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|Click on category to advance to that page: |

|Allergic Rhinitis |Anaphylaxis |

|Angioedema |Urticaria |

|Jack Jumper Ant Allergy and Venom Immunotherapy |Medication Allergies |

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|Services not provided | |

|Patients under the age of 13 – excluding Venom immunotherapy |

|Patch testing |

|Eczema Management unless referred by Dermatologist |

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|PLEASE NOTE: All referrals received by Monash Health are triaged by clinicians to determine urgency of referral. |

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|Patients assessed as having an urgent need are offered an appointment within thirty days as assessed by the |

|clinician. |

|Patients assessed as having a non-urgent need for appointments in clinics where there is no waiting list, are |

|offered an appointments within four months on a “treat in turn basis”. |

|Patients assessed as having a non-urgent need for appointments in clinics that have a waiting list, referrers and |

|patients will be notified of the expected wait times. Where the wait time does not meet patient needs, alternative |

|service providers can be found by searching the Human Services Directory at |

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BACK to home page

Health issue Jack Jumper Ant, Bee and Wasp Allergy

|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|History of anaphylaxis to Jack Jumper Ant, Bee or |RAST to Jack Jumper Ant, Bee or Wasp with score |Check if an adrenaline auto-injector (EpiPen or |

|Wasp |included |Anapen) has been prescribed |

| |IgE | |

| |Tryptase: after acute reaction (if available) and | |

| |baseline | |

|When to Refer |

|For assessment of immunotherapy for Jack Jumper Ant anaphylaxis |

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| Health issue Allergic Rhinitis |

|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|History of possible Allergic Rhinitis | |Consider trial of intranasal corticosteroids and |

| | |non-sedating oral antihistamines |

|When to Refer |

|Symptoms impacting on patient’s quality of life |


|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|History of possible asthma |Spirometry, if available |Consider trial of inhaled corticosteroids |

|When to Refer |

|Management of asthma, including consideration of immune modifying medications, to achieve control |

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|Health Issue Anaphylaxis |

|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|History of Anaphylaxis |Tryptase: after acute reaction (if available) and |Check if an adrenaline auto-injector (EpiPen or |

| |baseline |Anapen) has been prescribed |

| |Ask patient to record exposures in the three hours |Currently, we do not offer bee or wasp venom |

| |prior to the episode, e.g. food (obtain list of |immunotherapy, but refer to another centre if |

| |ingredients), medications or supplements, and |immunotherapy is indicated |

| |activities | |

|When to Refer |

|Any history or concern regarding anaphylaxis to food, insect sting, medication, exercise, or if the cause is unclear |

|Health Issue Angioedema |

|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|Angioedema |Tryptase |Consider ceasing ACE inhibitor if patient is on one |

| |FBC, ESR, CRP | |

| |C3,C4 | |

|When to Refer |

|History of recurrent angioedema |

|Health Issue Urticaria |

|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|Recurrent persistent urticaria |Tryptase |Consider increasing non-sedating oral antihistamine |

| |FBC, ESR, CRP |up to 4 times a day |

| | |Consider referral to a Dermatologist |

|When to Refer |

|Recurrent or persistent urticaria |

|Health issue: Medication Allergies |

|Patient Presentation |Initial GP Work Up |Management Options For GP |

|Histories of medication allergy requiring further |RAST for penicillin V, Pencillin G, Amoxycillin, | |

|clarification and or these medications are required. |Cefaclor with Score if pencillin or cephlasporin | |

| |allergy. | |

| |Tryptase baseling | |

| |IgE | |

| |FBC | |

|When to Refer |

|When medications are required, however there is lack of clarity regarding potential allergy. |







The following information is mandatory:



▪ Full name

▪ Date of birth

▪ Next of kin

▪ Postal address

▪ Landline & mobile number

▪ Medicare number

▪ Referring GP details

▪ Usual GP (if different)

▪ Interpreter requirements



▪ Reason for referral

▪ Duration of symptoms

▪ Management to date and response to treatment

▪ Past medical history

▪ Current medications and medication history if relevant

▪ Functional status

▪ Psychosocial history

▪ Dietary status

▪ Family history

▪ Diagnostics as per referral guidelines



Sara Barnes


Donald Campbell


P: 1300 342 273

F: (03) 9594 2273


January 2016

Referral Form: The Victorian State-wide Referral Form is the preferred referral tool. This tool is housed in most major clinical software or can be downloaded from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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