The Effect of Supply Chain Management on Stock …

|[pic] |S/o Israr Ur Rahman |

|Dr. Capt. (Retd) Syed Hamid Ali Shah |Address: Street#1, Bagh Colony, Shamsi Road Hoti, Mardan |

| |E Mail: hamidtoru@ |

| | |

| |Phone: 0345-9339830 |

| |CNIC: 16101-0971622-7 |

|Objective: |To seek a position in an organization that provides the environment to use my academic knowledge, skills, |

| |potentials, and experience to contribute in achieving the organizational goals and that provides ample |

| |opportunity of both professional and personal growth. |


|Level |Institute |Board/ University |Year |Division/ CGPA |Marks |

| | | | | |(%) |

|Ph D – Management |IM Sciences, Peshawar |IM Sciences, Peshawar |Sep 2017 |1st/ 3.92 |88.0 |

|(Finance) | | | | | |

|MS Management (Finance) |IM Sciences, Peshawar |IM Sciences, Peshawar |March 2011 |1st /3.9 |88.3 |

|MSc Economics |Private |University of Peshawar|2007 |1st |60.0 |

|MBA (Banking & Finance) |IM Sciences, Peshawar |University of Peshawar|2003 |1st /4.0 |93.6 |

|BSc |PMA, Kakul |PMA |1994 |2nd |59.6 |

|FSc |GDC Sawabi |BISE Peshawar |1991 |1st |65.0 |

|HSSC |GHS Shamshad abad, Toru, Mardan |BISE Peshawar |1988 |1st |72.1 |

Other Qualification:

|Course/ Examination |Institute |Year |Grade |

|HoD Training – Financial Management |University of Peshawar |10-17 Feb 2015 |N.A |

|Pedagogy & Organizational Theory |University of Kentucky, USA |May- June 2013 |Qualified |

|Banking Diploma |Institute Bankers of Pakistan |2003 |Passed |

|Officers Religious Training |College of Army Education |1999 |B+Y+ |

|Regimental Survey Officer |School of Artillery |1998 |B+ |

|Forward Air Controller |Tactical Air Support School |1997 |B+ |

|Junior Officer Leadership |School of Infantry & Tactics |1996 |B+ |

|Officers Weapon Training |9 Div Battle School |1995 |B+Y+ |

|Young Officers Course |School of Artillery |1995 |B+ |


|Position |Organization |Period |Nature of Job |

|Assistant Professor |Quaid-e-Azam College of |7 Oct 2019 |Teaching |

| |Commerce, UoP | | |

|Lecturer (regular) |Do |Mar 2017 – 7 Oct 2019 (continued) |Do |

|Principal |Do |May, 2014 - Mar 2017 |Administration/ Teaching |

|Lecturer (regular) |Do |02 April 2009 - May 2014 |Teaching |

|Lecturer (Temporary) |IM Sciences |Sep 2008 - April 2009 |Teaching |

|Deputy Director QEC |UET Peshawar |Nov 2007 - Aug 2008 |Managerial |

|Assistant Manager |NADRA |Dec 2003 - Nov 2007 |Management & Staff Officer |

|Internee |UBL |Six Months (2002 & 2003) |As of potential banker |

|Captain |Pakistan Army |Oct 1992 - Jan 2001 |Field & Staff Officer |

Research Work:

• PhD thesis on “ Impact of Judicial Efficiency on Corporate Cash Holdings: An International Study”

• MS thesis on “ Impact of Short term Financing on Firm’s Performance”

• Wrote a comprehensive assignment on topic “Interest Free Banking in Pakistan” during third semester of the MBA.

• At the end of MBA wrote thesis on topic “UBL Financial Performance”. This report also encompassed comparison of financial performance of the UBL with MCB and HBL. Three years data from 2001 to 2003 was analyzed in this report.

• Wrote a term paper on topic “Family Planning in Islam” during the Officer Religious Training Course at Army College of Education.

Research Publications:

|S.No |Research Paper Topic |Journal |Year |Principal/ |Status |

| | | | |Co-author | |

|1 |The Association between Financial |African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(35), |November 4, |Principal |International |

| |Development and Economic Development: A |pp. 13428-13434, 30 December, 2011 Available online |2011 |Author | |

| |Review |at DOI: | | | |

| | |10.5897/AJBMX11.022 | | | |

| | |Note: this journal was later in the last week of | | | |

| | |December 2011 black listed by HEC, Pakistan. | | | |

|2 |Can Momentum Portfolios Earn More in |Pakistan Business Review Vol. 17, no. 1: 80-98. |2015 |Principal |National/ |

| |Karachi Stock Exchange | | |Author |Category “X” |

|3 |Analysis of the Client Perception of |The Discourse, Vol. 1, no. 1 |Jul-Dec 2015 |Co- Author |National |

| |Criminal Justice System of Pakistan: A | | | | |

| |Study of District Mardan | | | | |

|4 |Briefing Report: Vulnerability and natural|The Discourse, Vol. 1, no. 1 |Jul-Dec 2015 |Co- Author |National |

| |Disasters | | | | |

|5 |The Relationship between Judicial |Economic Modeling, 59: 448-462 |2016 |Principal |International/ |

| |Efficiency and Corporate Cash Holdings: An| | |Author |Impact Factor: |

| |International Study | | | |0.997 |

|6 |Judicial Efficiency and Capital Structure:|Journal of Corporate Finance 44: 255-274 |2017 |Co- Author |International/ |

| |An International Evidence | | | |Impact Factor |

| | | | | |1.286 |

|7 |Association of Educational Factors, Child |Pakistan Journal of Criminology (2016), Vol. 8: 56-68|2016 |Co-author |National/ |

| |Trafficking and Profession: A Multivariate| | | |Category “Y” |

| |Analysis | | | | |

|8 |The Impact of Religiosity on Social |Tahdhib al afkar, Vol.3 Issue 1, 2016: 13-24 |2016 |Co-author |National/ |

| |Exclusion of Orphans in Pakhtun Society. | | | |Category “Z” |

|9 |Polio Virus Becomes Stronger Due to |Journal of Pain Relief (2016), Vol.5, Issue 5: 257 |2016 |Co- Author |Open access |

| |Favourable Social Conditions in Mardan, |doi:10.4172/2167-0846.1000257 | | |journal |

| |Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | | | | |

|10 |Short-term Financing and Risk-adjusted |Pakistan Business Review (2017), Vol.19, no. 3, |October 2017 | |National/ |

| |Profitability: Evidence from Pakistan | | |Principal |Category “X” |

| | | | |Author | |

|11 |Does Systematic Risk Matter For Investors |Iqra Journal of Business & Management (IJBM) Volume |2018 |Principal |National |

| |in Capital Market of Pakistan? |2, Issue 1, 2018 | |Author | |

Research under Process:

|S.No |Research Paper Topic |Journal |Year |Principal/ |Remarks |

| | | | |Co-author | |

|1 |Determinant of Corporate Social |Iqra Journal of |2019 | |Under review |

| |Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from|Business & | |Co- Author | |

| |Pakistan |Management | | | |

| | |(IJBM) | | | |

|2 |The Risk and Return Relations: Evidence |Pakistan |Accepted/2018 |Principal |National/ Category “X” |

| |From Pakistani Stock Market |Business Review | |Author | |

|3 |Value Relevance of Earnings Quality: | | |Co- Author | |

| |Importance of | | | | |

| |Corporate Governance, Ownership | | | | |

| |Structure and Group Affiliations | | | | |

| |in Listed Firms of Pakistan | | | | |

|4 |Impact of Related Party Transactions on | | |Co-Author | |

| |Accounting and Market Performance of | | | | |

| |Firms: Evidence from Pakistani Business | | | | |

| |Groups | | | | |

|5 |Value Relevance of Country Governance | | |Co-Author | |

| |and Economic Freedom for the Foreign | | | | |

| |Portfolio Inflows in Developing & | | | | |

| |Developed Countries | | | | |

Conferences/ Workshops:

|S.No |Topic/ Theme |Speaker/Author(s) |Organization |City/ Country |Year |Participated as |

|1 |International Perspective on |S. Hamid Ali Shah |Gatton College of |Islamabad/ |2016, May |Give Presentation |

| |Research and Teaching: Lessons from|(Principal) |Business and |Pakistan |25-26 |on Active Learning|

| |the University Partnership in the | |Economics, | | |Techniques and |

| |KP | |University of | | |Assessment |

| | | |Kentucky (USA) | | |(Feedback) |

|2 |Determinant of Corporate Social |S. Hamid Ali Shah |Accepted for |Quetta/ |20-21 November|The conference |

| |Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence|(Co-author) |presentation in |Pakistan |2017 |postponed due to |

| |from Pakistan | |the 7th AMDIP - | | |security issue |

| | | |University of | | | |

| | | |Balochistan | | | |

| | | |Conference | | | |

|3 |Active Teaching Learning: Overview |S.Hamid Ali Shah |FATA University, |Dara Adam Khel |11-12 Jan 2018|Give Presentation |

| |& Implementation |(speaker) | | | |on Active Learning|

| | | | | | |Techniques |

Extra Curricular & Hobbies: I have strong interest in the following:

• Qiraat; Reading books; Player of Volleyball; Player of Cricket; Player of Baseball; Player of Handball; Athletics; Swimming & Driving

Computer Skills:

Computer (MS Word, Excel, MS Office) and Internet


|Language |Speaking |Writing |Reading |

|English |Fluent |Very Good |Very Good |

|Urdu |Fluent |Excellent |Excellent |

|Pashto |Fluent |Very Good |Excellent |


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