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"Joseph's Prayer" is taken from He Still Moves Stones, ? 1993 by Max Lucado. Used by permission.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-4003-2345-6

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1. When you Follow a Star and Find a Stable 2

John Maxwell

2. Seeing the Christmas Scenery


Bill Hybels

3. Joseph's prayer


Max Lucado

4. thou Shalt Call his name Jesus


David Jeremiah

5. What Will you Find at Christmas?


Rick Warren

6. i Wish you a "mary" Christmas


Jack Hayford



Christmas, for most of us, is a time of festive celebration. It is an occasion for renewing precious friendships. It is an opportunity to reminisce about days gone by. It's a great excuse to eat too much, sing too loudly, and spend more money than we should. Christmas can stir up intense and complex feelings-- both pleasurable and painful--that sometimes take us by surprise. And for Christians, Christmas is a time of awe and reverence and wonder, when the timeless story of Christ's birth is once again read from the Gospels for all the world to hear.

Some of the most cherished Christmas joys are found in family traditions that link one year to another with the harmony of favorite carols, the sparkle of familiar ornaments, and the time-honored rites of gift giving. Year after year, decade after decade, we delight in seeing the same front-yard holiday decorations on the same neighborhood streets. We are thrilled at the reappearance of well-worn downtown Christmas lights


on thiS holy night

and garlands. We are cheered when the church sets up its venerable nativity scene, angels, shepherds, wise men, and all.

But the very familiarity of Christmas sometimes causes us to overlook the most vital expressions of what should be a meaningful season. We have listened to the words of the great Christmas hymns so many times since childhood that we sometimes fail to appreciate their eloquent poetry. We have heard a hundred times about Mary and Joseph's long, weary trek from Nazareth to Bethlehem, but we haven't always stopped to remember just exactly how and why it happened. We've almost memorized the Bible story, we've sung the carols, we've hung the holly, and we've roasted the turkey. When it comes to Christmas, we've done it all.

And yet, somewhere along the way, we may have lost touch with what happened on that holy night, the heart of Christmas itself.

With that in mind, this unique and priceless collection has been titled On This Holy Night: The Heart of Christmas in hopes that, through its message, we can once again feel the pulse and experience the energy of a miraculous story that transfuses new life into all who will truly listen. In the pages that follow, six of America's most beloved communicators share



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