The Meaning of Being Illuminati - Cambridge Scholars Publishing

[Pages:30]The Meaning of Being Illuminati

The Meaning of Being Illuminati


Nicolas Laos

With a Preface by Giuliano Di Bernardo

The Meaning of Being Illuminati

By Nicolas Laos

This book first published 2019

Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Copyright ? 2019 by Nicolas Laos

All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN (10): 1-5275-3354-9 ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-3354-7

"Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna" Virgil, Eclogues, IV:5


List of Illustrations ...................................................................................... x

Foreword .................................................................................................... xi A. From Information to Illumination B. Cosmic Complexity and the Exceptionality of the Human Being C. In the Realm of Esoteric Societies D. My Ur-Illuminati Project

Preface by a Grand Master ........................................................................ liii Giuliano Di Bernardo

Acknowledgements ............................................................................... lxxvi

Chapter One................................................................................................. 1 Introduction to Esotericism

1.1 The Origins and the Meaning of "Esotericism" 1.2 The Noachites and the Esoteric Cardinal Points 1.3 Japheth's Descendants: Ancient Greeks and the Quest for

Knowledge 1.4 Ham's Descendants and the Arabo-Islamic Civilization 1.5 The Essence of European Esotericism and the "Japhethite

Ecumene" 1.5.1 The Punic Wars 1.5.2 The Communication between the Celts and the Greeks 1.5.3 The Communication between the Romans and the Greeks 1.5.4 The Communication between the Hebrews and the Greeks 1.5.5 The Orientalization of Greece and the Hellenization of the

East 1.6 The Reason-Principle ("Logos") 1.7 The Christianization of the Ecumene: A Theme in Need of a Focus

1.7.1 Greek Philosophy and Christian Trinitarian Theology 1.7.2 From Greek Philosophy to the Anthropology of the Greek

Church Fathers 1.7.3 Maximus the Confessor, the Greek Humanistic Legacy,

and the Spirit of Asia



Chapter Two .............................................................................................. 72 Seeking the Mystical Path of Illumination

2.1 The Term "Illuminati" 2.2 Hesychasts: The Byzantine Illuminati

2.2.1 The Hesychastic Controversy 2.2.2 The Vision and Knowledge of God as Uncreated Light 2.2.3 The Mind?Body Problem According to Gregory Palamas 2.2.4 Hesychastic Psychotherapy 2.2.5 Illumination versus Academic Philosophy and Science 2.2.6 Hesychastic Mysticism and Eschatology 2.3 Alchemy: Transmutation as Illumination 2.4 The Kabbalah and the Tarot: Mapping the Conscious, the Unconscious, and the Itinerary of the Human Spirit towards Illumination 2.5 Hermeticism and the Concept of Celestial Ascension 2.6 The Rosicrucian Enlightenment 2.7 Freemasonry 2.7.1 The Formation of English Symbolic Masonry 2.7.2 The Formation of the Order of the Holy Royal Arch

of Jerusalem 2.7.3 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 2.7.4 Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis?Misraim 2.7.5 From the Mosaic Pavement to the Geopolitical Chessboard

Chapter Three .......................................................................................... 263 The Illuminati's World Vision

3.1 The Transition from Traditional Metaphysics to Modernity 3.1.1 The Ethos of Traditional Metaphysics and Its Enemies 3.1.2 Kantianism 3.1.3 Hegelianism 3.1.4 The Fallacy of Neo-Kantianism 3.1.5 The Heideggerian Fallacy: From Existential Despair to Totalitarianism

3.2 The Rediscovery of Traditional Metaphysics 3.3 The Bavarian Illuminati and the Ur-Illuminati 3.4 Personalistic Order 3.5 The Greco-Roman Imperial Ethos versus the Carolingian

Feudalistic Order: A New Strategic Vision beyond the "White Brotherhood" and the "Black Brotherhood" 3.6 A World of Possibilities


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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