Welcome to English Two - Liberty Union High School District

Welcome to Film/Lit Analysis with Mrs. Cocksedge

cocksedg@ (925) 634-3521

Mrs. Cocksedge's IMDB Film List

About Film Lit:

✓ This is an elective course that is UC Approved as a college prep elective. In my other English classes, I tell my students why studying English is important, and then I tell them that there is more to life than academics and professional growth.

✓ The historical reason all educated people study literature is to help them think about the big issues in life, to understand themselves, and to gain new perspectives on their world.

✓ Also, throughout history, people have wondered about “the meaning of life”. It is the driving force behind literature, philosophy, and religion. The theme of a story gives us insight into our questions about the meaning of life.

✓ Stories can help us better understand ourselves and other people as well as help us develop our relationship with society and the world around us. I believe with every story we read, and so with every film we watch, we have the chance to learn something about life and ourselves.

➢ FMRI studies show us that following a story- a narrative with a beginning, middle, and end- causes our brains to release cortisol and oxytocin. These chemicals give us the uniquely human ability to connect with someone, even a total stranger, and empathize. In other words, stories are what we use to find meaning in our lives. (Taken from the TV show “Perspective” July 15, 2014)

✓ In this class, we will be analyzing films the same way English classes analyze literature; with similar core concepts such as theme, symbolism, metaphor, foreshadowing, plot and character development, imagery, etc. But always in our focus will be this idea: how does each film tell its story? How does each film create a theme that helps us understand our lives and/or our society? How does each film deepen our understanding of the meaning of life?

1. How can I succeed in your class?

First of all, be here! It is crucial that you attend class every day! Missing a section of a film or an entire film will be difficult to make-up. Do not rely on Netflix or Hulu or Youtube to have all of the films available on instant play! Also, missing our riveting class discussions may make the written assignments more difficult to complete.

Next, Do the Work! Completing all the assignments to the best of your ability and turning them in on time is the best way to ensure you pass the class. Get your make-up work from absences as soon as you return. Don’t hope that there will be some super emergency assignment that will pull you out of the black hole of failure at the end of the term. You will have to work with discipline and method in order to pass the class.

Last of all; be nice to everyone in class! There are two principles that govern my teaching and the rules of this class: 1) Everything we do must promote learning and 2) the classroom must be a safe place for everyone. We have so much material to cover that we have no time to waste and no one has the right to prevent someone else from learning. Also, I am hoping we generate some great discussions about the films, and we all need to respect each other, and our varying opinions, in order for that to happen. The class must be a safe place both physically and emotionally for everyone. If people feel threatened or unsafe in any way, they simply cannot learn. Their brains shut down the learning areas and go into survival mode until the threat is gone. If either of these principles, and the rules that go with them, are broken, you will have to pay the consequences and I will notify both of your parents at work that day! If this kind of selfish behavior continues, you will be put on a contract that may result in your permanent removal from the class.

*Physically Safe means no throwing things, no fighting, no pushing or shoving each other or the desks, and no roughhousing.

*Emotionally Safe means no hate language, no racist remarks, no put-downs or insults, no profanity, and no teasing each other.

2. What do I do if I am absent?

Much to our dismay, the world does not revolve around us, and class will continue even if you are absent. There are several ways you can find out what you missed:

1) Check the website: , click on Teachers, click on Margaret Cocksedge.

The daily agenda and homework will be posted here, as well as copies of any documents and files that are available on the computer.

2) Check with Mrs. Cocksedge

If you still have questions, you may come and ask me what you missed. Please do not ask during very busy times, such as the passing period, the beginning of class, or the end of class. There will be time during class when you can ask.

You are responsible for your absences! Late work is not accepted. If you miss two days of school, you have two days to complete the missing work, not two weeks.

3. What if I am struggling with the assignments?

If you are having trouble with any of the assignments, please come and ask me for help! Many of you are involved in sports, or you have an IEP or are on a 504 plan, or are simply struggling with emotional issues at home. Believe me, I understand. We all have hidden pain. I can work with you to ensure that you are able to complete the assignments, I can help you with any assignments you don’t understand, and I am here for you. I can simply listen if you just need a sympathetic ear. I am in my room every day at lunch, although Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are the best days, and we can schedule to meet before or after school.

Late work is usually not accepted, but I can make exceptions for any of the above reasons if you let me know. I cannot help you if you don’t tell me you need help!

4. How will we be graded?

It is simple: daily assignments, essays, and participation in the class discussions will form the basis of your grade. We will move quickly, so be here and keep up! Grades are posted approximately every two weeks, depending on the frequency of assignments.

The SYLLABUS is as follows:

1. Textbook Assignments: We will be using the textbook The Art of Watching Films in addition to the films. There will be assignments on film terminology and film analysis techniques.

2. Film Units: We will be viewing a lot of films. Assignments will vary as the focus of each film unit will vary, but you can expect to have to take notes and complete analysis assignments. You can expect to see some of the following titles: Castaway, Dead Poet’s Society, Finding Nemo, Good Will Hunting, Gran Torino, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, The Truman Show, etc.

3. Essays: There will be at least one essay per quarter. The topics will vary, but you can expect to write expository, analytical, and comparative essays.

5. I need more detail on your rules. Can you help me out?

Sure! As you know, rules are important in keeping our learning environment safe so that everyone can learn and pass the class. Here is a list of rules that I expect you to follow. As previously stated, violation of these rules will earn you a referral, time in OCS, and possible withdrawal from the class; and, of course, I will contact your parents.

1. No Talking without permission. Please try not to talk during the film viewing. We will be re-viewing and discussing all the films, we can answer questions then. If you need clarification at the moment, please whisper quietly. During the class discussions, please raise your hand and/or wait your turn to speak. Please do not talk while working on individual assignments.

2. No throwing of any object, EVER: This is very important. This room cannot be safe if you are throwing things; even if it is a tiny little ball of paper! You can get up to put your trash in the trash can. ‘Throw your trash away’ is merely an expression, not a command.

3. Cell Phones: Believe it or not, I am not opposed to you having your cell phone in class. However, I expect you to recognize and respect appropriate usage of your phone:

a. Always keep it on silent. If your phone disturbs class in any way, I will confiscate it and you will pick it up at the office at the end of the day. This action will also result in a written referral and contact with your parents.

b. Please do not use your phone during the film viewing and class discussions. You should be paying attention so you can learn the skills needed to complete the assignments and pass the class. Also, phones are bright and film viewing happens in the dark. The two do not mix!

c. Do not use your phone until you have finished any in-class assignments. Your classwork comes first.

4. Eating in Class: I actually do not mind if you eat in class, but you must keep the room clean! No food left on the floor, no trash on the floor or on the shelves or in the drawers, etc. Also, you must be respectful! Do not “play” with your food, or make a lot of noise with your food, or trash, and do not disturb others with your food. If we start having problems, I will ban eating in the room for the rest of the year. Of course, popcorn is ok for the film viewing!

5. Tardy Policy and Truancy Policy: I follow the school policy. The school will assign detention and/or OCS based on the policy rules. However, as it is very rude and disrespectful to be late, you will lose 10 points for every tardy. If you are more than 30 minutes late, it is counted as a truancy (unexcused absence), and you will not be allowed to make up the work you missed, even if it is a test. Don’t be tardy!

6. No Swearing, No Fighting, No Stealing. This is also very simple.

These practices are not meant to make the class a prison, but a safe, productive learning environment. I hope it is a comfortable place without surprise rules or boundaries. Remember that I have dedicated my life to helping you get the education you need to open the doors to your future!

Share the information!

Now that you have read the rules and guidelines for our class, it is important that you share this information with your parents. Please take this home and ask your parents to read it with you and discuss it with you. They may email me if they have any questions. If your parents do not have email access, they may call the school and ask the secretary to send me an email, and I will contact them.

Ok, that’s it! Do you have any questions?

I sincerely hope you enjoy this class this year. As long as we all follow these rules, we should not have any problems. Your education is important to me, and I will do my best for you. I ask that you do your best for me.

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About Mrs. Cocksedge:

I have been teaching at Liberty for 19 years. I have a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in English. I have attended UC Santa Cruz, San Jose State, and Flinders University in Australia, where I lived for one year. I enjoy reading, watching and analyzing movies, watching TV, hiking, playing video games, cooking, and spending time with friends and family.

I am the Advisor for the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) and the National Honor Society (NHS). I encourage you all to join! This is a UC-Approved course, I hope most of you plan to attend college. Membership in these clubs looks good on your transcripts and college applications, and you could also earn honor cords to wear at graduation. You also qualify for scholarships.

I am also the Advisor for the First Priority Christian Club (FPCC), which meets here every Thursday at lunch. You are welcome to join us.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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