Application / Nomination for Young Scientist Awards - 2020

(Saraswathy Srinivasan Prizes / Dr. M. Anandakrishnan Prize)

(Scientists should be below the age of Forty as on 31/12/2020)

Nominations can be made by Vice-chancellors, Dean Academic, Professors & Heads of the University departments, Senior scientists (not less than Associate Directors) of the Research Institutes, Principals / Dean of science of colleges and Senior Fellows of the Academy.

1. Name of the Young Scientist :

[in Block letters]

2. Designation :

3. Date of Birth & Age :

[Attested copy of the age proof should be enclosed]

4. Department :

5. University / Institution/ :

6. Address for Communication

Institutional address :

Home address :

Mobile No. & Email ID :

7. Qualification :

|Degree |Major / Specialization |Institute / University |Year of Passing |% of Marks |

|P.G | | | | |

|M.Phil. | | | | |

|Ph.D. | | | | |

|D.Sc. /D.Litt. | | | | |

8. Additional Qualification

|Degree |Major / Specialization |Institute / University |Year |

|Post Doctoral Research | | | |

|P.G / PG Diploma | | | |

|Any Other | | | |

9. Any Distinctions, Prizes, Medals, Awards and other Honours received :

10. Teaching / Research Experience (as on 31st December 2020) :

Positions held earlier (in chronological order)

|S.No |Designation & |Period |Nature of duties / |Reason for |

| |Office Address | |responsibilities |leaving |

| | |from |to | | |

| | | | | | |

11. List of Publications with citation :

[ (i) State clearly the Title of the publication, Authors (your name in Bold face), Name of

the Journals, Volume, Year, Page numbers,: Citation index, : Impact factor of the journal.]

[ (ii) If there are books, please indicate the name of the publishers and whether it is a

text book or a reference book along with ISBN/ISSN numbers.]

[ (iii) Do not include conference / symposia proceedings.]

[ (iv) Please enclose a selected few reprints (at least three) which will support the originality

and innovative thinking. If your work has been cited by other authors, kindly include the

exact wording of citation.]

12. A brief account of the original work done:

[Novelty of the method adopted, usefulness and applicability of the work to the needs of the society and any special features may be included.]

13. Research Projects

|No |Title of the Project |Amount |Funding Agency |Year |

| | |(Rs. in lakhs) | | |

| | | | | |

14. Supervision for Research Degree

|Degree |Awarded |Waiting for viva |In Progress |

|M.Phil | | | |

|Ph.D | | | |

15. Any patents filed or awarded: [Evidence to be provided]


I hereby declare that the information furnished are true to the best of my knowledge.

Date: Signature of the Young Scientist

Details of the person who makes the nomination

Name :

Designation :

Institution :

Remarks :

Signature of the person who makes the nomination with seal


Specify the discipline to which the Application / Nomination is made:

Mathematical Sciences / Physical Sciences / Chemical Sciences / Biological Sciences /

Engineering and Technology

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