Mrs. Sarno-Ullo & Mr. Smith's 9th Grade Global History Class

Name: _______________________________________________ Band: _______

Semester 1 Project Brainstorm – Ancient Greece

Directions: Today we will be summarizing our findings on the classical civilization, Greece. Complete the following tasks.

• Organize your Greece sheets in order as outlined on your point sheet; staple together.

• List the handout titles under the Enduring Issue that each applies. Handouts can be listed in several enduring issues.

Provide evidence (quotations from the handout) that match your E.I.


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Name: ____________________________________ Band: _______

Semester 1 Project Brainstorm – Ancient Greece

Directions: Pick one of the enduring issues from the brain chart. Write a TEAL paragraph that

• States the Enduring Issue you chose and a definition

• Provides evidence & examples from the document—QUOTATIONS

• Explanation in YOUR OWN WORDS of how the evidence/examples connects to the E.I. chosen

• Analysis how this issue affected people or been affected by people.

• How the issues has continued to be an issue or changed over time.

An enduring issue is an issue that exists across time. It is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. One enduring issue is cultural diffusion/ human rights/ impact of environment on humans/power/scarcity/technology (choose one), which means (provide a definition) ___________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This enduring issue has been seen in Ancient Greece. One example of the enduring issue of cultural diffusion/ human rights/ impact of environment on humans/power/ scarcity/ technology (choose one), can be seen in Ancient Greece is (provide examples/quotations) ________________________________________________________________________________________


This displays the enduring issue of cultural diffusion/ human rights/ impact of environment on humans/power/ scarcity/ technology (choose one), because/by ____________________________________________________


This impacted people/places/societies in a positive/negative (choose one) way because (explain why the evidence you described above impacts people in a good/bad way) _______________________________________________




This has continued to be an issue/changed over time (choose one) ____________________________________

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|Clearly identifies and accurately defines an | | | |

|enduring issue. |Identifies and accurately |Identifies and accurately defines an enduring issue; |Fails to develop the task or |

|Evidence and examples presented pertain to task |defines an enduring issue. |may include minor inaccuracies or identifies, but |may only refer to the issue |

|in great detail and support thesis and matches |Evidence and examples presented pertain |does not define an enduring issue or definition is |in a general way; OR includes|

|the E.I. |to task with sufficient detail, support |unclear. |no relevant facts, examples, |

|Incorporates substantial evidence about the |thesis and matches the E.I. |Evidence and examples are used, but there are minimal|or details; OR includes only |

|change over time/continued to be an issue. |Develops an argument in some detail about|details; support the E.I or position taken and/or |evidence copies from the |

|Develops a thoughtful and in-depth argument |how the E.I. affected people. |there are some inaccuracies; and/or documents are |documents; OR includes only |

|about it impacts people or how they have been |Incorporates relevant evidence about the |primarily copied. |entire documents copied; OR |

|affected. |change over time/continued to be an issue|Argument is not clearly explained on in depth about |is illegible; OR is a blank |

|Explained how it continued to be an issue or |with some facts. |how the E.I. affected people. |paper. |

|change over time clearly and in depth. |Is more descriptive than analytical. |Explained how it continued to be an issue or change | |

|Is more analytical or descriptive | |over time, but lacks clarity or depth. | |

| | |Lacks analysis; provides only description. | |



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