Digestive System ITEC Style Questions

Digestive System ITEC Style Questions

|The tongue plays an important part in | | |

|A. digestion | |B. Ingestion, taste, digestion |

|C. Mastication, elimination, swallowing | |D. Swallowing, mastication, taste |

| | | |

|2. Where does most absorption take place? | | |

|A. Stomach | |B. Large intestine |

|C. Duodenum | |D. Small intestine |

| | | |

|3. Which enzyme is produced by the salivary glands? | | |

|A. Pepsin | |B. Amylase |

|C. Maltase | |D. Trypsin |

| | | |

|4. The epiglottis is in the | | |

|A. Pharynx | |B. Larynx |

|C. Trachea | |D. Oesophagus |

| | | |

|5. Food is in the stomach for about | | |

|A. 1-2 hours | |B 2-4 hours |

|C. 4-6 hours | |D. 12 hours |

| | | |

|6. What are the villi? | | |

|A. Circular folds in the ileum enlarging closing its | |B. Vessels in the small intestine which absorb fats |

|surface area. | | |

|C. Minute finger-like projections for absorption in the | |D. Minute hairs which waft nutrients along the small intestine |

|ileum | | |

| | | |

|7. Functions of the colon include | | |

|A. absorption of H20,peristalsis,secretion of mucous | |B. Peristalsis, excretion, absorption of H20 |

|C. Digestion, secretion of mucous, peristalsis. | |D. Peristalsis, absorption of nutrients digestion |

| | | |

|8. What is the action of hydrochloric acid? | | |

|A. Kills bacteria and activates rennin | |B. Kills bacteria and activates pepsin |

|C. Prevents damage to the stomach wall and curdles milk | |D. Liquefies food and alters PH in stomach |

| | | |

|9. What enzymes are produced in the pancreas? | | |

|A. Lipase , amylase, maltase | |B. Trypsin, Sucrose, peptisade |

|C. Lipase amylase, trypsin | |D. Ptyalin, lactose, maltase |

| | | |

|10. Which vitamins are stored in the liver? | | |

|A. Vitamins A,B, E and K | |B. Vitamins C, D, E and B6 |

|C. Vitamins A, D, E, K and B12 | |D. B, E, K and D |

| | | |

|11. The functions of the gall bladder are to | | |

|A. Store, concentrate, and add mucus to bile | |B. Produce, store and concentrate bile |

|C. Emulsify fat and neutralise acids | |D. Store and metabolise fats |

| | | |

|12. Bile pigments are the breakdown product of | | |

|A. Fat emulsification | |B. Haemoglobin |

|C. Amino acid metabolism | |D. Glucose synthesis |

| | | |

|13. Peyers patches are | | |

|A. Isolated lymph nodes in the ileum | |B. Cells in the pancreas for hormone secretion |

|C. gastric glands which secrete enzymes | |D. Salivary glands which start digestion |

| | | |

|14. The simplest of sugars are known as | | |

|A. Disaccharides | |B. Polysaccharides |

|C. Monosaccharides | |D. Glucose |

| | | |

|15. Abnormal muscular contractions in the colon, often | | |

|stress triggered causing Diarrhoea and /or constipation | | |

|may be symptoms of | | |

|A. Crohns Disease | |B. Colitis |

|C. Diverticulitis | |D. Irritable bowel syndrome |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|The Digestive System | | |

| | | |

|1. jaundice is caused by: | | |

|A, Excessive levels of bile pigments in the blood | |B, Chronic damage of gall bladder |

|C, Excessive levels of alcohol in the liver | |D, Chronic damage to the liver |

| | | |

|2. The small intestine includes: | | |

|A, Ascending colon, descending colon | |B, colon, caecum |

|C, Cardiac sphincter, transverse colon | |D, Jejenum, duodenum |

| | | |

|3. Fats are absorbed in the body through: | | |

|A, Bile | |B, Galacteals |

|C, Mucus | |D, Lacteals |

| | | |

|4. Salivary glands include | | |

|A, Clavicle, carotid | |B, Cervical, buccal |

|C, palantine, masseter | |D, Parotid, submandibular |

| | | |

|5. Peptones are digested in the : | | |

|A. Stomach | |B, Jejenum |

|C. Duodenum | |D, Ileum |

| | | |

|6. The digested food absorbed by the lacteals are: | | |

|A, Fats , fatty acids and glycerol | |B, Proteins and peptones |

|C, Amino acids and sugars | |D, Polysaccharides and monosaccharides |

| | | |

| 7. Proteins are digested in the: | | |

|A. Mouth | |B, large intestine |

|C, Stomach | |D, Small intestine |

| | | |

| 8. The enzyme maltase can be found in the : | | |

|A, Salivary glands | |B, pancreas |

|C, Stomach | |D, Small intestine |

| | | |

|9. The enzyme amylase can be found in the: | | |

|A, Bile from the gall bladder | |B,Juices from the pancreas |

|C. Bile ffrom the liver | |D, Juices from the stomach |

| | | |

|10. The action of pepsin is to: | | |

|a. curdle milk | |B breakdown proteins to peptones |

|c. break down polypeptides into amino acids | |d. break down polysaccharides to disaccharides |

| | | |

|11. Describe the condition known as anorexia nervosa | | |

|a. someone who binges and takes diuretics | |b. someone who only eats two meals a day |

|c. someone who won’t eat | |d. someone who eats regularly more food than is necessary. |

|12. Where is alcohol absorbed in the digestive system? | | |

|a. stomach | |B liver |

|C small intestine | |D large intestine |

| | | |

|Maltase converts: | | |

|a. polysaccharides to disaccharides | |b. peptones to polypeptides |

|c. disaccharides to monosaccharides | |d. fats to fatty acids |

| | | |

|The function of the large intestine includes: | | |

|a. ingestion | |B indigestion |

|c. digestion | |D excretion |

| | | |

|The functions of the liver include to: | | |

|a. produce vitamin D | |B Regulate blood sugar level |

|C acts as a reservoir for bile | |D complete chemical digestion of food |

| | | |

|Heartburn is: | | |

|A hiccoughs | |B burning sensation in the oesophagus |

|C burning sensation in the bowel | |D a pain in the heart region |

| | | |

|The function of the gall bladder includes to: | | |

|A produce vitamin d | |B regulate blood sugar level |

|C acts as a reservoir for bile | |D complete chemical digestion of food |

| | | |

|Proteins are initially digested in the | | |

|A mouth | |B small intestine |

|C stomach | |D duodenum |

| | | |

|Which of the following is NOT a function of the large | | |

|intestine: | | |

|A absorption of mucus | |B absorption of nutrients |

|C storage of faeces | |D absorption of water |

| | | |

|Where in the digestive system is alcohol not absorbed | | |

|A stomach | |B liver |

|C small intestine | |D large intestine |


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