Professional Record


|NAME: Marla Green Bartoi, Ph.D. |DATE PREPARED: 2/28/20 |


|OFFICE ADDRESS: Psychology Clinic, |HOME ADDRESS: |

|Rackham Bldg. |30155 Woodside Drive |

|60 Farnsworth |Franklin, MI 48025 |

|Detroit, MI 48202 | |

|OFFICE PHONE: 313-577-4812 |HOME PHONE: 248-321-8048 |



PRESENT RANK & DATE OF RANK: Associate Professor, Clinical: September 2018 (half-time). Associate Director of the Wayne State Psychology Clinic: September 2016


Year Appointed/Rank:

2001/Visiting Assistant Professor

2002/Assistant Professor, Clinical

2008/Assistant Professor, Clinical, half-time

2018/ Associate Professor, Clinical, half-time

Year Awarded Tenure:

Year Promoted to Associate Professor: 2018

Year Promoted to Full Professor:




EDUCATION: [Give name of institution, place, and date of degree.]

Baccalaureate: University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1994


M.A.: University of South Florida Tampa 1996

Ph.D.: University of South Florida Tampa 1999

Postgraduate (postdoctoral): Wayne State University, Detroit 1999-2001

Licensure: Michigan Psychology License, 2001 (current)


Certified by NIMH as a CBT therapist (1998).

Certified by NIDA as a CBT supervisor (2002).

Certified as an LGBTQ Ally by the University of Michigan’s Spectrum Center (2015)



American Psychological Association

Phi Beta Kappa- University of Michigan Chapter, 1994-present

Psi Chi- University of Michigan Chapter President, 1993, 1994



Stephanie Gilbert Endowed Scholarship, University of South Florida, Research

Excellence in Women’s Psychology, 1998

James B. Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, 1992, 1993, 1994

Class Honors, University of Michigan, 1992, 1993, 1994

Phi Beta Kappa, University of Michigan

Wellesley College Book Award, for recognition in academics and athletics, 1990


BIOGRAPHICAL CITATIONS (National/Regional or Professional Directories):



A. Years at Wayne State: 2001 to present

B. Years at Other Colleges/Universities (please list):

Taught at the University of South Florida as a graduate student lecturer from 1994-1998

C. Courses Taught at Wayne Sate in Last Five Years

1. Graduate:

• Therapeutic Intervention Practicum: Summer 2013, Summer 2014, Summer 2015, Summer 2016, Summer 2017, Summer 2018, Summer 2019

• Supervision Training Yearly Seminar: 2013,14

• Guest lecture of Assessment Practicum, Fall 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

• Dialectial Behavior Therapy Workshop (for faculty and students): 2017, 2018, 2019



A. Research in Progress, Not Funded

January, A.M., Kuentzel, J.G., Bartoi, M.B. et al. (Revise and resubmit) “Incremental validity of WISC-IV index scores and attention problems in predicting WIAT-II achievement scores among clinically referred children.” Applied Neuropsychology: Child.

Note of Contribution: I wrote several sections of the introduction and discussion sections. I edited several drafts, including before and after each “revise and resubmit.”

Submitted multidisciplinary training grant to HRSA (Fall, 2016; not funded).

Note of Contribution: I wrote approximately 1/3rd of the final product sent out to HRSA


A. Scholarly Books Published

1. Co-Authored

Peters, R.H., Bartoi, M.G., & Sherman, P. (2008). Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System, 2nd edition. Department of Mental Health Law and Policy, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida. In association with: The National GAINS Center in the Justice System.

Peters, R.H., & Bartoi, M.G. (1997). Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System. Delmar, New York: Policy Research.

Note of contribution to the above co-authored manuscripts: For the first edition, while Roger Peters provided the funding and the idea for the manuscript, I did the majority of the writing, especially of the original draft. Dr. Peters provided mentoring, editing and additions.

For the 2nd edition, most of the changes and additions were made by Dr. Peters and P. Sherman. I contributed by reviewing and editing it in its final draft form.

B. Journal Articles Published

1. Refereed Journals

Mucka, L, Hinrichs, J., Upton, F., Hettersheidt, L., Kuentzel, J., Bartoi, M., & Barnett, D. (2017). Barriers to adherence to child assessment recommendations. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 1029-1039. Impact Factor 1.386

Note of contribution: I provided writing of several paragraphs to the introduction and discussion sections. I edited the entire document several times, including during the revise and resubmit phase.

Bartoi, M.G., Issner, J., Hettersheidt, L., January, A., Kuentzel, J.G., & Barnett, D. (2015). Attention problems and stability of WISC-IV scores among clinically referred children. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 4, 133-140. Impact factor: 1.221

Note of contribution: I was in charge of data analysis and literature review. I wrote the initial drafts of all sections of the paper, except for the results section (written by A. January).

January, A.M., Bartoi, M.G., Kuentzel, J.G., Somers, C. & Barnett, D. (2015). Tell me more about it: A query into the relations between intelligence scores and problem behaviors using the WISC-IV. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23, 2544-2554. Impact factor 1.386

Note of contribution: I was on A.M. January’s dissertation committee. I was then put in charge of mentoring her on converting the dissertation write-up into a journal publication. I provided all of the initial editing of her original draft.

Van Dale, K. G., Somers, C. L., Gregg, D. H., Yoon, J. S., Hillman, S. B., Bartoi,

M.  (2014).  The roles of teasing and social support in adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavioral outcomes.  Child Indicators Research, 7(3), 537-552.   Impact factor: 1.194

Note of contribution: I served on K.G. Van Dale’s dissertation committee and assisted on editing her original proposal and dissertation document. I then helped edit the final drafts of her write-up for journal publication.

March, J.S., Petrycki, S., Silva, S., Curry, J., Wells, K., Fairbank, J., Burns, B., Domino, M., Vitiello, B., Severe, J.B., Casat, C., Feeney, N., Waslick, B., Walkup, J., Karochvil, C., Albano, A., Reinecke, M., Sallee, R., Cottingham, E., Rohde, P., Simons, A., Weller, E., Emslie, G., Benazon, N., Rosenberg, D., Butkus, M., & Bartoi, M. (2009). The Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS): Outcomes over one year of naturalistic follow-up. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166(10), 1141-1150. Impact factor: 14.176

Note of contribution: I contributed to data collection for the Detroit node of this NIMH clinical trial. In addition, I assisted in writing and editing the CBT manual used during the data collection.

March, J.S., Petrycki, S., Silva, S., Curry, J., Wells, K., Fairbank, J., Burns, B., Domino, M., Vitiello, B., Severe, J.B., Casat, C., Feeney, N., Waslick, B., Walkup, J., Karochvil, C., Albano, A., Reinecke, M., Sallee, R., Cottingham, E., Rohde, P., Simons, A., Weller, E., Emslie, G., Benazon, N., Rosenberg, D., Butkus, M., & Bartoi, M. (2007). Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS): Long-term effectiveness and safety outcomes. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(10), 1132-1143. Impact factor: 6.78

Note of contribution: I contributed to data collection for the Detroit node of this NIMH clinical trial. In addition, I assisted in writing and editing the CBT manual used during the data collection.

Kennard, B., Silva, S., Vitiello, B., Curry, J., Kratochvil, C.J. Simons, A., Hughes, J., Feeny, N., Weller, E., Sweeney, M., Emslie, G.J., March, J. and the TADS Team (March, J.S., Petrycki, S., Silva, S., Curry, J., Wells, K., Fairbank, J., Burns, B., Domino, M., Vitiello, B., Severe, J.B., Casat, C., Feeney, N., Waslick, B., Walkup, J., Karochvil, C., Albano, A., Reinecke, M., Sallee, R., Cottingham, E., Rohde, P., Simons, A., Weller, E., Emslie, G., Benazon, N., Rosenberg, D., Butkus, M., Bartoi, M.) (2006). Remission and residual symptoms after short-term treatment in the treatment of adolescents with depression study (TADS). Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 1404-1411. Impact factor: 7.182

Note of contribution: I contributed to data collection for the Detroit node of this NIMH clinical trial. In addition, I assisted in writing and editing the CBT manual used during the data collection.

March, J.S., Petrycki, S., Silva, S., Curry, J., Wells, K., Fairbank, J., Burns, B., Domino, M., Vitiello, B., Severe, J.B., Casat, C., Feeney, N., Waslick, B., Walkup, J., Karochvil, C., Albano, A., Reinecke, M., Sallee, R., Cottingham, E., Rohde, P., Simons, A., Weller, E., Emslie, G., Benazon, N., Rosenberg, D., Butkus, M., & Bartoi, M. (2005). The Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS): Demographic and clinical characteristics. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 44, 28-40. Impact factor: 7.182

Note of contribution: I contributed to data collection for the Detroit node of this NIMH clinical trial. In addition, I assisted in writing and editing the CBT manual used during the data collection.

March, J.S., Petrycki, S., Silva, S., Curry, J., Wells, K., Fairbank, J., Burns, B., Domino, M., Vitiello, B., Severe, J.B., Casat, C., Feeney, N., Waslick, B., Walkup, J., Karochvil, C., Albano, A., Reinecke, M., Sallee, R., Cottingham, E., Rohde, P., Simons, A., Weller, E., Emslie, G., Benazon, N., Rosenberg, D., Butkus, M., & Bartoi, M. (2004). Fluoxetine, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and their combination for adolescents with depression: Treatment for Adolescents Study (TADS) randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 292, 807-820. Impact factor: 44.4

Note of contribution: I contributed to data collection for the Detroit node of this NIMH clinical trial. In addition, I assisted in writing and editing the CBT manual used during the data collection.

March, J.S., Petrycki, S., Silva, S., Curry, J., Wells, K., Fairbank, J., Burns, B., Domino, M., Vitiello, B., Severe, J.B., Casat, C., Feeney, N., Waslick, B., Walkup, J., Karochvil, C., Albano, A., Reinecke, M., Sallee, R., Cottingham, E., Rohde, P., Simons, A., Weller, E., Emslie, G., Benazon, N., Rosenberg, D., Butkus, M., & Bartoi, M. (2003). Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS): Rationale, Design, and Methods. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(5), 28-40. Impact factor: 7.182

Note of contribution: I contributed to data collection for the Detroit node of this NIMH clinical trial. In addition, I assisted in writing and editing the CBT manual used during the data collection

Nolan, C.L., Moore, G.J., Madden, R., Farchione, T., Bartoi, M.G., Lorch, E.R., Stewart, C.M., Rosenberg, D.R. (2002). Prefrontal cortical volume in childhood-onset major depression: preliminary findings. Archives of General Psychiatry, 59, 173-179. Impact factor: 6.78

Note of contribution: I provided assistance with data collection and assisted with editing the final drafts of this journal article.

Bartoi, M.G., Kinder, B.N., & Tomianovic, D. (2000) Interaction effects of emotional status and sexual abuse on adult sexuality. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 26, 1-23. Impact factor: 1.23

Note of contribution: I provided the original idea for this study, independently conducted the literature review, planned all data collection and research methodology, wrote all sections of the original draft for my doctoral dissertation and wrote all sections of the conversion to a journal publication. Dr. Kinder provided mentoring and editing. D. Tomianovic assisted with data collection.

Bartoi, M.G., & Kinder, B.N. (1998). The effects of child and adult sexual abuse on adult sexuality. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 24, 75-90. Impact factor: 1.23

Note of contribution: I provided the original idea for this study, independently conducted the literature review, planned for and provided all data collection and research methodology, wrote all sections of the original draft for my master’s thesis and wrote all sections of the conversion to a journal publication. Dr. Kinder provided mentoring and editing.

C. Abstracts Published in Academic Journals

Farchione, T.R., Moore, G.J., Nolan, C., Stewart, C., Lorch, E., Bartoi, M.G., Rosenberg, D. (2001). A short-echo 1-H spectroscopy and volumetric MRI study of the ecaudate nucleus in pediatric major depressive disorder. Supplement to Biological Psychiatry, 49, p120S.

Note of contribution: I provided assistance with data collection and assisted with editing the final drafts of this journal abstract.

Farchione, T.R., Moore, G.J., Nolan, C., Stewart, C., Lorch, E., Bartoi, M.G., Rosenberg, D.R. (2001) Spectroscopic imaging of temporal cortex in treatment-naive pediatric major depression.  Scientific Proceedings of the American Academy of Child

and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume XVII. P2, page 108.

Note of contribution: I provided assistance with data collection and assisted with editing the final drafts of this journal abstract.

D. Creative Performances

1. Metropolitan Area

• Interviewed on Bloomfield Hills Cable channel about the Psychology Clinic’s Dialectical Behavioral Therapy program, Jan 7, 2017.

• Interviewed by comedian George Lopez for an A&E documentary in April 2017, “Very Superstitious,”which has not aired.

E. Papers Presented

1. Invited and/or Refereed Internationally or Nationally

Tzilos, G. & Bartoi, M. (March, 2007). Strategies in prevention of substance use in youth populations. Presented at the “18th Annual National Youth-at-Risk Conference,” Georgia Southern University.   

Note of contribution: I provided mentoring and editing for G. Tzilos’ poster.

Bartoi, M.G., Kinder, B.N., Tomianovic, D. (1999) Interaction effects of emotional status and sexual abuse on adult sexuality. Paper presentation, New Orleans, LA.

Note of contribution: I provided the original idea for this study, independently conducted the literature review, planned all data collection and research methodology, and wrote all sections of the original draft.

Bartoi, M.G. (1997). Meeting the needs of incarcerated female substance abusers. Paper presentation at the “Women and Mental Health: Response Programs and Services” Conference, Tampa, FL.

Note of contribution: I conducted the literature review, prepared the presentation and presented it at the conference. Dr. Roger Peters contributed the original idea for the presenation and provided editing and mentoring.

2. Invited and/or Refereed Locally/Regionally

Weitekamp, L., Barnett, D., Kuentzel, J, Bartoi, M., McFayden, K., Franklin, M., Thompson, R., & Radcliffe, A. (September, 2006). Examining the psychological assessment process: Parental adherence to psychological report recommendations and reasons for non-adherence. Presented to “Promoting Well-Being of Children and Youth: Best Practices” Wayne State University.

Note of contribution: I provided assistance with data collection and editing of the poster.

F. Invited Seminars or Lectures Presented in Last Five Years

Bartoi, M.G. (2017, 2018). Dialectical Behavioral Skills Training Workshop. Full Day workshop provided to faculty and students in the clinical area.

Bartoi, M.G. (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018). Assessment of Substance Use Disorders. Presented to psychology graduate students as a guest lecturer for Lisa Rapport’s Assessment Practicum course. (also listed under “teaching”)

Bartoi, M.G. (2014). Behavior Problems and the Wechsler Tests. Presented to the Psychology clinical area brown bag research lecture series.

Bartoi, M.G. (2014). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workshop. Two-day workshop presented to the staff at Southwest Solutions.


A. Administrative Appointments at Wayne State in Last Five Years

• Associate Director of the Wayne State Psychology Clinic

B. Committee Assignments in Last Five Years

1. College/Department Committee Chaired

• Co-Chair of the Psychology Department’s Diversity Committee

• Co-Chair of the Continuing Education in Psychology Committee

2. College/Department Committee Membership

• Search committee for the Director of CAPS

• Search committee for Associate Director of the Psychology Clinic

• Search committee for Assistant Professor, Clinical, for the Psychology Clinic

• Committee for Psychology Qualifying Exams

• Committee member on 3-4 Psychology thesis and dissertations per year

C. Professional Consultation

1. Consulting to Public Agencies, Foundations, Professional Associations

• I provide psychotherapy and supervision of psychotherapy and assessments at the Wayne State University Psychology Clinic (see “Other Professional Related Service” below).

• I provide supervision to therapists at the General Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (GPAM) clinic at Children’s Hospital.

2. Consulting to Private Enterprises

• I have a private therapy practice in which I provide psychotherapy to clients in the community.

D. Other Professionally Related Service

Therapy Supervision

Therapy supervision overall average rating from 2004-current was 4.72 out of 5 (no data available prior to 2004; compiled every other year to protect anonymity).

Recent comments have included, “Very supportive and clear direction given whenever needed, great use of tapes in session/supervision, very flexible and open to different ideas and methods, very reliable and available even beyond normal meeting time, good use of peer feedback in supervision as well.” “Dr. Bartoi made supervision approachable and refrained from criticism. She was always constructive and supportive in her comments and she took considerable time to allow us to express our own feelings.” “Dr. Bartoi created an environment in which I was intrinsically challenged and motivated to do my best therapy, and work constantly to improve, without trying to scare me or make me feel anxious. Great supervisor.” “Marla was a great supervisor. I always felt very supported and encouraged in supervision which I think helped me be more comfortable with my clients. “Emphasis on issues of diversity was welcomed and became a major part of supervision where I felt I grew a lot.” “Marla was very good at creating an environment where I felt comfortable sharing my concerns and asking questions about my therapy cases.” “Marla was great to work with. I always felt very supported and understood. She made supervision sessions feel like a safe place to express problems and always had excellent tips for handling difficult situations.”

DBT Supervision

I have been managing the DBT program at our clinic since June, 2016. This includes weekly consultation and supervision meetings, assigning clinicians to the skills groups, overseeing patient participation and progress, and providing yearly training workshops.

Assessment Supervision of Clinical Graduate Students

• I have been supervising psychological assessments since the fall of 2001.

• I supervise approximately 30 assessments per year

• Average evaluation rating of 3.88 (out of 4) from 2015 to present (compiled every other year to protect anonymity)

Recent comments have included, “Marla was available and supportive throughout the assessment process;” “Marla gave helpful comments and feedback on my report while incorporating my own writing style;” “She is a fantastic supervisor who is always eager to help. She was always open to hear my ideas and talk me through a difficult case;” “I always felt that she cared about the clients and me as a supervisor. I always felt welcome and encouraged to ask questions, as well. She has been a wonderful supervisor!” “Marla was available and supportive throughout the entire assessment process”; “Marla's feedback was thorough and understandable”; “Very helpful in offering insight on testing results”; “Dr. Bartoi was exceptionally helpful and readily available throughout the duration of this case. She was understanding and provided useful feedback about both my test administration and written report”; “Marla was amazing to work with. She was able to meet with me whenever I needed to, and she was always helpful in helping me gather my thoughts on this tricky case”; “Marla was always available to meet with me regarding this case and was all around a rockstar advisor”; “Marla was extremely timely in giving me edits on my report and offered great feedback as well. This case was particularly complex and she helped me articulate challenging topics in eloquent and nonoffensive ways”; “Marla was very positive, supportive, and available. She offered feedback but was very encouraging at the same time”; “Dr. Bartoi helped me a lot with my writing style. Her feedback was done in a nonjudgmental way”.

Therapy Supervision for two NIDA-funded Studies.

• Group therapy supervision for a NIDA-funded Clinical Trials Network (CTN) smoking cessation study from June 2002-May 2005. I supervised 3 M.S.W.’s.

• Group therapy supervision for a NIDA-Funded Clinical Trials Network (CTN) job seeker’s workshop study (“Job Seekers for Drug Dependent Patients”) from August 2004-January 2005. I supervised 1 M.S.W and 1 Ph.D. level psychologist.

Therapy Supervision for Research and Training Grants

• Group supervision of CBT in two Flinn Foundation community studies comparing Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, combined treatment and treatment as usual. January 2007-August 2007; September 2009-May 2010.

• Supervision of therapy for the Adolescent Medicine Clinic at Children’s Hospital, funded by Flinn Foundation and Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation (2010-current)


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