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American History IILesson 9 The Immigrant ExperienceDefine Culture.What did nativists believe?What helped immigrants in the 1800s and early 1900s retain their cultures?What is an enclave?Describe the condition of tenements in New York City in the early 1900s.Where did the majority of European immigrants reside in the late 1800s?Where did the majority of people who immigrated to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s work?In the early 1800s, Chinese immigrants established the first Chinatowns in cities along which US coast?What did most Chinese immigrants do with the money they made?Why was it difficult for many immigrants to find employment in the US in the late 1800s?What happened to the Chinese immigration rate in the late 1800s due to US legislation?In the late 1800s and early 1900s, violent riots were started in several Chinatowns by whom?What outside factor most directly contributed to the formation of enclaves in cities?During the 1800s, nativists promoted the idea that immigrants contributed to unemployment by doing what?Which law made it harder for some Europeans to immigrate to the United States and easier for others?Which law required immigrants to be able to read and write?Which group did nativists specifically target as threats to "American culture"?How did US labor unions treat Chinese immigrants in the 1800s?During which decade did Chinese immigration to America increase at a high rate?In 1882, what did the Chinese Exclusion Act do?In the late 1800s, anti-Chinese sentiment grew because labor unions promoted the idea that Chinese immigrants were taking American jobs by doing what?According to the United States' 1907 Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan, what did Japan do? ................

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