
Immigration Web Activities

Read the article: Who’s coming to America? And view the graphic.

Questions related to the article:

1. Where were most immigrants to the United States emigrating from 100 years ago? What about today? What do you think accounts for this change?

2. Benjamin Franklin is quoted in this article. If you were standing next to Benjamin Franklin when he said this particular quotation, how would you respond?

3. What parallels can you draw between historical fears about immigration and contemporary fears about immigration?

4. The graphic that accompanies the article has graphs and charts about immigration today and in the past. Some of these statistics illustrated in those graphs and charts are also mentioned near the end of the article. Do any of these immigration statistics surprise you? If so, which ones? Why?

5. What historical lessons about immigration should we apply to contemporary immigration issues?

Visit the following websites. For some, you will need to complete questions.

1. Ellis Island Citizenship test: NOTE: If you do not pass you will be sent back to your home country ( (To view your score you just enter an email address… It can be a made up address!)

2. Remade in America: Set of articles related to new immigrants impact on America: Please read some of these articles. I think you will find them a fascinating and very interesting read on the controversial issue of immigration in the United States.

3. Interactive Immigration Map:

1. Were there more immigrants from Western or Eastern Europe arriving in the year 1900?

2. What three counties in the U.S. had the largest number of foreign-born residents in the year 1900?

3. Name three counties that welcomed immigrants from Latin America in the year 1900?

4. Name three counties that welcomed immigrants from Asia in the year 1900?

5. Explore both the “Percent of Population” and the “Number of Residents” maps from the year 1900. What are TWO things that you find surprising? Why? What might be an explanation for the TWO patterns you chose?

6. Describe the available data for Douglas County from the year 1900.

7. What three counties in the U.S. had the largest number of foreign born residents in the year 2000?

8. Compare and contrast Western and Eastern European immigration and Latin American and Asian immigration patterns from the year 1900 to the year 2000. What changes in the pattern can be clearly observed? What do you think accounts for these changes?

9. Explore both the “Percent of Population” and the “Number of Residents” maps from the year 2000. What are TWO things that you find surprising? Why? What might be an explanation for the TWO patterns you chose? Try to find data for groups other than those you looked at for question #8 (

10. Describe the available data for Douglas County from the year 2000.

4. Diversity in the Classroom:

1. Go to the State of Georgia link located in the left hand side of the page.

2. Go to Douglas County. Describe the patterns of diversity in Douglasville. Does the data on diversity surprise you in any way? Why/why not?

3. Compare the Douglas County pattern to the pattern for Fulton County, Atlanta City Schools. What is the difference? Does this surprise you in any way? Why/why not?

5. Where U.S. Foreign Born Workers Come From:

1. Click on each one of the categories listed on the left side of the page and then click on one sub category for each. Please compare and contrast the number of foreign workers working in these jobs between two different countries in different parts of the world. Anything surprise you after you have looked at this data? Describe the data you see for the two countries. Make sure you identify the countries.

6. Global Migration:

Students should go to the Global Migration web page.

1. Pick TWO countries that you are interested in and that are form different parts of the world. Compare and contrast the amount of money sent back home to their home country and the money sent home as a share of GDP. What surprised you from looking at this data? Why?

2. Take a look at the share of the local population of a country that are migrants? Pick TWO countries from different parts of the world that have a large amount of migrants. Which countries? What share of the local population in these countries are migrants? Did you find this interesting in any way? Why/why not?

3. Look at the share of total migrants. Which THREE countries have the largest share of migrants living in their country? Does the U.S. percentage surprise you at all? Why/why not?

Please answer on a separate sheet of paper. Answers to ALL these questions can be brief (


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