Miami Beach Senior High School


Digital Information Technology

Home Learning 2016 / 2017

Home Learning Policy: Students will bring home learning assignments in on the date due for full credit, and put it in the “Assignments” box by the door on the way in, or hand it in through their Edmodo account. All written work is to be the student’s own words, not text that is copied and pasted from other sources (Plagiarized). Any assignment with text that is copied without proper citation will receive an automatic “0.” This will also result in being written up for breaking the MBSH Academic Integrity Policy.

Home Learning Turned in Late: Any student not having the home learning assignment at the beginning of class on the day due will receive a Zero. To receive credit for late work, the student must turn in the assignment the very next class period, and the assignment will not receive a Zero. An assignment turned in late, the next class after the due date, will receive a two (2) letter grade drop (to a C, if it was an A.) No home learning assignments will be accepted after one class period after the due date, without a valid excused absence and admit to class. The teacher is not responsible for collecting late home learning assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to make up their work. All assignments are located here, on the class website 24/7, and explained in detail in class.

No assignments are accepted by email. Written assignments are to be printed by the student. If a printer is unavailable at home, at a friend’s, at a neighbor’s, a relative’s or The Media Center, students may use my printer as a last resort, before or after school, or during lunch #2, but NOT during class.


Home Learning #1 HOMEROOM ONLY Bring in all forms that went home to parents the first day/Monday to get an easy “A.”

Deadline- Friday, August 26, 2016

Home Learning #2 Bring in a notebook with your name and period on the front, and put the following Class Rules in the first page to get an easy “A.” Following the rules each day in class will be your responsibility.

Classroom Rules To Remember

#1 No Food, Drinks, or Playing Games in class

#2 Be on time to class, in your seat at the bell

#3 Leave assignments due in the tray up front

#4 Place your personal items under your desk

#5 Follow the BYOD policy – devices for Learning!

#6 Stay in your Assigned Seat

#7 Raise your hand to speak. Don’t be rude

#8 Give respect to all and you will get respect

#9 Follow the school Dress Code & wear your ID

#10 Report any computer problems ASAP

#11 Do not change any settings on computers

#12 Leave the room, work area, and your desk the way you found it or better, so that we all have a nice environment to learn each period.

Due- Friday, August 26, 2016

Home Learning #3) Create a draft of your Planner Cover for the 2016/2017 school year. Refer to the Student Resources web page to find the requirements. You may create it using any program, or by hand to scan and save. When you have a pretty good design drafted, upload it to the personal folder in your Student Portal that you created in OneDrive.

Planner Cover Contest Requirements

Use One color, with black, white, & gray

Print out in 8.5” x 11” portrait orientation

Include a slogan for school spirit

Include the years 2017 - 2018

Include the School Name

Include Your Name (preferably in the bottom right)

Include a graphic, artwork, or logo

Due by: B DAY- Monday, August 29, 2016

A DAY – Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Home Learning #4) Finish your Dream Computer presentation that you and your partner started in class. Be prepared to present your Dream Computer next class. DUE: September 8 & 9.

Home Learning #5) Work on your Scavenger Hunt Project-


Students will create a twenty (20) question scavenger hunt, using at least five (5) of the websites below. Choose a topic that you are interested in to use for your scavenger hunt. Save your scavenger hunt in a Word document and upload it to your OneDrive in your student portal.

1 The Wayback Machine:

2 Google Maps:

3 Wikipedia:

4 Encyclopedia Britannica:

5 Mapquest:

6 Internet Movie Database:

7 Switchboard:

8 Yellow Pages:

9 How Stuff Works:

10 YouTube:

You may use other sources if approved for education

DUE Date: B Day – Friday 9/16/16

A Day - Monday 9/19/16


Home Learning #6) Work on your Communicate Privately Presentation DUE NEXT CLASS: A DAY FRIDAY 9/23, B DAY MONDAY 9/26





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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