Dear Llanmadoc Open Gardens Committee,

Newsletter 18

January 2018

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Dear Parent/carer,

We are into the term with lots of work both inside and outside the classroom. We won’t let some rain and wind stop us using our great outdoors to have some exciting learning. This week we plan to use the local woods for some exciting field work. The children have begun to look at the campaign for cleaning up our seas. This is a cause very close to their hearts and their enthusiasm is great to see.

The children are also looking at the school environment and giving their ideas on ways to improve it. We would welcome any suggestions from parents on how you think we can make our learning environment even better for your children.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Jenkins

Campaign for Cleaner Beaches

The children have thrown themselves into the campaign and are spending part of their enrichment sessions learning about and getting involved in this local and global environmental issue.

During our enrichment session last week Dominic from the National Trust came into school to talk to us about Plastic Pollution and the effect it's having on the Gower Coast and further afield. 

Our Year 5/6 class has completed the Surfers Against Sewage "Ocean Guardian" application form.  Only 25 schools in the UK will awarded the status of "Ocean Guardians" so fingers crossed! Should we be successful SAS would supply us with an "Ocean Plastic Kit" to help us tackle the plastic pollution on our local beaches. 

Following our enrichment session where we learnt about plastic pollution and the effects it’s having on the environment and our Gower Coastline, the children were eager to have a go at a challenge set by the Surfers Against Sewage, "Power to the Pupils Plastic Free February". We have registered our interest so will keep you posted on all the details.

Head Lice

We have reports of head lice at school. Please could everyone check their children tonight and treat as necessary. Please can you also check your own hair as adults can re-infect their children.

Please help us to reduce the spread of these little visitors by:-

• Tying long hair back

• Checking your child’s hair regularly

• Regular brushing and combing

• Informing the school if your child has head lice so we can send out letters and reminders.


Our class winners this week were Mr Donovan’s class with 97%. A great effort! As a school we were 93.9% not such a good week.

Our weekly 100% winners were William Wright, Noa Richards and Lucy Wakeford.

What a fantastic effort. Well done to everyone for trying to reach our target.


Pupil Voice

School Council: The School council has come up with questionnaires for the classes to see how the children feel we can help them improve their learning and improve the school facilities. Once we have come up with our findings we will let you know what we are planning to do to make our school even better.

Easy fundraising

Thank-you to everyone who has registered and joined easy fundraising to collect donations. We currently have 48 supporters and have raised a total of £988.86. So a big thank-you to everyone who is collecting donations and if you are not yet registered then please follow the steps below.

We are raising money for Knelston Primary School – Swansea via easy fundraising.

It’s so simple to get going all you have to do is:

1. Go to

2. Sign up for free

3. Get shopping and start raising

No catches, no hidden charges and Knelston Primary School - Swansea will be really grateful for your donations. It would be fantastic if you could join me and really help make a difference.

PTA Events

The next meeting of the PTA is on 9:30 Thursday 25th January in the staff room.

Our fundraising continues to have a huge impact on the children’s experiences and learning and we are continuing to fund the interactive C-touch screens in the Foundation Phase classrooms.

We already have events in the diary for this new term so watch this space for further details over the next few weeks.

Valentine’s Disco: Wednesday 14 February 3.30-5.00pm in the school hall.

Curry & Quiz Night: Saturday 10 March at the South Gower Sports Club.

Music Lessons

For those pupils who are having music lessons with Mrs. Charlotte Gibbs lessons will resume next week on Tuesday morning. Please remember to bring in your instrument.


|Date |Year Group |Club |

|Monday 22nd January |3-6 |No science club this week |

|Wednesday 24th January |All |Minecraft Club 3:30-4:30pm |

|Thursday 25th January |All |Ukulele Club 3:30-4:15 pm |

|Friday 26th January |Y5-6 |Football Club – 3:30-4:30pm |

Forthcoming Dates

|Date |Year Group |Activity |

|Monday 5th February – Friday 9th February |Y5-6 |Abernant Residential |

|2018 | | |

|Wednesday 14th March –Friday 16th March 2018 |Y3-4 |St Madoc Residential |


|Date |

|Monday 16th April |

|Monday 4th June |

Term Dates

School term and holiday dates 2017/18

|Term |Term begins |Term ends |Mid-term holiday |Term begins |Term ends |Total days |

| | | |Begins |Ends |

|Spring 2018 |Monday |Friday |Monday |Friday |

| |8 January |16 February |19 February |23 February |

|Summer 2018 |Monday |Friday |Monday |Friday |

| |16 April |25 May |28 May |1 June |

|Total: |195 |


Right of the month:

Your right to have information


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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