19th Amendment

19th Amendment |Women’s suffrage |F. Scott Fitzgerald |American Author of the Lost Generation who coined the term “The Jazz Age” and authored The Great Gatsby |Communism |A system of government which abolishes private property in order to distribute wealth and power equally. | |

|Marcus Garvey |Head of the UNIA, he led the “Back |Flappers |Bold, free-spirited women of the |Scopes Trial |Trial revolving around religious |

| |to Africa” movement. | |1920s who bobbed their hair, wore | |beliefs v. scientific theory. |

| | | |short skirts, make up, and went out| |William Jennings Bryan prosecuted |

| | | |smoking and drinking. | |the case against teacher John |

| | | | | |Scopes, represented by Clarence |

| | | | | |Darrow. |

|Harlem Renaissance |The African American literary |Dust Bowl |Time of economic disparity for |Fundamentalist |A person who believes that the |

| |awakening of the 1920s. | |farmers in the Midwest due to | |Bible was inspired by God, and |

| | | |drought and poor farming habits. | |therefore is literally true; there |

| | | | | |is no interpretation needed. |

|Lost Generation |A group of American writers who |Sacco-Vanzetti Trial |Two immigrants were executed for |Black Tuesday |October 29, 1929, the day that the |

| |moved to Europe to escape the | |robbing and killing a man. Many | |stock market crashed; primarily |

| |changing US culture. | |believed they were convicted only | |caused by things like installment |

| | | |because they were immigrants. | |plans and an unregulated stock |

| | | | | |market. |

|United Negro Improvement |An organization designed to |W.E.B Du Bois |Head of the NAACP, this man |The Great Depression |Economic downturn which began in |

|Association (UNIA) |increase the self-respect and | |believed that African Americans | |Herbert Hoover’s presidency in |

| |economic power of African | |should become educated to advance | |which there was little demand and |

| |Americans, encouraging solidarity. | |in society. | |few jobs available. 1 out of 4 |

| | | | | |people were without a job. |

|Langston Hughes |The most influential poet of the |Charles Lindbergh & |American aviators and heroes who |Buying on Margin |Borrowing money to buy stocks. |

| |Harlem Renaissance. |Amelia Earhart |flew across the Atlantic Ocean. | | |

|Prohibition |The time period in which the |National Origins Act |Act that used the 1890 census to |Herbert Hoover |President 1929-1933, during the |

| |manufacturing, production, and sale| |determine the number of immigrants | |Great Depression. He did not |

| |of alcohol was illegal. | |that would be allowed per | |believe in direct relief because it|

| | | |nationality into the U.S. | |would kill individual initiative. |

|Red Scare |Time period 1917-1920 marked by a |Ku Klux Klan |An organization against anyone not |New Deal |Program initiated by FDR |

| |widespread fear of anarchism and | |white and protestant. | |(1933-1938) with the goal of giving|

| |communism, as well as the effects | | | |relief for the people, reform of |

| |of radical political agitation in | | | |the society, and recovery to the |

| |American society | | | |people and economy of the United |

| | | | | |States during the Great Depression.|

|Alphabet Agencies |Under FDR’s New Deal, banking |Mass Media |This boomed in the 1920s-1920s, as |Great Migration |The movement of African Americans |

| |reform laws, emergency relief | |ways to communicate with a large | |from the south to the north for |

| |programs, work relief programs, | |number of American citizens. FDR | |better job opportunities and to |

| |agricultural programs, union | |utilized this with his “fireside | |escape violence and persecution in |

| |protection programs, and a social | |chats” | |the south. |

| |security program. | | | | |

|Franklin D. Roosevelt |President 1933-1945, During the |Social Security Act |A New Deal program which had a |Nativism |The belief that people born in the |

| |Great Depression he created the New| |great lasting impact on American | |United States are superior to |

| |Deal to provide relief for the | |Society, and is still in use today | |immigrants. |

| |unemployed, recovery of the | |to aid the elderly, disabled, and | | |

| |economy, and reform of the economic| |unemployed. | | |

| |and banking systems. | | | | |

|Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) |Organization started as part of the|Results of the New Deal |greatly increased the involvement |Urbanization |The movement of people to cities, |

| |New Deal to provide flood control, | |of the federal government in | |usually because of industry |

| |electricity generation, and | |business and people’s lives; | | |

| |economic development in a region | |government became involved in the | | |

| |severely impacted by the Great | |economy to benefit the people | | |

| |Depression | | | | |

|Securities Exchange Commission |Alphabet agencies developed as part|Organized Crime |An impact of prohibition, people |Isolationism |A policy of pulling away from |

|(SEC) |of the New Deal designed to to | |had to illegally produce and | |involvement in world affairs. |

|& |develop rules to limit speculation | |distribute alcohol which caused the| | |

|Federal Deposit Insurance |and safeguard savings | |growth of this. | | |

|Corporation (FDIC) | | | | | |


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