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Content Standard:

6.1.3 Urbanization – Analyze the changing urban and rural landscape by examining

• the location and expansion of major urban centers

• the growth of cities linked by industry and trade

• the development of cities divided by race, ethnicity, and class

• resulting tensions among and within groups

• different perspectives about immigrant experiences in the urban setting


Where are we leaving from?

• Millions of _____________________ would enter the United States in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries

• Between 1860 and 1910, the population of the U.S. almost tripled.

• During this time over 20 million immigrants came from ________________, __________________ and ___________________ Europe.

How are we getting there?

• Steamships were the means of transportation for immigrants coming to America

Most of us are poor so we travel in Steerage

• The experience of steerage was like a nightmare

• At one time, the average passenger mortality rate was 10 percent per voyage

• Crowded

• Dark

• Unsanitary

• Smelly

Why did they (we) come?

• Better ___________

• Wanted to escape difficult conditions-famine (hunger), land shortages, religious and political prejudices

• Immigrate to make _______________ and then return home

Who came to America

• Europeans on the East Coast-_______ million

• Chinese/Japanese on the West Coast-Gold Rush, farming, & mining

Ellis Island

• A small island in ___________________ Harbor. It served as a processing center for most immigrants arriving on the East Coast after 1892.

• From 1892 – 1924, an estimated 17 million European immigrants passed through ________________________.

Immigration Station

• Pass _________________ at immigration stations, could be held for days.

• The process included:

– Physical ____________________

– Document checks

– Interviews

– Able to work/had $ so you would not be a burden to society

Angel Island

• ________________, primarily Chinese, gained admission to the US

• About ___________ Chinese immigrated between 1910-1940.

Over crowding

• The urban population of the United States grew from about 10 million in 1870 to over _______ million by 1900

o Due mostly from immigration and ___________________________

o It was hard for cities to keep up with the housing and transportation needs


• ______________- a preference for native-born people and the desire to________ __________________.

– Immigrants were taking American _______________.

– Gave rise to anti-immigrant groups and led to a demand for immigration restrictions.

Chinese Exclusion Act

• Banned entry to ____________________ except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials in 1882.

– Congress extended the law for another ______ years

– In 1902, Chinese immigration was restricted indefinitely; the law was not repealed until 1943.


• As the price of land increased, building owners began to __________________.

• Skyscrapers, tall steel frame buildings, were constructed for this reason in the amount of people living in cities


• This was a process in which immigrant school children were taught the English language as well as culture.

• The purpose was ___________________ ethnic immigrant groups into the dominant culture

Settlement House

• a neighborhood-based organization that provides services designed to assist the urban poor.

o Education

o English-as-a-Second-Language

o Job Placement

o Community Center

• Jane Addams created the first Settlement House-HULL HOUSE, in Chicago

Social Gospel Movement

• From about 1870 to 1920, religious reformers strove to ________________ conditions in the cities according to the biblical ideals of charity and justice. (reform and restructuring of urban communities)

– reconstructing _____________ society

– Dwight_______________- President of Chicago ________________

Ethnic Enclaves

• Most immigrants settled in ___________. They lived in neighborhoods that were separated into ____________ groups.

• Here they duplicated many of the comforts of their homelands, including ________ and _________________.

Political Machines

• William "Boss" Tweed, leader of New York City's corrupt Tammany Hall political organization during the 1860s and early 1870s.

• The Tammany Hall political organization was a ________________________________________.

• Political machines were an informal political group designed to keep power

o They provided ______________________________________ for immigrants

o Immigrants created significant voting strength that these politicians needed

Problems lead to Political Machines

• Problem: Cities grow so fast their gov’t (municipal) can’t keep up with needs of people

▪ Transit, water & _____________ systems, sanitation, ____________________

• Solution: Political Machine steps in and provides services in exchange for votes and money

• Goal of Pol. Mach: work to get their candidates elected

City Life

• The growth of cities resulted in an increase

– Overcrowding

– Poor housing

– ___________

– Murder

– ____________

– High infancy deaths

– Unsanitary conditions

– Pollution

– Disease and ______


• The majority of urban dwellers were part of the working class who lived in city __________________, or dark and _______________ multi-family apartments


Answer the ?s

In the early 1900s Americans saw a rise in urbanization mostly due to increased immigration from what part of the world?

Where did most immigrants arriving in the United States during the early 1900s arrive through the East Coast?

Where did most immigrants arriving in the United States during the early 1900s arrive through the West Coast?

What was the purpose of the Americanization Movement?

What group of people favors native born people and a desire to limit immigration?

The rapid growth of US cities during the late 1800s and early 1900s was mostly due to what?

What act banned entry to Chinese in 1882?

Why did cities become divided according to ethnicity?

What is a tenement?

Urban immigrants during the late 19th and early 20th centuries were influenced to support local political machines because they

What did Political Machines expect in return for providing services to immigrants?

What are negatives of life immigrants were faced with on a daily basis in the cities?

Who did Social Gospel reformers such as Jane Addams strive to help?


Ellis Island


Ethnic Enclaves


William Boss Tweed


Political Machine

Social Gospel Movement

What was the religious reform movement during the Industrial Revolution called?



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