Title: Earth as Art

Title: Earth as Art

Grade level(s): middle school

Time frame: one block, approximately 80 minutes

Subject matter: Art

Teacher information

Name: Mimi Almonroeder and Linda Barton

School: Alton Middle school

City, State: Alton, Il

AAM/TPS Consortium: SIUE

Lesson plan Rationale or Understanding Goal:

Students will learn that Landsat images have an aesthetic value as well as a scientific value. Students will apply the Elements and Principles of Design to analyze and interpret the images as

abstract art.

Background Information for Activity:

Students will have been exposed to relevant information in class text, A World of Images.

Students have knowledge of technology.

Students have knowledge of pertinent vocabulary:

abstract art

Elements of Design [line, shape, color, texture. space. form, value]

Principles of Design [balance, rhythm, movement, emphasis, unity, contrast, pattern]

color wheel


Students will critique Landsat images as works of art. Using aesthetic perception, they will describe what they see then analyze and interpret the images adhering to the Elements and Principles of Design.

Purpose of Library of Congress Resource:

Library items give students the opportunity to closely examine the primary source photographs from the LOC site.

State Standard/s:

Fine arts 25.A.3e



Resources or Materials needed:


( Earth as Art exhibition)

2. A World of Images by Laura H. Chapman

chapter 3 Design: The Language of Art

chapter4 Seeing and Discussing Art

3. Graphic organizers: Elements of Art and Principles of Art

4. Copies of Earth as Art images

5. Questionnaire / worksheet


Modeling Activity:

1. Display a transparency of the Landsat image titled Ganges River Delta, found at on the overhead.

2. Provide students with the two graphic organizers, Elements of Design and Principles of Design.

3. Select an element, line. Looking at the Landsat image, discuss how line is perceived in the image. “There are purple organic lines that move vertically in the image. They are thicker at the bottom because they seem to grow out of one large organic shape. As the lines move upward, they become thinner and branch off in different directions. The lines remind me of tree branches.” In other words, students will describe what they see, analyze what they see, and interpret what they see.

4. Take two other elements of design and model how you would critique them.

5. Next, select a principle of design, unity. Again, model how to critique the way the image displays unity. “The image has unity because the lines are repeated and they overlap each other. The way colors appear in this image also creates unity. Green and purple are repeated in different values. Even though the colors are very different, because they touch and overlap, they seem to belong together as one design. It looks as if the purple color is trying to cover up the green.”

6. Allow students to share in the critique of Ganges River Delta.

Student Activity:

In the computer lab, introduce the students to the Library of Congress web site and give a brief description of the web site and what it contains.

1. Provide the web address for the Earth as Art exhibition.

2. Read the information on this page.

3. Explain to students that there are two ways they can view the Landsat images. First, they may click on Enter Exhibition, which is the LOC exhibition site. Or, they may click on the NASA web site which is provided on the page.

4. Give each student a questionnaire to compete during their visit to this exhibit.

5. Allow approximately 15 minutes for students look through the exhibit and to answer the questions.

6. Place the students in pairs or in groups of three.

7. Each group will be given a copy of a Landsat image to critique, two graphic organizers to record their critique, and the textbook, A World of Images.

8. Students will write at least two complete sentences for each element and principle of design.

Formal Assessment:

o Students will make a presentation to the class using the results from their group findings. Overhead transparencies of their Landsat image will be used so that the students can critique the designs.

o Further exploration of Earth as Art will be extended through students designing their own abstract art created by close observation of nature.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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