POLI 201 Spring 2014--Test 2 review

Spring 2015 Review for Test 2 (Chapters 5-8)?Objective Questions (80 points). Multiple choice and true/false. You are responsible for all the material in the chapters, but you would be wise to focus most of your study on the key terms and phrases at the end of each chapter. I will reproduce them for you below. Wow! Now that I produced them all, I see that you should have learned a lot!?discretionary powerred taperecess appointmentsimpoundmentbureaucracy (definition of)spoils system or patronagePendleton Actmerit selectionOffice of Personnel ManagementincrementalismSenior Executive Servicee-governmentproxy administration or privatizationgoing nativecabinet departmentsexecutive branch agenciesregulatory agenciesgovernment corporationsGovernment Accountability Officewhistleblowersfiscal policyfree market or laissez-faire economic theoryKeynesian economicsdeficit and surplussupply side economicsmonetary policy and the Fedmoney supply monetarismprogressive taxesregressive taxesproperty taxesjurisdiction, original and appellateCourt packing planJudiciary Act of 1789District CourtsCourts of Appealsbasis for appeal of state court rulings to the U.S. Supreme Courtwrit of certiorariMarbury v. Madison (1803)judicial reviewJohn Marshallwrit of mandamusrule of foursenatorial courtesyconcurring opinionsdissenting opinionsstrict constructionists and originalistsloose constructionists and the living Constitutionjudicial restraint and judicial activismprecedent or stare decisisamicus curiae briefsremandedDred Scott v. Sanford (1857)confederal systemunitary systemfederal systemparadox of federalisminterstate compacts full faith and credit clausepublic policy exception ruleprivileges and immunities clause in Constitutioninterstate rendition (extradition)supremacy clausenecessary and proper clause, or the elastic clause, implied powersMcCulloch v. Maryland (1819)interstate commerceGibbons v. Ogden (1824)interposition and nullificationsecessionindustrial revolution twilight zone federalism or dual federalismNew Dealnation centered federalismGreat Society programcategorical grants-in-aidstrings formula grantsmatching grantsGeneral Revenue Sharingblock grantsdevolutiongeneral purpose governmentsspecial purpose governmentsRegional Councils of Government (COG's)mandates and unfunded mandatesgovernment interest groupslaboratories of democracycivil rights and civil libertiesBill of Rightswrit of habeas corpusbills of attainderex post facto lawno religious tests for officeprocedural due processsubstantive due processtakings clausecommon lawcruel and unusual punishmentsProhibitionBarron v. Baltimore (1833)incorporation theoryPalko v. Connecticut (1937)selective Incorporationestablishment of religionsecular regulation rule and the free exercise clauseReligious Freedom Restoration ActAlien and Sedition Act of 1798clear and present danger testbad tendency testgrave and imminent danger rulesymbolic speechobscenityRoth v. U.S. (1957)Miller v. California (1973)libel and slandermaliceloyalty oathsprior restraintThe Pentagon Paperscrime control model of justicedue process model of justiceexclusionary ruleChief Justice Earl WarrenPowell v. Alabama (1932)inevitable discovery rulegood faith ruleright to privacyGriswold v. Connecticut (1965)Roe v. Wade (1973)undue burden testsodomy lawsDeath with Dignity Actindividualism as promoting civil rights and limiting civil rightsCivil Rights Act of 1964Voting Rights Act of 1965Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978Equal Pay Act of 1963sexual harassment and hostile environmentAge Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967American with Disabilities Act of 1990affirmative action programs??Essay Questions (10 points). Choose one of the following (we will narrow it down to two in class by drawing numbers!)??1. List and describe at least four different reasons why the federal bureaucracy has grown. (Please write four paragraphs along with an introductory and concluding paragraph.)?2. Discuss the ideal and reality of the nonpolitical courts. In your discussion, describe three ways in which politics enters into the federal courts. (Please write an introductory paragraph about the ideal of non-political courts, then three paragraphs about how politics enters the courts, and then a concluding paragraph). ?3. Citing Supreme Court cases where possible, explain why three of our rights or liberties which seem so absolute in the Constitution have not been as absolute as they might seem to be. (Please write three paragraphs along with an introductory and concluding paragraph.) ................

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