Guidelines for the Magazine Cover Project

Communication Technology – TGJ201

Magazine Cover

Your assignment is to design a magazine cover for a fictitious theme magazine or re-design a cover for an existing magazine. Your choice of themes could be (but not limited to): fashion, gardening, computers, auto, music, entertainment, news, art, parenting, etc.

To help you complete the task, please follow these steps:

1. Begin by creating a series of 3-5 thumbnail drawings of your cover design. Your sketches can be based on an existing magazine, or you may choose to create your own magazine. Sketches must indicate the title and text placement, photo layout, ect.

2. Choose your favorite design from the thumbnails and produce a reworked rough copy to correct scale – use a ruler, add colour. etc. This sketch should be at least ½ page in size.

3. Have the thumbnails and rough sketch approved before beginning work on the computer. Once approved, you can begin production of your final magazine cover.

4. Set-up your page in Photoshop Elements.

Width- 8.5”

Height- 11”

Resolution: 200

5. Find source photos on the Internet (images. or images.) to find pictures and graphics you need for your magazine cover. Or use an original image you have taken. These photographs may be used as a background for your cover, or collage depending on your rough sketch. Keep in mind; your magazine cover must be appropriate for all ages.

6. Your main background image must have a masthead (large magazine title) along with the following:

- Sub-title

- Date

- Price

- Barcode

7. Hand in a written design process journal. This journal will describe each step of the design process you when through in order to create your magazine cover. You Journal should be approximately 1-2 pages double-spaced using 12-point font typed.

8. When you are satisfied with your product, please submit:

- Title page including: your name, teacher’s name, and course code

- Hard copy of your magazine cover, along with a digital file to your teacher

- Full-page rough draft

- Thumbnail sketches

- Design journal

- Rubric

Rubric for the Magazine Cover Project

| |Points | |Mark |

| |Awarded | | |

| | | | |


|Fonts | | | |

|No more than 4 fonts are used on the cover |  |/ |3 |

|Font size is appropriate for given purposes |  |/ |3 |

|Colors | | | |

|Color scheme invites the reader to the publication |  |/ |3 |

|Colors match theme/purpose of magazine |  |/ |3 |

| | | | |


|Pictures/Graphics | | | |

|Pictures/Graphics sized appropriately |  |/ |2 |

|Pictures/Graphics fit theme/purpose of magazine |  |/ |2 |

|Pictures/Graphics of sufficient quality |  |/ |2 |

|Pictures/Graphics maintain proportions |  |/ |2 |

|Work Ethic | | | |

|Used time wisely |  |/ |3 |

|Made use of feedback to improve designs |  |/ |3 |

|Supporting Documents | | | |

|3-5 thumbnail sketches completed |  |/ |4 |

|1 Large rough draft completed |  | |2 |

| | | | |


|Mechanics | | | |

|Minimum spelling errors |  |/ |2 |

|Minimum grammar errors |  |/ |2 |

|Written Component | | | |

|Design Process Journal | |/ |10 |

| | | | |


|Layout | | | |

|Appropriate use of space |  |/ |2 |

|Text and Graphics presented for readability |  |/ |2 |

|Common layout elements (i.e. columns, bullets, etc) are used effectively |  |/ |4 |

|Fake Content | | | |

|Titles of articles are realistic |  |/ |3 |

|Titles would appeal to targeted demographic |  |/ |3 |

| | | | |

|Total |  |/ |60 |

DUE DATE: ________________________________________

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