Study Guide Unit 6: Progressive Period

Unit 1B: Immigration, Urbanization, & Progressive Period Name: _______________________

Section One: Students will be to identify and explain the patterns of immigration at the turn of the 20th century, the rise of nativism, and the impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

1. What push and pull factors that lead to the immigration boom in the 1800s and 1900s?

|Push Factors |Pull Factors |

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2. Where were the Old Immigrants from? When did they arrive?

3. Why was life difficult for immigrants when they arrived in the United States?

Define the following terms:

|Melting pot | |

|Tossed salad | |

|Ethnic Neighborhoods | |

4. Why did may Americans discriminate against immigrants? What steps were taken to limit immigration?

5. Where were the New Immigrants from? When did they arrive?

6. What was the Chinese Exclusion Act and why did United pass it in 1882?

7. What was the Gentleman’s Agreement and why was Roosevelt willing to make a deal with Japan?

Section 2: To identify the contributions and conflicts of political machines.

8. Define the following terms

|Political machines | |

|Graft | |

|Kickbacks | |

9. Why were political machines popular with the urban poor?

10. Who were the most famous bosses of New York City?

11. How does the Cost of Tweed courthouse demonstrate a dishonest graft?

12. What tools did muckrakers use to expose political corruption?

13. What is the significance of Thomas Nast?

14. How did good government organization try to change politics?

Section 3: Students will be able to explain how the influx of immigration and the contributions of political machines lead to the growth of urbanization and the effects it had on American cities.

15. Why did cities grow in the late 1800s?

16. What problems did cities face?

17. What type of housing merged? What were the problems with this type of building?

18. Why was mass transit needed and how did it create problems?

19. How did technology (inventors/inventions) enable the growth of cities?

20. How did reformers attempt to help the poor workers living in the city?

21. How did cities change to accommodate the effects of urbanization?

Section Four: Students will be able to explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism.

22. What are Muckrakers?

23. Complete the chart below about Muckrakers.

|Muckraker |Most famous book |Topic/area of concern |

|Upton Sinclair | | |

| | | |

|Ida Tarbell | | |

| | | |

|Lincoln Steffens | | |

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|Carrie “Hatchet” What Nation |n/a | |

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|Jacob Riis | | |

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|Ida B. Wells | | |

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|Jane Adams |n/a | |

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24. What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and what changed as a result of this event?

25. Describe the conditions in business that hurt the public and needed to be changed prior to the Progressive Period?

26. What was the ultimate goal of the Progressives?

27. Describe the purpose of the Meat Inspection Act.

28. Describe the purpose of the Pure Food and Drug Act.

29. What was the purpose of the Keating-Owens Act?

30. What was the purpose of the Temperance Movement?

Section Five: Students will be able to analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period

31. Who were the three “Progressive Presidents”?




32. Which President labeled himself the “Trust Buster” because of his desire to get rid of bad trust?

33. What was significant about the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1903?

34. Complete the following chart that identifies changes in the government

|Amendment/Policy Change |Definition/Identification |

|16th Amendment | |

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|17th Amendment | |

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|18th Amendment | |

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|19th Amendment | |

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|Initiative | |

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|Referendum | |

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|Recall | |

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|Direct Primary | |

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35. What was the overall goal of the Wisconsin Ideas proposed by Robert Lafollette?

36. What Progressive Party did Teddy Roosevelt run for in the 1912 Presidential Election?

37. What reform movement did Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt work on behalf of?

38. What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve System?

39. What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Clayton Anti-Trust Act?

40. How can Teddy Roosevelt’s treatment of the Northern Securities Company be considered a significant event?

Section Six: Students will be able to evaluate the effects of racial segregation on different regions and segments of the United States’ society.

41. What are Jim Crow Laws?

42. Describe three practices designed to disenfranchise African American voters




43. What court case legalized segregation as long as “facilities were equal”?

44. What did the term “Separate but Equal” mean?

45. What was Booker T. Washington’s position on African American’s role in society?

46. What was W.E.B. DuBois’ position on African American’s role in society?

47. What was the purpose of the “Niagara Movement”?

48. Was the Progressive Era effective in improving the state of minorities in America? Explain.


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