lie after false flag lie, the JFK assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin Vietnam War, 9/11 and WMD’s in Iraq, if I wanted to, the list could go on for fucking ever, which is their plan. Lies have always worked so far.At the request of Epstein’s brother Mark, former longtime respected New York City Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Baden was asked to review the autopsy records and after doing so, the doctor is convinced Epstein was murdered, based on more than ample evidence. Epstein’s eyes had burst capillaries, his lower extremities were pale instead of purple or bluish, both indicating he did not die from hanging but from strangulation. Moreover, Dr. Baden said it’s highly unusual in a prison situation for an initial finding deemed “inconclusive” to be changed to “hanging” five days later. But the topper is three different places at the base of Epstein’s neck were broken and that rarely occurs in hangings, especially leaning forward with feet never leaving the floor. But that’s not all, the autopsy showed Epstein also had “two contusions on both of his wrists, an abrasion on his left forearm, and deep muscle hemorrhaging of his left deltoid or shoulder,” clearly indicating a physical struggle ensued before death from strangulation. Additionally, Epstein’s Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney David Schoen, who met with Epstein for five hours on August 1, 2019, a week after the first incident, after Epstein’s death had this to say:After meeting with him, I came to the firm conclusion that it was not a suicide attempt. He was afraid he would face consequences if he implicated anyone while he was there, so he kept his mouth shut and told investigators he couldn’t remember what happened. He was told they closed the case.Meanwhile, Epstein’s former cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione has been threatened to keep his mouth shut regarding what happened to Epstein on July 23rd. His lawyer stated:The clear message Mr. Tartaglione has received is that if he conveys information about the facility or about [Epstein’s] recent suicide, there will be a price to pay. The correction officers know he has information [that is] potentially very damaging.As if that’s not enough, Epstein’s defense attorney Reid Weingarten explained in court to Judge Richard Berman that Epstein’s injuries were “far more consistent with assault” than suicide, adding that just before he died:We did not see a despairing, despondent, suicidal person.When attorney David Schoen last saw him, Epstein appeared “very, very upbeat.” While those who knew him best in his final days were quick to rule out suicide, the clear preponderance of physical evidence pointing to foul play is even more overwhelming, yet the government is not about to reveal the truth that his alleged death was like so many in recent years, another staged “suicided” arrangement to protect the powerful guilty. With murder, too much public demand would be placed on finding the actual killer(s), and that might lead to exposing extremely prominent pedophiles, risking the unraveling of the entire pedo-mafia empire that continue running this world. The Establishment up to its ears in raping kids can’t have it any other way. But no matter how many more of their feeble lies that less and less people believe, they cannot possibly cover-up the truth at this point. As the world wakes up to this irrefutable reality of the elite’s worldwide pedo-network, child rapists and lying killers are not safe from the truth. A huge anomaly that begs pursuit of follow-the-money rabbit hole are the millions of dollars that have been moving around after the shithead’s alleged death. Epstein’s estate attorneys have moved lots of money to an offshore Virgin Island account first opened in 2014 when Epstein launched his latest financial venture, opening his own international bank called Southern Country International. The initial and subsequent annual banking license approval apparently overlooked the fact that Epstein was a convicted pedo-felon and unprosecuted sex trafficker while his bank in the ensuing years remained largely inactive. But in February 2020, it was reported that since Epstein’s supposed death in August 2019, a net gain of $12.9 million has been strangely deposited in mid-December last year, adding to the existing near $700,000 that had mostly sat dormant. Two weeks later, by the end of December 2019, Epstein’s suddenly active and alive bank showed a balance of less than a half million. So where did all those missing millions abruptly disappear to if the asshole was dead? And if he was dead, how could his Southern Country International Bank account have suddenly grown than shrunk by the millions? These are the questions being asked in 2020 by the Virgin Islands magistrate of Epstein’s estate lawyers. Their response that it was simply done in error is unacceptable and the judge demands a fuller accounting. Epstein’s July 2019 arrest forced even corporate mainstream news that historically stays silent or in total denial of a pedophilia network to have to focus on child sexual abuse. And as much as the MSM narrative attempts to portray Epstein as one bad apple, largely a lone operator with some procuring help from his sidekick girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, always mainstream press avoids the implications that the worldwide child trafficking, abuse and blood sacrifice mafia cabal is once again blatantly re-exposed. The thrust of the media’s thundering herd invariably did open up a rash of new rabbit holes for independent journalists exemplified by Mint Press News‘ Whitney Webb to go to work exposing Deep State complicity, in turn facilitating greater access to previously well-guarded, concealed secrets extending far beyond the usual tip of the iceberg superficial coverage of any given pedo-scandal. But we still have a long way to go.A series of incisive, explosive articles written by dot-connecting journalist Whitney Webb unpeeled the long existing role of Mega Group co-founders Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner and their direct Zionist links to the Epstein-Maxwell honey trap operation, covertly coordinated by Israeli military intelligence, designed to ensnare blackmail entrapment and control over some of the world’s most powerful figures and key policymaking puppets. But as more information gets unearthed, the pedophilia cabal countered with predictable pushback – a month later Epstein was declared dead by suicide and the case against him was conveniently closed, a major win for the pedo-elite breathing a sigh of relief that truth and justice was thwarted once again. Allegations that both Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz spent time on Epstein’s Pedophile Island with underage girls was confirmed in court documents released nearly a year after Epstein’s alleged death in late July 2020. According to victim Virginia Giuffre’s testimony, in the early 2000s when she asked Epstein why the former president was on the island, the pedophile replied “Well, he owes me favors,” jokingly insinuating that Bill Clinton was in Epstein’s back pocket. Though Virginia stopped short of stating that Bill Clinton had sex with the two underage girls from New York that he was spotted with, in her deposition she steadfastly maintains that orgies on Pedo Island were a normal near everyday routine.A few recent accounts of the Jeffrey Epstein saga currently emerging are seemingly attempting to cast Guislaine Maxwell in a less criminal light, portraying her a victim of Epstein. From an August 9, 2020 Independent article:Experts in sex trafficking have suggested Epstein may also have ‘groomed’ Ms Maxwell, who arrived in New York vulnerable after her celebrity life exploded after the death of her father, press baron Robert Maxwell. Poor pitiful rich girl not even out of her 20s when her beloved powerful father tragically dies, shrouded in mysterious circumstance, disgraced by accusations of his theft and fraud, a grieving Guislaine fled Britain seeking escape from grief, falling into the arms of a man so many ways like her beloved daddy Robert Maxwell, a fellow ruthless, Type-A driven psychopath, just like Guislaine. A psychopathic [common law] marriage made not in heaven but hell. Matchmaker daddy had set them up years earlier in their honey trap operation so his favorite daughter would be looked after and taken care of should he exit the world. Like her ambitious, aggressive father, Epstein was there for her in her vulnerable time of need, each coldblooded psychopath self-servingly needing the other. But the Independent article insists that Epstein was grooming her to be his “bottom girl” or “bottom bitch” in the colloquial language of a pimp exploiting his first victim. This ploy is Image Enhancement 101, rehabilitating a shattered reputation as a jailed criminal to popular international socialite dedicated to ocean activism by presenting her as Epstein’s preyed upon, first abused victim. It’s precisely this kind of deception that mainstream corporate media functionally serves in the interests of the criminal cabal elite. The reality is in the early to mid-1980s daddy spymaster was grooming both Guislaine and her new boyfriend Jeffrey in the dirty family business of espionage, money laundering, arms and drug trafficking, introducing child sex trafficking and honey trap blackmail operations as a function of Israeli intelligence. By the time Robert was literally separated from his beloved Lady Guislaine, both his yacht and Israeli intelligent asset daughter in November 1991, the Epstein-Maxwell sexual blackmail machine already well in place was gaining momentum in its ensnarement of targeted VIPs. And with three decades of indoctrination and on-the-job training by her patriarchal spymaster father, it was Guislaine who was in the driver’s seat running the intel operation more than her front man Epstein. It’s a false scenario projecting that she was Epstein’s mere assistant, his schlepper whose mission was catering to his every whim, subserviently serving up young girls in her desire to please her man/boss/savior at all cost in hopes that one day he will marry her. This misguided by design piece in the Independent clearly frames Guislaine Maxwell as a sympathetic victim through the mouthpiece expertise of one Rochelle Keyhan, attorney and CEO of Collective Liberty, a so called anti-human trafficking NGO, identifying Maxwell as Epstein’s poor little victimized “bottom girl” being demonized in pretrial media:Typically, it’s either the first victim of the trafficker or the person who is most easily susceptible to their manipulation. Typically what the bottom does is it’s like the chief operating officer for the pimp who’s the CEO. And the main reason is, the bottom will get in trouble for everything. The pimp can then deny everything say ‘that oh my God, I had no idea there was violence, I had no idea this was happening or that was happening. It’s the bottom, she did it, she’s in charge. She’s the mastermind.By the way, Rochelle Keyhan is the 2018 Thomson Reuters Foundation Stop Slavery Hero… never mind that Reuters is a Rothschild owned and controlled international newswire service, and we know how much the Rothschilds care about enslaved trafficked children from previous chapters, particularly Chapters 27 and 28. The Rothschild family coddled and protected Guislaine as one of their own. Just ask Epstein-Maxwell sexual assault victim Maria Farmer, the first to report their sexual predator crimes to police. Having lived with Guislaine and Epstein for more than a year as an Epstein employee in the mid-1990s, Maria Farmer got to know Jeffrey and Guislaine up close and personal. Because Maxwell so often spoke so highly bragging about how the English royal family and the Rothschild family were her best friends since childhood, Maria was convinced that the fugitive Guislaine after Epstein’s July 2019 arrest was being protected in Rothschild safehouses around the world. It was Lynn Forester de Rothschild who was talking up Epstein to President Clinton in 1993 and just three years later sold her Manhattan townhouse to Guislaine. Plus both the Rothschilds and Clintons supported Guislaine’s TerraMar organization long after Epstein went to jail. They were all socially intertwined in the same international elite circles in Manhattan, Palm Beach and London.Who first introduced Guislaine to Epstein attorney Alan Deshowitz? According to Dershowitz, it was Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild. And who first introduced Epstein to Bill Clinton? According to several sources, again Evelyn de Rothschild. You see a pattern here? Every one of these people that the Rothschilds intentionally brought together are accused child sex predators. At the River Front overlooking the East River where the Rothschilds in January 2019 placed their posh pad on the market for a cool $22.5 million, a River Front neighbor of Henry Kissinger (also listed in Epstein’s black book) who introduced Evelyn de Rothschild to the American Lynn Forester at the 1998 Bilderberg meeting. When the Illuminati guru puts Rothschilds together and they in turn put famous pedophiles together, you begin seeing a disturbing Luciferian trend in this highly interconnected web. The world controllers at the River Front lived only a 1.8-mile distance from the mafia-linked godfather Les Wexner’s property the largest Manhattan residence at 9 East 71st Street that he gave away free to his protégé Epstein, the world’s most infamous child sex trafficker. Guislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s Israeli intelligence partner that ran the world’s largest VIP sexual blackmail operation purchased her Manhattan townhouse in 1996 from guess who? Lynn Forester, soon to be de Rothschild. You can’t make this shit up, it’s really a very small mafia-controlled world run by an even smaller club of controllers. Guislaine is also a former member of the Clinton Global Initiative which Epstein attorneys credit Epstein with starting with the Clintons. It’s well-documented that the Clintons and the Rothschilds are extremely close, with the Rothschilds donating generously for years supporting their candidacies as well as their Clinton Foundation. Newlyweds Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild in 2000 could have gone anywhere in the world on their honeymoon, but they chose to spend their first night together as husband and wife at their dearest friends’ mansion - the Clinton White House. A released Wikileaks email exchange in 2010 between Hillary and Lynn shows how intimate their friendship goes, and how Hillary sickeningly grovels for forgiveness from the dynasty hand that feeds her. We also know that the Rothschild and Bronfman Jewish crime families share a joint family financial advisory business together… one big happy Zionist Jewish mafia crime family using useful idiot goyim like the Clintons when it suits their purpose. Yet another link that Lynn Forester shares with an early child sex trafficking ring in New York is through her first marriage to Andrew Stein, a Democratic New York state senator. Stein’s brother James Finkelstein married Cathy Frank, the granddaughter of liquor distiller Lewis Rosenstiel, who had Jewish and Italian mob ties and ran a pedo-ring in New York within the same social circles as Roy Cohn. Cohn first learned to be a trafficker from his protégé Rosenstiel back in the 1950s when both trafficked underage boys on the East Coast for sexual blackmail. One notable scene witnessed by Rosenstiel’s wife was when transvestite J. Edgar Hoover showed up at a Rosenstiel party in drag. After Cohn introduced Hoover as “Mary” to Rosenstiel’s wife, the two sex traffickers Rosenstiel and Cohn then followed Mary into a bedroom and watched with delight America’s FBI director diddling two young boys. Years later lawyer Cohn conspired with clients Cathy Frank and James Finkelstein to con the senile 84-year old Lewis Rosenstiel into signing over his $75 million estate to them just two weeks before the old man died, the three conspirators challenging Rosenstiel’s fourth wife over the will in court in February 1976. This less than honorable piece of scum was young Donald Trump’s mentor. During Lynn’s Forester’s divorce from politician Andrew Stein on her way to her third marriage with Evelyn, she reportedly felt comfortably close enough to Epstein to request money from him. Lynn’s on the board of directors at Estee Lauder companies, owned by powerful Mega Group member and close Trump friend Ronald Lauder, who illegally as Austria’s US ambassador in the 1980s gave Epstein his fake passport with a Saudi address. As mentioned, Lynn de Rothschild also partners with Mega Group member Edgar Bronfman’s son Matthew, heading the investment firm Bronfman E.L. Rothschild, ranked #2 as the second fastest growing firm among Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) listings according to Financial Advisors Magazine in 2016. The company apparently no longer lists its website online. For what it’s worth, in 2019 the Bronfman E.L. Rothschild firm has become a mere subsidiary of Sontag Advisory, and it’s no longer even listed in any of the RIA rankings. As of September 2019, Bronfman E.L. Rothschild firm holds assets worth near $6 billion and employs 64 advisors on staff, so apparently it still exists with a listing on . The website of the 2003 founded E.L. Rothschild family investment company, belonging to Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild that owns Economist Magazine is still online, but the joint Bronfman E.L. Rothschild investment firm founded in 1997 apparently elected to go dark in cyberworld, perhaps due in recent years to the two crime families’ negative publicity. Both Lynn de Rothschild and Jeffrey Epstein share a history with Deutsche Bank together as well. Epstein through the years engaged in illegal money laundering in the millions, perhaps eve billions. In the 1980s it was the notorious CIA operated BCCI bank till its collapse in 1991, but more on that criminal spook bank later. In July 2020 the German lending institution Deutsche was fined $150 million for violation of anti-money-laundering laws. Over the last two decades Epstein used his multiple accounts at Deutsche Bank to make out of court settlements with dozens of his victims, paying legal fees and even paying off his co-conspirators. The bank grossly failed to monitor his illegal banking activities, letting him flaunt his crimes without ever questioning or holding him accountable. Shortly before his July 2019 arrest, Deutsche Bank finally ended its relationship with him, although it made referrals to other banks and stated “it was unaware of any problems” with any of his past accounts. Essentially, Deutsche gave the hardened criminal carte blanche never challenging his countless irregularities and non-compliance with the law. Meanwhile, Lynn de Rothschild has been an advisor at the Deutsche Bank Microfinance Consortium and is also a board member on the Alfred Herrhausen Society of International Dialogue of Deutsche Bank. Might her banking clout and name be a reason Epstein had his way at Deutsche?Here’s another biggie. The airport hub of the Maxwell-Epstein trafficking blackmail operation was the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, just 12 miles west of New York City, where more Lolita Express flights touched down and lifted off transporting underage sex slaves than any other airport in the entire world. Based on released court documents from August 2019, records from just one amongst a pool of Epstein pilots submitted a total of 730 known flights using the Jersey airport between 1995 and 2013. It’s also worth noting that Lynn de Forester Rothschild’s father, J. Kenneth Forester, was a WWII pilot and aviation pioneer who founded the Teterboro Airport’s longtime aviation services company Meridian, a fixture at the exclusive private airport serving business executives and VIPs since 1946. Lynn de Rothschild’s brother, Air Force Academy graduate Ken Forester Jr. in 1974 took over the family business of the father, who died at age 94 in 2016. As a one stop all purpose aviation service company providing both maintenance and charter flights, Meridian has expanded its services to three small airports in California and one in Florida. That covers two states of the three Epstein mainland US residences. It may well be a legit company, but the question has to be asked, especially with all the interconnected dots with what we know about Lynn de Rothschild and her intimate ties to both Epstein and Maxwell as well as the Clintons, to the person all certifiable pedophile gangsters, and her bloodline family’s prominent role at the notorious #1 Epstein-Maxwell child trafficking hub, is it all just pure coincidence or is something far more sinister operating here? A mutual criminal friend of both Bill Clinton going back to their college days together and Jeffrey Epstein is former Palm Beach attorney Arnold Paul Prosperi. During the 13 months of Epstein’s county jail sleepovers in 2008, Prosperi visited the pedophile a remarkable total of 20 times. Prosperi, Epstein and President Clinton attended an exclusive fundraising dinner together with only 15 guests at Revlon chairman listed in Epstein’s black book Ron Perelman’s Manhattan estate in 1995 for refurbishing the Clintons’ White House Oval Office. Prosperi turned out to be a felon also, involved in a multimillion dollar swindling of a client in 1997. Prosperi died in 2016. Anther Clinton-Epstein mutual contact was White House aide Mark Middleton who Epstein visited at least three times at the White House. Onetime Epstein buddy President Trump sent Middleton a signed copy of his book. After he left his White House job, attorney Middleton chose to keep his White House phone number that redirected callers to his trade company. Later the administration rebuked him for still using the old White House number, claiming he abused his privilege and his access to the White House was revoked. Then in 1999 the House Reform Committee subpoenaed him due to the Clinton campaign illegally accepting nearly a half million dollars in foreign donations. Who says foreign agents don’t own the US government? Middleton defiantly refused to show up for the hearing evoking his right against self-incrimination. Do you see a pattern here? Virtually everyone who shares a mutual friend named Jeffrey Epstein in common is exposed for breaking the law or involved in some nefarious activity. Other mutual friends in trouble with the law close to both Epstein-Maxwell crime partners and the Clinton crime family is pedo-actor Kevin Spacey who has a history of sexually abusing adolescent boys. Recall the highly publicized 2002 Lolita Express flight to Africa with Epstein and Bill Clinton. Also Spacey and Guislaine’s tour of Buckingham Palace sitting on the queen’s throne together with their personal guide, accused child sex offender Prince Andrew (for the lowdown on Andrew’s Epstein involvement, see Chapter 33). Appearing in Epstein’s infamous black book is Doug Band, referred to in New York Magazine as “Bill Clinton’s bag carrier, body man, fixer, and all-purpose gatekeeper.” Band was also on that trip to Africa and became friends with Guislaine Maxwell as well, attending a dinner party in 2005 at her New York townhouse bought from Lynn de Rothschild. Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre has stated that Doug Band was well-aware of the Epstein-Maxwell sex trafficking with underage girls but chose to say nothing.Former New Mexico governor and onetime UN ambassador Bill Richardson during the Clinton administration was Bill’s energy secretary. He was allegedly close to both Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, and known to have at least one time stayed at the Santa Fe ranch. Unsealed documents released a day before Epstein’s reported suicide reveal that Virginia Giuffre in a 2016 deposition claimed she was ordered by Epstein and Maxwell to have sex with Bill Richardson, among a number of other prominent men she alleges she was passed onto. Though Richardson denies the allegation, with pictures proving he was there, Richardson was compelled to admit that he visited the ranch once with his wife. Though a spokesperson for the former governor specified that he was not a friend of Epstein’s, and allegedly knew nothing of their sex crimes, in direct contradiction is a sworn deposition statement made by Virginia Giuffre in 2016 where she stated that Bill Richardson had sex with her and was aware of the Epstein-Maxwell sex trafficking operation. Another politician Virginia maintains she was forced to have sex with who also knew about Epstein is former Democratic Senator from Maine George Mitchell, onetime Senate Majority Leader. Virginia Giuffre has also stated that billionaire Ron Burkle was aware of the Epstein sex ring as well. Burkle is a supermarket magnate and co-owner of the NHL Pittsburgh Penguin hockey team, whose 26-year old son Andrew died in early January 2020. Burkle is also allegedly a close mutual friend to both Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein. Another Clinton cabinet member who was friends with Epstein is Bill’s former treasury secretary and onetime Harvard president Larry Summers, who willingly accepted $30 million from the philanthropic, influence peddling blackmailer Epstein. At the insistence of Summers and reported reluctance of Epstein, the Harvard prez used some of the pedo’s money to create the Harvard Epstein Program for Mathematical Biology and Evolutionary Dynamics. Flight logs show that Summers flew on the infamous plane to the infamous island as well. Larry Summers’ wife hosts a television program funded by once again the world’s most famous pedophile. Finally, both Clinton cabinet members Bill Richardson and Larry Summers are advisory board members of Genie Energy, the only company with drilling rights in the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Other board members include Clinton’s CIA director James Woolsey, Deep State media mogul Rupert Murdock, Mega Group member Michael Steinhardt and Lord Jacob Rothschild. Lynn de Forester Rothschild was also on secretary of energy’s advisory board while Richardson held the post. It’s one thing to know Epstein prior to his pedo-conviction, but it’s another to still maintain a personal or business relationship with him after learning he’s a registered sex offender. An investment tycoon who chose to continue doing business as usual with Epstein long after he became a registered sex offender is billionaire Leon Black, chairman of Apollo Global Management. As late as a decade after Epstein was investigated, in 2015 Black was forcing his executives to listen to Epstein instruct them on cutting corners with offshore shelter tips to “legally” cheat on paying taxes. Despite an internal backlash by some, Black persisted maintaining his “business” relationship with the pedophile. Another company that chose to maintain a relationship with Epstein is JPMorgan Chase, an old Rothschild subsidiary. In recent years it was leaked that Leon Black and fellow Apollo founder Marc Rowan and reps Ariane Rothschild and Cynthia Tobiano from the Edmund de Rothschild Group converged on Epstein’s infamous Manhattan mansion to talk business together. From the Lynn and Evelyn de Rothschild ties that bind to both Epstein and Maxwell to another Rothschild dynasty branch. Blackmailers can still hold court over those they compromise, unless of course they own the world.Leon Black even gave $10 million to Epstein’s foundation, Gratitude America in 2015. For the biggest child sex trafficker-sexual blackmailer of the 21st century to have “Israeli intelligence” finagle a sweetheart deal to issue his get out of jail card 6 days a week for a few inconvenient months of jail sleepovers, why not call your charity “Gratitude America,” where the two-tiered legal justice system allows billionaires too big to jail pedophiles who fuck and pimp children with virtual impunity while the rest of us would be doing lifetime sentences in cockroach infested cages. Once the asshole did get locked up on trafficking charges last year, the Leon Blacks of the world, and there’s quite a few, found themselves in deep offshore water without a paddle having to explain themselves to their investors. One wonders, as with Les Wexner, what kind of hidden camera hold the blackmailer of the century and his partner Ghislaine still have on so many compromised elitists with Maxwell as one of their own locked away in her roach-infested cage, no doubt sweating it out not unlike her ex-lover Epstein did for a month. We’re as close to breaking through the impenetrable wall of their 2-tiered justice system as we ever have been, because their filthy truth has never been more glaring. And if they pull a déjà vu to kill her too, there’s going to be a revolution! Speaking of the one locked up now in Brooklyn, Ghislaine Maxwell’s dishonorable, untrustworthy character can be illustrated by exposing her litany of uncovered lies beginning with her emphatic denial of any illegal wrongdoing against any of the Epstein victims. But with countless victims lining up ready to testify against her in a court of law next July, Ghislaine risks being proven before the world the habitual liar that she is as she realizes her many years of criminal wrongdoing will be fully paraded before the public in sordid detail at her upcoming trial. That’s the biggest reason her case will more than likely never get that far but instead she’ll work out yet another non-prosecution plea bargain arrangement to shorten her prison sentence, so the 58-year old has a chance of a post-prison life, or her fate may well become the same as Epstein’s – silenced by another prearranged suicided final act. Maybe the indictments of pedo-rapist Jean-Luc Brunel and all the other female accomplices and hired hands involved in the day-to-day blackmail operation will also face having their day in court, but seeing is believing on the Prince Andrew, the Clintons, Barak and all the rest of the seedy VIP clientele who have always lived above the law. Dershowitz is a toss-up and could go either way. That’s historically how these scandals work out with up to a small handful of the lowest hangers thrown under the bus but the untouchables higher up on the food chain remaining untouchable ultimately until their Judgment Day. Rest assure, it’ll come.Among Maxwell’s countless boldface lies was her denying that she ever had contact with Epstein for a full decade when recently disclosed documents confirm that she maintained email correspondence as recently as late January 2015 with her former partner-in-crime. Also proving her “no contact” lie, once the pedophile was a free man in 2011, he met with both Maxwell and their mutual old friend Prince Andrew for a happy reunion of sorts. The year before in 2010 Ghislaine made up the false excuse that she had to abruptly leave New York for London without a plan to return due to an ill mother apparently on her near deathbed, anything to avoid attending another legal deposition in the victims’ then civil lawsuit against Epstein. Yet within weeks, Maxwell the socialite was discovered back in New York attending Chelsea Clinton’s July 31st wedding. After the most media visible victim Jane Doe No.102, otherwise known as Jane Doe No.3 in another suit, Virginia Roberts-Giuffre, went public with her allegations against Epstein, Maxwell and Prince Andrew as well as a slew of others like Harvard professor-defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, Israeli former prime minister Ehud Barak, former Democratic Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson, former Democratic US Senator from Maine George Mitchell, Hyatt Hotels owner Tom Pritzker, hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin (See Chapter 38), deceased Harvard scientist Marvin Minsky and modeling scout and longtime rapist Jean-Luc Brunel. Virginia’s generic list that Epstein passed her onto include:Numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister and other world leaders.In response to the negative publicity, Maxwell publicly called Virginia a liar in the press, which of course was yet another lie as Virginia has backed up many of her accusations with solid irrefutable evidence and has yet to be proven a liar, as opposed to Maxwell’s nonstop record of chronically lying to save her own skin. From the late July 2020 Judge Loretta Preska’s giant doc dump of unsealed records, much of what had previously been suspected or known about the Epstein case was recently confirmed by thousands of highly revealing unsealed court documents. Again, let’s look a little closer at that bogus claim Maxwell had no contact with Epstein for a full decade, contradicted by their January 2015 email exchange amidst Virginia Giuffre’s defamation suit against her eventually settled in 2017. Definitely feeling the heat, in an effort to distance herself from their longtime shared association with Jeffrey, on January 24, 2015 Ghislaine wrote stating that she’d “appreciate it” if Epstein’s girlfriend (after Ghislaine), referred to as “shelley,” would come forward to say she was Epstein’s girlfriend, adding “I think she was from end 99 to 2002.” The next day Epstein responded “ok with me.”The above exchange came in response to an email sent by Epstein a couple days earlier that read as though Ghislaine had written it. Obviously Epstein was attempting to help his former crime partner appear less guilty and unfairly maligned as possible in preparation as defendant in Giuffre’s defamation suit:Since JE was charged in 2007 for solicitation of a prostitute I have been the target of outright lies, innuendo, slander, defamation, gossip… I have never been party to any criminal activity pertaining to JE.Epstein’s email message adds that at the time of his controversial plea in the case, Maxwell was already: In a very long-term committed relationship with another man and no longer working with Jeffrey. Whilst I remained on friendly terms with him up until his plea, I have had limited contact since.The Epstein message concludes that Maxwell reserves her right “to file complaint and sue for defamation and slander,” which of course she did. In his January 25, 2015 message, Epstein went on to say:You have done nothing wrong and i woudl [sic] urge you to start acting like it. go outside, head high, not as an esacping [sic] convict. go to parties. deal with it.This email shows Epstein’s both a lousy speller and truly possessed a psychopathic character. After all the abusive damage she [and he] caused to so many victims, he’s emphasizing how important it is for her to walk around with her head held high, as if proud of her depravity and evil criminal acts, after all, as a worshipper of Lucifer, no doubt he was proud of himself and his many atrocious accomplishments.Back to the Ghislaine Maxwell’s email referring to the Epstein former girlfriend “shelley.” Of course public release of her first name triggered a media frenzy trying to track her down and identify. And it didn’t take long as in less than a week, her name and photos were plastered all over the headlines. Interestingly enough, a day or two prior to the judge releasing the over 5,000 previously sealed records, while the media was anticipatingly reporting the impending release, the woman in question, Shelley Anne Lewis, suddenly went dark closing all her social media accounts. By attempting to “disappear,” Shelley Lewis only sent the message to the world that she likely has much to hide of her time intimately spent with the world’s biggest known pedophile. If she was actually innocent and never knew her boyfriend was trafficking and abusing hundreds of underage sex slaves with the likes of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton, then one would think she would want to be open and reveal all that she knows or didn’t know at the time, rather than unsuccessfully attempt to hide in vain from the massive media attention she knew would be forthcoming. Now she faces potential conspiracy charges as a willing, aiding and abetting accomplice like all the rest of the procurers, assistants and fixers, currently fretting over the next shoe to drop. If she knows what’s good for her, Shelley Lewis is “singing like a canary.” Shelley Lewis’s 71-year old businessman father speaking from his affluent Cheshire, England neighbourhood to the Daily Mail, confirmed that his now 43-year old daughter dated Epstein while in her early 20s, involved in a sexual relationship with the pedophile for three years from 1999 to 2002. At the time, Shelley was in New York working at Christie’s auction house and is listed flying on Epstein’s Lolita Express flight logs scores of times. Though nowhere to be found talking to the press now, in prior interviews, anonymously referring to Epstein, Shelley raved how she was helped by a “mentor” who “was so original in all his thought processes that he couldn’t even see the box.” Under her “mentor’s” tutelage, the current “spiritual entrepreneur” hosts yoga retreats in the US and previously offered “lifestyle guru” courses to those seeking New Age guidance and enlightenment. She must have learned so much from her wise “mentor” who can’t even see the box… quite an accomplishment, going from mol of the world’s biggest pedo-gangster to “Om”-chanting yogic guru and spiritual expert.As previously sealed documents continue to get released to the public, more people are being outed, “inconvenienced” and confronted for having flown on Lolita Express and been a Pedophile Island guest. In early August 2020 the latest individual needing to explain herself for winding up in Epstein’s sinister world is Clemmie Hambro, at 5-years old the youngest bridesmaid attending Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s 1981 wedding, a great granddaughter of Winston Churchill and member of the blueblood Hambro banking dynasty (for her treasonous WWII relative Sir Charles Jocelyn Hambro, see Chapter 28). Now the 44-year old Clemmie Hambro had to explain how back in 1999 as a 23-year old employee also working at Christie’s auction house in New York just like her co-worker Shelley Lewis, she ostensibly was helping the billionaire Epstein select artwork to furnish his sprawling ranch property in New Mexico. But her visit to Little Saint James Island resulted from Epstein’s “personal invitation.” Wonder how her Christie’s co-worker then Epstein’s girlfriend Shelley Lewis felt about that “personal invitation” to Pedo Island. Listed in the predator’s infamous “black book” as well, Clemmie Hambro said she never knew, saw or ever suspected any criminal activity, although she apparently was noticed and approached as a potential witness by some of Epstein’s underage victims who were on the island when she was. Her summarized explanation:I was young, na?ve and lucky to escape.Numerous other women employed through the years by Epstein and Maxwell as fellow child procurers, fixers, assistants and co-conspirators may still yet be charged. Among them are Sarah Kellen, Nadia Marcinkova, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff and Emmy Tayler. Though they may have been immune from prosecution in Epstein’s sweetheart deal in Florida, they are not immune from criminal charges filed in New York and elsewhere if it can be proven they helped Epstein and Maxwell prey on young victims. Prosecutors want to bring them in for questioning to discern if they were involved in criminal activity. Right after Epstein’s death last August, the media reported that British actress Emmy Tayler, Ghislaine’s personal assistant who Maxwell allegedly called “her slave,” was being sought for questioning after underage witnesses singled her out as a frequent flier on Lolita Express. One of Epstein’s underage rape victims, model Johanna Sjoberg, disclosed that Emmy Tayler “taught her how to massage Epstein,” of course in Epstein’s warped world, codeword “massage” meant “sex.” On another occasion Johanna and Emmy were ordered to perform a striptease act together in front of their perverted master mastur-bating. Much has been made of 21-year old Johanna Sjoberg with 17-year old Virginia Roberts-Giuffre at Epstein’s New York residence in April 2001, reportedly photographed at a party with Prince Andrew and a life-sized puppet of him. Guislaine set the scene up for a photo, placing the doll’s hand on Virginia’s breast, then it appears that Andrew spontaneously groped Johanna’s breast sitting on his lap. Johanna provided testimony in 2007 and again in 2016 about Guislaine approaching her while at a Palm Beach community college for a legitimate job as personal assistant in 2001, recruited under false pretense in a “chillingly similar” method that Virginia was, thus corroborating her evidence against Maxwell. It’s been revealed that Epstein pressured Johanna also into having sex with the British prince. Yet another woman wanted for questioning by police emerged upon Ghislaine’s arrest in early July 2020 – the Countess of Iveagh by way of marrying into the aristocratic Guinness bloodline, famous for its beer brewing company. Prior to acquiring her British title, she was Briton blonde bombshell named Clare Hazell, allegedly another onetime Epstein girlfriend and possible former sex slave-turned-procurer (according to Epstein-Maxwell victim Maria Farmer). Clare made at least 32 Lolita Express flights around the globe from 1998 to 2000. By 2001 she was a countess married to an earl Edward Guinness, the 30th richest person in the UK, and by 2003 delivered his son as the family heir. Artist Maria Farmer knew Clare back in 1995 and 1996, while the 25-year old Maria was oblivious and na?ve regarding Epstein’s pedo-operation, she was employed by Epstein as his art consultant and informally his artist in residence in New York and Florida until Maria’s sexual assault during her 3-month 1996 summer stay at the Wexner property in Ohio. But more on Maria Farmer later. Clare Hazell at that time was living in Columbus studying at Ohio State University. Epstein reportedly financed Clare’s modelling agency and in exchange, she was at his and Ghislaine’s “beck and call,” according to an anonymous friend. Maria put it this way:Clare liked having nice drinks, piles of cash and nice outfits. As is so common, child sex predators often work masquerading in children’s charities, the UK’s largest child protection organization being the NSPCC, which not long ago had patrons pedo-minister-Rothschild agent and black book friend Peter Mandelson and accused abuser Prince Andrew. Turns out Lady Iveagh as NSPCC’s West Suffolk branch president recently quit due to the burgeoning scandal. If she was totally innocent in her Epstein days, why would she suddenly resign as again it only sends the message of probable guilt with something to hide. Law enforcement is currently probing Hazell’s role in the Epstein-Maxwell trafficking-blackmail web to discern if she helped procure victims or otherwise was responsible as an accomplice, fixer or pimp. Another from the no accident file, the Earl and Countess of Iveagh’s domicile is Elveden Hall, where Stanley Kubrick’s last film before the cabal murdered him “Eyes Wide Shut” was filmed on location.What is may be in process resulting from Ghislaine’s prosecution are the eminent arrests of many of these Epstein-Maxwell employees that were part of their decades long extensive trafficking operation.?The big question becomes will the list of arrestees also include all the rich and powerful blackmailed global players like the Clintons, Prince Andrew, Ehud Barak and scores of other famous VIP figures? If history repeats itself as it always does, all the A-listers will be allowed to safely slither to their graves as unpunished “deplorables” of the worst kind, right Hillary? After the disappointment of the April 2020 2-1 appeals court decision to not apply the Crime Victims’ Rights Act to survivor Courtney Wild’s challenge on behalf of all Epstein and Maxwell’s victims, in early August 2020 the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the earlier decision and agreed to finally consider the illegality of the sweetheart deal violating the victims’ rights in a move to vacate the previous 3-judge panel’s divided opinion that the prosecutors did not violate the Crime Victims’ Rights Act. This also invalidates the 2008 Non-Prosecution Agreement in Florida that protected all of Epstein’s enablers, co-conspirators and trafficking accomplices’ impunity and opens up greater access for victim justice overall.Before the quintessential conman pilfered millions from his every job, Epstein’s initiation into the world of high finance and investment arrived when Bear Stearns CEO Allan Ace Greenberg was so bedazzled by wonder boy’s new math magic teaching his son at Manhattan’s exclusive private Dalton School, he hired Epstein on the spot with no experience at all. Within a couple years at Bear Stearns, Epstein was made a limited partner. Epstein had lied on his Dalton School application, claiming he’d earned a college degree as a two-time dropout, deceiving the current US Attorney General William Barr’s daddy, headmaster Donald Barr who is said to have originally hired him. Several Dalton alumni have stated as a math and physics teacher in his early 20s, he’d frequently show up at the Dalton student parties and a couple of young schoolgirls complained that he tried to sexually hit on them. After only two years, Epstein was abruptly fired, although the former headmaster (after Barr) refused to specify what for other than saying Epstein didn’t cut it as a teacher. But wonder boy’s meteoric rise from underachieving Brooklyn obscurity seemed to be enhanced and blessed by the invisible hand of fate, or more aptly, Lucifer’s organized crime warlords, spymasters and secret mafia cabal billionaires. Jeffrey Epstein, the Cony Island Brooklyn college dropout, was a narcissistic, psychopathic braggadocio grifter who ruthlessly and brutally clawed his way into billions of dollars and history’s all-time hall of shame. American investigative journalist Edward Jay Epstein (no relation) knew the conman well when Jeffrey Epstein lived in a one-bedroom apartment at Solow Tower at 265 East 66th Street a few years after being terminated from Bear Stearns for an “unknown infraction” we now know was insider trading. Jeffrey Epstein tried to impress others by arranging parties on the roof of his apartment building claiming the penthouse was his, while ordering deli food delivered for his rooftop guests. He bragged to Edward Jay how he could upgrade the journalist’s purchased airline ticket in coach to first class, the next day handing the ticket back with a tacky sticker attached claiming it would be accepted as a first class upgrade, that is until Edward Jay learned at the airline check-in counter that it was merely an economy class ticket with a fake sticker attached… no Epstein magic there, just the frothy verbal bluster of an inwardly insecure, outwardly arrogant and overly confident bullshitter’s unfulfilled promise. Little has been written of Epstein’s early involvement with Edgar Bronfman Sr. of the Seagram crime family, head of the World Jewish Congress and his brother Charles co-founder with Les Wexner of the Jewish billionaire Mega Group. In 1980 Bronfman unloaded Texas Pacific Oil Company and was seeking his next purchase with lots of cash in hand when approached by Giuseppe Tome, financial advisor to Italy’s black nobility bloodline, the House of Savoy and the Agnelli family known for its Fiat automotive empire. Having already shared past business in gold acquisition with the Bronfman clan, Tome sought out Edgar Bronfman in 1980 to explore their next joint venture together. It was Epstein on behalf of the Bronfman crime family who warned Edgar that Tome was a spy, setting Giuseppe Tome up to take the fall for insider trading involving the St. Joe Mineral Corporation, an oil and gold mining company. While at Bear Stearns Epstein clearly engaged in illicit insider trading and then lied to the FBI in his deposition, yet it was Tome along with other Italian and Swiss investors who got busted and sent to jail. Epstein’s flagrant violation of Securities & Exchange Commission laws resulted in his mere loss of a trading license but no indictment. In 1981 he was forced to resign, but walking away a free man, he was off to see the world, the wonderful world of Oz. Even though the 2003 Vicky Ward’s Vanity Fair article entitled “The Talented Mr. Epstein” was largely a puff piece, it does mention that Epstein allegedly confided in his later boss and mentor Steven Hoffenberg while employed as a consultant at Towers Financial Corporation from 1987 to 1993, admitting that at Bear Stearns in 1981 he “was discovered executing ‘illegal operations,’” i.e., insider trading. Epstein used as his face-saving excuse for his abrupt New York departure that he was hankering to start his own business, though J. Epstein & Company wouldn’t materialize for another 7 years until 1988. With the powerful patriarch of the mighty Bronfman family Edgar interceding as Epstein’s first “mega” benefactor in 1980, bailing him out of his first illegal entanglement, though certainly not his last, without his trading license, what did the pedophile do for a living during those “lost years” from 1981 on? Epstein’s next stop was moving to London to cut his teeth engaging in secret arms trafficking and illegal money laundering. British arms dealer Douglas Leese took a liking to the young lad still in his late-20s and after getting canned and ego-bruised at Bear Stearns, under the veteran gun runner’s wing, Epstein learned about shady offshore front accounts, international laundering and the lucrative trafficking of war arms. As just one example of mystery man Douglas Leese’s hifalutin international deal-making, he was instrumental as the pivotal middleman using offshore Bermuda holdings (not far from Epstein’s future sex trafficking operational headquarters on Little St. James Island) to funnel laundered bribes to Saudi royals to set up British history’s biggest arms deal, the multibillion-dollar 1985 Al Yamamah deal. As an intelligence operative, Douglas Leese arranged the sale of British warplanes made by British Aerospace, the soon-to-be BAE Systems, the world’s largest foreign defense contractor, 4th biggest overall behind US firms Lockheed, Boeing and Raytheon, in exchange for coveted Saudi Kingdom oil. UK police calculated over ?6 billion in corrupt commissions. The then Saudi defense minister, Prince Bandar made a killing, but his even bigger day in infamy came on 9/11 when Prince Bandar-Bush as Saudi Ambassador to US allegedly supplied 15 Saudi 9/11 hijackers out of the total of 19. Notice how one Bush-Clinton scandal seamlessly morphs into another over the passing decades, involving the same criminal players’ connecting ties to war, organized crime and pedophilia. This is where Epstein as an intelligence asset learned to wheel and deal under the table, making big bucks in highly profitable illegal enterprises from a largely unknown, nonpublic role model named Sir Douglas Leese. Yep, no shady misdeed goes unrewarded by the crime cabal’s British queen, so the royal knight taught Epstein everything he knew. Douglas Leese’s name can hardly be found in the public domain. But as peddler of multinational defense packages during the booming Iran Contra 1980s, his name came up a decade later in UK’s January 1996 Hansard parliamentary records, cited during a heated debate during the House of Commons investigation of the Yamamah deal by then MP George Galloway, referring to Leese’s controversial Saudi deal’s hefty kickback bribes. Prime Minister Tony Blair was always suppressing investigations into illegal arms or child sex trafficking, the Yamamah Deal no exception, primarily due to the brokering influence of Prince Charles’s cozy relationship with his Saudi royal counterparts. The US-Anglo-Zionist Empire and its intelligence services actively promoting, training and financing support for the Saudi Wahabism movement, created proxy war terrorism through the rise of Al Qaeda as “useful idiot” role in 9/11 is well-grounded in documented fact. Fitting that an early Epstein mentor, the late Douglas Leese, was also a member of the same male-only, highly secret elite Order of Saint Hubertus that in February 2016 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia suspiciously died with another rushed cremation and bypassed autopsy while attending a gathering at the Order’s West Texas hunting resort, notoriously referred to as “rent boy ranch.” The highly skeptical circumstances surrounding the accused pedophile judge’s untimely death strongly indicate foul play and cover-up.Jeffrey Epstein was a hungry, hustling, showboating shyster when international master spy Robert Maxwell and his favorite spy apprenticed daughter first encountered him sometime in the early to mid-1980s. According to Israel’s former Directorate of Military Intelligence Ari Ben-Menashe, daddy Maxwell introduced him to Epstein while Menashe and Robert Maxwell were busily immersed in dealing arms to multiple nations during the infamous Iran Contra Affair. Menashe asserts that Robert Maxwell brought Epstein in as an asset in Israeli Military Intelligence to sell arms to Iran. Menashe also states that Jeffrey Epstein met Ghislaine Maxwell at a party and she was smitten by his good looks and charm. According to Menashe, Ghislaine then introduced Epstein to her father and that’s when Menashe met Epstein through Robert Maxwell. It’s interesting that Ari the senior Israeli Military Intelligence veteran was not at all impressed with Epstein:[Epstein] wasn’t very competent. He didn’t seem to be a competent guy, he doesn’t seem to be. But he was a good looking guy. And Miss Maxwell … fell for him.Ari Ben-Menashe believes that because Maxwell’s daughter “fell for” Epstein, Robert Maxwell was inclined to favor the “good-looking” charmer for his daughter’s sake. Apparently, Ari has put out two slightly different dates regarding Epstein first meeting the Maxwells. The Whitney Webb article from October 2019 cites “mid-1980s” but in an interview posted in late September a week earlier Menashe specifies they met in “the early 1980s.” A perhaps minor point but worth noting. It’s safe to say that Ghislaine was very likely still in her early 20s while 9 years older Jeffrey was closer to 30 when they first got together romantically and soon were professionally connected and established through Robert Maxwell’s extensive Israeli intelligence network. Epstein was employed by British intelligence-linked arms dealer Douglas Leese at the same time that Robert Maxwell recruited him for Israeli intelligence. What is crystal clear is that Epstein gained experience in arms trafficking, money laundering and intelligence gathering, for Israel and likely MI6 and CIA, often overlapping all three of these notorious allied intel agencies with confidentially shared information. From prior chapters, they notoriously coordinate pedo-trafficking blackmail operations around the globe.Just ahead of Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail pedo-operation, during those Iran Contra years, in addition to involvement with the mysterious, queen-knighted British arms dealer Douglas Leese and the Maxwells, Epstein was also allegedly involved in money laundering and arms trafficking with the likes of the onetime richest man in the world, the late notorious Saudi death merchant and international playboy Adnan Khashoggi, uncle to the 2018 Saudi assassinated Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Adnan Khashoggi was known for his ties to not only Saudi intelligence, but also US and Israel as well, even claiming his grandfather was Jewish. The years spent mostly abroad in Britain working the same backstream channels as the powerfully rich Saudi kingpin during the 1980s provided ample opportunity for his swapping the trafficking of arms for his destined pathological niche and deviant proclivity, the trafficking of underage sex slaves, that undoubtedly proved far more suited to his degenerate tastes. While in Europe Epstein connected with the shady infamous Saudi Adnan Khashoggi, who not only moved heavy arms but major shipments of cocaine out of Colombia during the Contra 1980s. Compliments of the Estee Lauder cosmetics heir and Mega Group member Ronald Lauder, Epstein even possessed an Austrian passport that listed Saudi Arabia as his country of residence. The purported excuse for the fraudulent passport is that it’s safer for a Jew working incognito with the Saudi billionaire Khashoggi to be an Austrian while covertly selling arms to Muslim countries. At this point, Epstein was definitely an asset working for US and Israeli intelligence.Another gem from “it’s a small world” file, Adnan Khashoggi owned the world’s largest superyacht later sold to Donald Trump, while Khashoggi’s brother Emad built his superyacht in 1986 soon sold to Robert Maxwell, who renamed it Lady Guislaine, until 1991 when the 300-pounder either fell off or was pushed off.After mystery man Leese, another Epstein’s mentoring criminal boss was Steven Hoffenberg, founder and chairman of the once large debt collection agency Towers Financial Corporation. Onetime New York Post owner Hoffenberg has said that he was first introduced in London to Epstein in 1987 by Sir Douglas Leese, touting Epstein’s assets:The guy’s a genius. He’s great at selling securities. And he has no moral compass. [Emboldened for emphasis] Regards to what Epstein did at his prior job with Leese, Hoffenberg confirmed his heavy involvement in:Investment banking, money laundering, arm sales and intelligence gathering.As a fellow hustling Jew from Brooklyn, it was an effortless task to recruit and navigate the young swindling hustler Epstein operating without a “moral compass” back to New York City to join fellow crook Hoffenberg’s Ponzi scheme from 1987 to 1993. Hoffenberg maintains that Epstein stole millions from his prior boss Douglas Leese, “skimming off the top of the money transfers he was involved in.”During the half dozen years that Epstein worked for Hoffenberg, he was paid $25,000 a month and in 1988 given a $2 million loan that Epstein never paid back. The owner of Towers Financial accused Epstein of not only stealing from investors like Hoffenberg did, but also looting Hoffenberg’s company coffers as well. A pattern was already well-established, everywhere Epstein went, he stole millions of other people’s money. Hoffenberg’s description of the man:Very manipulative, very controlling. He had no boundaries. He was a brilliant, seductive, criminal mastermind. The former Ponzi scheme kingpin-longtime jailbird-born again Christian Steven Hoffenberg paid for his crimes of fraud, income tax evasion and obstruction of justice, with a $1 million fine and spending 18 years of a 20-year sentence in federal prisons. But according to him, his chief partner-in-crime as his well-paid consultant – Jeffrey Epstein, apparently again was a “pay grade above,” escaping from having to answer for his crimes swindling investors out of nearly a half billion dollars. Currently struggling with serious health issues in his newfound worship of Jesus, apparently 75-year old Steven Hoffenberg has decided to come clean to share some of what he knows. Despite Epstein amassing a criminal fortune of $634 million appraised just after his August 2019 death, when it came time to pay back his share of bilking a total $475 million out of 200,000 investors in one of the largest scams in US history at Towers Financial, after successfully absconding with millions himself, Epstein’s name was mysteriously erased and was nowhere to be found on any company, police or legal record. According to Steven Hoffenberg, well over a billion dollars are still being laundered currently, urging the Second District of New York to implement an asset forfeiture seizure and should have occurred as soon as Epstein died in August 2019. New York City DA Geoffrey Berman’s termination was likely over this unfinished money laundering business. Instead, the Virgin Islands Attorney General has taken the initiative lay claim against Epstein’s estate. The Sun reported that Epstein victims’ lawyer Spencer Kuvin asserts that Berman wouldn’t relent in his investigation of Prince Andrew and that’s why Trump and Attorney General William Barr fired him in June 2020.That invisible hand was at it again, bailing the evil asshole out at every turn. Though Hoffenberg insists he handed over mountains of evidence implicating Epstein for fraud to the prosecutors, when approached years later for explanation, they merely claim they were never interested in pursuing Epstein. Had Epstein been indicted alongside Hoffenberg back in 1995, literally thousands of young girls’ lives would have been spared the torment and devastation of another full decade of rape victim enslavement. But when it comes to gaining blackmail control over the so-called movers and shakers of the world, no amount of expendable children’s lives from the wrong side of the tracks means jack shit to the psychopathic planetary controllers. With thousands upon thousands losing their entire life savings, after his prison release in 2013, Steven Hoffenberg claimed he was committed to compensating investors that both he and Epstein had ripped off. But when Hoffenberg showed up at the door of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in an effort to begin recouping stolen money, the door was slammed in his face. After paying back $200 million, in May 2016 Hoffenberg filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Epstein, ostensibly for investors to recover their losses but the suit went nowhere. The protected pedophile was never punished for either his financial or his sexual crimes. Obviously because of Epstein’s high-level intel connections, the low-life thumbed his nose once again defying Lady Justice. One can easily see how Epstein - the financial and sexual predator – seamlessly moved from one criminal enterprise to the next with boundless arrogance and deferred accountability, which in turn only fed his growing egotistical, insatiable, lustful drive and appetite for more power, perversion and criminality, aided and enabled repeatedly by his get-out-of-jail card during his four decade long criminal career. Outspoken victim-survivor Virginia Roberts-Giuffre’s deposition testimony:If I left Epstein, he knew all kinds of powerful people. He could have had me killed or abducted, and I always knew he was capable of that if I did not obey him. He let me know that he knew many people in high places. Speaking about himself, he said, ‘I can get away’ with things. Though encumbered in slightly more legal entanglement than his infamous British counterpart, Epstein’s life shares a remarkably close parallel with yet another Zionist - Jimmy Savile, UK’s chief VIP procurer to the rich and powerful as well as his nation’s most prolific pedophile in history. Each psychopathic monster rose from humble working-class roots to savagely damage thousands of victims along their way with virtual impunity and protection from the pedophile planetary controllers that each faithfully served as useful idiots. Another striking commonality is virtually everyone within their inner sphere knew what was going on, each brazenly not even hiding their perversions in plain sight, yet both were allowed to carry on crimes sprees spanning many decades with complete insulation from serious consequence. Reason? Both had Zionist intelligence ties to the most powerful people in the world. It also bears repeating that Epstein was a longstanding member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, two New World Order powerbroking organizations that to gain entrance, you already must be an untouchable in the elite’s inner club, this fact alone indicating that pedophiles rule the world.The unholy trinity in illicit trade commodities of trafficking arms, drugs, children/humans, their organs and illegally begotten laundered money rarely receives the important attention even from independent news sources that it should, and that’s because the same global organized crime network controls this pink elephant in the room’s black budget revenue ranging from an unfathomable $1.6 to $2.2 trillion a year, and that tally was over three years ago. In every nation on earth that possesses a sizeable black market for drugs, those who control that market invariably control the country. Though the Epstein-Maxwell sexual blackmail trafficking operation at its height may have been the world’s largest in the 1990s up till 2006 when Epstein’s grand jury indictment in Florida was finally forced, their criminal enterprise in the billions was a mere drop in the bucket compared to the total worldwide illegal pedo-arms-drug trafficking mafia empire. That said, Epstein’s Maxwell father-daughter connection possessed far reaching global tentacles to the high and mighty the world over, including the Saudi Adnan Khashoggi’s powerful web as earth’s onetime wealthiest human, a major global fixer comfortably circulating between established geopolitical circles and organized crime elements as the #1 international kingpin in arms sales. During the 1980s, Epstein reportedly was a money collector for Khashoggi, who also raked in big bucks moving Colombian cocaine, and daresay dabbling in the human trafficking of beautiful, mostly white women as well. Like virtually every high-profile billionaire or perhaps trillionaire in Adnan’s case, like Epstein and Trump, Khashoggi loved his beautiful young women, collecting his concubine possessions as part of his private sex harem. The Khashoggi-Epstein-Ronald Lauder link through Jeffrey’s fake Austrian passport with listed Saudi address compliments of Ronald Lauder, the future Mega Group member, then US Austrian Ambassador, and longtime close friend to both Trump and Roy Cohn. Epstein and Khashoggi’s shared penchant and livelihood in arms trafficking and mutual love for very young beautiful women/girls as established fact dating back to the 1980s is virtually buried from media focus. Yet it may have been his sex slave genesis.During the 1980s Jeffrey Epstein was allegedly in the thick of it all, very likely employed by the CIA, MI6 and Israeli Military Intelligence, covertly interfacing with the who’s who of both the top international weapons dealers and masters of espionage, all playing their shady hand, grooming the derelict during the cloak and dagger gluttony of the Reagan-Bush-Thatcher years. The 1980s stoked the Zionist war flames in the Middle East, supplying heavy arms while orchestrating and pitting Iraq against Iran in a bloody 8-year war, as well as creating insurgent junta death squads in Nicaragua and neighboring Central American countries, supplying weapons in exchange for CIA delivered cocaine flooding inner cities of America via the Bush-Clinton crime families (while Bill was Arkansas governor) from their Mena, Arkansas airport and CIA front company Southern Air Transport (SAT). SAT was a cargo carrier fully owned by the CIA from 1960 to 1973 as a front company heavily tied to the Iran Contra arms and cocaine running in the 1980s. Though the principals include President Reagan, the real driver was former CIA director and then Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, using Bill Clinton’s Arkansas as a pivotal landing and training zone. Increasingly in 1990s The Limited retailer billionaire Les Wexner possessing Israeli intelligence ties and his primary intel asset Jeffrey Epstein expanded their influence over the CIA air cargo carrier SAT. In the thick of all the clandestine activity and subterfuge, in October 1986 a Southern Air C-123 Globemaster was shot down by the Nicaraguan government, which eventually was how this covert Iran Contra monstrosity finally got exposed years later. Gary Webb, the San Jose Mercury investigative journalist began unmasking the government debacle in 1996 that caused America’s crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s in his 1998 Dark Alliance series. The fake mainstream news outlets controlled by CIA mockingbird press turned his life upside down, ultimately leading to his probable suicided fate with two bullet holes in the head in 2004. Despite overwhelming evidence uncovered by Arkansas state police trooper Russell Welch and IRS agent William Duncan in the mid-1980s, the state corruption led by Governor Bill Clinton stymied and quashed nine separate probes and repeated efforts to present evidence before a grand jury. Because justice was crushed, the Clintons went on to the White House. With the CIA’s Southern Air Transport and its covert drug and arms smuggling operation through Mena airport so sloppily run, even Bill’s younger half-brother Roger Clinton busted on cocaine charges, but big brother Bill as president was there to later pardon. Virtually all guilty criminal offenders were protected during the Iran Contra scandal. Between the honest investigators compiling evidence along with key witnesses the dope dealing informants - CIA trafficking pilots Bobby Seal and Terry Reed, the evidence was overwhelming but because it was a federal intelligence operation, again it was all suppressed, no one of import was arrested or prosecuted. Current US Attorney General William Barr was part of the federal cover-up, working for the CIA director William Casey and soon promoted under former CIA director President George HW Bush as his US Attorney General, Barr’s first go-round at that post. According to witness Terry Reed, who also trained Central American rightwing militia dubbed “freedom fighters” at a camp in the woods 10 miles north of the Mena airport, William Barr had this to say to the next chosen President of the US:Bill, you are Mr. Casey’s fair-haired boy… You and your state have been our greatest asset. Mr. Casey wanted me to pass on to you that unless you fuck up and do something stupid, you’re No. 1 on the short list for a shot at the job you’ve always wanted. You and guys like you are the fathers of the new government. We are the new covenant.See how presidents get chosen? If they do what they’re told by their crime cabal puppet masters, they get duly rewarded. Essentially, the more bad you do in Lucifer’s world, the higher you’re promoted. William Barr is a cabal fixer and a proven cover-up kingpin for the last four decades. With this cabal errand boy in charge of the current Epstein-Maxwell case, justice will unlikely be served as the system is too infested with corruption and evil. The Clintons have only been rewarded for all their crimes and Clinton death count. And what about those thousands of sealed indictments, it’s been years now waiting for justice to be delivered. If it was, and high-profile pedophiles were finally arrested and prosecuted, Trump would win in a landslide. That Deep State swamp Trump got elected to drain is a bubbling over cesspool. This current status quo quagmire also explains why Barr forced New York DA Geoffrey Berman out of a job. The New York Times attributed Berman’s ousting to Trump’s adversarial purge in the lead-up to this year’s November election, citing DA Berman prosecuting his former lawyer-fixer Michael Cohen, next going after Trump’s current attorney former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani and indicting two Giuliani associates that helped unveil Joe Biden’s flagrant nepotism over son Hunter’s $600,000 cushy Ukraine gas company gig. Additionally, Joe Biden’s younger brother James owns property on Water Island, 9 miles from Epstein’s Little Saint James Island. The brother sold a land parcel to a lobbyist who’s financially gained bigtime from Biden’s Vice Presidency. The 2020 Democratic presidential nominee also annually vacations in the Virgin Islands and reputedly Uncle Joe, the compulsive child fondler, has his hand grabbing a Virgin Island for himself. With Guislaine a piloted submariner and underwater docks located around the islands as well as a licensed helicopter pilot, she’s been known to pick up guests and discreetly transport/traffic them to and from Orgy Island to avoid names on flight logs that become public record. Since Epstein half owned the local Port of Red Hook with the Virgin Island Governor, avoiding customs inspections altogether, essentially their trafficking operation was secured without territorial government interference. And according to a Biden staffer, the rumor goes, if he wins, he’ll pardon Guislaine synchronized with her scheduled July trial. Granted, this could be a planted story from the Trump campaign, or maybe not.Back to the CIA’s Southern Air Transport and its long history running heroin shipments from the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia to the States during the 1960s and 1970s’ Vietnam War era to the 1980s arms for cocaine running during Iran Contra infamy, by the 1990s SAT was increasingly transporting “clothing” from Hong Kong to Columbus, Ohio for Wexner’s retail clothing company The Limited, despite SAT being based out of Miami as the US Southern drug gateway. Yet another underhanded co-occurring crime operation was the Epstein and Wexner push to transfer the CIA “Spook Air” Transport hub from Arkansas to Columbus, Ohio, converting Rickenbacker Air Force Base into Rickenbacker Airport and Port Authority by the early 1990s. The corrupt Southern Air Transport drained Ohio taxpayers of $3 million before intel-linked Wexner and Epstein milked the SAT’s collapse into bankruptcy by October 1, 1998, the exact same day the CIA inspector general publicly exposed the Iran-Contra drugs for weapons horror show. The timing was no accident. The seedy cargo transport’s three-year swan dive in Columbus left Wexner and Epstein’s dirty fingerprints.The notorious cargo air carrier carrying such a shady criminal past made its Ohio relocation official at Rickenbacker Airport by 1995 with millions pumped in investment in the project promising a boon for central Ohio development, yet within three years turned into mismanaged boondoggle. While the East Coast mob moved Wexner’s cargo on the ground, the CIA moved his cargo by air while Epstein cooked the books. The gangster business of international drug smuggling “caught up to” Southern Air Transport, plunging it and the big plans for Columbus straight into irreversible bankruptcy debt. Another Deep State CIA linked company called Evergreen Aviation took over its routes. Criminal convictions resulted for a retired Air Force general and an ex-CIA official but Wexner and Epstein again managed to walk away free and clear, no doubt due to their “superior” CIA-Israeli Intelligence “pay grade.” Former Columbus Press editor and journalist Gerry Bello sizes it up:It is of a billionaire and a spy's daughter providing minors for sex to very important people in a house full of cameras. That same billionaire has an armored Mercedes, a friend with a command center, business relations with multiple CIA backed airlines, connections to the mob, many friends in the media and was associated with the false PR that lead to the Iraq war. Virtually overnight as a consequence of these 1980s intelligence operations, the crime cabal behind the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-US-Israeli intel network by sinister design produced today’s privatized US prison industrial complex locking up millions of Americans of color in a manufactured fake war on drugs aka war against the poor, prepping the stage for the just as diabolical fake war on terror as a convenient scapegoating war against the Islamic religion. Quite the busy decade for the likes of junior operative Jeffrey Epstein and his organized crime bosses posing as presidents, governors, moguls and warlords. For all these wars designed to give rise to the military industrial complex while destabilizing the entire globe in order to facilitate centralized consolidation of power, the Luciferian controllers needed to own and control key top Western politicians through bribery and sexual blackmail using underage children for bait as their standard currency of exchange. Around the same time in the mid-1980s when Epstein and Wexner were fast becoming friends (some would say lovers, partners-in-crime for Israel), Les Wexner was already in deep shit over an organized crime hit in March 1985 against his own attorney Arthur Shapiro in the Ohio capital of Columbus. The “mob-style murder” to this day haunts both the city and its kingpin’s many skeletons in his closet. Wexner business partner and former Columbus council president Jack Kessler and another standing council member and Wexner associate were all implicated and linked to the murder through strong circumstantial evidence, according to an investigation report believed lost, that then suddenly resurfaced in 1998. Back in June 1991, Columbus Police Chief James Jackson ordered the highly revealing, too incriminatingly hot to handle document destroyed as soon as it was completed. A mayoral investigation in 1996 found Jackson in contempt, destroying a public record, given a slap on the hand of a 5-day suspension and accusations of favoritism toward police commanders also bent on burying the explosive document. But in 1998 an FBI copy of the report emerged, heavily implicating Wexner ties to corrupt local law enforcement, Pennsylvania and New Jersey organized crime families like the Genovese clan, a mafia associated trucking company and its teamsters, shady businessmen on the Columbus city council, one being Jack Kessler in partnership with Wexner on his New Albany community project, circumventing Columbus municipal laws, and the law firm with dead partner Shapiro in charge of the Wexner contract account, all appear suspiciously interconnected either with the execution of Shapiro’s murder or cover-up that remains unsolved to this day. Additionally, the secretive Shapiro hadn’t filed tax returns during the prior 7 years and had suspicious offshore accounts under Grand Jury investigation about to be questioned just prior to his untimely passing. Shadily hidden assets had already become among Epstein’s fortes. And about that same time the ambitious upstart Epstein had auspiciously entered Wexner’s life. Was Shapiro about to expose Wexner’s criminal involvement with organized crime? Sexual blackmail? Wexner was already deeply entrenched in unsavory business ties with the Eastern crime syndicate that reserves zero compunction to resorting to murder to resolve troubling legal fixes or jams, something that Epstein would ironically come to know the final days of his own marked life. So these are the shady beginnings between “godfather” Wexner and his criminal protégé Epstein who is said to have replaced Wexner’s slain attorney. A significant example of how Leslie Wexner as a Zionist policymaking powerbroker dictated US foreign policy for the Greater Israel Project, was his Wexner Foundation-prepared 2003 document called “Wexner Analysis: Israeli Communication Priorities.” Though it claims not to be a policy document, it provides detailed policy recommendations and guidelines as a blueprint for how both the US and Israel should “sell” the Iraq invasion and war to the world. Veteran Columbus, Ohio journalist Robert Fitrakis exposed the Wexner and Epstein ties to organized crime in the 1985 mob-style murder of Wexner’s then attorney Arthur Shapiro. Fitrakis interviewed former Ohio state inspector general David Sturtz, who referred to Epstein as Wexner’s boyfriend, as well as former Franklin County sheriff Earl Smith, and both have gone on record stating that Jeffrey Epstein was Shapiro’s replacement. Based on his review of Wexner and Epstein documents, the Ohio inspector general Sturtz was rightly convinced they had ties to foreign intelligence.Insurance executive Bob Meister is said to have introduced Wexner to Epstein in 1985, the same year Wexner’s attorney died. Yet according to both financier Epstein and Mega Mogul Wexner, they met each other in 1986. In any event, it’s no coincidence that Zionists Leslie Wexner and Zionist Robert Maxwell and Zionist daughter Guislaine all showed up in Epstein’s life around the same time. Robert Morosky, former vice chairman of The Limited, the name of Wexner’s company prior to L Brands, before resigning in 1987 made an inquiry into Epstein’s background and found:I tried to find out how did he get from a high school math teacher to a private investment advisor. There was just nothing there.Without formal employment or even job description made explicitly known, Epstein’s presented role to Wexner and his company was simply helping to manage the retail magnate’s fortune as his financial advisor. Wexner friends and employees were bewildered to see how such an established and successful business tycoon would place so much trust in an unknown outsider with such a thin resumé and inadequate experience. Jack Kessler, former Columbus council president who partnered with Wexner on the New Albany community development project and even helped him cut corners with municipal statutes during its construction, had stake in the second largest home initially designated for him, a 23 room 10,960 square foot estate. But maintaining legal control, Wexner ended up snatching it away and selling it to Epstein in 1992 for $3.5 million, then turned around six years later to buy the property back paying Epstein an inflated $8 million, over twice what he paid just a few years earlier. Sandwiched between Epstein buying and selling the place was his and his girlfriend’s sexual assault on Maria Farmer. Nobody could quite figure out why Wexner was always leaning over backwards to help the young criminal upstart who even sued Wexner’s own mother when she became ill and took over as trustee of her foundation. In 2000 Les supposedly sold one of his company Boeing 727 airliners for $10 million to Epstein. Again, it was plain to see why the sugar daddy was always so generous in his giveaways. The man was in love with his young ballsy protégé and both were immersed in a sexual blackmail operation for Israeli military intelligence. And it’s been reported Wexner especially liked adolescent boys, so maybe the gutsy blackmailer pinched his (go)nads too. With Mega Group’s founding members Seagram boss Charles Bronfman and Leslie H. Wexner, both huge benefactors supporting the most visible child sex trafficker of our times, just like the Vatican, Jesuits, Malta Knights and Freemasons, evidence strongly indicates that the Mega Group also sponsors the global pedophilia trafficking blackmail network for Zionist Israel’s global control. It’s not such a stretch to understand that one of the world’s richest Jewish billionaires, long tied to organized crime, would also choose to remain intimately close to the sick-slick creepster Epstein. Once you realize that Wexner, the Bronfmans, Epstein and the Maxwells are all about Zionism’s obsession for supreme and absolute control of the world, and their modern means of achieving it through sexual blackmail of targeting high profile politicians, CEOs, judges, mass media titans and their entertainers and jesters, thanks to the Epsteins and Maxwells of the world, at this point it’s already a done deal. But nearly two decades ago, a Wall Street insider described to New York Magazine that the Epstein and Wexner relationship was just plain “weird”:It’s just not typical for someone of such enormous wealth to all of a sudden give his money to some guy most people have never heard of.In 1991 Wexner granted Epstein power of attorney, a 3-page document allocating to Epstein the power to hire new employees, sign checks, buy and sell properties and borrow money without consent or permission from Wexner. 1991, the year Epstein was catapulted into the driver’s seat in total charge of Wexner’s billions is the exact same year Wexner and Bronfman start their Zionist billionaires boys club together, the Mega Group, and Zionist master spy Robert Maxwell allegedly dies a suspicious drowning death. Still another significant event in 1991 was the monumental collapse of the CIA and Mossad linked Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Heralded in the late 1970s as the bank for Third World prosperity, in actuality it was the brainchild of the CIA figuring an international bank provides effective international cover. But by the mid-1980s despite spreading to over 70 nations with a balance of $20 billion as the 7th largest bank in the world, it became the forerunner to illegal offshore tax shelter-Ponzi scheme-money laundered corruption and fraud that has spread like cancer to so many of today’s “too big to fail banks.” Needless to say, it quickly became a favorite for despots and dictators the world over, like Panama’s Manuel Noriega, Philippines’ Ferdinand Marcos and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. In 1988 even Adnan Khashoggi was arrested in Switzerland and detained for three months over eventually dropped charges that he stole money from BCCI creditors. Intelligence agencies protected criminals like Khashoggi, Maxwell and Epstein who used BCCI for heavy duty money laundering, arming and financing terrorists in the Middle East till the bank went belly up in 1991. Additionally, BCCI also was known to have used sex trafficking of underage girls for gaining favors or pressuring VIPs through blackmail, and may well have been Epstein’s gateway into this illicit trade by which he became most associated.Another heavy user of BCCI loans in the tens of millions during the 1980s was Marc Rich, hedge fund manager, commodity trader, financier and business owner of the international conglomerate Glencore. With deep connections especially in Israel, he violated the oil embargo buying Iranian oil and selling it as Israel’s main supplier for up to twenty years. In 1983 a US grand jury in New York indicted him on 65 counts of wire fraud, tax evasion, trading with Iran during the hostage crisis and racketeering. He grew up in New York but fled to Switzerland evading the law and for over a decade and a half was a fugitive living in opulent wealth while still managing to operate his multibillion-dollar businesses from mostly Israel and Switzerland. But in the final hours of Bill Clinton’s presidency, Marc Rich was granted a highly controversial pardon. Essentially Rich’s ex-wife laid $450,000 down on the Clinton library and gave millions to the Democratic cause, but it was the pressure from Israeli intelligence that in all likelihood sexually blackmailed Clinton to cave in. The White House had been bugged and Israel had 500 hours of wiretapped phone conversations between the adulterer and his mistress Monica Lewinsky. But that theater had already played itself out. Israeli intelligence through Epstein undoubtedly possessed more than enough dirt to leverage the deal. Also top Israeli politicians as well as the Mega Group, in particular Michael Steinhardt, all lobbied heavily on Rich’s behalf. And then more friends in high places, the Rothschild family also maintained deep ties with Marc Rich and owns part of his Glencore corporation. What’s a mere puppet in the Oval Office in his waning hours to do but bow under to the overwhelming sanctity of sheer wealth and power, and the American [and Clinton] way. BCCI funded a number of political campaigns, like Colorado Democratic Senator Gary Hart’s unsuccessful presidential bid in 1988. Through wealthy Arkansas financier-Reagan-Bush donor Jackson Stephens, BCCI bankrolled Clinton’s political rise from Arkansas to the White House. Meanwhile, many of Jackson’s businesses employed Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law Firm. Moreover, just like the Clinton puppets that Jackson Stephens catapulted into the White House, the Annapolis graduate (Class of 1946, same as another Southern boy President named Jimmy Carter and CIA director Stansfield Turner) was yet another philanthropically-minded shady character. In 1998 the FBI investigated him for “illegal handling of campaign contributions to the Clintons’ Democratic National Party.” Despite being close to two Democratic presidents, Stephens was among the biggest boosters backing Reagan and Bush’s GOP. It was Stephens’ $25 million in 1987 that bailed out George W’s floundering Harken Energy oil venture. All this “generous” bipartisan support by the planet’s richest men (in this case Arkansas’ richest) only demonstrates that just as Rothschild controllers back both enemies in every major war, same holds for the political parties that are beholding to the same owners feeding, blackmailing and controlling them.It was Rose law partner Hillary Clinton representing financier Stephens as the man who brought the criminal BCCI bank to America as a subsidiary called First American Bank. Jackson Stephens also owned a cutout company named Systematic that along with Robert Maxwell and Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan were responsible for the theft and sales of the stolen PROMIS software to banks around the world. Eitan was the handler of the infamous Jewish American traitor Jonathan Pollard. Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese and his DOJ, accompanied by the likes of Stephens, the Clintons, Epstein, Robert Maxwell, all played their hand in the grand theft software that left the rightful inventors - original Inslaw owners Bill and Nancy Hamilton bankrupt. Chalk up another Clinton scandal, never mind Whitewater, Chinagate, journalist Danny Casolaro murder, Uranium to Russiagate, the pay-to-play Clinton Foundation, the rape of Haiti (and children), the email server debacle, the Epstein orgies on the island and the countless Clinton body count. We’re still waiting on Bill and Hillary’s confirmation on those unsealed indictments and Guantanamo reservations. Instead, all we get is – pasty and stale as they are – ankle bracelet or no ankle bracelet, each taking turns center stage at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, dutifully backing vacuous old fellow perv Joe Biden, in a Corona-altered, half-assed studio production that proved a ratings disaster. Da Dems painted such a depressing picture all because of you know who that nobody bothered watching. Of course they had nothing to do with Corona and the riots, wink, wink. Da Dems marching in lockstep to technocratic socialist dictatorship behind the masquerade of social justice, not that Republicans do any better when both are controlled by the same power interests. The only thing to stop the madness is us citizens of the world rising up in unity against pedo-crime, if we hold those criminals accountable, we transform the earth.As an example of how the advanced technological software that has so much potential for good was used for evil purposes, after Robert Maxwell sold PROMIS to the dictatorships in Argentina and Chile, it facilitated the rounding up of thousands of dissidents who were slaughtered or imprisoned. Days after Guatemala bought it, 20,000 so called “subversives” disappeared. In 1984 as the Israeli intelligence gained access to US nuclear secrets, the same espionage expert Rafi Eitan found the perfect US traitor to tap for yet more top-secret information Jonathan Pollard. To this very day, planetary overlords have historically misused advancing technologies to build their unlimited arsenal of WMDs targeting the innocent populations for death, destruction and totalitarian control. For a full decade prior to the 1991 demise of BCCI, Epstein was busily laundering millions, funneling support to terrorist, subversives, dictators and warmongering thieves. With the names of all four Jews - Epstein, Maxwell, Wexner and Bronfman - indelibly linked to espionage, organized crime, honey traps, child sex trafficking daughters, and Zionist Israeli Firsters, that they’re all so heavily interconnected in these same nefarious affairs at the exact same time is obviously not by accident, but planned Israeli intelligence exercising its global assault on children through expanding sexual blackmail control over the elite’s chosen movers and shakers. By the mid-1980s the cold war between the Soviet Union and the US was winding down, and mover and shaker Robert Maxwell, aside was the major go-between, shuffling back and forth between Reagan, Gorbachev and Thatcher, in 1990 asking Iron Lady to help bail out Gorbachev’s perestroika to the tune of $20 billion, fueling speculation he was also a KGB agent. Maxwell developed over 400 front companies while making deals right and left with Eastern European organized crime, teaching them about sheltered offshore money laundering accounts, but also working with the Russian and Jewish Mafia oligarchs, all the while undercover Israeli intelligence, even managing a brief stint as a British MP and perennial media mogul. In the impending absence of cold war, the newly designated enemy would be Middle Eastern terrorists, led by the CIA created and sponsored Osama bin Laden who began his insurgency career fighting imperialistic Soviets in Afghanistan. Israel, the Saudi bin Laden family, Saudi Prince Bandar, his House of Saud and smaller Gulf State monarchies are all prime Anglo-American-Zionist allies in the Middle East. With US-Israeli intelligence, virtually the rest of the Islamic Middle East would become the next designated war zones. Keep in mind that while working for intelligence, it’s been learned that during the 1980s, Epstein was laundering money to CIA trained terrorist organizations, and we also know that the CIA and US government created and financed both the emerging Al Qaeda and eventually ISIS. Bush senior’s identified emerging enemy began with the First Gulf War in 1991 against Saddam Hussein’s troops invading Kuwait based on a US public relations firm conjuring up fake tears of incubator babies left to die. The propagandized enemy to hate was dark, swarthy-skinned Muslims, those CIA and Mossad-created “terrorists” of the Middle East and North Africa. America’s covert proxy war in the 1990s, “balkanizing” Yugoslavia with approval of a sexually compromised Clinton in office, was topped off in 1999 with the “humanitarian” UN bombing campaign. The stage was set for 9/11, Osama’s Al Qaeda and ISISTo understand how the chessboard politics game is played, the need to control politicians to ensure their obedience and compliance with the Deep State cabal’s hidden agenda is a must requirement. Thus, the sexual blackmail baton has historically been passed down ever since the National Crime Syndicate’s Jewish mafia boss Meyer Lansky (1902-1983) and Italian mobster Frank Costello (1891-1973), blackmailed FBI founder transvestite-pedophile J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), who in turn used his COINTELPRO surveillance and blackmail operation to blackmail politicians, Martin Luther King Jr, Hollywood figures. With his forerunner Lewis Rosenstiel, Trump mentor Roy Cohn, the original Svengali “fixer” heading sexual blackmail operations in America, peddled pedophilia to the targeted high and mighty from the 1950s to the 1980s, maintaining super close ties to the Reagan-Bush administration and their multi-tentacled Iran Contra network. As the consigliere of the five Italian New York crime families, it was Roy Cohn who facilitated the rise of the challenging Jewish Kosher Nostra led by Meyer Lansky to rival and eventually overtake the Eastern Seaboard’s historical Italian Cosa Nostra organized crime. From this historical precedence, Jeffrey Epstein and Guislaine Maxwell backed by Les Wexner’s Zionist Mega Group and Israeli intelligence, seamlessly emerged as the next generation of controllers through their despicable blackmail operations. During this pivotal decade of the 1980s, pedophilia rings were rapidly expanding on virtually every continent. The CIA “Finders cult” was a global operation involving child abduction and trafficking ranging from the Philippines to the US and Mexico (See Chapter 12). The psychological warfare expert and onetime Satanist, Military Intelligence kingpin Lt. Col. Michael Aquino also served as lead MK Ultra mind control programmer (See Chapter 9) and Presidio’s foremost pedo-daycare pedo-patron (See Chapter 8), extending his global sphere of influence into the Franklin scandal led by child sex trafficker Luciferian Lawrence King’s Catholic Boys Town pipeline to CIA linked DC lobbyist Craig Spence and his White House midnight tours (See Chapter 13). Throughout the 1980s, the CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad along with the Catholic Church’s Jesuits (Chapter 5), Malta Knights (Chapter 6), Opus Dei and the Freemasons using the growing commodity of kiddie bait to actively run major sexual blackmail operations-turned tip-of-the-iceberg scandalous cover-ups around the globe. From the early 1980s onward, see Chapter 18 through 33 on all the pedo-scandals rampantly spreading throughout Britain. By the time Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell took over the reins by the mid to late 1980s, there was nothing new to this despicable, heinous hand-me-down tradition of controlling elite VIPs through pedophilia operations covertly organized by intelligence services working conjointly with organized crime elements. Thus throughout the 1980s as part of his quest to fashion himself an international mystery man, Epstein would often openly brag to friends that he was a CIA agent, sent on missions abroad to hunt down and recapture embezzled billions from wayward crooks, business conmen and dictators for various governments. His adventures were documented in the highly publicized, controversial 2003 Vicky Ward article in Vanity Fair:A few of the handful of current friends who have known him since the early 1980s recall that he used to tell them he was a ‘bounty hunter,’ recovering lost or stolen money for the government or for very rich people.Author and journalist Jesse Kornbluth who was another of Epstein’s 80s friends in Manhattan wrote:When we met in 1986, Epstein’s double identity intrigued me — he said he didn’t just manage money for clients with mega-fortunes, he was also a high-level bounty hunter. Sometimes, he told me, he worked for governments to recover money looted by African dictators. Other times those dictators hired him to help them hide their stolen money.Kornbluth offers a glimpse into Epstein’s creepy character, showing why he placed Epstein on “dead-to-me” status after the derelict called and spoke to his wife the night before their wedding and said:It’s your last free night. Why don’t you come over and fuck me?That was 1987. In the early 1990s the ex-Epstein friend and his propositioned wife ran into Ghislaine Maxwell at a Joan Rivers dinner party. Jesse Kornbluth disclosed what Ghislaine said to him next:‘If you lose 10 pounds, I’ll fuck you,’ she said, with my wife standing next to me. And she too became dead to me.Revealing glimpsing scenes from the Luciferian king and queen of the pedophilia blackmail circuit. Returning to the 1980s escapades when Epstein became deeply involved in arms, drugs, money laundering and the child trafficking racket from his criminal idols, the now CNN journalist Vicky Ward recently tweeted:One of the rich people for whom Jeffrey Epstein chased down money was?Adnan Khashoggi, a powerful Saudi businessman, [who] may well have been in a position to have helped Epstein procure documentation in that country [Saudi Arabia]. There is more on that yet to come.The intelligence asset possessing a fake Austrian passport displaying his actual photo but a fake name and a Saudi address was confiscated by police from Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse following his death. Epstein and Maxwell employee and sexual assault victim Maria Farmer learned that Israeli intelligence asset Guislaine Maxwell, also possessed five different passports. Often holding so many illegal passports is a function of working intelligence agencies. Though the blackmailers were foremost agents of Israel, they likely had relationships with the CIA and potentially MI6 as well. Fully licensed by both the US and Israeli governments, secured and protected by their untouchable superior intelligence “pay grade,” career criminals Epstein and Maxwell were free to build the world’s biggest international child trafficking blackmail operation. All the while, totally unbridled and unchecked, Epstein greedily and gluttonously helped himself to billions, bilking and milking his cash cow Les Wexner as chosen L Brand “bookkeeper” and Wexner Foundation trustee, swapping the Mega Les Brand for the Mega More Brand for Epstein. The retail giant granted him a wide-open berth to rip him off at will, charging exorbitant fees from his Israeli intelligence-linked benefactor boss. After all, the mystery man of intrigue as the manufactured maverick fake financier through his socialite pimping partner Guislaine must take high society of Manhattan, Palm Beach and London by storm, demonstrating the perfect actor cast for the perfectly staged role within the global theater operations of the blackmailing pedo-mafia cabal. A London Sunday Times article from 2000, quoting a society insider playing up Epstein’s image, while cuing up the “secret agent man” theme song, stated:He’s Mr. Enigmatic. Nobody knows whether he’s a concert pianist, property developer, a CIA agent, a math teacher or a member of Mossad.With help from the Rothschild controlled corporate media to showcase and dramatize this ascending debonair playboy’s mystique, and his front row Rothschild cheerleaders Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife Lynn, Wexner gave away the Big Apple’s biggest bachelor pad, from the very outset prewired for command center entrapment sight and sound, complete with hidden cameras galore for the inherited grand Zionist honey trap operation, way prior to Epstein’s 1996 move-in. A strategically timed January 1996 New York Times piece showcases the crème-de-la-crème decadence of modern stonewalled New York City architecture and its plush furnishings featuring Wexner’s 1989 $13 million purchased Manhattan 7-story, 21,000 square foot townhouse at 9 East 71st Street that would be gifted to its permanent occupant Epstein for $1. As of last year the posh mansion overlooking Central Park has an estimated worth of $77 million, although it’s been listed on the market in July 2020 for $88 million. But back in his better days in 1996 the pedophile-child trafficker gloated telling The Times that his benefactor Les never bothered living in it for more than two months. But Wexner made certain that before his sexual blackmailing protégé took residence, the mammoth building was specially furnished and equipped for honey entrapment purposes:Visitors described a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath the sink.The article also mentions a heated sidewalk for convenient winter snowstorm access (since sex slave traffic was so steady and high volume) that Epstein’s neighbor across the street, fellow sexual predator Bill Cosby, also had his sidewalk heated. In amazing close proximity directly behind the Wexner-Epstein property is the 5 story near 11,000 square foot East 72nd Street Catholic owned townhouse residence reserved for visiting popes and Vatican church dignitaries when staying in New York. Considering the sexual predator history of all three of these over-exposed players, so close within feet of each other, with their preheated above ground sidewalks and pre-fitted pinhole camera surveillance, one speculatively has to wonder if they down below also shared secret subterranean tunnels for interconnected child sex trafficking convenience, after all, New York City is noted for its secret underground world. And of course tunnels reputedly ran underneath Epstein’s Orgy Island in the Caribbean along with Hugh Hefner’s Holmby Hills mansion, notoriously linked to a Bill Cosby rape case and their mind control-pedo network, that included tunnels literally branching out to Warren Beatty, Kirk Douglas, James Caan and Jack Nicholson’s neighboring estates, the latter where their fugitive pedo-buddy Roman Polanski in 1977 raped a Quaalude drugged 13-year old girl, all these names and places are invariably interconnected by an underground pedophilia network of the rich, famous, powerful and, other than Cosby, unprosecuted. See Chapter 15 for how Satan and pedophilia rule Hollywood, exposed more now than ever before with independent Hollywood producer John Paul Rice’s brave stand against the rampant pedophilia web censoring his work.In 1997 the take charge impresario Epstein even helps design and manage the construction of Les Wexner’s 316-foot super luxury yacht called Limitless. What can’t this limitless secret agent from hell not do? In 2003 after a full dozen years holding power of attorney over all of Les Wexner’s wealth and assets, conservatively estimated today at $4.7 billion, the L brands mogul had only these glowing words for Vanity Fair about his opportunistic social climbing, girl-raping pal:[Epstein is] very smart with a combination of excellent judgment and unusually high standards. Also, he is always a most loyal friend.For all his trust that Wexner “misplaced” in disloyal Epstein, the con artist repaid him by smugly sharing behind his sugar daddy’s back, derogatory comments about Wexner to his sex victim employee Maria Farmer, who said the first time she ever heard of Les Wexner was when Epstein boasted that he had Wexner wrapped around his little finger: Les loves me. He’ll let me do anything.At one point at his New York City camera-fitted honey trap mansion, Epstein bragged to Maria Farmer how he paid Wexner only $1 for the largest residential property located in all of Manhattan. Wexner never married until he was 55-years old, and for years rumors widely circulated that Wexner was sexually enamored with the dashing young ballsy hustler. At a legal deposition shown in the Netflix doc “Epstein: Filthy Rich,” the victim’s attorney even asks Epstein point-blank if he ever had sexual relations with Wexner, which of course he indignantly denies. If he did, that would certainly explain to a great degree his incredible power over the old man who turns 83 on September 8, 2020. If he didn’t have sex with Epstein, what was the inexplicable hold the creepy sick bastard held over the old man? Oh yeah, their Zionist honey trap entrapment operation.It was after Epstein’s alleged demise last year when Maria Farmer publicly came forth speaking to The Washington Post, in effect rightfully blaming Leslie Wexner for her rape that the multibillionaire in Ohio finally broke his silence on his financial adviser’s protracted crime spree. Wexner denied ever knowing about Epstein’s appalling double life, which according to victim Maria Farmer is a total lie, because in 1996 she herself reported directly to his wife Abigail by phone several hundred yards away, that both Epstein and Maxwell had just sexually assaulted her on the Wexner’s New Albany, Ohio property, reporting the incident also to both the local Franklin County police as well as the FBI. Because Wexner had off duty police officers working 24-hour security shifts on his estate and community, they refused to let Maria even leave. Abigail Wexner also would not allow her to vacate the premises for a full 12 hours until Maria’s father frantically drove up from Kentucky demanding to pick his oldest daughter up but was not allowed past the community’s entrance gate, forcing Maria to walk the three long miles to her freedom. At that time in 1996, Maria Farmer was a talented 26-year old artist living in New York City when Jeffrey Epstein offered her a respite from the hot summer in the city to work in a pastoral country setting, preparing two paintings requisitioned for use in the Jack Nicholson film As Good as It Gets. Wexner had deeded his guest house to his favorite financial adviser on his 336-acre estate for Epstein whenever he worked on behalf of Wexner’s many philanthropical foundations and financial affairs. With Wexner’s headquarters in Ohio, periodically over the couple of months’ stretch that Maria lived in the guest house, Epstein and Ghislaine would show up for brief visits. After the first month, Maria even obtained an Ohio driver’s license with her listed address the Wexner New Albany estate just to be able to pick them up at the airport. The security at the country manor was so tight that Abigail Wexner refused to even allow Maria to jog outside her house. One day when Maria was catching a few rays outside, an armed security guard forced her back indoors. Wexner’s overkill on security control effectively placed Maria on informal house arrest in what had to feel like an armed encampment. That’s because it was, with allegations of actual snipers.Thus, the stage was set for a horrific showdown when the Epstein-Maxwell sexual assault occurred with Abigail Wexner refusing to even let Maria leave the crime scene, in effect making her a hostage as a traumatized victim when she attempted to flee and seek outside help. Held against her will, Maria began frantically calling on the phone everyone she knew for help, including Eileen Guggenheim, who immediately remarked, “you must have done something wrong,” convinced that Maria must have deserved it for provoking the attack by her wonderful “innocent” friends. Finally, a half a day later when her father arrived at the gate to rescue his daughter did Abigail Wexner permit her hostage victim to leave the property. The local police refused to intervene since they were working for the Wexners. The county sheriff’s department claimed there is no record of the incident, adding that after only two years as a law enforcement agency, it maintains the questionable practice of customarily shredding the kind of records like rape calls. It seems totally unbelievable unless the local police also have a lot to hide and even more to protect.The morning after Epstein and Maxwell’s sexual assault, Maria Farmer called Eileen Guggenheim to share her traumatic ordeal:I was sobbing and said?Epstein and Maxwell are sick people and I think I could have been raped.But rather than show empathy and support, her former dean ripped into her, in Maria’s words, she “blamed and mocked her” for provoking the attack. Predictably, Eileen Guggenheim never remembered that conversation either. Another discrepant, bickering backstory has evolved since British journalist Vicky Ward set out on her 2002 Vanity Fair assignment to write a society piece on “billionaire financier” Epstein in a quest to discover what makes the maverick mystery man tick, fresh off flying Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and other celebs around the globe to Africa. As part of her story, reporter Vicky Ward was contacted by Maria Farmer and spent hours interviewing Maria and her younger sister Annie, learning of their disturbingly abusive experiences a half dozen years earlier with secret agent man and his socialite gal pal. Vicky Ward maintains she wrote of the sisters’ sexual traumas in her original article submitted to the then Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter. In the May 2020 Netflix documentary “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich,” Vicky Ward explained that when she approached Epstein to give him the right to reply to what she’d just written about him, he called her up and gave her his reply: He said, 'Well Vicky if I don't like this piece, it's going to be bad for you and your family.’ And I was newly pregnant with twins, he said 'where are you going to give birth?' He followed that up with, 'well I know all the doctors, in all the hospitals so it doesn't matter. If you don't tell me, I'll find out. If I don't like this piece, I'm going to have a witch doctor place a curse on your unborn children.’ He was beginning to spook me out, and these were just conversations. So I could only imagine how the women must have felt.But then according to Vicky, at that same time the editor Graydon Carter came to her “terrified” after he found a bullet on his doorstep and a severed cat’s head in his garden. Epstein also made an in-person appearance at their office to convince the editor not to publish his sex crimes. As the gangster he was, Epstein was sending the chillingly clear message to both writer and editor that very bad things would most certainly happen if their full story was ever published. If Vicky Ward dared to reveal Epstein’s sexual predatory history to the world, she would live in fear of this powerful violent criminal’s wrath and the potentially dangerous consequences to her unborn children. Sadly, she felt she had no other choice. No doubt she’d also heard Maria Farmer claim that the FBI wouldn’t do a thing after she’d reported the rape incidents back in 1996, so Ward may have figured it would’ve been futile for her and her editor to even bother approaching the police. Though succumbing to Epstein’s heavy-handed intimidation and criminal threats betrayed his victims Maria and Annie Farmer and sent the wrong message that the sick fuck could continue getting away with his evil, as Vicky presents the unfolding scenario, it’s somewhat understandable how both Vicky and Graydon felt roped in and pressured out of fear to publish the story with Epstein’s crimes censored out. The gangster’s intimidation paid off. But then in a May 2020 article in The Sun, Vicky Ward is quoted: Suddenly I was told by my editor that the girls were being taken out of the story. I was horrified, I said ‘why? They’ve been so brave, they’ve laid so much on the line, why?’ The message came back, 'well he's obviously sensitive about the girls. That’s a sore point.’According to Ward, Graydon Carter also said he didn’t believe the girls’ story over Epstein. Editor Carter presented a statement in the same Netflix documentary, specifying that the part of Vicky Ward’s work that he edited out “did not meet our legal threshold” at the time. Both seem to be historical revisionists.So, based on what’s been presented, in my opinion it appears Mr. Graydon and Ms. Vicky are both copping out in less than honest, overtly transparent attempts to cover their own asses, unwilling to admit the truth that years earlier, each chose from understandable fear to take the easier, safer way out. Bottom line, because each apparently opted for the low road with their wimpy response, cowering to the evil child raping sex slave trafficker that scared a major mainstream media publication to its whimpering knees, backing down in cowardly silence from printing the dark truth in 2003, meant that they chose to betray the victims by conveniently erasing the Epstein-Maxwell sex crimes out of their storyline in favor of “The Talented Mr. Epstein.” It only shows that each lacked the moral courage and honesty to do the right thing under albeit heavy pressure. And as a direct consequence, propagating the lie about the “talented” Mr. Epstein only allowed scores, if not hundreds more victims to suffer at the hands of unbridled, too big to stop child rapists Epstein and Maxwell, providing the main perp an inflated sense of omnipotence, power and control that he would never be brought down and fairly punished because Vanity Fair was too weak-kneed, knuckling under and failing in its journalistic and ethical responsibility and duty to uphold and print the truth. After swallowing and choking on this big dark bitter pill, the integrity-compromised Vicky Ward wrote in her blog on March 8, 2011 about Epstein’s co-rapist Ghislaine Maxwell, after the convicted pedophile was a free man released from his jailhouse sleepovers, that Ward has since removed from online for obvious reasons:And Ghislaine? Full disclosure: I like her. Most people in New York do. It’s almost impossible not to. She is always the most interesting, most vivacious, the most unusual person in any room. I’ve spent hours talking with her about the Third World at a bar until 2 a.m. She is as passionate as she is knowledgeable. She is curious. She has spent weeks at the bottom of the ocean, literally going deeper than anyone else. She has sent me a DVD of the fish there. Her Rolodex would blow away almost anyone else’s I can think of – probably even Rupert Murdoch’s. She is very well read and can talk about most things for hours. She is passionate about Bill Clinton, with whom she is close friends [and alleged lovers].For Ward to kiss up to Maxwell after her partner-in-crime Epstein threatened to curse her unborn children knowing the predatory couple had raped two innocent sisters that Ward had betrayed is too hideously heinous for even words. A month prior to the aforementioned article in The Sun, a fed up with her bullshit Maria Farmer in an April 2020 conversation with muckraking journalist unafraid to print the truth Whitney Webb had this to say about Vicky Ward, who befittingly has gone on to become “senior reporter” at the fake news network CNN: Vicky Ward – She’s a monster. She’s not a hero… she told Guislaine Maxwell over drinks that I reported them to the FBI… For a whole year she promised us our safety and promised us that she would protect the story. Since then she’s called and said I own your story. She had CNN sending me hate mail and threat letters if I wouldn’t interview with her. And so my lawyers had to send her and CNN a cease and desist, because of her hate. She was calling my mom, making her cry for years.The Vanity Fair editor Carter citing that the alleged Ward article covering the sisters’ sexual abuse lacked the standard journalistic requirement of having three sources, doesn’t square at all with Maria’s version of events because she maintains she handed Ward three names of backup witnesses willing to vouch for her claims:I give her three sources, two billionaires and an artist.Talking to Whitney, in another bombshell Maria courageously calls out Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana:The other person who was always going around with her [Guislaine] was Donald Trump’s wife Ivana Trump. Explain yourself, why were you going out acquiring children with this woman? Since Ivana’s not forthcoming to explain, Maria furnishes more than enough explanation, adding that Ghislaine would often request Maria to join her and Ivana when they went out cruising and trolling in their chauffeur driven limo in search of their next potential victims between the ages of 12 and 14. Guislaine would spot a girl on the street, stop, jump out of the vehicle and exchange information and the next day that child would be at the house. Based on Maria’s account, independent journalist Whitney Webb reported:They [Maxwell and Ivana Trump] would go out together all the time and pick up these 12-year old girls in school uniforms and braces, exchange information with them and the next day they would be in Epstein’s office.When requested by Maxwell to accompany her and Ivana, upon witnessing this spectacle, an astonished, flabbergasted Maria would ask, “What are you doing?” Guislaine would only reply: I’m scouting for Victoria’s Secret models.Again, just like predators Epstein and Jean-Luc Brunel, Maxwell also exploited and milked Wexner’s cash cow enterprise to deceitfully lure innocent young prey into her sinister pedo-web. Maria would repeatedly ask: Why are there children modeling for Victoria’s Secret? They don’t even have breasts. Guislaine: We need nubiles for Victoria’s Secret.All the sexual predators cunningly and deceptively used Victoria’s Secret to recruit potential victims. Maria reported on average between five to ten underage girls coming into the Epstein-Maxwell household every single day, figuring the total over time had to be in the thousands. Maria stated with just 30 known victims coming forward to report abuse (although as of 2018, the Miami Herald identified 80 victims in Florida alone from 2001 to 2006) out of the thousands allegedly abused by the criminal predators Epstein and Maxwell, Maria is certain many have gone missing or were even murdered.Bear in mind that these incidents with Ghislaine Maxwell and Ivana Trump occurred during a period from 1995 to 1996 while Maria was employed by Epstein. After 14 years of marriage, Donald and Ivana Trump, his first wife and mother of Ivanka, divorced in 1992. Just two years later, court records of a sexual rape case filed in June 2016 allege that during the summer of 1994, a 13-year old girl lured on yet another promise of becoming a model was invited to a series of parties held at Epstein’s 9 East 71st Street Manhattan residence. On the fourth occasion the victim alleged that Donald Trump tied her to a bed, and proceeded to allegedly rape the girl. Despite her pleading Trump to stop, the affidavit maintains that Trump slapped her with his open hand, “screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.” Immediately following the rape, Trump allegedly told victim if she ever spoke of the incident, she and members of her ‘family would be harmed if not killed.” Right after the alleged savage rape by Trump, Epstein then forced himself on the 13-year old, allegedly raping her both anally and vaginally, yelling angrily that it should have been him to take her virginity. He too threatened harm if she ever reported the incident. During the run-up to the November 2016 election, starting in June 2015, the constant Trump media coverage retriggered the then 35-year old victim’s trauma and her eventual decision to file the lawsuit in the Southern District of New York. But just days before the election, the case was mysteriously dropped and next to nothing’s been reported about it since. For decades Maria Farmer has carried a burden of guilt for inadvertently setting her little sister up for abuse. Then seeing so many young girls in and around the Epstein-Maxwell orbit for over a year and never realizing the darker reality of what was really happening, Maria lives with the regret for not recognizing the gravity of the situation that came too late for her to even save herself. The intense guilt and remorse for failing to save so many other victims from abuse have taken its toll on this sensitive, compassionate woman’s health, suffering now from two forms of cancer at only 50 years of age. For what Guggenheim, Epstein and Maxwell did to her and then the FBI refusing to do its job to protect her in the face of death threats, forcing her to live in constant state of fear and anxiety, then betrayed by reporter Vicky Ward ratting her out to Maxwell about the FBI, the very real risk of harm had Maria on the run hiding away for years at a time, essentially her abusers and the corrupt system that protected them gave her the cancer that she now faces fighting for her life. Like so many others, Maria deserves so much better.In her conversation with Whitney Webb, Maria also asserted that Epstein’s domestic help were trafficking victims from Asia, reporting:I knew they abused maids.In the mid-1990s, Maria asked one of Epstein’s domestic workers: How long have you worked here?Maid: We were stolen.Maria learned that the Epstein and Maxwell tentacles were abducting vulnerable girls and young women from their homes in Thailand and the Philippines and trafficking them as slaves to America as well. Trafficked victims are hidden in plain sight across America, in an estimated 17,000 nail salons, employed, or more apt enslaved trafficked victims from Asia – countries like the Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The fastest growing, most lucrative $150 billion [and rising] organized crime enterprise frequently involves the hospitality industry that’s conducive to sheltering the anonymity of both traffickers and victims alike, be it for sexual exploitation or forced labor services. The victims caught up in the modern slave trade can be trafficked from Asia, Latin America, Africa or the girl next door from your neighborhood. It’s pervasive and it’s global. As in the Epstein-Maxwell blackmail operation, the CIA-Mossad-MI6 security services apparatus work directly with organized crime, which in turn is increasingly partnering with gangs where prevalent for abducting and recruiting purposes. Chapter 32 exposes the grooming gangs in Britain. MS-13 in the US is one among the 33,000 gangs now operating across America. Originally from El Salvador, MS-13 is among the more virulently violent gangs that includes 10,000 members. A case in August 2020 making national headlines involves 11 MS-13 gang members charged with child sex trafficking in Virginia and Maryland. The global hierarchical structure of the organized crime pedo-network is comprised of black nobility overlords operating atop the sexual predator food chain, with linkage down to the local street gang level where from top to bottom the shared currency is trading the commodity of human flesh increasingly belonging to victimized innocent children.Epstein admitted to Maria Farmer and Virginia Roberts-Giuffre that he records everything for Les Wexner, clearly because Wexner’s the head of the blackmailing snake. Maria discovered that even the flag store for Victoria’s Secret is prewired with hidden pinhole cameras because Epstein sent her to purchase bras and from his own Manhattan residence, he watched her undress to try them on at the Victoria’s Secret store, and when she returned, he described minor markings on her breasts. Another warning sign of her boss’ and his boss Wexner’s sophisticated criminal operation that a trapped Maria unconsciously chose to ignore.Just to show how extreme the invasive surveillance and fanatical control maintained at Wexner’s New Albany compound in Ohio, one day during the three months in the summer of 1996 that Maria spent at the spacious guesthouse ceded to Epstein, Maria accidentally spilled a drop of henna dye on the carpet and quickly placed something over it to cover it up. Within an hour, Ghislaine was calling from New York to chew her out, screaming at her for her carelessness that would surely displease their masters Les and Abigail. As a literal captive in her own 3-month residence, because control, security and a war zone atmosphere, complete with literally sharpshooters hanging in the stultifying summertime air outside, Maria again felt claustrophobically trapped inside a bubble, living day-to-day in a toxic culture of angst-ridden danger, anxiety and paranoid drama. Without knowing Wexner or meeting him face-to-face, or about his past longstanding ties to organized crime a decade earlier with the mob-style murder hit on his attorney Shapiro, Maria intuitively sensed Wexner was some kind of Jewish mafia chieftain. She curiously asked members of Wexner’s security force about him and many also had never met him… seemingly a mafia wizard secretly pulling all the levers behind an organized crime curtain. Another independent source indicating Les Wexner is a mafia boss comes from respected Catherine Austin Fitts, former investment banker and government financial whistleblower who uncovered the nexus between government and organized crime. Catherine has said that an ex-CIA veteran told her that Wexner is one of five managers in charge of the mafia cabal’s US cashflow. Knowing there were hidden cameras throughout the residence watching her every move, Maria tried to find a spot where she could do her artwork that might provide temporary relief from the 24/7 surveillance, which led her to the cellar. She learned from a maid that there were hidden tunnels and that Wexner had an invisible floor that could automatically be raised up. Again, the metaphorical image of the Wizard of Oz behind the big curtain often popped into her head. The intricate subterranean floorplan is often a virtual giveaway for child sex trafficking, be it tunnels under European “eyes wide shut” castles of a former Epstein employee or the recently filled in tunnels under Epstein’s Orgy Island just prior to his arrest. The maid at the New Albany manor told Maria that Les Wexner was gay. So did Andy Stewart, Epstein’s master chef and former Wexner chef, who just died in April 2020 at age 62. Andy was the one trusted Epstein-Wexner insider who knew the darkest secrets. At the time Andy “passed in his sleep,” Maria’s attorney was seeking a subpoena to question the valuable lost witness privy to virtually every morbid perversion and sinister crime in the Epstein-Wexner Mega Group crime syndicate. Maria disclosed that Andy Stewart had once confided in Maria, confirming what so many long suspected, that Les Wexner was in love with his charismatic bad boy, and for years they allegedly maintained a sugar daddy relationship. Moreover, Maria was told that Epstein procured both girls and boys for Wexner, although when Wexner would host parties, he allegedly would more often invite only boys from nearby Ohio State University. This explains Epstein’s absolute hold over his master in more ways than one. Attorney Alan Dershowitz in his never-ending media appearances used to aggressively attempt to talk his way out of his accused crimes, has denied the Virginia Giuffre allegations that on loan from Epstein, she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz. The harried attorney mentioned that Virginia under oath alleged that Les Wexner raped her, therefore he’s been trying to get Wexner into a deposition to testify in person. But instead, as of August 2020, Wexner has only agreed to answer a written question pertaining to the Giuffre-Dershowitz lawsuit. Virginia’s defamation suit against Dershowitz resulted after he accused her and her lawyers of “hatching a scheme to falsely accuse Dershowitz of sex trafficking to extort money from Wexner.” Wexner’s attorneys have denied there ever was an extortion plan or that their client had sexual relations with minors… all pretty convoluted as the stomach turns. Without Guislaine’s social network ties to the planet’s wealthiest powerbrokers, Epstein would never have gained such hand in glove, facile entrance and acceptance in the high society world of London-New York-Palm Beach. Through her contacts with the world elites, the Epstein-Maxwell trafficking operation facilitated instant access to high rollers like President Clinton and President Trump. Aside from Clinton being a frequent flier on the Lolita Express with over two dozen flights, according to brother Mark Epstein, Trump also appeared at least once on the flight log. Then there’s those 14 listed black book phone numbers belonging to Donald, Ivana and Ivanka, and his unabashed, gushing affection in the 2002 New York Magazine, titled “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery”:I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.It’s a constant reminder of a past Trump would love to forget, and tried to in 2019 when his attorney foolishly announced there was never a relationship, opening the floodgate of nostalgic Manhattan to Palm Beach buddy photos to prove him wrong. In Trump’s defense, he did sever contact prior to the 2005 police investigation, banning Epstein from Mar-a-Lago. In April 2011 when victims’ attorney Brad Edwards and Epstein were embroiled in a lawsuit, released documents detail the reason why Donald Trump and Epstein had a falling out, likely shortly before police began investigating Epstein in 2005:Trump allegedly banned Epstein from his Maralago Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted a?girl at the club.Praise for Trump also came later from Brad Edwards:The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, ‘let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know,’ and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.While no other US president has ever bothered even mentioning the rising problem of pedophilia, back on October 8, 2012, Donald Trump tweeted:Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents — fast trial, death penalty. Regarding whether progress is being made by the Trump administration to prosecute the powerful “pervert” pedophiles, my motto is seeing is believing. Promises and more promises have repeatedly been made by Trump supporters, but until high profile roundups of the Clintons, Podestas and all the rest of the sickos are made, seeing is believing. It’s been reported for years that they’re all just days away from arrest, yet we’re still waiting. Today Q-Anon released a long laundry list of mostly state level politicians involved in pedophilia. This is a big step in the right direction but the big fish in the pedo-sea still need to be caught and not released. Concrete evidence falls short. If high profile arrests were made, Trump would win in a landslide. So why haven’t they been delivered? What’s the real excuse? Perhaps the problem resides in who’s in charge of the US justice system - cover-up king William Barr. Trump’s current Attorney General, the same William Barr was employed in the same job by the biggest pedophile-president on record - George HW Bush. Barr covered up Iran Contra to protect the Clintons and Bushes. And it’s not like Trump’s past is so squeaky clean that he’s above being compromised, there are more than one alleged pedophilic incidents that have been reported in his disputed past, the one case in the summer of 1994 already cited earlier was followed by allegations that his divorced wife Ivanka a year later was helping Guislaine procure 12 to 14-year old potential victims off the street. Again, seeing is believing. With Ghislaine recruiting Virginia Roberts as a Mar-a-Lago employee in 1999, and then several years later the Epstein incident assaulting a girl at Trump’s club, it’s evident that Epstein and Maxwell were misusing Trump’s playground as their hunting ground for their next sex slaves.Perhaps the single, most important role model and mentor to Jeffrey Epstein alongside Zionist Les Wexner was enigmatic publishing magnate and Zionist master spy Robert Maxwell, who also intimately rubbed shoulders equally between kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers as well as barbaric organized crime syndicates and drug cartels of Russia and Eastern Europe. Buried a national hero in November 1991 with an Israeli state funeral on the Mount of Olives, despite speculation his murder suspects were Mossad assassins throwing lard-ass overboard off his yacht Lady Ghislaine, Robert Maxwell with spymaster Rafi Eitan gifted the Jewish State the stolen PROMIS software, then secretly had backdoor technology installed before selling it to multinational governments, security services, national defenses, law enforcement agencies, banks and corporations throughout the world. One prime example of the severe damage the Israeli double agent caused, aided by treasonous US Senator John Tower and Henry Kissinger who introduced them, then bribed the senator with a $200,000 Mossad cash payoff, in what became Maxwell’s crowning achievement in 1985, selling the illegally obtained software to New Mexico’s Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories (just 50 miles from the future Epstein ranch), providing Israel unlimited backdoor accessibility to top US nuclear secrets. As a result of Maxwell’s international espionage crimes, Israeli intelligence covertly gained entrance to knowing the most advanced cutting-edge secrets emerging out of the dirty world of geopolitics, national defense, science and technology. As a consequence, in the last decade Israel has essentially replaced Silicon Valley as the world’s cyber technology leader.Our supposed stalwart US ally Israel to this day continues to severely undermine US national security, profiting from selling top secret US defense technology to America’s prime adversary China. While taxpaying Americans each decade give away without consent $38 billion of their hard earned dollars as military aid to Israel, few Americans even know of the deliberate attack by Israel against the USS Liberty in 1967, killing 34 US sailors. Zionist Israel’s growing power virtually owns Congress, and through virtual monopoly control over mass media and international banking, to a great extent, arguably the United States of America as well not to mention the UK, France, and Canada too. Israel is not an American ally and never was. As far back as the late 1950s Israel was stealing United States nuclear secrets and material for its own secret development, ultimately with the Samson Option holding the entire world hostage with its extortion threat of nuclear annihilation. When President John Kennedy threatened to suspend US support toward Israel, cutting off its financial aid while confronting its illicit secret nuclear bomb development at Dimona, what did Israel do? The Jewish State’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion declared that Kennedy’s position threatened Israel’s very survival. And within a few months, Kennedy was murdered (See Chapter 28). In that world-changing endeavor, Israel played its hand through Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky and the Permindex Corporation, direct forerunners of both the Mega Group and pedo-blackmail operations. The biggest act of betrayal by Israel against America as its fake ally and Trojan horse “friend” is 9/11. Aside from Cheney-Bush-Wolfowitz-Chertoff and the neocon dual citizen majority of Israeli Firsters commandeering the US presidency to this day with Zionist implants still rearing their ugly head – traitor John Bolton replaced by the now Iran Contra holdover Elliot Abrams in the Trump administration alone is a disgrace. But with the Bush/crime cabal stolen 2000 and 2004 rigged elections, Israel plotted and executed the neocons’ “new Pearl Harbor,” the blood sacrificial murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 for the sake of the Zionist Greater Israel Project and so called “war on terror.” In order to control US Congress and US presidents, AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and B’nai B’rith, acting as aggressive foreign agents of control, nefariously tamper with the internal affairs and lives of Americans and their less-than-sovereign US government to ensure around the world that Zionist Israel criminalizes 1st Amendment free speech rights and criticism against either Zionism or Israel’s genocidal policies. Criminalizing criticism of Israel and Zionism is by Zionist design. Yet to date, 32 of the 50 US states have passed laws, orders or resolutions designed to prohibit BDS, the boycott of products from Israel. Again, conflating the right of free choice with anti-Semitism is a sinister abomination. Several decades ago, boycotting South Africa for its apartheid racist policies was viewed by the entire world as noble, empowering activism at its effective best, since it ultimately impacted long overdue positive change with the dissolution of the racist apartheid government. But when applied to the racist antiapartheid Israeli government and its genocidal policy against Palestinians, boycotting Israel suddenly becomes a criminal act that’s both groundless, hypocritical hubris and racism in itself. Decade after decade misusing their weaponized “race card” ad nauseam, all of this is designed to also obscure, suppress and silence the enormous role of Israeli intelligence (vis-a-vis Epstein-Maxwell) in sexual blackmail pedo-operations worldwide. Within this backdrop anchored in established historical fact, the Epstein-Maxwell blackmail operation was spawned, nurtured and protected for decades by the pedo-powers that-should-never-be.Within this toxic global geopolitics’ milieu during the mid-1980s, the ruling elite’s private army - the global intelligence community - primarily through the CIA, Mossad and MI5/6, coordinated and operationalized along with arms and drug trafficking, an emerging pedophilia network to spread around the globe for purposes of increasing sexual blackmail control over world leaders. According to early Epstein mentor Steven Hoffenberg, the pedophile-trafficker was designated heir-apparent to inheriting Robert Maxwell’s spy empire. British intelligence asset and arms dealer Douglas Leese, who introduced Hoffenberg to Epstein, is alleged to have promoted this brainchild that Robert Maxwell pass on his espionage legacy to the next generation, Jeffrey Epstein and spy apprentice daughter Ghislaine. Recall earlier that senior Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe also confirmed that by the early to mid-1980s, Robert Maxwell was favoring and grooming Jeffrey Epstein as his protégé to carry on his family legacy with his daughter. Clearly the Zionist Israeli-British spymaster deemed the young bold wheeler-dealer operator “without a moral compass,” sufficiently savvy, ambitious and Zionist enough to formally invite him into his criminal fold, paired with his very own quick learning, Oxford educated, impeccably well-connected socialite offspring Guislaine. Maxwell’s youngest and favorite of four daughters grew up in silver spoon-fed opulence, surrounded by an exclusive elite society circle of Jewish royals like the Rothschilds as well as the English royals, at one point reputedly dating Prince Andrew, spotted romantically holding “hands over lunch at a fashionable New York restaurant” in 2000, possessing a surplus of global VIP social contacts to jumpstart what would evolve into the world’s largest international kiddie blackmail operation. Without her social connections, the upwardly mobile Jeffrey would have been left in the peripheral shadows. Ghislaine’s father, Czech born Jan Ludvick Hoch (1923-1991) who reportedly lost his family in the Holocaust served in the British army during World War II. At the end of the war in 1946, Robert Maxwell was asked to join British foreign intelligence service MI6, largely influenced by MI6 operative and global overlord Victor Rothschild, who during the war allegedly served as a Russian spy, soon after an Israeli spy and as head of the infamous Cambridge 5, a British traitor as well (See Chapter 28). Both Robert Maxwell and Victor Rothschild as Zionist Israeli spies were instrumental in their Jewish State’s development of a secret nuclear arsenal, both stealing from the US and passing on nuclear secrets to Israel. Additionally, in September 1986, after Israeli nuke whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu left documents at the Maxwell owned Mirror office, he promptly alerted Mossad which led to Vanunu’s capture and the technician’s 18-year imprisonment for bravely exposing Israel’s secret thermonuclear program.As noted before, it was Evelyn and Lady Lynn de Rothschild who first introduced Mossad operative Epstein to his former lawyer friend Alan Dershowitz, according to namedropping, multiple accused, “never-his-friend” Dershowitz. Moreover, in Epstein’s infamous black book, both Evelyn de Rothschild and Edouard de Rothschild are listed on page 48. Again, Epstein’s Manhattan palace, the largest residence on the island, made him a likeminded New World Order controllers and neighbor of Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild and Henry Kissinger.By the late 1980s, Israel’s Epstein-Maxwell intelligence operation had already grown into the perfect Luciferian match made in hell, taking the ever-expanding Zionist blackmail control mechanism to new rarified heights throughout the 1990s and well into the 21st century, compromising and controlling the most powerful public figures inhabiting the earth through ruthless and deceptive sexual debauchery and blackmail. Zionist cabalistic control over the goyim world never looked brighter, or from goyim’s and humanity’s perspective, darker.Maria Farmer, a promising young artist who was employed by Epstein in New York City in 1995 and 1996, has divulged disturbing revelations about the pedophilia ringleaders Epstein and Maxwell. In a lengthy April 2020 phone conversation with ace journalist Whitney Webb, Maria shared some incredible information that major corporate media outlets would never dare touch. Working and interacting with Epstein and Maxwell virtually every day for well over a year, Maria caught a glimpse of this power couple that few others could ever know. Maria spoke openly to Whitney Webb about how Guislaine Maxwell was programmed as a Zionist Jew to be a Jewish supremacist, conditioned to look down upon the goyim non-Jewish population as mere servants, which to Maxwell and Guggenheim as Jewish New York to London socialites, the Caucasian American Maria Farmer was viewed by them as their hired hand, their servant girl and white slave. Jewish supremacism among many elitist Jews in the world is an extremely common phenomenon, ideologically straight out of the cabalistic Talmudic tradition and the Protocols of Zion, yet a completely taboo, politically incorrect topic that even daring to bring up immediately invites the weaponized label “anti-Semitic.” Members of a Zionist Jewish elite death cult believing they’re God’s “chosen ones” (or perhaps Lucifer’s) has granted them the right to rule the earth through strict adherence to the principle that money means earthly power and control, and is embodied by Leslie H. Wexner’s Mega Group. Of course concealing its mafia operation as its core function, the Mega Group would outwardly promote its millions devoted to its multitude of philanthropic Jewish causes. Guislaine Maxwell would pejoratively chastise Maria Farmer with prideful racist gems like:‘Your people can just never understand the loyalty that we Jews have toward Israel.’Maria stated that during her time spent with her dean Eileen Guggenheim at her graduate school, the New York Academy of Art, and Epstein, Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. Wexner, this unbelievably racist Jewish supremacy became the basis for her impression of elitist powerful Jews running the world, but then in the next breath, not to be misconstrued as anti-Semitic, she stated that all her boyfriends during her New York City years were very decent, ethical young Jewish men. So she clearly makes the distinction of avoiding prejudicial stereotypes and bigotry. Jewish fanatics like Alan Dershowitz pounced on her words immediately attacking her in the press, citing her out of context quotes to quickly brand and smear her with the weaponized A-word. Yet based on her convo with Whitney Webb, Maria Farmer is clearly not anti-Semitic. But interacting closely with so many prominent Jews in her life over a span of several years, Maria realizes that this Jewish racism against non-Jews seems pervasive only among a certain power elite that she was unfortunate to encounter while attending graduate art school in New York. Maria verbalized that she was especially offended by the blatant racism spewing out of Maxwell and others’ mouths when talking about blacks. Yet to call the bigoted Jewish supremacists out for racism is socially taboo. This double standard’s worn thin and in 2020 simply doesn’t work anymore.The multiple sources of funding for the Epstein-Maxwell Israeli military intelligence blackmail operation originated financially from a plethora of Deep State Zionist pockets, starting with the Edgar Bronfman-Robert Maxwell web up to four decades ago, plausibly including the secret transfer of godfather Maxwell’s stolen fortune from his Mirror Group newspapers before disappearing after siphoning off $1.2 billion in missing pension funds. Then came the likes of lesser knowns but also highly influential Sir Douglas Leese and Steven Hoffenberg. Then in mid-1980s arrived the golden egg in the Victoria’s Secret L-Brands retail magnate Leslie Wexner, allowing Epstein’s expansion unlimited access, sapping the Zionist’s billions along with his and the Bronfmans co-founded Mega Group beginning in 1991. Additionally, sponsored by US-Israeli intelligence, the sexual blackmail game exploiting children has become an enormously lucrative Big Business in today’s modern world. From all these mega sources, Jeffrey Epstein and Guislaine Maxwell both appear to possess an unlimited supply of ill-begotten wealth.Between these deep “mega” pockets of money and power falling into the pedophiles’ lap at every turn, illegally with impugn protection, along with Ghislaine’s nonstop flow of high-end “clientele,” what was created, quickly snowballed into “the largest [Deep] State backed international blackmail sex trafficking spy operation in the world,” lasting well over three decades. And just because their particular Bonnie and Clyde brand of pedo-peddling was temporarily upended in 2006 with Epstein’s one count indictment soliciting underage prostitution, the far larger global pedophilia network they systemically flourished in, to this day has only continued to proliferate worldwide to an unprecedented, off the map, colossal scale. In other words, the pedophilia epidemic afflicting the earth extends far beyond just these two sick fuck losers, today thriving more than ever before throughout the history of humankind.Just like his British counterpart Savile, the cocksure, social climbing, backstabbing conman never stopped making self-aggrandizing claims, like the pedophile co-founded the Clinton Global Initiative-aka-Clinton Foundation, and played matchmaker to Donald and Melania Trump, be they embellished or rooted in truth, they more than confirm Epstein and Maxwell’s ultra-cozy bedfellow relations (to this day Trump wishing Maxwell well) with two “womanizing” US presidents, at least two presidential wannabes Hillary and ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, not to mention royals Prince Andrew and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and prime ministers Tony Blair and Israel’s Ehud Barak, the latter an Epstein business partner that survivor Virginia Giuffre accuses of sexual assault. Alleged sex slave Virginia also stated she observed Clinton’s former Vice President Al Gore and models Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum aboard the Lolita Express. Epstein’s infamous name dropping “black book” proves that the pedophile was jubilantly embraced by the world’s foremost powerful figures, even after his conviction as a registered child sex offender. The fact that it made no difference at all to the most powerful individuals on earth only reflects the ruling elite’s guilty overlord presence atop the predator pedo-food chain.As early as 1993, Bill Clinton’s first year as president, Jeffrey Epstein attended a donors’ reception at the White House. It’s been uncovered that through Clinton’s 8 years as president, Epstein visited the White House on multiple occasions. For the longest time the Clintons propagated the lie that it was only after Bill Clinton left office that he had limited contact with Epstein, admitting to a total of only four times. Then Bill Clinton was caught on flight logs 26 times and evidence of Hillary footprints on Pedo Island also surfaced. The Hillary camp also lied, claiming she had never been to any of Epstein’s residences but not only was she an alleged visitor at his Caribbean island but also repeatedly a guest with Bill at his New Mexico ranch. Back in 1995, huge Clinton supporter Lynn de Forester Rothschild, wife of Evelyn, wrote thanking Bill for talking to her about Jeffrey Epstein, who the future Mrs. Rothschild was aggressively promoting to their inner power circle. A Clinton spokesperson lied again shortly after Epstein’s July 2019 arrest for child sex trafficking, bogusly claiming Bill Clinton “knows nothing” about Epstein’s crimes and has never been on his Caribbean island. Yet a year later, with the latest batch of court released documents, Virginia Roberts-Giuffre made certain to write down her direct observation of Bill and company on Orgy Island in the early 2000s:Strolling into the darkness with two beautiful [underage] girls around either arm, Bill [Clinton] seemed content to retire for the evening [without Hillary nowhere in sight]. Further corroboration of Virginia’s testimony witnessing former President Bill Clinton on the island also came from former Epstein island employee Steve Scully as shown in the Netflix documentary “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.” Veteran State Department insider and psychiatrist Dr. Steve Pieczenik has accused both Bill and Hillary of being pedophiles. A recently published book in May 2020 reveals that the hyper-promiscuous Ghislaine had a heated affair with the hyper-promiscuous Bill Clinton, again showing her lust for power operating as her aphrodisiac. Wonder if she banged Kissinger too, after all, he’s the Illuminati kingpin who once claimed that “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” The insider who apparently witnessed Ghis and Bill’s relationship stated in an interview:[Bill] and Ghislaine were getting it on. That’s why he was around Epstein – to be with her.Yeah right, not about little girls. Capturing Bill Clinton’s kinky side for posterity, a bizarre oil portrait by a New York Academy of Art grad featuring an apparent transvestite Clinton was displayed on the wall of Epstein’s New York City residence of the sexually deviant former president decked out in a blue dress and red high heels, his legs draped over a chair with a shit-eating grin on his face pointing a finger, like “oops, you caught me,” looking as though he really did pose for it. A little more from the prurient interest file immediately following Epstein’s death, comes the court released story of the ever-promiscuous on the hunt Ghislaine Maxwell giving head to actor George Clooney in a bathroom stall at an unnamed political event in 2001, while alleged sex slave Virginia Giuffre was traveling with Ghislaine that same year in 2001 they wound up in her London flat with Prince Andrew. From Virginia’s 139-page memoir used as court record to document her misadventures:Once she came back giddy as a schoolgirl with an explosion of news, with all the build up and excitement in her voice you’d think she was the next crown princess, but she had given George Clooney a blowjob in the bathroom at some random event, she never let that one down.Ghislaine and Epstein ran thick as thieves among the Hollywood A-lister crowd as pedo-peas in a pod, sharing the same disgusting degenerate lust for raping children (See Chapter 15). The hedonistic sickness behind Ghis gizzing all over herself for her trophy blowjob comes as no surprise, nor the poor taste of lewd conduct from globalist George. This released document was just one of hundreds unsealed and made public by the court in August 2019. More blasts from the past… Bill Clinton aboard the Lolita Express in 2002 on their way to Africa with Epstein and entourage, the Daily Mail just released a photo of 22-year old Epstein rape victim Chaunte Davies giving Bill a neck massage after Guislaine prompted her, since Bill awakened from a nap with a sore neck. Published intentionally to coincide with Slick Willy’s speech endorsing Joe Biden for president at the 2020 Democratic Convention, from one perv to another with love.In another Giuffre deposition she maintains that the always sexually-in-heat Guislaine Maxwell had “continuous” orgies with 15-year old girls on the island. Virginia said orgies were the constant activity on both Lolita Express equipped with a bed as well as on Orgy Island equipped with hidden cameras in every room. At a deposition Virginia was asked about any specific occasions where she witnessed Maxwell having sex with underage girls. Virginia stated many beautiful girls from age 15 to 21 speaking in foreign tongue, guessing possibly in Czech or Russian, were at the poolside on the island:There was quite a few girls and it was, excuse me if I'm saying this in an in explicit way, but I don't know how else to say it... girl on girl action. So there was a lot of - what's the word for it? Licking, licking vaginas, breasts. Fingers being used. She was involved with that.?I remember specifically... I had to go down on Ghislaine. Jeffrey was there as well. We're still by the pool with lots of girls.It also recently emerged that Epstein’s good buddy Prince Andrew even lobbied the US government to give the pedophile trafficker a break with a “favorable” plea deal, as if the sweetheart deal wasn’t sweet enough. Victims’ attorneys requested full disclosure of all documents of royal friends lobbying on Epstein’s behalf, maintaining that the accused pedophile after signing the Non-Prosecution Agreement solicited support from those in high places like the Duke to further pressure leverage on the court for an even sweeter sweetheart deal. The rationale for obtaining the documents from Prince Andrew would serve as evidential proof that the royal is linked to the Epstein pedophilia operation. Former Labor Secretary Acosta alluded to Epstein being intelligence, but now it’s out that Epstein may have gotten off so easy due to the intervening power of the British royal family. Corruption runs sky high in Lucifer’s world. In the meantime, for years a cat and mouse game’s been unfolding with US law enforcement seeking assistance from Prince Andrew to divulge what he knows of the Epstein-Maxwell pedo-operation and the royal spokespersons pretending bewilderment, insisting that the prince has made every effort to cooperate. The former Southern District of New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman fired by Attorney General Barr indicated in January 2020 “to date, Prince Andrew has provided zero cooperation,” and then in March concluded the prince had “completely shut the door on voluntary cooperation.” Prosecutors in New York are currently considering their “options,” exploring the possibility of extraditing the pedos’ royal chum while the prince has hired the top attorney specializing in extradition cases, having defended pedo-enabling Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in the past. Boasting to his friends for decades that he was an international spy, Epstein and Maxwell working their Israeli military intelligence sexual blackmail operation, automatically elevated the pervert’s “pay grade” status to “too big to fail.” So when the lowly US Southern Florida DA Acosta was assigned to prosecute the case, the in-over-his-head pawn never had a chance but to acquiesce, pull his pants down and bend over backwards submitting to demands of both his higher-ups and the pedophile’s aggressive “dream team” legally protecting the sleazebag. And for his dutiful lapdog performance, Alexander Acosta was later rewarded a bone as Trump’s short-lived Labor Secretary, only to belatedly be cast aside in disgrace by 2019 for shamelessly signing off on that infamously corrupt deal a dozen years earlier. Regarding Epstein ties to the Clinton Foundation, recall the Clintons’ criminal role after the 2011 Haiti earthquake, bilking millions off the blood, sweat and tears of the Haitian people living in the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Then Laura Silsby busted trafficking Haitian children and bailed out by the Clintons. The Clintons, the Podesta brothers, the DNC, Marina Abromovic’s “spirit cooking” and James Alifantes’ Pizzagate scandal all are linked to Epstein and the wider global pedo-network. Together, they illustrate the Deep State’s role in the global child trafficking network as irrefutable, exposing the ruling elite’s occult practicing child ritual abuse, torture and murder machine. Epstein, organized crime, the Mega Group, the Rothschilds, royal families, all are guilty as sin parties. Then there’s the eugenics globalist ghoul Bill Gates, heavily linked to Jeffrey Epstein. Gates the liar initially denied ever even knowing Epstein. But then came the flood of evidence proving that he chose to maintain a longstanding friendship with Epstein both before and after his conviction, caught many times hanging out together at each other’s mansions, including traveling on the Lolita Express. As the world’s largest “charitable” organization at over $100 billion, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a confirmed record of criminal liability the world over, with 47,500 extra cases reported of paralysis at over twice the death rate of children given Gates vaccines in India in 2011 alone, and from 2000 to 2017 doctors found 491,00 cases of Indian children paralyzed beyond expected rates. The Gates have been accused of using Third World children as guinea pigs for Big Pharma. It was even confirmed that the Gates Foundation, JPMorgan Chase and his convicted pedophile buddy Epstein were planning a multibillion-dollar charitable children’s fund together. Speculation goes, birds of a feather, fuck little children [over] together. After all, Bill’s daddy ran Planned Parenthood and at least one Gates employee arrested at Bill’s Seattle mansion was later convicted of collecting 6,000 rape images of children on his computer. Two MSN employees sued Microsoft for being forced to watch murder, child porn and bestiality as part of their job training. Gates’ role in the Coronavirus hoax has been exposed in his drive for New World Order control over a culled world population. And it’s been known that insiders have alleged Gates is a pervert. In the early 1990s while a bachelor in his late 30s, just prior to meeting another bachelor with a major sex problem named Jeffrey Epstein, according to a vetted Silicon Valley insider who knew the Microsoft founder well at the time:Gates did nothing but watch porn all day - and have relations with very deviant women.?They found Melinda for him as a cover. [The marriage took place in 1994]. Turning to Jeffrey Epstein’s only known investment client and most prominent visible patron – Leslie Wexner – much has surfaced this last year about the Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, Abercrombie & Finch, L Brands retail titan, particularly over his intimate ties to Jeffrey Epstein as well as organized crime and his leading role as co-founder of the highly subversive Zionist billionaire Mega Group. This ensemble cast of about 50 filthy rich Jewish Israeli Firsters participate in a twice a year kumbaya meet-up paying $30,000 annual dues, ostensibly to give away their millions to Jewish Zionist causes in education, business and philanthropical projects for the Jewish diaspora community. At surface superficial level it’s about PR work for the “good Zionist cause.” That’s all fine and dandy, like the Malta Knights and Freemasons, they all play up token charity pursuits as their convenient benevolent cover. The Mega Group wields such power over targeted, bought off and bribed Zionist pledged politicians that the group functions as primary policymakers in both Israel and America. One highly questionable transaction involving the Wexner Foundation that Epstein as trustee handled, paid $2.3 million in 2004 to accused child rapist Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister from 1999 to 2001 during lead-up to Israel’s 9/11 involvement. During another Barak comeback attempt in 2019, once Epstein was arrested in July and embroiled in controversy, the former IDF chief of staff, defense minister and prime minister refused to explain what the payment was for, other than saying he was a paid consultant. Upon further questioning, an irritated Barak replied “ask the Wexner Foundation.” Despite his incumbent opponent Benjamin Netanyahu immersed in three criminal investigations for fraud and corruption himself, this large suspicious payment to Ehud Barak was commonly perceived as a Wexner bribe, further tainted by the disgraced Epstein, effectively sinking Ehud’s chances to return to politics a third time. Netanyahu used photos of Ehud sneaking out of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion to further discredit his competitor’s election hopes. The irony is Barak’s campaign platform running against the corrupt war criminal prime minister was fighting corruption. Entrenched in power, Bibi’s still the Zionist man in charge in Israel, Likud or not.Dogged by his longtime association with Epstein as another high-profile Orgy Island guest, and accused himself of having sex with former sex slave Virginia Giuffre, Barak once said of his meeting Epstein:More than 10 times and much less than a hundred times, but I can’t tell you exactly how many. I don’t keep count. Over the years, I’ve seen him on occasion.Epstein invested another $1.5 million of his own into a joint business project called Carbyne that the steeped in intelligence Barak played the front man of an emergency response service company that plugs personal identification capabilities with call-handling, in what appears to be a Big Brother tracking network with backdoor access aka PROMIS 2.0. The oppressive Chinese government uses a very similar smartphone app software like Carbyne to deploy mass surveillance on its population. Epstein released his 1.5 mil startup money through his Virgin Islands Southern Trust, his “DNA database and data mining” company. With two/thirds of a million bucks in donations, Epstein bought his way into a public platform to construct his NWO “scientific” empire, the pedo-madman boasting his Edge Foundation as ‘the world’s smartest website” at , where assembling intellectuals online to “educate” us with the following morsels of “wisdom”:Indeed,?humans are, at the start of our lives,?among the most uniquely useless creatures in the entire animal kingdom.? Sounds like a scientifically logical rationale for raping the young, huh? Epstein’s right-hand man for his collection of leading scientists hobnobbing on Orgy Island with the infamous child rapist is the shadowy literary agent John Brockman, the middleman pimp bringing billionaire(s) and top scientists together. Speaking of middleman, in 2014 Epstein put buddy Bill Gates up to donating/bribing $2 million to MIT. The boys on the take from Harvard and MIT apparently never asked “what’s the catch?” when Epstein’s millions kept magically falling into their laps. Pigs at the trough, Harvard refused to give back its dirty $6.5 million, and MIT Media Lab chief Joichi Ito resigned in disgrace but not before actively going out of his way to conceal Epstein’s donations. After MIT was busted, the school gave the tainted $850,000 bribe it had collected directly from Epstein to charity.Ghislaine Maxwell’s older twin sisters Isabel and Christine made a fortune employed at an Israeli intelligence front company that helped their father steal the PROMIS software. The twins also became involved in technology-based business ventures, after a multimillion-dollar sale to a competitor, they then moved on to a PROMIS successor upgrade tied to both US and Israeli intelligence. Epstein and the entire Maxwell family both became involved in technology espionage, especially in his post-jail years while courting the Silicon Valley giants. The twins and their husbands founded an internet service company McKinley Group in 1992, rebuilding their father’s legacy with the creation of their own Magellan search engine. Tech giants MSN, IBM, AT&T became interested, eventually selling Magellan for $18 million in 1996 to Excite. Secretive intel operative Guislaine Maxwell would only reveal that she was an “internet operator,” all the while she additionally “moonlighting” as a predatory sexual blackmail operator. A January 2001 Evening Standard article stated that during the 1990s:[Guislaine Maxwell] has made many millions out of his [Epstein’s] business links with the likes of Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, whose trust he runs.Donald Trump’s joint business interests with Epstein and Maxwell certainly merits further examination. But this one line also confirms what’s already been suspected for years, eugenicist Bill Gates has been lying about his relationship with Epstein since he apparently knew both Epstein as well as the Maxwell family from the 1990s on, further corroborated by Maria Farmer’s statement that in 1995 she overheard Epstein and Maxwell often talking about Bill Gates as though they knew him quite well. Additionally, the Maxwell twins Christine and Isabel, particularly the latter, by the mid-1990s through their search engine Magellan had also already developed a business partnership with Bill Gates and his Microsoft. Guislaine may be the infamous one that most took after her infamous father as a spy, but she had eight other siblings. The eldest son at 15 slipped into a coma after a car crash and died 7 years later while a middle sister died of leukemia at age 3 in 1957. Robert was known to be an abusive brute toward his family, although he likely went soft on the youngest as his favorite. The oldest living son was a brilliant scientist and mathematician who entered Oxford at 16, but clashed with his overbearing dad and escaped to Argentina. The eldest daughter tried to be an actress but struggled. Daddy’s reaction:What have you and Pope John Paul II got in common? You're both ugly and you're both failed actors.She never sought public recognition or fame again. Two of the younger sons attempting to run their father’s business after his death were charged with fraud but acquitted. One of the two, Kevin, had the largest bankruptcy case in British history when an order of ?407 million was filed against him. The media refers to a Maxwell curse with family members “lurching between controversy and financial disaster.”Christine Maxwell is married to astrophysicist Roger Malina, son of rocket scientist Frank Malina, a co-worker of Jack Parsons, an Aleister Crowley devotee. Twin Isabel’s first husband is the son of Carl Djerassi, the scientist that invented the birth-control pill. Isabel’s third husband Al Seckel was a con man and optical illusionist who hung out with scientists and academics without a college degree himself. See a pattern here with both Guislaine’s man Epstein and Isabel’s #3? In 2010 Seckel hosted a “scientific conference” on Epstein’s Pedophile Island but like Robert Maxwell, fell mysteriously to his death off a cliff versus a yacht. More parallels, shortly after Sheckel’s death, a magazine exposed his fraud and debts yet the Daily Beast reports it could not find proof of his death, similar to speculation over Robert’s demise that he may have faked his death. Similar to the Maxwell’s after Robert left a huge debt, Isabel reportedly filed for bankruptcy. It can be safely presumed that not only substantial millions were coming in through Epstein and Guislaine’s lucrative international blackmail enterprise and Wexner’s easy access billions, but both Epstein and Guislaine were also heavily invested and involved in the Maxwell family quest and mission to rebuild their father’s legacy through their expanding technology-based and intelligence-based covert operations. After all, no law ever stood in the way of daddy’s unquenchable drive for shadily generating more money and power the Luciferian way - by any hook or crook means necessary, all the while protected by a “higher pay grade” motivated “without a moral compass” that invariably runs throughout the unstoppable Zionist tribal clan. Their sense of infallibility spurred them onto grandiose new heights to cover up their glaring gutter lows. With major assistance from Bill Gates, Isabel Maxwell and company set out to using the same deceptive backdoor means to ripping off as many hi-tech trade secrets for Israel from the US Silicon Valley as PROMIS did, following her gangster daddy’s giant footsteps. Israel selected Isabel as its pedigree bulldog in Silicon Valley to champion their PROMIS 2.0 espionage theft through Israeli internal parts company CommTouch in order to embed its trademark backdoor access throughout the cyberworld. Microsoft’s co-founder Paul Allen’s timely investment in the previously obscure, in-the-red CommTouch (that is prior to Isabel’s Magic Maxwell Touch) just before Isabel took CommTouch public boosted its overnight stock value in 1999. The last-minute lifesaving nudge from Microsoft’s Paul Allen may have had something to do with his “Small World” of friends, an elite online community touting such distinguished sexual predators as Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein as well as NWO controllers Lynn de Forester Rothschild, perennial Victoria’s Secret runway supermodel Naomi Campbell (who Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre maintains was Guislaine’s BFF) and Adnan Khashoggi’s daughter Petrina. Again, the same cast of characters and family bloodline overlords just keep reappearing time and time again. Who said Guislaine was daddy’s favorite? The Maxwells and Israel have always leeched off their so-called closest ally and benefactor America, emboldened by their Talmudic inspired Protocols. The “kill or be killed” beast mentality in Robert Maxwell and daughters Isabel and Guislaine that runs through their bloodline veins makes Isabel especially proud of their accomplishments for the greater Israel. Their hook or crook methodology sans moral compass is perceived as their win-at-all-cost formula edge that sets them apart, mercilessly subduing their enemies rather than recognize their brutal “might-makes-right,” anything goes lawlessness is a self-justified rationalization for planetwide application of violence, exploitation and oppression that is fundamentally wrong and morally repugnant. But hey, “winning is everything.” Right? – wrong!Despite the big bucks into the multimillions ($20 by Gates alone) from both co-founding Microsoft big boys, under Isabel’s command a year later in 2000 CommTouch registered a net loss of $24 million. As Isabel exited in 2001 as President Emeritus, the losses into the millions continued. By 2006 the company was still hemorrhaging at more than $170 million in debt. As liaisons between Israel and Silicon Valley and always Israeli Firster zealots, the Epstein and Guislaine angle sexually blackmailing US hi-tech executives while Isabel’s maintaining intimate ties with Israel’s prime ministers and heads of Israeli intelligence, mounts a two-pronged tactical squeeze to sap US digital age dominance and fuel Israel’s gambit to take over the world of high technology. From the nepotism department comes Alexander Djerassi, Isabel Maxwell’s son fresh out of college, handed a sweet position by none other than US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, working in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs from 2009 to 2012. Isabel holds the current distinguished title of Technology Pioneer at the World Economic Forum. Are the Maxwells still connected with the controlling elite?To further her diabolical cause, Guislaine’s 2012 founded now defunct NGO (since Epstein’s arrest) TerraMar Project, supposedly about ocean ecology, supported by Deep State crime families like the Rothschilds and Clintons, was intended to forge inroads into such NWO bastions where she regularly had speaking engagements at the UN and Council on Foreign Relations, no doubt bolstering impunity for her and Israel’s criminal blackmail operation. As noted on numerous occasions, the UN’s track record for rape, murder and pedophilia places it in partnership with black nobility bloodlines and the Catholic Church. In 1995 for her thesis graduating art student Maria Farmer displayed a couple of her paintings at the prestigious Academy’s art exhibit in Manhattan that Epstein as an art school board member attended, accompanied by his partner-in-crime Ghislaine Maxwell. Maria said that an offer of $12,000 on one of her paintings inspired by Edgar Degas’ “The Rape” had just been made that she already accepted as sold when the pushy, aggressive school dean Eileen Guggenheim allegedly approached her, demanding that she immediately undo the sale in order that important board member and generous donor Jeffrey Epstein buy it at a half price discount of only $6,000. Within seconds the promising young artist was browbeaten into accepting her dean’s new awkward arrangement. Eileen Guggenheim then allegedly introduced Maria to Epstein and Maxwell, Jeffrey letting Maria know that he’d make it up to her over her lost revenue. In honor and recognition for their artistic achievements at the New York Academy, a select group of recent graduates attended an all-expenses paid trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico to study with the notable artist Eric Fischl. Maria and a group of three other alumni were chaperoned by their dean Eileen Guggenheim. Part of their itinerary was to visit the New York Art Academy board member’s nearby ranch, having expressed an interest in buying their art. Part of the selling point for the trip encouraged students to make their work available and that Epstein would commission the winner to paint a mural as a trip-ending grand prize. One day they were invited to Epstein’s ranch and took a grand tour of his renovated Western town he’d purchased and was still developing then under construction. Maria stands by her original statement that while on that 1995 trip to Epstein’s New Mexico compound, shortly after graduating from the New York Academy of Art (NYAA) that:[Guggenheim] asked me to sit on his [Epstein’s] lap and flirt with him... ‘Do it for the academy, Maria.Maria Farmer and another academy graduate Ursula Ruedenberg recalled specific details about that bizarre day spent in Epstein and Maxwell’s company, all the while accompanied by Eileen Guggenheim. As Epstein showed off his 10,000 acres purchased from longtime New Mexico state governor, Maria said Jeffrey Epstein kept repeating how the desert is full of poisonous rattlesnakes. Then back at their living quarters, Ghislaine Maxwell asked them to put their coats in the closet where they encountered a life-sized human skeleton but because their art school is known for its figurative art, the young artists familiar with skeletons didn’t take the bait or bat an eye, disappointing their hosts. Then for their next prank as an after-dinner party game, they were instructed to close their eyes and guess the objects in a bag being passed around. Ursula recollects:One?was what felt like pockets of jelly; it turned out to be falsies, like you put in your bra. Then they demanded that we put them on.When Ursula refused, Maxwell and Guggenheim treated her as a “square,” a party pooper. Their sexual predator hosts were clearly grooming for potential victims, testing the limits to determine who would passively acquiesce and go along with their inappropriate social boundary violations. Ursula recounted:It was the weirdest dinner party I've ever been to all my life. I've been around a lot of rich people in New York and many are misbehaved, but this was another level… That dinner party should not have happened, it was inappropriate. I feel like when you’re in a position of responsibility to students and somebody acts the way they did, that’s cause to step back and assess whether this is a professional situation or not, and that definitely did not happen. In other words, Guggenheim was right there with the sexual escapades, thrusted upon her recent students, allegedly encouraging Maria Farmer to sit on Epstein’s lap is egregious. Though Maria refused to give in to her dean’s urging, she wrote off Epstein and Maxwell’s bizarre ways:You just thought they were quirky and they love art.Maria figured this must be the artsy fartsy rich crowd’s novel idea for having fun at parties, pushing the envelope for new kicks. Maria commented that Epstein’s idea of mischievous merrymaking would be to make his guests play games that customarily include props like condoms and falsies, going for the shock value followed by Maxwell’s lighthearted jest attempting to normalize it.At Guggenheim’s urging, Maria gave Epstein two pieces of artwork she’d painted while in New Mexico. But after dangling the carrot stick of the big art benefactor buying up their work and rewarding one graduate with a big mural job, it turned out to be empty words. What was taken by Ursula as warning signs to stay clear of these artworld maniacs on that trip to the desert, to Maria Farmer, the young girl from a middle-class family upbringing in Kentucky, dealing with the eccentric couple goes with the territory of making it in the jet-setting New York City art world. An albeit unsettling minor inconvenience was not about to get in the way of Maria pursuing her artistic dreams she’d been nurturing since a little girl. Also by this time after being around Eileen Guggenheim the last several years, Maria was used to being selfishly exploited and emotionally abused by her dean.Though unlike Maria Farmer, fellow art school grad Ursula Ruedenberg never was sexually victimized by Epstein and Maxwell, she was so turned off by her disillusioning experience with the New York art scene, she stated:I was so fed up with that whole scene, and [Epstein] was part of it, I left New York. I just thought, I don’t want to paint for these people, and I stepped out of that whole world.Talking to Whitney Webb in April 2020, Maria Farmer remarked that during her years at the New York Academy of Art, Guggenheim actually tried to pimp her off to a number of wealthy older men, Epstein just one of them. Guggenheim also reportedly instructed Maria to move to Paris and become the lover of an established artist she knew there. While a graduate student at the New York Academy of Art, Dean Guggenheim also took full advantage exploiting Maria in a number of other demeaning ways, as her unpaid babysitter looking after her daughter, as her unpaid errand girl schlepper, as both her unpaid maid as well as unpaid maid at Guggenheim’s sister’s apartment. The abuse perpetrated by Eileen Guggenheim, who is said to have constantly belittled Maria with putdowns like “you’re a nobody,” served as preparatory grooming almost as if to set her up for later abuse by Epstein and Maxwell. You can easily see how Maria would conclude that Guggenheim may have been more than just complicit operating herself inside the Epstein-Maxwell pedophilia network.Think about the heavy costly consequence that introducing Maria to Epstein and Maxwell set into motion, events leading to her sexual assault in Wexner’s armed Ohio encampment, her 15-year old sister’s sexual assault, her death threats for being the first Epstein-Maxwell sexual abuse survivor to bravely report Epstein abuse to the police, and the causative likelihood of her present medical condition fighting brain cancer all stemming from the direct consequence of Guggenheim connecting Maria to Epstein and Maxwell. Talk about incurring a karmic debt, Ghislaine Maxwell and Eileen Guggenheim are cut from the same mold as two Jewish supremacist Prima-Donnas. But at least now Maxwell’s where she belongs, behind bars paying for her karmic debt, while Guggenheim still sitting “pretty” atop the elitist New York Academy of Art’s Board of Directors. Sign the petition currently going around demanding the Academy fire her ass immediately.Forced to desperately defend her questionable integrity, reputation and job as head of the New York Academy of Art, the 69-year old longtime New York socialite and former aide to Prince Charles, Eileen Guggenheim continues to vehemently deny ever introducing Epstein to Maria Farmer or any other student or alumni from her art academy. So we’re supposed to believe Maria Farmer is a total liar maliciously defaming Eileen Guggenheim. If the school head is truly innocent, then why not slap a defamation suit on Maria Farmer. That will never happen because to win in a court of law, the burden of proof would be on Guggenheim to demonstrate that Maria’s statement is false, and Guggenheim knows she cannot do that and she’d automatically lose. Guggenheim can continue denying all she wants, but we the public know the truth.With Maria’s shocking story publicly emerging last year after the Epstein arrest, Eileen Guggenheim as the current board of directors’ chair and her New York Academy of Art reacted in typical fashion when elites are accused of anything. The exclusive private school initially denied Epstein ever served on its board of directors, but then was forced to admit its deception when records proved he was a trustee from 1987 to 1994. Guggenheim just denies, denies and denies, hoping desperately that her squirm time in the public hotseat will soon blow over. Maria went even further in her April 2020 conversation with journalist Whitney Webb, accusing Guggenheim of being in on Epstein and Maxwell’s pedophilia racket. Maria maintains that Guggenheim isn’t even Eileen’s real last name, but that she phonily adopted it as her meal ticket to art world stardom, claiming to be a distant relative of the famous family. It seems with all the dispersions cast on her and her uppity art school, Guggenheim is suffering from a blatant case of selective memory, insisting that she never even stepped foot on Epstein’s ranch, pretending that all events Maria and Ursula describe never even happened. When a third witness came forth and a photo surfaced of the group outing including Guggenheim, once again suffering from poor memory fatigue or just plain caught in another lie, Guggenheim quibbled over Epstein’s mansion not yet constructed, adding that she never entered Epstein’s home nor attended a dinner party but left early. Writing an email in her self-defense, Guggenheim insists that at the time, not one participant on that trip registered a single complaint to her:Had any student expressed to me their personal discomfort over actions by Mr. Epstein, I would have immediately addressed it and offered my support.Upon learning of the art school’s reprehensible enabling of Epstein and Maxwell’s predation, allowing them to misuse their school as a target for trolling potential victims, setting it up so at least one student did become their victim, four of the academy’s board members with a conscience, among them actress Naomi Watts, recently resigned over Maria’s despicably shabby treatment. In full damage control mode, after scrambling to hire a law firm to investigate, the New York Academy of Art formally apologized to Maria Farmer. But then came the legal firm’s report released in July 2020 actually blaming Maria the victim since the self-serving Academy’s response:Focus[ed] on discrediting Farmer's testimony rather than delving into Epstein's involvement with the NYAA board, financial ties to the school or his relationship to Guggenheim.The above contention are the words from a petition quickly signed by 100 students and alumni, calling the school out in shame and pressing for Guggenheim’s resignation. But instead, NYAA dug its heels in to launch its counteroffensive, accusing Maria of making inconsistent, faulty statements, ultimately backing Eileen Guggenheim’s word, in a feeble attempt to wash dirty hands clean denying any wrongdoing at all. Speaking of the NYAA-Epstein-Wexner nexus, the New York Academy of Art president who stands by his Guggenheim gal, David Kratz, has a romantic partner named Greg Unis, who happens to be the current CEO of Wexner’s Victoria’s Secret and L Brands since 2016… small pedo world where constantly repeated shit like this can’t just be a random, coincidental accident. Guggenheim keeps her job because in the eyes of the legal authorities run by the pedo-cabal, it comes down to her word versus Maria’s, and Ursula’s, and no doubt a whole legion of other alumni through the years who know the truth about their art crew chief. But former royal aides to the future king of England will always be believed over lowly victims and truthtellers. However, in the court of public opinion and the minds of the growing many who can discern the too obvious facts, the time of reckoning approaches when elites committing atrocities will no longer be able to live above the law. The tide’s finally turning against them.Shortly after Maria’s trip to New Mexico, Epstein offered Maria a job as his art consultant and artist in residence of sorts. Fresh out of art school, Maria Farmer began her new life painting for a new boss Jeffrey Epstein and his live-in girlfriend companion Ghislaine Maxwell. The 25-year old saw it an opportunity to not only showcase her creative talents but enter an exciting world of open-ended adventure. The next year proved an eye-opening experience for the na?ve artist, living amidst the two predators at Epstein’s New York townhouse, his Palm Beach mansion and the 50,000 square foot palatial ranch under construction in New Mexico. Like his Manhattan, Palm Beach and Virgin Island homes, Epstein’s New Mexico properties south of Santa Fe - Zorro Ranch and the old Western-style town also became the crime scenes for numerous trafficked girls. On a twice a year basis, Epstein flew his Lolita Express in with his trafficked sex slaves and entourage, and partied down with invisible cameras rolling in every room. Unlike Florida and New York though, the state of New Mexico never required Epstein to register as a convicted sex offender. His mansion included a 1,000 square foot underground strip club for entertaining VIPs with underage girls. Buying his property off the prominent King family of Governor Bruce King, Epstein made generous donations for the King family election campaigns, though they were reportedly paid back in full to charity. Recall the former Democratic Governor Bill Richardson accused of having sex with at least one underage girl Virginia Roberts-Giuffre, after the fact, he too gave Epstein’s $50,000 donation to charity as well. But the pedophile generally had his way in New Mexico, with countless building permits, nearby airport construction and wanton sex with minors, envisioning his Zorro Ranch as his future launch pad for his mass breeding. Immediately following her crisis in Ohio, Maria Farmer learned that her mother a few months earlier in April 1996, had approved her 15-year old sister Annie’s travel for a weekend visit at Epstein’s New Mexico Zorro ranch, thinking other students would be chaperoned by Ghislaine Maxwell. But instead, alone under Maxwell’s instructions, Annie was coerced into first giving Epstein a foot massage, and then afterwards, Maxwell pressured her to remove her top while Maxwell predatorily sexually assaulted her with Annie sensing Epstein salaciously jacking off watching. The creepy weekend nightmare continued with Epstein climbing into bed with her. Frozen in fear, 15-year old Annie Farmer never reported the abuse until learning several months later what her perpetrators also did to her big sister. Maria became emotionally distraught upon learning that her employer-abusers Epstein and Maxwell actually stole photos of her then 12- and 15-year old sisters, innocently posing for Maria’s artwork for school, obviously feeling very guilty that they were used and abused as child pornography by the sick predators that attacked her and sister Annie and thousands of other victims. Maria especially blames herself as the 26-year old big sister to her 15-year old sister Annie who ended up sexually abused in New Mexico earlier that same year 1996 in April. These two siblings’ young lives were permanently marred by the child abusers misusing their position of power and status to effectively silence, intimidate and sabotage the girls’ efforts to be heard and taken seriously. Despite persistent attempts to report the incidents to multiple law enforcement agencies, including the national magazine Vanity Fair and prominent members within the New York City art world - all to no avail. One such member was then dean of students at the New York Academy of Art, the current board chair Eileen Guggenheim, who allegedly first introduced Epstein and Maxwell to Maria, a claim she recently disputes. Back in New York City after her Ohio ordeal, Maria Farmer contacted the FBI office but it too was totally unresponsive. Epstein and Maxwell allegedly threatened to destroy her art career, engaging in intimidation tactics such as following her on the subway. FBI agents were already familiar with Jeffrey Epstein and wanted no part in an investigation. Finally, a full decade later, the FBI re-contacted Maria in 2006, only after Epstein was under grand jury investigation in Palm Beach, seemingly to cover up its own loose end liability than bring the wily demon to justice. Shamefully, the FBI has a long history of obstruction of justice as a criminally enabling accomplice in the child sex trafficking organized crime network, again going back to the J Edgar-Lansky-Cohn days. Despite vicious, threatening warnings coming from Maxwell, Epstein and their high society friends like Eileen after her attack, Maria Farmer bravely reported her and her sister’s incidents to multiple law enforcement agencies, from Ohio to NYPD to the FBI, the very first on record to report Epstein abuse to legal authorities, but because they were victims of Epstein and Maxwell’s international intelligence operation, i.e., up against forces above their “pay grade,” not one law enforcement agency had the gumption or balls to enforce the law and respond to their cries for help and outrage, and as a result, so many more victims were harmed over the next decades. Faced with her abusers’ impenetrable impunity and ultimately fearing for her own safety, Maria abandoned her art career and escaped from New York, spending the next few decades hiding from the potential deadly, vengeful wrath of the Epstein-Maxwell pedophilia network. After years of anguish, Maria is now getting back into painting for the first time, undergoing a cathartic, healing experience, portraying on canvas her seven-foot depiction of elites as murderous reptiles with Wexner the head of the snake. As a courageous hero, Maria Farmer, her sister Annie, Virginia Roberts-Giuffre and the dozens of other Epstein-Maxwell victim-survivors whose voice is speaking louder than ever are collectively fighting for children’s rights everywhere. We must stand with them.Maria found out the hard way that the FBI’s function is simply to act as a blocking shield to protect well-connected sexual predators, refusing to place her and her sister in any witness protection program despite threats of grave harm hurled at them from their perpetrators. Former notorious Wexner bodyguard who is allegedly the current bodyguard of actor Will Smith - Randy Bowie – is said to have threatened Maria’s life. Maria Farmer maintains that after abusing girls who subsequently became “difficult,” as is a common fate in organized pedo-network crime, discarded victims go missing and all too commonly end up murdered/suicided.That year was 1996 when the first known Epstein-Maxwell victims came forth to first report sexual abuse to the legal authorities, but it wasn’t until nine long years later and countless more girls suffering before police in Florida would finally begin looking into Epstein and Maxwell’s predation racket. Had the Farmer sisters only been listened to even once by a police agency that simply did its taxpaid job, hundreds if not thousands of victims would have been saved from the lifelong plague of child sexual abuse. Again, when the power differential between perpetrator and victim is so pronounced, invariably the child rapist is always shielded and protected at the discarded victims’ double punishment expense. After 16 straight years of Epstein holding power of attorney’s carte blanche control over Les Wexner’s enormous fortune, the mega-mogul’s official ties with the child rapist were only severed once the pervert was publicly facing criminal charges in 2007. In August 2019 after Epstein’s staged death, for the first time Wexner also alleged that the pedophile “misappropriated” at least $46 million from him also. After Wexner waited till Epstein was allegedly dead, in August 2019 he finally made it known that the deceased Epstein stole millions off him too. In response, New York Magazine asks the following legitimate questions:If Wexner figured out 12 years ago that Epstein had stolen a very large amount of money from him, why didn’t he do anything about it? He could have tried to get Epstein arrested and indicted for the theft. He also could have sued Epstein civilly. Didn’t he want his money back?The answer is rather obvious once you accept the fact that both men were key players in the Israeli intelligence sexual blackmail game, one as primary trafficker-VIP procurer and other as primary funder. In April 2019 Maria Farmer’s allegations were finally made public in an affidavit attached to Virginia Giuffre’s defamation suit against former Epstein attorney Alan Dershowitz. At age 50 now in the fight of her life combatting a brain tumor and Hodgkin’s lymphoma, last October the courageous victim turned survivor, speaking publicly for the first time about her assault, said she holds Les Wexner personally “responsible for what happened” to her. As she should, the traumatic attack occurred at the hands of Wexner’s most “trusted, loyal” associate and friend on Wexner’s property that was ever-so-closely monitored and guarded at the time by Wexner’s wife and hired security force, then illegally held against her will for an extended period afterwards, again by both Abigail and Wexner’s security personnel. Both Abigail and Leslie Wexner have claimed they never even knew who Maria Farmer was, until she went public in 2019 with her alarming allegations, which is next to impossible since Maria alleged that she frantically spoke to Abigail on the phone within minutes immediately following her assault as well as on multiple occasions all summer long previously. A victim reporting a sexual assault on your property is not a conversation anyone would simply forget. But the Wexners appear to possess amnesic memories, choosing to live in a convenient pretend world when it suits them. But then that’s nothing new. Considering how close Leslie was to Epstein for so many years, a longstanding pattern had been established, foolishly trusting a deviously flawed degenerate with his fortune, all the while holding him in such high regard, until it turns out he was serial sexual predator and swindler of the worst kind. Talk about living in a pretend world. Remaining so gullibly ignorant to such an extreme extends far beyond belief for a man who surveilled over every inch of his kingdom, renders the Wexners’ credibility zero at best. Again, when caught red-handed in any kind of wrongdoing, “deny, deny, deny” is always the elite’s unacceptably lame SOP response. As a result, in the last four years from 2015 to 2019 during so much Epstein bad press, by association, stocks for ole Les’ L Brands have plummeted in value by over 84%, plunging from $100 a share to below $16 by the second half of 2019. That should be taken by Wexner as his wake-up call from the public, that it isn’t buying what the longest running CEO of any Fortune 500 company is still selling, that Mr. Wexner’s two decade long cluelessness is simply a bad case of misjudgment, not realizing his ever-so-close good buddy since the mid-1980s was raping little girls right and left while ripping him off right and left. Sorry Mr. L Brands, you just don’t get to be a Mega Mogul and then pretend you’re that stupid and expect to be believed. The “pretending to be blind” old man Wexner finally heard the deafening roar of his wake-up call, resigning as CEO of his L Brands retail empire in February 2020, though he’ll remain “chairman emeritus,” whatever that means. Pressure has been mounting for years as Wexner’s dark past association with Epstein finally caught up to him. His stepping down came just days after five former Ohio State University wrestlers called for the state of Ohio’s inspector general to investigate OSU’s relationship with Epstein and the school’s two biggest university donors Les and Abigail Wexner. Preferring not to let that can of worms be opened, he’s announced his new apparent “symbolic figurehead” role in his company. Meanwhile, wife Abigail still sits as vice chair of Ohio State University Board of Trustees and along with her hubby, atop dozens of executive boards in various businesses and philanthropic organizations. The allegation that Abigail held a sexual assault victim against her will after being brutally attacked by sexual perpetrators Epstein and Maxwell on the Wexner property has not bode well for the Wexners, regarded as enablers and accomplices of two pedophile webs operating for years at both OSU and the larger Epstein-Maxwell international scandal. The Wexners pretending they never even heard of Maria Farmer is a slap in the face to every human with empathy for sexual abuse victims everywhere, much less having half a brain. Thus, the heavily tainted, high-powered married couple is facing a growing backlash, coming under increasing pressure to step down from their many high horse, lofty positions. Like Guggenheim, their feeble excuses aren’t cutting it. This “head of snake” needs to be investigated. The recent backstory to the Wexner-Epstein nexus blowing up on the OSU campus spreading to the Wexner New Albany encampment has everything to do with the fact that for 20 years, from 1978 to 1998, Ohio State University employed a medical doctor named Dr. Richard Strauss who treated thousands of male athletes from 15 varsity sports, routinely molesting countless numbers during examinations as well as regularly taking showers with athletes. In his office Strauss would typically instruct them to get naked and fondle them, committing nearly 1,500 known sexual assaults, among them 47 rapes. Reminiscent of the same evil in neighboring states - Coach Sandusky at Penn State and Dr. Larry Nassar at Michigan State University and the USA Women’s Gymnastics team, all sustaining long successful careers inflicting so much sexual abuse to minors, yet each overtly protected by institutions turning a blind eye protecting them (See Chapters 16 and 15 respectively). Abused athletes at OSU repeatedly complained about Dr. Strauss but coaches and administrators failed to respond, a story repeated ad nauseam in the pedo-network.In 1998 Dr. Strauss was allowed to comfortably retire, move out of state to Los Angeles where seven years later he committed suicide in 2005. In 2018 when former athletes went public with allegations, the former head wrestling coach said he spoke to Strauss at the time, admonishing him for showering with his wrestlers, but beyond that meek gesture, no further action apparently was ever taken to stop the abuse. Senior Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, currently sitting on the powerful House Judiciary Committee, decades ago was an OSU assistant wrestling coach. A handful of former wrestling teammates victimized years earlier have gone public, demanding investigations and approached their popular former coach Jordan for support. But the ever-popular Rep. Jordan has flatly denied knowing anything about the abusive doctor, which was contradicted by a couple of his wrestlers who maintain that they told him themselves about the ongoing abuse. OSU hired an outside law firm to conduct an independent probe, with the university agreeing in May 2020 to pay out $40.9 million in compensation to 12 of 23 active cases involving 162 plaintiffs filed against the respected university. In solidarity with Epstein victims, especially Maria Farmer and her plight with the Wexners, the OSU abuse survivors have confronted Les and Abigail in their prominent roles in both Columbus and the university, calling for their removal. Thus, Les and his wife are coming under increasing public scrutiny and judgment based upon public perception of their past failures to protect minors, especially since much of Abigail’s charity work is ostensibly geared to benefit children. Five former OSU wrestlers victimized by the university’s longtime doctor wrote a letter to the state inspector general, stating:[Abigail Wexner] helped Jeffrey Epstein sexually assault a young woman named Maria Farmer [on property they] owned and secured. We turn to you for help, primarily because of Abigail Wexner’s status as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees at OSU. Given these public allegations against Mrs. Wexner, it is extremely difficult for us to comprehend why OSU maintains its relationship with Abigail Wexner and her family.Similar to Epstein’s money buying influence and respect at Harvard and MIT that unscrupulously took dirty money, for many years Ohio State University has happily accepted the Wexner billions as its largest benefactors. Despite the Epstein stain on the Wexner name drawing petitions and protests to remove the Wexners as OSU donors and trustee vice chair this year, the state university trustees led by its vice chair Abigail continue to defy public pressure (not unlike the New York Academy of Art supporting its chair Guggenheim). On August 26, 2020, Ohio State trustees unanimously agreed to accept and build a whopping $1.8 billion University Hospital tower as an addition to the existing Wexner Medical Center. Construction is set to begin in October for a 26-story, 1.9 million square foot flagship university hospital, of course retaining the “good” Wexner name. It’s called money and power, and operating from a “higher pay grade.” Criticism that Wexner’s Brand L leadership has long propagated a misogynist culture within his apparel empire, resulting in Victoria’s Secret models routinely sexually exploited by the likes of predators like Jeffrey Epstein and Jean-Luc Brunel, who together created MC2 modeling agency as an underage “chick magnet” to predatorily rape and misuse their power and position to both traffic and willfully harm thousands of underage girls and young women, enduringly shielded by Wexner’s alleged wink-and-nod complicity. And of course Maxwell and Ivana recruiting underage victims promising a chance to be a Wexner Victoria’s Secret girl.Behind the US southern border states of California and Texas, and Epstein’s New York, Ohio and specifically the city of Columbus ranks as America’s central hub for the most reported child and human trafficking cases in 2019. A month after Epstein’s alleged death last year, over 100 were arrested in the three Columbus area counties in a massive human trafficking web. With over a thousand known victims every year in the state, lamestream media like Wikipedia will use superficial demographics to explain the reason – it has both large urban and rural areas with a sizeable transient and immigrant population and a major 5 interstate highway hub connecting to many surrounding states and Canada. What won’t be mentioned making Ohio among the worst states for trafficking, are the lingering footprints of the most infamous child sex trafficker in the world and his direct link to Mega Group billionaire boss with documented organized crime ties - Leslie Wexner, Ohio State Buckeye godfather and Mr. Columbus himself. Think about it, is it just pure coincidence that America’s trafficking hub is also the home of the richest man in Ohio whose name on more buildings than anyone else also happens to be so closely linked to the most infamous child sex trafficker on the entire planet? I don’t think so. As another example of how Epstein utilized Wexner’s Victoria’s Secret as his bait, a mere year after Maria and Annie Farmer’s sexual assaults in 1996, another 26-year old Epstein rape victim, Alicia Arden, was allegedly lured into a Santa Monica, California hotel room by Epstein to her lurid “audition” on a promise he might make her Victoria’s Secret next hot model. And just like Maria and Annie the year before, Alicia was also paid lip service when she allegedly attempted to report the sex crime to the police. As soon as Jeffrey Epstein’s name was mentioned as the sex crime perpetrator, law enforcement is alleged to have immediately backed away unwilling to touch it. Why this pattern keeps happening by now must be all too obvious, because law enforcement always takes a subordinate backseat to global intelligence operations, again due to the “higher pay grade” pecking order. As a result, a culture and mindset of unbridled omnipotence and warped sense of entitlement extends far beyond just the sexual predators Epstein, Maxwell and Brunel. The Les Wexner Brand itself is infested with sexual predation. One of Wexner’s longtime top executives, Ed Razek, a pervert forced into retirement the same month Epstein died, tried to kiss the models, have them sit on his lap, wrote sexual emails, touched a model’s crotch all before the 2018 Victoria’s Secret fashion show. A model that refused his advances was suddenly dropped from the fashion show. Many were pressured to pose nude. Due to so much sexual misconduct, the inbred culture of misogyny from its leadership and its top leader so closely associated with the Epstein scandal raging in 2019, the fashion show had to be cancelled last year. With L Brands stocks tumbling, by February this year, the beleaguered CEO Wexner finally stepped down. But it’s not just his ultra-close scandalous association with Epstein or the toxic sexism pervading throughout his business empire, Wexner’s co-founded Mega Group also is saturated with sexual predation. Prominent Mega member billionaire hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt has been repeatedly accused of sexually accosting women in harassment suits, seven of whom have gone public. A vowed atheist, Steinhardt’s fervent devotion and faith to the state of Israel gave birth to Birthright Israel, co-founded in 1999 with Charles Bronfman as a Zionist Diaspora organization for young Jews visiting Israel, strongly supported by Netanyahu. Steinhardt’s family ties owes allegiance to Lansky’s crime syndicate as does Charles and Edgar’s father Sam Bronfman’s gangster days, along with shipping illegal arms to Zionist paramilitary groups in Palestine before Israel. Another next generation Mega Group standout, “golden boy” Hollywood kingpin Steven Spielberg has been named a pedophile by multiple sources, and was protégé of mob-connected Tinsel Town mogul Lew Wasserman. Yet another Mega Group member Ronald Lauder, son of the Estee Lauder cosmetic empire, maintains all kinds of nefarious ties, leaving his fingerprints on Israel’s IDF, Mossad/military intelligence operations, including 9/11. While Ronald Lauder was Reagan-Bush’s US Ambassador to Austria in the 1980s, he was eventually outed for personally supplying pedophile Epstein with his fake passport. Edgar M. Bronfman, Epstein’s very first benefactor in 1980 who helped him out of his insider trading violation was World Jewish Congress head of the Zionist snake for 30 years (1977-2007; his successor Ronald Lauder) as well as member of his brother’s co-founded Mega Group and hardcore crime family patriarch until his December 2013 death. Robert Maxwell and Edgar Bronfman worked together with the Soviet Union in the late 1980s to allow its Soviet Jewry to immigrate to Israel. Maxwell used his spy contacts and political clout to convince officials in Moscow to make the deal. Also, Maxwell and Charles Bronfman were investment partners in the Israeli pharmaceutical Teva and made a bid to buy the Jerusalem Post together. It then becomes no surprise that just like Robert Maxwell’s daughter, two of Edgar Bronfman’s daughters are also criminally linked to international child sex trafficking network. In 2019 Clare Bronfman was prosecuted, convicted and due to be sentenced in late September 2020 for her criminal role financing the NXIVM pedo-trafficking sex cult. Her sister Sara also was involved but somehow finagled her way out of prosecution. Sitting currently in the can, Ghislaine Maxwell’s scheduled prosecution next July will be the next disgraced daughter from a prominent Zionist crime family to go down. Obviously all these bloodline ties to child sex trafficking are not some random accident. The head of the snake that’s today’s global pedophilia scourge has long been black nobility bloodlines and their prominent puppet minions.Recall the changing of the guard in the May 1989 yacht party mentioned in previous chapters onboard daddy Maxwell’s yacht Lady Ghislaine when the old school represented by the host Robert and Roy Cohn law partner Tom Bolin hand the baton off to new generation Cohn protégé Donald Trump and daughter Guislaine, who years earlier already hooked up with crime partner Epstein in their Israeli blackmail operation. Also in attendance were a couple of former Kissinger staffers neocons Navy Secretary John Lehman and US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering, traitor Senator John Tower who allowed Maxwell and Israel to breach US national security selling PROMIS software to Los Alamos, the soon-to-become CEO of Time Warner Steve Ross who built his career on the shoulders of the New York mob, and prominent CFR media members Barbara Walters, Mike Wallace and William Saffire. This event was two years before Robert Maxwell died, Epstein secured Wexner’s power of attorney and the birth of the Mega Group. Wexner, Bronfman and their Mega Group all-stars have maintained indelible fingerprints in organized crime since the Meyer Lansky days, and consistently used their sheer power and wealth to increasingly influence and control prominent puppet politicians in the US, Israel, UK and beyond. There exist way too many coincidences, uncanny parallels and common threads running deep through all these crime family pedo-network organizations to not expose before the world the fact that they are merely the latest incarnation of interlinked Luciferian child raping, blackmailing controllers. Already mentioned earlier was Wexner’s blueprint plan advising how the US should proceed to take out Saddam Hussein for the Greater Israel Project on the eve of the Iraq invasion. From an incisive, poignant Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) article published just 11 days prior to the earth-changing 9/11 attack:Under the innocent headline, ‘Titans of Industry Join Forces To Work for Jewish Philanthropy,’ Wall Street Journal staff reporter Lisa Miller reported on an April 1998 gathering of some 20 Jewish billionaires, at the Manhattan apartment of hedge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt. That gathering involved some of the most powerful names in the Jewish lobby in America, starting with Edgar Bronfman, the chairman of the World Jewish Congress. Others included: Charles Bronfman, Edgar's brother and a top executive of the family's flagship Seagrams Corp.; Leslie Wexner of Limited, Inc.; Charles Schusterman, chairman of Samson Investment Co. of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Harvey ‘Bud’ Meyerhoff, a fabulously wealthy and powerful Baltimore real estate magnate; Laurence Tisch, chairman of Loews Corp.; Max Fisher, the Detroit oil magnate and Republican Party powerhouse; bagel magnate Max Lender; and Leonard Abramson, the founder of U.S. Healthcare.Lisa Miller leads off with her opening sentence describing the informal meeting as a “Study Group,” benignly contemplating the meaning of “being Jewish”:When movie mogul Steven Spielberg, Seagram Chairman Edgar Bronfman Sr. and former hedge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt met at Mr. Steinhardt's Manhattan apartment last month, the main topic was neither films nor high finance but considerably more complex than either: being Jewish.The revealing EIR piece on the 11th-day eve of the Israeli-Cheney-Bush 9/11 assault on America and world, specifies that newly installed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as successor to Epstein-9/11 linked Ehud Barak was also launching a propaganda attack on America to win support for “overturning the Mideast peace process.” His plan called for hiring two prominent American public relations firms to spin the media, like the Wall Street Journal introducing the Mega Group titans devotedly working toward “Jewish philanthropy,” and “policymaking circles in New York and Washington,” (i.e., Epstein’s Council on Foreign Relations). The WSJ fluff piece was the first time the Zionist billionaire’s boys club was ever mentioned in the media, coordinated in time for the lead-up years to the 9/11 attack that would target Iraq as posing the greatest threat to Israel’s security and Greater Israel Project bent on a Jewish State from the Nile to the Euphrates. Also significant is a March 13, 2001 Jewish Telegraph Agency article (just under 6 months before 9/11), disclosing the Ariel Sharon propaganda strategy to utilize a Jewish American mega-donor think tank to assist conning America into adopting the Greater Israel Project policy plan to carve up the Middle East:More controversially, a handful of Jewish mega-donors has created a think-tank they hope will generate long-term strategies for presenting Israel in a favorable light.Israel Shamir, an outspoken critic of Israel, wrote in a small Israeli online publication on May 5, 2001 of the Mega Group meeting the day before at Edgar Bronfman’s New York mansion where 50 of the richest Jews in North America converged: They agreed to launch a PR program under the Orwellian name of ‘Truth’ with the purpose of influencing American public opinion regarding Israeli policies. The megabucks call themselves ‘Mega group.’ This name appeared in the media a couple years ago, as a name for the secret Israeli mole in the upper reaches of the U.S. establishment. It came up in an overheard phone conversation, later denied by the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The newshounds and spook watchers got it wrong. ‘Mega’ was not an agent, Mega was the boss.… once again, head of the snake. Astute observer Shamir went on:Megabucks influence us [Israelis], even more than they influence the U.S. Our politicians are weak and corrupt as America’s and they are easy to swing… The Megabucks can buy Israel with their spare change. If they wish, we would have peace in Palestine today. But they are not interested in Israel per se… Megabucks care for themselves, and they need Israel to keep the American Jews together, supporting them. That is why they do not mind bloodshed in Palestine, and even a bloody regional war does not scare them. Israel Shamir was prophetic as he wrote his “truth” just four months ahead of the evil controllers moving from 9/11 planning phase to the disastrous execution phase, designed to ignite a series of costly regional wars – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, sadly still waging and blazing nearly two decades later… all part of the Mega Group, Greater Israel Plan and the exposed Cheney-Bush neo-con agenda to take down seven sovereign Muslim nations in five years according to General Wesley Clark.In the May 4, 1998 WSJ puff piece, aside from philanthropy as a pretentious front masquerading the real Mega Group agenda, the April 1998 meeting to discuss “being Jewish” is far more about a handful of Zionist planetary controllers strategizing their diabolical plans to further their interest in a global takeover, the Mega Group’s grand coups d'état version of the Protocols of Zion meets the New World Order. The Wall Street Journal article implicitly states the Mega Group’s purpose as an all-powerful policymaking group, which in so many words means wielding such pervasive influence and ultimate control over Israel and America through bribery and blackmail by a select group of unrivaled global puppet masters collectively flexing their Zionist muscle. With the Bronfman crime family and organized crime-linked Wexner as its co-founders, both having direct underworld ties to Roy Cohn and Meyer Lansky, it’s all too obvious these likeminded high-rollers anointed themselves as the next generation to covertly subsidize Zionist sexual blackmail operations dating back for well over a half century. The Mega Group’s designated Jewish couple working Israeli military intelligence - Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell – simply embody the more recent Brand Z for Wexner’s Zionism label, promoting policies of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. And the recent bombing in East Beirut literally obliterating Lebanon with its own 9/11 Z-Brand WMD appears to be the latest episode of Greater Israel Project false flag aggression. After all, false flag terrorism, permanent war, and the trafficking of guns, drugs, organs/adrenochrome and children is the controllers’ commodity calling card today, punctuated by long-planned timely outbreaks of Prince Philip-Bill Gates’ brand of “killer viruses,” and worldwide rollout of mandatory biomed-ID2020 vaccination altering human DNA while imposing permanent lockdown control in the largest consolidation of wealth in human history, amidst the tyranny of a totalitarian one world government fast descending upon earth - if we citizens of the world become so browbeaten into fearful submission to passively allow it. It’s up to us to fight back armed with the truth. Full pedo-scourge exposure is humanity’s ticket to taking back our planet and protecting our children.The criminal psychopath Jeffrey Epstein brazenly stole millions from every company he ever worked for while he brutally stole the virginity, innocence and life from his countless child victims. Yet he never came close to paying the piper for either his financial or sexual sins. As recently as 2018, a mere year before his supposed earthly departure, evidence shows he was still trafficking underage girls from his Virgin Islands’ compounds. The Virgin Islands’ Attorney General Denise N. George stated that Epstein was moving girls as young as 11 and 12-years old to his Little Saint James Island using a digitalized central database for tracking his operation from source locations in South America, Eastern Europe and Russia. The filed lawsuit brings civil enforcement action against Epstein’s estate. After buying a second Great Saint James Island in 2016, he apparently chose to expand his Caribbean base of international trafficking operations. But how does the most infamous registered sex offender in the world with such an egregiously known criminal track record for decades be allowed to continue abusing minors in a still ongoing major sex trafficking operation? There can only be one answer, protection from both Israeli intelligence as well as his wide array of friends in high places found in his infamous black book that include royalty, Rothschilds, presidents, prime ministers, billionaires, Zionists and Luciferians. Another reason Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to get away with so many sordid crimes for as long as he lived was because as the world’s slickest, sickest sexual blackmail operator, he gathered the down and dirty goods on hundreds of very powerful individuals, many of whom run the world. While incredibly still trafficking children from his base of operations in the Caribbean Islands, on August 16, 2018, less than a year before his alleged death, Jeffrey Epstein consented to a telling interview at his Manhattan residence with a reporter from The New York Times. The journalist was struck by his smug arrogance while referring to dozens of framed photos of some of the most famous people in the world: He also claimed to know a great deal about these people, some of it potentially damaging or embarrassing, including details about their supposed sexual proclivities and recreational drug use.An understatement for sure, no need to read between the lines, Epstein smugly boasted with twisted pride how he had the filth on so many of the planet’s Very Important Persons. True to psychopathic form just like his British counterpart Jimmy Savile, Epstein was brazenly unapologetic about his past, showing in plain sight no remorse at all. His overt air of still holding the upper hand was no doubt based on his locked away vaults, containing reems of countless photos and videos of all his powerful compromised “friends,” caught in the act, carefully hidden in various undisclosed secret locations. As a veteran of Zionist intelligence, obviously Ghislaine Maxwell has her own secret vaults and copied files hidden away as her life insurance policy and get-out-of-jail card [early release edition]. When the reporter from The Times arrived, the young girl who opened the door to the Epstein townhouse appearing in her late teens but no older than 20, spoke with a detectable Eastern European accent, and may well have been a trafficked victim herself. As the pathologically sick bastard he was, Epstein was compulsively fucking very young girls right to the end, even brazenly showcasing his child porn collection on framed walls in his homes right to the end. Epstein claimed how young adolescent girls in other times and cultures were completely an acceptable norm, and how criminalizing sex with nubile young teenagers today is hypocritically and biologically absurd. He referred to homosexuality being against the law not many decades ago, a familiar theme for pedo-normalizers bent on using the LGBT card to press for pedophilia rights as a mere lifestyle choice (See Chapter 2). At one point, Epstein launched into a diatribe about how may the Silicon Valley techies have a geeky reputation, but in actuality they are just the opposite, describing them as hedonistic and regular users of recreational drugs, adding how he himself chose to never drink alcohol or use drugs. His narcissistic psychopathic personality appears to have been on full display for The New York Times and world throughout his 90-minute interview. According to former CBS News executive producer and freelance journalist Zev Shalev following the money rabbit hole into the Epstein-Maxwell criminal operation:Underpinning Epstein’s human trafficking and arms trading operation was a financial network that laundered dirty profits into the U.S. economy and out into offshore holdings. Some of the laundered millions were funnelled into securities and other schemes, sometimes resulting in controlled or uncontrolled company and market crashes. As investigators follow the money in the Epstein-Maxwell case, they will likely uncover crimes executed on a massive scale and worth billions of dollars.For this very reason defendant Ghislaine Maxwell strategically hired former assistant US attorney for the Southern District of New York Christian Everdell, who successfully prosecuted Sinaloa cartel head Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, tracing his extensive money laundering operation. His legal expertise will assist Maxwell deflect her part in their major laundering scheme. Also, it’s suggested he will help her make a deal to lighten her punishment in exchange for turning over incriminating evidence involving others’ criminal involvement. A revealing truth bomb, both British “best buddies” - Prince Andrew and elite socialite Guislaine - have hired top experts in fiduciary crime in their own self-defense in order to cover up their criminal part in the trillions generated in black market revenue through the global child pedo-machine.Epstein the “enigmatic” egomaniac confided in his scientist friends how he planned to “impregnate 20 women at a time” at his Southwestern sex ranch as his delusion of grandeur gift to the future human race. The sicko was obsessed with transhumanism, the so-called science of improving the human population through the technologies of neuroscience, mapping the human brain, genetic engineering altering human DNA and artificial intelligence enhancing and largely replacing human intelligence. Transhumanism is the euphemistic modern twist for eugenics, a most popular concept embraced by so many members of the elite, believing that only they endowed with superior intelligence, the most robust physical health. When this Darwinist fallacy is extended to survival of the financially fittest, only the elitists possess the right to survive their demonic depopulation agenda, believing that only through controlled breeding can the human race be uplifted, evolving into a new stronger, healthier, super intelligent species and applying the scientific advances enabling them to live forever. The megalomaniac actually planned to have his head and penis cryogenically preserved. Always the ultra-modern transhumanist (or is it reptilian?), Epstein aspired to be above the lowly, natural human “pay grade.” With his deep cash reserves and his arrogant charisma, assisted by the likes of John Brockman, both before and after his “brush” with the law, Epstein wooed top scientists and giants from academia and Silicon Valley into his spider web, an intellectuals’ boys club, frequently partying down at his Orgy Island as well as aboard his Lolita Express. Surrounded by the richest, smartest, most powerful people on the planet virtually throughout his entire adulthood, no doubt feeling smugly superior to the masses and well-insulated from all accountability, until July 6, 2019 Mr. Epstein saw himself as invincible and just too big to fall or fail. Those who chose to remain in Epstein’s elitist social orbit and science club, knowing of his egregious criminal past, reflect how modern science has been prostituted by the same amoral and depraved forces that bend to the ephemeral politics of money, recognition and power, no different from the ambitious entertainment celebrities willing to sell their soul to the devil in order to get ahead for their daily delivered adrenochrome fix. All the professional fields from politics to economics to education to the arts and sciences, and their corresponding institutional structures have been corporatized, infiltrated and prostituted by Lucifer’s “anything goes” moral relativism, “without a moral compass,” rampantly spreading throughout today’s world. This far reaching, extremely sobering global reality encapsulates the full scope of the Jeffrey Epstein-Guislaine Maxwell story. More than any single pedophilia scandal in the history of humankind, this one personifies what’s gone most wrong in today’s Lucifer controlled earthly dominion. With the leading cast of characters, the Rothschilds and royal black nobility families of Europe, North America and Middle East, Epstein and Maxwell prove they’re far from invincible but simply the elites’ useful idiots. Created, supported and protected by the controllers, along with the Maxwells, Bronfmans, Wexners, Ronald Lauder, Michael Steinhardt, Steven Spielberg, Ehud Barak, Benjamin Netanyahu, Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson, Pope Francis, the Clintons and Donald Trump (the pedo-plague redeemer or mere Q-Anon delivered wishful thinking propaganda?), these are but a handful of today’s frontline planetary controlling puppets and pedo-network overlords that comprise the mafia cabal in its present global operation form. But the problem is there’s another Jeffrey Epstein hiding in plain sight under every state and provincial rock found on the earth with their cancerous spread looming larger than ever. But with all that we now undeniably know to be true, it’s high time we let the light of truth in to root them all out once and for all. And with God’s Will and Grace, humanity can finally lift the chains of death, doom and enslavement forevermore. ................

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