K L University

Department of Physics

Course Handout for Engineering Materials; Year: I; PROGRAM: B. Tech.

A.Y.2017-18, First Semester

Course Name: Engineering Materials

Course Code: 17PH1001

L-T-P structure: 3-0-2

Course Credits: 4

Course Coordinator: Dr. M. Venkateswarlu

Course Instructors: Dr. M Venkatewarlu, Dr NSMP Latha Devi, Dr. G Sunita Sundari, Dr. K Swapna, Dr. Sk Mahamuda, Dr. S Siva Kumar, Dr. N Krishna Jyothi, Mr. MVVKS Prasad, Mr. M Gnana Kiran, Dr. A Venkateswara Rao, Dr. G Kiran Kumar, Dr. Ch Rajesh, Dr. Sk Babu, Dr. A Venkata Ravindra, Dr. D Thanga Raju

Course Objective:

Student will attain the knowledge of different types of materials and their properties, which aids his/her understanding of specific applications of engineered materials in the current Technological era.

Course Rationale:

Engineering Materials is a dynamic field, which involves analysis of processing, structure, property and performance relation for engineered materials and methods of manufacturing such materials having desired applications. Material scientists working in laboratories, industries, strive to understand and manipulate the structure of materials at molecular level to gain control over their properties. Such efforts caused for exploration of a new class of materials called Nano materials. Further these Nano materials have revolutionized the world with many fascinating devices and enhancing properties, which could not have been envisioned before. All sophisticated devices like computers, aircraft, biomedical devices etc., require materials manufactured to precise specifications. The evolution of advanced products can be hobbled by the limitations of the available materials.

In just, the course ‘Engineering Materials’ is useful to an engineering student to understand importance of materials in the current technological age.

Course Outcomes (COs):

|CO No: |Course Outcome(CO) |SO |Blooms Taxonomy |

| | | |Level (BTL) |

|1 |Understands structure of crystalline solids, kinds of crystal imperfections and appreciates structure-property |a |1 |

| |relationship in crystals. | | |

|2 |Understands spin and orbital motion of electrons in determining magnetic properties of materials and identifies their role|a |1 |

| |in classification soft & hard magnetic materials having specific engineering applications. | | |

|3 |Understands role of molecular level vibrations in determining thermal properties of materials, heat treatment methods for |a |1 |

| |changing the microstructure of materials and micro and macro level responses of materials subjected to load, for | | |

| |identification of materials having specific engineering applications. | | |

|4 |Understands the role of electronic energy band structures of solids in governing various electrical and optical properties|a |1 |

| |of materials. | | |

|5 |Apply the knowledge on structure and properties of materials while executing related experiments and develop some inter |b |2 |

| |disciplinary projects. | | |

COURSE OUTCOME INDICATORS (COI): (3 to 5 COIs per each CO is permitted except for Lab oriented CO, for Lab two COIs are normally permitted)

|CO No. |COI-1 |COI-2 |COI-3 |

|CO-1: |Explain various types of bonding in solids |Compare different X-ray diffraction techniques |Compare various types of imperfections present in crystals |

| |and basic concepts required to understand |and explain structural information of crystals. |and illustrate their effect on properties of crystals. |

| |structure of crystals. | | |

|CO-2: |Demonstrate relations among magnetic field |Explain role of spin and orbital motions of |Extend relation between structure & magnetic behavior of |

| |vectors and origin of magnetic moment in |electrons in classification & compare properties |ferro, Antiferro and ferri magnetic materials to find |

| |materials. |of magnetic materials |reasons behind specific applications of magnetic materials.|

|CO-3: |Extend significance of molecular vibrations |Classify materials based on responses shown |Explain iron-carbon phase diagram and various heat |

| |in explaining different thermal properties of|against increasing load and interpret methods of |treatment processes which will bring desired mechanical |

| |metals, ceramics and polymers. |determining Hardness. |properties to materials of interest. |

|CO-4: |Explain formation of energy bands in solids. |Compare electrical properties of metals, |Summarize various optical phenomenon with a real time |

| | |semiconductors and dielectrics. |application. |

|CO-5: |By applying X-ray diffraction Technique and |By applying the concepts of Electrical and |By applying the concepts of Mechanical and Thermal |

| |visible monochromatic light student will find|optical properties of Materials Student will |properties of Materials Student will learn to calculate, |

| |parameters like lattice constant of unit |learn to find type of semiconductor, band gap of |thermal conductivity of bad conductor using lee’s method, |

| |cell, particle size. |semiconductor and refractive Index of the given |Young’s Modulus and creep constant of the given materials. |

| | |materials. |By applying the concepts of Magnetic properties of |

| | | |Materials Student will learn to draw the Hysteresis loop to|

| | | |determine energy loss. |

SYLLABUS (As approved by BoS):

1. Crystallography: Bonding in materials, Space lattice, basis, unit cell, Seven Crystal systems, Bravais lattice system, Reciprocal lattice, Crystal directions, Miller Indices, problems, Diffraction of Crystals, Bragg’s Law, XRD, Laue, Rotating Crystal and powder XRD Techniques, Problems.

2. Crystal Imperfections: Point Defects, Line Defects, Surface Defects, Volume Defects, and Effects of Defects on Crystalline Properties.

3. Magnetic properties: Origin of Magnetic Moment, Dia, Para, Ferro, Antiferro and Ferri Magnetism, Domain theory and Hysteresis Effect of Ferro and Ferri Magnetism, Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials.

4. Thermal properties: Iron-Carbon Diagram, Heat capacity, Thermal Expansion and Thermal Conductivity in Metals, Ceramics and Polymers, Heat treatment of Materials, Hardening, Tempering, Quenching and Nitriding.

5. Mechanical Properties: Stress, Strain, Hooke’s Law, Elasticity, Plasticity, Creep, Ductility, Brittle, Hardness, Strength, Modulus of Elasticity, Fracture, Fatigue, Stress- Strain Behavior of Ductile and Brittle Materials, Hardness Tests- Vickers, Rockwell and Brinell.

6. Electrical Properties: Energy band theory, Band structures in Conductors, Semi conductors and Insulators, Electrical properties of conductors- Ohms, Mathiessen’s rule, conductivity, Mobility, Electrical properties of Semi conductors, Factors effecting the carrier concentration, Conductivity and Mobility of charge carriers. Electric properties of Insulator-Dielectrics- Types of Dielectrics, Dielectric Constant, Polarization, Types of Polarizations, Frequency Dependence of Polarization, Ferro, Piezo Electrics.

7. Optical properties: Optical reflectance, Optical Absorption, Snell’s law, Total Internal reflection in optical fibers.

BoS Approved Text books:

1. William D. Callister, Jr. “Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction” 6th edition, 2007, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

2. Charles Kittel,” Introduction to Solid State Physics” 8th edition, 2012, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

BoS Approved Reference Books:

1. Adrianus J. Dekker, “Solid State Physics” 1st Edition 2002, Macmillan India Ltd.

Other Books, References: (As recommended for reference by the course team, if any)

1. S. O. Pillai, "Solid state physics" Revised 6th edition, New Age International Publishers.

2. Rangwala, Engineering Materials (Material Science), Charotar Publishing House PVT. LTD.

Deviations (if any) from BoS approved syllabus and the topics planned:

No deviations.


|Sess. No. |CO |COI |Topic (s) |Teaching-Learning |Evaluation Component |

| | | | |Methods | |

|1 |1 |1 |Potential energy – Interatomic distance, Bonding in solids |Board teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation - Test 1 |

| | | | |– One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|2 |1 |1 |Bonding in solids |Board teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation - Test 1 |

| | | | |– One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|3 |1 |1 |Basic definitions of crystallography |Board teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation - Test 1 |

| | | | |– One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|4 |1 |1 |Crystal systems and Bravais lattices. SC,BCC & FCC (No. of lattice points & |Board teaching, PPT |In semester evaluation. - Test |

| | | |Co-ordination number) |& video1 - One min.|1 &end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |paper | |

|5 |1 |1 |Miller indices & Problems on Miller indices |Board teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |- video2 -One min. |1&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |paper | |

|6 |1 |1 |Problems and planes practice |Board teaching |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | | |1&end sem. Exam |

|7 |1 |2 |Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction, definition of Reciprocal lattice |Board Teaching & - |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |video3- One min. |1&end sem. Exam |

| | | | |paper | |

|8 |1 |2 |Laue X-ray diffraction technique & Rotating crystal method |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |One min. paper |1&end sem. Exam. |

|9 |1 |2 |Powder crystal methods & Problems on Bragg's law |Board Teaching, PPT |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |& - One min. paper |1&end sem. Exam. |

|10 |1 |3 |Classification of crystal imperfections, geometries of point effects |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |- One min. paper |1&end sem. Exam. |

|11 |1 |3 |line defects |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |- One min. paper |1&end sem. Exam |

|12 |1 |3 |Surface defects and Volume defects |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation-Test |

| | | | |- One min. paper |1&end sem. Exam. |

|13 |1 |3 |Effects of crystal imperfections on their properties |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation-Test |

| | | | |- One min. paper |1&end sem. Exam. |

|14 |2 |1 |Basic definitions of magnetic field vectors and Field strength around a current|Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | |carrying coil |One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|15 |2 |1 |Relations among field vectors and problems |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|16 |2 |1 |Origin of magnetic moment and Classification of magnetic materials based on |Board Teaching- One|In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | |atomic magnetic moment |min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|17 |2 |2 |Properties of dia and para magnetic materials and applications |Board Teaching- One|In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|18 |2 |2 |Properties of ferro, anti-ferro and ferri magnetic materials: Comparison |Board Teaching- One|In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|19 |2 |2 |Anti-ferro magnetism of MnO and temperature dependence of susceptibility of |Board Teaching- One|In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | |anti-ferromagnetic materials |min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|20 |2 |2 |Ferrimagnetism of Fe3O4 with structural aspects |Board Teaching- One|In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|21 |2 |3 |Domain theory of ferromagnetism & ferrimagnetism |Board |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |Teaching & PPT - |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |One min. paper | |

|22 |2 |3 |Hysteresis effect and Hysteresis curve of Ferromagnetic materials |Board |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |Teaching & PPT - |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |One min. paper | |

|23 |2 |3 |Domain theory explanation to Hysteresis curve |Board |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |Teaching & PPT - |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |One min. paper | |

|24 |2 |3 |Soft and hard magnetic materials, properties and applications |Board |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |Teaching & PPT - |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |One min. paper | |

|25 |2 |3 |Problems on magnetization, hysteresis effect |Board |In semester evaluation-Test 2 |

| | | | |Teaching & One |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |min. paper | |

|26 |3 |1 |Heat capacity of solid and applications |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |- One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|27 |3 |1 |Thermal Expansion in Metals, Ceramics and Polymers |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |- One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|28 |3 |1 |Thermal Conductivity in Metals, Ceramics and Polymers |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|29 |3 |1 |Definitions of mechanical properties: Elasticity, Plasticity - atomic view, |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | |Stiffness, Definitions of Strength, Hardness, Toughness, Ductility, |One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | |Brittleness, Toughness and Fracture | | |

|30 |3 |2 |Moduli of elasticity. Poisson's Ratio |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |- One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|31 |3 |2 |Stress - Strain relationship of ductile and brittle materials |Board Teaching & PPT|In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |- One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|32 |3 |2 |True stress – True strain. Comparison of true stress – true strain curve and |Board Teaching, PPT |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | |Engineering Stress – Engineering strain curve |& - One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|33 |3 |2 |Indentation test methods for Hardness estimation |Board Teaching, PPT |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |& video 13, 14, 15. |&end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |- One min. paper | |

|34 |3 |2 |Problems in Mechanical properties |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|35 |3 |2 |Iron-Carbon Diagram |Board Teaching, PPT |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | | |&end sem. Exam. |

|36 |3 |3 |Heat treatment of Materials, Hardening, Tempering, Quenching and Nitriding |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation-Test 3 |

| | | | |One min. paper |&end sem. Exam. |

|37 |4 |1 |Introduction to Band theory of solids, Classification of materials into |Board Teaching & |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | |conductors, semiconductors and insulators |video4 - One min. |4(Quiz) & end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |paper | |

|38 |4 |1 |Process of electrical conduction in metals: conductivity & mobility, |Board Teaching & |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | |Matthiessen's rule of electrical resistivity |Video 7 - One min. |4(Quiz) & end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |paper | |

|39 |4 |2 |Introduction to semiconductors: Classification. Problems |Board Teaching &PPT |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |- One min. paper |4(Quiz) & end sem. Exam. |

|40 |4 |2 |Factors affecting conductivity of semiconductors |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |One min. paper |4(Quiz) &end sem. Exam. |

|41 |4 |2 |Dielectrics: Basic relations, parallel plate capacitor |Board Teaching - |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |One min. paper |4(Quiz) &end sem. Exam. |

|42 |4 |2 |Three types of polarizations, Frequency dependence of polarization |Board Teaching |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |-Video 9, 10 One |4(Quiz) &end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |min. paper | |

|43 |4 |2 |Piezoelectricity and Ferro electricity |Board Teaching & |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |video 11, 12 - One |4(Quiz) &end sem. Exam. |

| | | | |min. paper | |

|44 |4 |2 |Optical reflectance, absorption |Board Teaching |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | | |4(Quiz) &end sem. Exam. |

|45 |4 |3 |Snell’s law and TIR in optical fibers |Board Teaching, PPT |In semester evaluation- Test |

| | | | |- One min. paper. |4(Quiz) &end sem. Exam. |

Session wise Teaching – Learning Plan

Session Number: 1

Session Outcome:

1. Understands nature of bonding in solids.

|Time (min)|Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Introduction | | | |

|20 |Bonding in solids |MSE by Callister's, P.No.24 - |1 |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |34; SSP by S.O. Pillai, P.No. 47| |paper |

| | |- 78 | | |

|20 |Potential energy versus inter-atomic distance curve |MSE by Callister's, P.No.24 - |1 |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |34; SSP by S.O. Pillai, P.No. 47| |paper |

| | |- 78 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering, SSP: Solid State Physics.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify various types of bonds in solids. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Draw PE versus inter-atomic distance curve and identify binding |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |energy and equilibrium spacing. | | |

Session Number: 2

Session Outcome:

1. Understands nature of bonding in solids.

|Time (min)|Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Introduction | | | |

|20 |Bonding in solids |MSE by Callister's, P.No.24 - |1 |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |34; SSP by S.O. Pillai, P.No. 47| |paper |

| | |- 78 | | |

|20 |Potential energy versus inter-atomic distance curve |MSE by Callister's, P.No.24 - |1 |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |34; SSP by S.O. Pillai, P.No. 47| |paper |

| | |- 78 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering, SSP: Solid State Physics.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify various types of bonds in solids. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Explain the properties of primary bonds |1 |One Min. Paper |

Session Number: 3

Session Outcome:

1. Understands basic knowledge of crystal and amorphous materials.

|Time (min)|Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Introduction | | | |

|20 |Definition of crystal and amorphous solids. Differences in their |SSP by A.J. Dekker, P. No. 1 -4 | |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| |properties | | |paper |

|20 |Basic concepts of crystal structures: Space lattice, Basis, Unit cell |SSP by A.J. Dekker, P. No. 1 -4 |1 |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Draw pictures of atomic arrangement along with bond |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |representations in crystals and non-crystalline solids. | | |

|2 |Tell the differences between properties of crystal and amorphous |1 |Test Question |

| |solids. | | |

Session Number: 4

Session Outcome:

1. Understands shapes of 7 crystal systems.

2. Understands structures of 14 types of Bravais lattices.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Crystal systems |MSE by Callister's, P.No.38 - 41 |1 |Board teaching, PPT & video1 - One |

| | | | |min. paper |

|20 |14 types of Bravais lattices |SSP by S.O Pillai, P.No.102 - 103 |1 |Board teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering; SSP: Solid State Physics.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Recite the names of 7 crystal systems. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Describe the shape of unit cells of 7 crystal systems using their |1 |Test Question |

| |unit cell specifications. | | |

|3 |Tell the grouping of the 7 crystal systems in 14 types of Bravais |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |lattices | | |

|4 |Draw an area of 10 cm2 with faces of SC, BCC and FCC unit cell of |1 |Test Question |

| |side 2 cm. | | |

Session Number: 5

Session Outcome:

1. Understands significance of Miller indices.

2. Understands solving related Problems.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Definition of Miller indices and Procedure of determining Miller |MSE by Callister, P.No. 45 - 52 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| |indices | | | |

|20 |Problems related to Miller indices. |SSP by S.O. Pillai, P. No. 136 - 139;|1 |Board Teaching & video 2 - One min. |

| | |MSE by Callister, P.No. 59 - 60 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering; SSP: Solid State Physics.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define Miller Indices. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |On a Cartesian coordinate system draw a plane that cuts X, Y, and |1 |Test Question |

| |Z- axes at 4, 6 and 8 respectively and assuming it as a crystal | | |

| |plane. Identify its Miller indices. | | |

|3 |On a Cartesian coordinate system, Recognize a direction and name |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |the direction if a point on the direction has coordinates (8, 16,| | |

| |32) | | |

|4 |Identify the concept of reciprocal lattice. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 6

Session Outcome:

1. Understands solving related Problems.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Practice of planes |MSE by Callister, P.No. 45 - 52 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

|20 |Problems related to Miller indices in negative |SSP by S.O. Pillai, P. No. 136 - 139;|1 |Board Teaching & video 2 - One min. |

| | |MSE by Callister, P.No. 59 - 60 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering; SSP: Solid State Physics.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define Miller Indices. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |On a Cartesian coordinate system draw a plane that cuts X, Y, and |1 |Test Question |

| |Z- axes at 4, 6 and 8 respectively and assuming it as a crystal | | |

| |plane. Identify its Miller indices. | | |

|3 |On a Cartesian coordinate system, Recognize a direction and name |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |the direction if a point on the direction has coordinates (8, 16,| | |

| |32) | | |

|4 |Identify the concept of reciprocal lattice. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 7

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction

2. Understands concept of reciprocal lattice.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Bragg's Law of X-ray diffraction and |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 98 - 100; |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |SSP by C. Kittel, P. No. 24-26 | | |

|20 |Concept of Reciprocal lattice. |SSP by C. Kittel, P. No. 24-26 |1 |Board Teaching - & video 3- One |

| | | | |min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering; SSP: Solid State Physics.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |State Bragg's law of X-ray diffraction. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Describe a pair of transverse waves with phase difference of 0º, |1 |Test Question |

| |90º, 180º, 270 and 360º. | | |

|3 |Predict the approximate resultant wave, if above mentioned pairs |1 |Test Question |

| |of waves superimpose upon each other and make valid comments on | | |

| |intensities of the resultant waves. | | |

Session Number: 8

Session Outcome:

1. Understands X-ray diffraction techniques: Laue and Rotating crystal methods.

2. Understands the applications of XRD

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Laue method of X-ray diffraction |Course Material of Engineering |1 |Board Teaching, PPT - One min. paper |

| | |Materials, P.No. 35 - 36. | | |

|20 |Rotating crystal method of X-ray diffraction |Course Material of Engineering |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 3 - One |

| | |Materials, P.No. 35 - 36. | |min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Write valid comments if single crystal in Laue method is not fixed |1 |Test Question |

| |and allowed for rotation. | | |

|2 |Tell valid comments if polycrystalline solid is used instead of |1 |Test Question |

| |single crystal in Laue method. | | |

|3 |Write valid comments if crystal are fixed in rotating crystal |1 |Test Question |

| |method. | | |

Session Number: 9

Session Outcome:

1. Understands X-ray diffraction technique: powder crystal methods.

2. Understands the applications of Bragg's law and XRD

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Powder X-ray diffraction method of crystal structure determination, |Course Material of Engineering |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. paper |

| | |Materials, P.No. 37 - 40. | | |

|20 |Problems based on Bragg's law | |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Tell valid comments if polychromatic X-Ray beam is used in Powder |1 |One minute paper |

| |crystal method. | | |

Session Number: 10

Session Outcome:

1. Understands classification of crystal imperfections, geometries of point and line defect.

2. Understands various types of point defects

|Time (min)|Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Classification of defects, types Point defects |MSE by Callister's, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |110 - 122) | |paper |

|20 |Schottkey & Frenkel defects |MSE by Callister's, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |110 - 122) | |paper |

|5 |Verify | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define crystal imperfection. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Draw Crystal faces with all types of point defects |1 |Test Question |

|3 |Explain the Schottkey and Frenkel defects with neat diagrams. |1 |Test Question |

|4 |Describe the electronic defects. |1 |One Min. Paper |

Session Number: 11

Session Outcome:

1. Understands classification of crystal imperfections, geometries of point and line defect.

2. Understands various types of point defects

|Time (min)|Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Types of line defects in crystals, Burgers vector |MSE by Callister's, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |123 - 125) | |paper |

|20 |Types of line defects in crystals, Burgers vector |MSE by Callister's, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |123 - 125) | |paper |

|5 |Verify | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define crystal imperfection. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |What is meant by low grain boundary defects |1 |Test Question |

|3 |Draw a crystal face with edge dislocation and screw dislocation. |1 |Test Question |

|4 |Describe the orientation of Burger's vector with respect to |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |dislocation line in edge and screw dislocations. | | |

Session Number: 12

Session Outcome:

1. Understands surface and volume defects.

2. Understand how properties of crystals that are influenced by crystal imperfections.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|30 |Surface defects in crystals |MSE by Callister's, P.No. 125 -|1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. paper |

| | |130 | | |

|10 |Volume defects in crystals |MSE by Callister's, P.No. 125 -|1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. paper |

| | |130 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify the reason for treating external surface of a crystal as |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |surface defect. | | |

|2 |Show a sequence of crystal planes that has stacking fault. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 13

Session Outcome:

1. Understand how properties of crystals are influenced by crystal imperfections.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Donors and acceptors in semiconductors. |MSE by Callister's, P.No. 113 -|1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. paper |

| | |115 | | |

|20 |Solutions hardening in materials. Effects of impurities on |MSE by Callister's, P.No. 113 -|1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. paper |

| |mechanical properties. |115 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Tell the properties that are structure sensitive and structure |1 |Test Question |

| |insensitive. | | |

Session Number: 14

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Basic definitions, Relations among field vectors.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Basic definitions of Magnetism |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 680 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper|

| | |684 | | |

|20 |Magnetic field around a current carrying circular coil. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 684 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper|

| | |685 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define B, H and M vectors. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Draw Magnetic lines of force around a bar magnetic materials and |1 |Test Question |

| |identify the meaning the magnetic field, magnetic flux, magnetic | | |

| |flux density and magnetic field strength. | | |

Session Number: 15

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Relations among field vectors.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Relations between field vectors. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 680 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper|

| | |684 | | |

|20 |Solving problems based on the relations |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 684 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper|

| | |685 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Demonstrate relationship among B, H and M vectors. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 16

Session Outcome:

1. Understands origin of magnetic moment in materials.

2. Understands classification of magnetic materials based on atomic magnetic moment.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Origin of magnetic moment. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 680 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper|

| | |684 | | |

|20 |Classification of magnetic materials |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 684 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper|

| | |685 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify origin of magnetic moment. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Classify magnetic materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 17

Session Outcome:

1. Understands properties of dia and para magnetic materials.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Properties of diamagnetic materials. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|20 |Properties of para Magnetic Materials |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Write properties of diamagnetic materials. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Write properties of paramagnetic materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 18

Session Outcome:

1. Understands properties of ferro, anti-ferro, ferri magnetic materials.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Properties of ferromagnetic materials. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|20 |Properties of anti-ferro and ferri magnetic materials. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Write properties of ferromagnetic materials. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Write properties of anti-ferro and ferri magnetic materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 19

Session Outcome:

1. Understands structure of MnO and temperature dependence of anti-ferromagnetism.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Structure of MnO |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|20 |Temperature dependence of anti-ferromagnetism. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Explain structure of MnO. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Show the plot representing temperature dependence of susceptibility|1 |Test Question |

| |of anti-ferromagnetic material. | | |

Session Number: 20

Session Outcome:

1. Understands structure of Fe3O4 and its ferrimagnetism.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Structure of Fe3O4 |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|20 |Structural aspects of ferrimagnetic behavior. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 685 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |692 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Explain structure of Fe3O4. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Explain ferrimagnetism using structure of Fe3O4. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 21

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Domain theory of ferromagnetism.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Domain theory: Energy components of internal energy of ferromagnetic |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| |material and their meaning |695 | |paper |

|20 |Explanation to ferromagnetic material's preference for domain structure|MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| | |704 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define Domains in ferromagnetic material. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Draw domain structure of a ferromagnetic material |1 |Test Question |

|3 |Show enhanced view of domain wall with transition spin magnetic |1 |Test Question |

| |moment. | | |

Session Number: 22

Session Outcome:

1. Hysteresis effect of ferromagnetic material.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Hysteresis effect of ferromagnetic materials |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| | |695 | |paper |

|20 |Explanation on Hysteresis curve |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| | |704 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define Hysteresis effect |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Define remanence, Coercivity. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 23

Session Outcome:

1. Understands explanation of domain theory to Hysteresis effect.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Explanation of Hysteresis effect based on domain theory: up to |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| |Saturation point. |695 | |paper |

|20 |Explanation of Hysteresis effect based on domain theory: coercivity. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| | |704 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define Domains in ferromagnetic material. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Draw domain structure of a ferromagnetic material |1 |Test Question |

|3 |Show enhanced view of domain wall with transition spin magnetic moment. |1 |Test Question |

|4 |Draw hysteresis curve for Silicon doped iron. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 24

Session Outcome:

1. Understands soft and hard magnetic materials.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Hard and soft magnetic materials. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| | |695 | |paper |

|20 |Applications of hard and soft magnetic materials. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 694 - |1 |Board Teaching &PPT - One min.|

| | |704 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define hard and soft magnetic magnetisms. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Identify applications of hard and soft magnetic materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 25

Session Outcome:

1. Understands methods of solving problems basic concepts on magnetization

2. Understands methods of solving problems involving Hysteresis effect and magnetization.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Solving problems on basic concepts on magnetization |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 713 - 714|1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|20 |Solving problems involving hysteresis effect and magnetization. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 714 - 716|1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify the relationships between magnetic field vectors. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Identify the magnetic field energy required to demagnetize the |1 |Test Question |

| |materials. | | |

|3 |Explain the types of magnetic materials given the values of |1 |Test Question |

| |coercive field strength and retentivity. | | |

Session Number: 26

Session Outcome:

1. Understands importance of heat capacity.

2. Explains variation of thermal expansion of solids with temperature.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Heat capacity of solids: Characteristics and applications of |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 719 - |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. |

| |low and high specific heat materials. |724 | |paper |

|20 |Variation of specific heat with temperature in solids. |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 719 - |1 |Board Teaching & PPT - One min. |

| | |724 | |paper |

|5 |Verify& Summary | |1 | |

SSP: Solid state Physics, MSE: Material science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify importance of heat capacity |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Explain Variation of specific heat with temperature. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 27

Session Outcome:

1. Understands thermal Expansion of solids.

2. Understands atomic view of thermal expansion of solid.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Thermal expansion in metals, ceramics and polymers |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 721 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |723 | | |

|20 |Atomic view of Thermal expansion through symmetric and asymmetric |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 721 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| |PE curves. |723 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Compare thermal expansion of metals, ceramics and polymers. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Explain thermal expansion of solids using anharmonicity in thermal |1 |Test Question |

| |vibrations of atoms. | | |

Session Number: 28

Session Outcome:

1. Compares thermal Conductivity in Metals, Ceramics and Polymers.

2. Understands mechanisms of thermal conduction in solids.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Thermal conduction in metals, ceramics and polymers |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 724 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |725 | | |

|20 |Process of thermal conduction in metals, ceramics and polymers. |MSE by Callister's, P. No. 724 - |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |725 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |State the role of thermal gradient in quantifying the amount of |1 |Test Question |

| |heat flowing from one end to another end of a cylindrical | | |

| |materials. | | |

|2 |Define Thermal conductivity. |1 |One Min. Paper |

Session Number: 29

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Definitions of mechanical properties of materials.

2. Understands atomic view of elasticity and plasticity, types of modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Definitions of mechanical properties: Elasticity, Plasticity - atomic |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| |view, Stiffness, |- 313 | |paper |

|20 |strength, hardness, toughness, ductility, brittleness, fracture and |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| |fatigue |- 313 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define elasticity and Plasticity. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Define the terms: strength, hardness, toughness, ductility |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 30

Session Outcome:

1. understands the types of modulus of elasticity,

2. Understands Poisson’s ratio.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|30 |Different types of Moduli of elasticity |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |- 313 | |paper |

|10 |Poisson's Ratio. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |- 313 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify types of moduli of elasticity |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Explain the Poisson's Ratio |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 31

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Stress-Strain relationship.

2. Understands meaning of strength, hardness, toughness brittleness, toughness and fracture.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Stress - Strain relationship of ductile and brittle materials. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |- 313 | |paper |

|20 |Definitions of Strength, Hardness, Toughness, Ductility, Brittleness, |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| |Toughness and Fracture. |- 313 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Draw stress-strain curve of ductile and brittle materials. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Define Hardness, Ductility, and Brittleness. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 32

Session Outcome:

1. Understands definitions of true stress and true strain.

2. Understands comparison of true stress-strain versus engineering stress-strain curves.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Definitions of True stress – True strain. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | |- 313 | |paper |

|20 |Comparison of true stress – true strain curve and Engineering Stress – |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 303 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| |Engineering strain curve |- 313 | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define true stress and true strain. |1 |One Min. Paper |

|2 |Differentiate true stress and engineering stress. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 33

Session Outcome:

1. Understands procedure of Hardness test methods.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Hardness test methods |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 325 - |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 13, |

| | |330 | |14, 15. - One min. paper |

|20 |Hardness test methods |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 325 - |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 13, |

| | |330 | |14, 15. - One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Explain different methods of testing Hardness of materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 34

Session Outcome:

1. Understands solving of problems in mechanical properties of materials. .

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Solving model problems |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 325 - |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 13, |

| | |330 | |14, 15. - One min. paper |

|20 |Solving model problems. |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. 325 - |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 13, |

| | |330 | |14, 15. - One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Explain the Hardness number. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 35

Session Outcome:

1. Understands importance of Iron- Carbon phase diagram.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |importance of Iron- Carbon phase diagram |Material given |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|20 |Identify the different phases in Iron- Carbon phase diagram |Material given |1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

EM: Engineering Materials

Session Number: 36

Session Outcome:

1. Understands importance of heat treatment of Materials in changing the mechanical properties of metals.

2. Understands methods to change certain properties of metals.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Heat treatment processes for improving mechanical properties: |EM by Rangwala, P. No. 259 -265|1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| |Hardening, Tempering, | | |paper |

|20 |Heat treatment processes for improving mechanical properties: |EM by Rangwala, P. No. 259 -265|1 |Board Teaching - One min. |

| | | | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

EM: Engineering Materials


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Explain the significance of Heat treatment process |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Explain the method of improving ductile nature in materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 37

Session Outcome:

1. Understands role of equilibrium spacing in solids in determining widths of allowed and forbidden energy bands in solids.

2. Understands the classification of materials into conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Energy band formation in solids using PE versus Inter-atomic distance |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 7-One min.|

| |curve & |624-629. | |paper |

|20 |Classification of solids into conductors, semiconductors and |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 7-One min.|

| |insulators. |624-629. | |paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | | | |

SSP: Solid state Physics, MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Draw energy level diagram for a system of tightly bound electrons |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Draw and Explain energy level diagram for a system of moderately |1 |Test Question |

| |bound electrons | | |

|3 |Draw energy level diagram for a system of unbound electrons. |1 |Test Question |

|4 |Draw and explain energy band structure for Copper and Magnesium. |1 |One Min. Paper |

Session Number: 38

Session Outcome:

1. Understands process of electrical conduction in metals.

2. Understands Matthiessen's rule of electrical resistivity.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference Books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Energy band formation in solids using PE versus Inter-atomic distance |MSE by Callister’s, P.No. |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 8-One min.|

| |curve & Classification of solids. |624-629. | |paper |

|20 |Causes of electrical resistance in metals: Matthiessen's rule |MSE by Callister's, P.No. 632|1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |-634 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | | | |

SSP: Solid state Physics, MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Draw energy level diagram for a system of tightly bound electrons |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Explain reasons for electrical resistivity in a metal free from |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |deformation and impurities. | | |

|3 |Identify the reason for increase of resistance with temperature in |1 |One Min. Paper |

| |case of metals. | | |

Session Number: 39

Session Outcome:

1. Understands types of semiconductors.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Semiconductors: Intrinsic, Extrinsic semiconductors and process of |MSE by Callister's, Page No. 637 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| |electrical conduction. & Problems on conductivity. |-644 | | |

|20 |Problems on conductivity | |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | | | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Describe energy level diagrams of intrinsic, n-type and p-type |1 |Test Question |

| |materials and make valid comments. | | |

|2 |Give examples for various types of semiconductors. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 40

Session Outcome:

1. Understands factors effecting conductivity of semiconductors.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Factors effecting electrical conduction in semiconductors: |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| |Temperature versus carrier concentration. |644 -647 | | |

|20 |Factors effecting electrical conduction in semiconductors: mobility |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| |versus carrier concentration and temperature versus mobility |644 -647 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Draw the variation in concentration of charge carriers in p-type |1 |Test Question |

| |semiconductor, with increase in temperature. | | |

|2 |Explain change of electrical resistivity of semiconductor with |1 |Test Question |

| |increase in temperature. | | |

Session Number: 41

Session Outcome:

1. Understands basic definitions of Dielectrics, relations among D, E and P

2. Understands the increase of capacitance of parallel plate capacitor due to dielectric material.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Basic definitions and relations among D, E and P |MSE by Callister's, Page No. 660 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |-666 | | |

|20 |Role of dielectric material in improving capacitance of parallel |MSE by Callister's, Page No. 660 |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| |plate capacitor. |-666 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify the difference between electric displacement vector and |1 |Test Question |

| |electric polarization. | | |

|2 |Review on a dielectric constant of a material in which molecules |1 |Test Question |

| |are bound with strong coulomb force of attraction. | | |

Session Number: 42

Session Outcome:

1. Understands three types of polarizations.

2. Understands frequency dependence of polarization.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Types of polarizations and Electronic polarization, Ionic and dipolar |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching & video 9- One min.|

| |polarization |666 -667 | |paper |

|20 |Frequency dependence of polarization and dielectric constant |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 10 - |

| | |667 -669 | |One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Identify types of polarizations observed in dielectric materials. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Identify out of three types of polarizations, which one is commonly|1 |Test Question |

| |observed in all types of dielectric materials. | | |

|3 |Explain the reason for large dielectric constant of dielectric |1 |Test Question |

| |material at radio frequency range. | | |

Session Number: 43

Session Outcome:

1. Understands concepts of Piezoelectricity and Ferro electricity.

2. Solves problems related dielectric materials.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Ferroelectricity and Piezoelectricity |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 11, |

| | |669 -671 | |12 -One min. paper |

|20 |Solving numerical problems | |1 |Board Teaching, PPT & video 11, |

| | | | |12 -One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |State applications of Ferroelectric materials. |1 |Test Question |

|2 |State applications of Piezoelectric materials. |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 44

Session Outcome:

1. Understands process of optical reflectance, absorption and refraction in metals and non-metals.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Definitions of Reflectivity and absorptivity |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |737-744 | | |

|20 |. Define absorptivity |MSE by Callister's, Page No. |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

| | |737-744 | | |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |State all the possible optical phenomenon that are observed when |1 |Test Question |

| |light falls on materials. | | |

|2 |Definitions of Reflectivity and absorptivity |1 |Test Question |

Session Number: 45

Session Outcome:

1. Understands Snell’s law and Total Internal Reflections in optical fibers.

|Time (min) |Topic |Reference books, Page No. |BTL |Teaching – Learning Method |

|5 |Review of concepts learnt in previous class. | |1 | |

|20 |Snell’s law | |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

|20 |Optical fibers construction | |1 |Board Teaching - One min. paper |

|5 |Verify & Summary | |1 | |

MSE: Material Science and Engineering.


|Sl.NO. |Question |BTL |Evaluation Technique |

|1 |Define Snell’s law |1 |Test Question |

|2 |Explain the construction of Optical fibers |1 |Test Question |


|Evaluation |Weightage/Mark|Date |Duratio|CO1 | |

|component |s | |n | | |

| | | |(Hours)| | |

|CO5 |Weightage (5%) |Continuous evaluation | |0.625 |0.625 |

|Lab | | | | | |

|continuou| | | | | |

|s | | | | | |

|evaluatio| | | | | |

|n | | | | | |

|1 |Dr. N. S. M. P. Latha Devi |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F213 | |

|2 |Dr. G. Sunita Sundari |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F406-B | |

|3 |Dr. A. Venkateswara Rao |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |L601 | |

|4 |Dr. G. Kiran Kumar |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F113 | |

|5 |Dr. CH. Rajesh |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |L601 | |

|6 |Dr. SK. Babu |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F406-A | |

|7 |Dr. K. Swapna |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F201 | |

|8 |Dr. SK. Mahamuda |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F201 | |

|9 |Dr. A. Venkata Ravindra |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F113/C611 | |

|10 |Dr. M. Venkateswarlu |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F201 | |

|11 |Mr. M. V. V. K. S. Prasad |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F113 | |

|12 |Mr. M. Gnana Kiran |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F406-B | |

|13 |Dr. N. Krishna Jyothi |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |L711 | |

|14 |Dr. S. Siva Kumar |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F406-B | |

|15 |Dr. D. Tanga Raj |Every Tuesday |2-3 PM |F406-A | |

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