Transcript Template

Immigration Patterns Between 1970 and 2000 Transcript

Social Explorer Map

Interactive Scenario Description

As you may know, immigration into the United States has been steadily increasing in recent years. Between 1970 and 2000, there was a significant increase in the population of people born outside the United States (this population is called "Foreign Born" by the U.S. Census). You will use Social Explorer to look at the increase in the foreign-born population between these two years in order to understand immigration rates and patterns across the Unites States.

The student lands on the default page, which shows the 1970 Census Tract. This map displays the population that was born outside of the United States. Most states were evenly split and displayed two sets of numbers. The numbers displayed showed 5–50% in many of the Western and Central Plains states. Many Southern and Mid-Atlantic states showed a percentage of 50–200. Several Eastern states displayed 200–500%. All the states displayed were solid in their color.

The 2000 Census Tract “percentage of foreign born” map showed no states solid of one color. The majority of the map showed less than 1% to 1–5%. The Western states and part of the Pacific Northwest showed ranges from 1–5% to 15–20%.

[End of interaction.]

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