Health Science Program

Course Title: Allied Health Assisting 3 Honors & EKG Technician 3 Honors

Instructors: Carol Warnock

Email: carol.warnock@ \

Web site:

Room: 449

School Phone: 754-323-0350 x3093 or 3092

Cell Phone: 954--461-7743 (please only use for Emergencies)

Course Overview:

This class is part of the Allied Health Assisting Program. In this class students will perform skills representative of major areas of allied health care in the laboratory and clinical settings. Major areas of allied health are defined as physical therapy, occupational therapy, diagnostic medical sonographers, emergency medical technicians/paramedics, medical technologists, medical billing and coding, dietitians, laboratory technicians, and respiratory therapists. Other areas of health, medicine, dentistry, or veterinary may be included. Off campus clinical learning experiences will be required as part of the learning experience.

This program is part of a CAPE Academy and affords students the opportunity to earn a Certified Medical Administrative Assistant and EKG Technician credential. These credentialing exams will be administered free of charge provided that students have a C average or better in all of the HS courses and pass the pre-test with a score of 80% or higher.

I look forward to working with your child this term; already planned are several guest speakers, field trips, and clinical experiences. If you are employed in a health related profession or know of someone who might be willing to share their experiences with a group of highly motivated students, please feel free to contact me. Students are reminded that acceptance into the Health Science Program is a privilege. They represent the Health Science program of Broward County but more importantly they are an ambassador of Cypress Bay High School. For these reasons it is understood that your child’s behavior will reflect only the best at all times.

It is important that students come to school every day on time, have a positive work attitude and follow school rules so that meaningful learning can take place in the classroom. School policies regarding absences, tardies, makeup work, dress code and conduct will be strictly enforced in the classroom setting. It is important for you to refer to the Student Code of Conduct book for these guidelines.


• The Kinn’s Medical Administrative Assistant, ($85)

• Diversified Health Occupations, 8th Ed. ($135)

• Diversified Health Occupations Workbook, 8th Ed. ($50.25)

• Understanding EKGs – A Practical Approach Textbook ($68)

• Other EKG textbooks

Class Materials:

• 3-ring binder (can be hard or soft cover, but no 3 prong folders and no spiral notebooks please)

• Dividers

• Loose leaf ruled paper (college ruled, not wide ruled)

• Folder

• Flashdrive

• Blue or black and red ink pen

• #2 Pencil with eraser

• Agenda

• Every student is required to bring a ream of copy paper to be kept in the classroom.

In addition, we are asking for the following supplies to keep in the classroom

Last Name beginning with:

A-E: box of tissues

F-J : Gallon size Zip Lock Bags

K-O: colored pencils

P-T: markers

U-Z: glue sticks

"All Career and Technical Educational opportunities offered by the Career, Technical, Adult, and Community Education (CTACE) department are offered to all students, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or disability".


Grades are point based and will be based on classroom work, homework, individual and group projects, skills, clinical journals, field trip and guest lecture reports, quizzes and tests, and HOSA participation/competition grade – ALL STUDNETS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPETE.


• The CMAA and EKG Technician Certification Exams will be 50 % of semester grade and 50% of final exam grade during the semester that they occur.

• Passing will determine clinical/off-site experience - failure to pass will result in loss of off-campus experiences.

Grading Scale:

|Letter Grade/Numerical Average |

|A 90-100 |

|B+ 87-89 |

|B 80-86 |

|C+ 77-79 |

|C 70-76 |

|D+ 67-69 |

|D 60-66 |

|F 0 -59 |

Online Grade Book: Cypress Bay High School has an online grade book, pinnacle, that will allow you to view both your attendance record and your grade report for this class. This is a powerful tool for you and your parents that will allow you to stay actively involved in your education. This can be accessed through

Health Science Program Expectations:


a. APPEARANCE: Must always be neat and clean to represent the Health Professions.


Uniforms/scrubs will be purchased from Uniform advantage in Pembroke Pines (cost – approx.. $32.00. A white or navy t-shirt WITHOUT words or logos on sleeves may be worn under the top.


Shoes: White leather/leather like sneakers – no open backs/crocs. Shoes and laces must be white and in good condition and clean. Socks must be white.

Hair: To be kept, neat, clean, away from face and off the collar. No bright colors/dye, combs, weaves,

braids, flowers, scarves or ribbons. Males are not permitted to have any facial hair.

Makeup: To be conservative and in good taste.

Jewlery: One pair of small post type earrings to be worn in ears. No other earrings are

permitted. A watch with a second hand and a class ring are permitted. No bracelets, rings

or necklaces.

FINGERNAILS: To be kept clean and at moderate length (< 1/4 inch beyond nail beds) NO nail polish or acrylic nails may be worn per CDC guidelines to the clinical setting.

Hygiene: Suitable deodorant is required. Do not use strong perfumes or colognes.

Visible tattoos and body piercings are prohibited.

ID BADGES: Will be provided for a nominal refundable deposit. They are a mandatory part of the uniform. Students will NOT be allowed to go to the hospital without their proper ID badge. Students will

be placed in internal suspension for first occurrence with an alternate assignment. Any other occurrences will incur a zero for the clinical day.


c. No gum, candy or food will be allowed in the clinical or working area. Use of cell phones in clinical areas will result in immediate termination of students attending clinicals.

d. Students with a GPA below 2.5 in the Health Science courses or with any outstanding work will not be allowed to participate in the clinical setting until work is completed and/or GPA is raised.

e. Transportation to and from clinical areas is the responsibility of the student. Carpool is permitted with a maximum of three students per vehicle. See CTSO packet.

f. Absence and Tardy Policy School policy will be strictly enforced. Academic success in any course is directly related to the amount of time and effort given to the subject matter being studied. In order to be truly successful, regular daily attendance is required. Any student who must be absent or late to a clinical area/ field trip is required to phone the instructor ahead of time. If the student fails to phone the instructor, they will first be issued a written warning. If they have a second offense, they may be suspended from all field trips/clinicals. It is the student’s responsibility to know the phone number of the instructor. Punctuality is an important characteristic of a health care professional. No student will be able to attend clinicals/field trips for the week if they are late for class.

Make-up Assignments for Clinicals/Field trips/Guest lecture absence. Since these experiences can not be “made up,” the student will be assigned a paper on the topic missed. Minimum 3 references. Maximum grade 80%

g. ALL students must have up to date immunizations including a PPD. Additionally, students are required to have a flu (influenza) vaccination. PLEASE complete the immunization record that is posted on my web site – and upload them into Complio ().

h. ALL students must carry health insurance (school health insurance is acceptable). In addition, each student is also required to purchase liability insurance through the school prior to attending clinicals. The cost is $13

i. If a student’s actions or conduct are judged to have a detrimental effect on personnel by the school, participating hospital, or clinical agencies the student may be dropped from the program. Consequences will include: verbal warning, parent notification, conference, administrative referral. Insubordination, plagiarism, verbal or physical fighting, and any other severe offenses will result in automatic administrative referral and removal from off site experiences.

j. All students are required to pay other fees associated with the course, which may include gym fees

2. Assignments: All assignments given are expected to be done on time to pass the course. No late work will be accepted. Students are expected to turn in whatever was due that day should they be on campus for any reason, even for just one period. A broken printer or no ink cartridge is not an acceptable excuse. If you have legitimate printer/computer issues, handwrite it.

All assignments: Due on expected date. No printing or gluing or constructing of project will be allowed on the due date.

3.Cheating: Cheating is obtaining information from any source other than those prescribed by the teacher for the specific assignment. Some examples include:

• cheat sheet

• copying someone else’s work

• talking during a test

• plagiarism

• Having a cell phone or other electronic device out during testing

A student providing information is considered as guilty as the student receiving the information.

Consequences will include parent notification and a zero on the assignment and removal from clinical rotations.

4. Textbooks: Are used in class daily. If the student needs to borrow a textbook, other than one he/she has been issued, they can sign one out but will need to return it the next day.

5. Classroom: Books and equipment will be returned to the proper storage area prior to dismissal. The classroom must be clean and tidy before dismissal. The students are dismissed by the teacher and not by the bell.

6. HOSA Club

Your child will be expected to join HOSA: Future Health Professionals. HOSA is a state and national career and technical student organization, which supplements and compliments the Health Science Education curriculum. This organization provides students with opportunities to develop leadership, career and personal skills needed by health care providers. Dues needed to join this organization are $50.00 and are paid online at . In addition to dues, students are expected to fundraise. Please see teacher individually for issues related to dues or fundraising.

7. Parents are always welcome to contact me at any time by email or phone.

Course Objectives

The students completing this course will be able to perform the following intended outcomes and student performance standards:

31. Methods and strategies for using Florida Standards for grades 11-12 reading in Technical Subjects for student success in Allied Health Assisting.

32. Methods and strategies for using Florida Standards for grades 11-12 writing in Technical Subjects for student success in Allied Health Assisting.

33. Methods and strategies for using Florida Standards for grades 11-12 Mathematical Practices in Technical Subjects for student success in Allied Health Assisting.

34. Perform skills representative of at least three major allied health areas in the school laboratory before beginning the clinical phase.

35. Successfully complete a clinical rotation in at least three major allied health areas.

Additional outcomes for EKG Technician:

36. Describe the cardiovascular system.

37. Identify legal and ethical responsibilities of an EKG technician.

38. Demonstrate knowledge of, apply and use medical instrumentation modalities.

39. Perform patient care techniques in the health care facility.

40. Recognize normal and abnormal monitoring and testing results.

41. Describe cardiovascular drugs, their actions, use and adverse effects.

42. Demonstrate knowledge of other cardiovascular diagnostic modalities.

I am here to help you. No question is stupid, so ask. If you think you should know the answer than we will help you find it. If you are having difficulty in the course, ask for help before it is too late. Learning should be fun. Let’s work together and have a great year.

Learning without thought is labor lost.  ~Confucius

You learn something every day if you pay attention.  ~Ray LeBlond

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.  ~Chinese Proverb


Please complete and return this page along with any questions and comments.


I have read the Allied Health Assisting 3/EKG Technician 3 Honors 2016-2017 syllabus, understand the rules and requirements as set forth and I will follow all of these rules to the very best of my ability.

Student Signature_________________________________________Date____________

Student Name ____________________________________________________

Student email __________________________________________

I have read and accept the rules and requirements as set forth for my child’s Allied Health Assisting 3/EKG Technician 3 Honors 2018-2019 syllabus, and I expect him/her to follow them accordingly.

Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________Date________

Parent/Guardian #1 Name______________________________________

Parent/Guardian #1Home Phone# ________________________________

Parent/Guardian #1 Cell Phone# _________________________________

Parent/Guardian #1 E-Mail Address _______________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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