ACOS Objectives


|Prentice Hall Physical Science | | | | |

|ACOS Objectives |Essential Questions |Text Sections |Assessments/ Resources | |

|AUGUST | | | | |

|12) Identify metric units for mass, distance, time, temperature. |Compare metric units to imperial units. |1.3 |Lab: types of meansurements | |

| | | |1.3 section assessment | |

|3) Recognize periodic trends of elements, including the number of |What is a periodic table? How are families alike? What is an |Chapter 4, |Mendeleev’s periodic table | |

|valence electrons, atomic size, and reactivity. |isotope and how are they used? |Chapter 5 |activity, valence shell | |

|1) Contrast the formation of ionic and covalent bonds based on | | |electron lab, | |

|transfer or sharing of valence electrons. |What is atomic structure? How are elements categorized? What does| |Beanium lab | |

| |an electron do? How do we use dot diagrams? | |Chapter 4 & 5 assessment | |

|SEPTEMBER | | | | |

|4) Use nomenclature and chemical formulas to write balanced |Why do we need balanced chemical reactions? Describe common |Chapter 6,7 |Types of chemical reactions | |

|chemical equations. A) Explain the law of conservation of matter.|reactions. | |lab, | |

|B) Identify composition, decomposition, single replacement and |What is the Law of Conservation of Matter? How is matter | |Chapter 6 & 7assessment | |

|double replacement. |conserved? | | | |

|OCTOBER | | | | |

|2) Identify solutions in terms of components, solubility, |How do gases change? How does temperature affect gases? |Chap. 8 |Solubility lab, rock candy | |

|concentration and conductivity. C) Describe factors that affect | | |activity, chapter 8 | |

|solubility and rate of solution, including nature of solute and | | |assessment | |

|solvent, temperature, agitation, surface area, and pressure on | | | | |

|gases. | | | | |

|NOVEMBER | | | | |

|5) Describe physical and chemical changes in terms of endothermic |What does the term ‘thermic’ mean? How can you use temperature to|Chapter 2 |Exothermic/endothermic lab, | |

|and exothermic processes. |determine if a reaction is endothermic or exothermic? | |chapter 2 assessment | |

|DECEMBER | | | | |

|12) Identify metric units for velocity, acceleration, density, |What is a vector? How are velocity and acceleration |Chap 11 |Measurement activities, | |

|force, energy, and power. |similar/different? | |practice problems | |

|JANUARY | | | | |

|7) Relate velocity, acceleration, and kinetic energy to mass, |Do physical “unsen” forces affect my everyday life? What is that | | | |

|distance, force, and time. A) Interpret graphs of velocity vs. |effect? | | | |

|time and distance vs. time. B) Solve problems for velocity, |What is a simple machine? Describe these machines around you. | | | |

|acceleration, momentum, and terms of Newtons Three |How can a force be an action and a reaction? | | | |

|Laws.C) Calculate collinear forces acting on a body(tailwind and | | | | |

|headwind on a plane) D) solve for mechanical advantage of simple | | | | |

|machines. | | | | |

|FEBRUARY | | | | |

|8) Relate the Law of Conservation of Energy to transformations of |How does energy move? How is it transferred? What energy transfer| | | |

|potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy. |systems do you use everyday? Why are there many different types | | | |

|a) show relationship between thermal energy and temperature. B) |of thermal energy? Why does water cool you down so much? | | | |

|Show flow of thermal energy between two samples. C) Describe | | | | |

|relationship between thermal energy and radiation, conduction, and| | | | |

|convection. D) Show formulas for calculating PE,KE, and work. | | | | |

|March | | | | |

|9) Compare methods of energy transfer by mechanical and |What is sound? Does sound have to have a medium to travel | | | |

|electromagnetic waves. A) show difference between transverse and |through. Are sound and light related? | | | |

|longitudinal mechanical waves. B) physical properties of sound and| | | | |

|light as related to wave characteristics. (amplitude and loudness,| | | | |

|pitch and frequency) | | | | |

|April | | | | |

|10) Explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism. A)|How are electricity and magnetism related? How do we use | | | |

|methods of creating electricity through mechanical, chemical and |electricity? Why do we use different forms of electricity? How is| | | |

|magnetic means. B)describe electrical circuits using Ohm’s law. |the earth affected by magnetism? | | | |

|May | | | | |

| | | | | |

|JANUARY | | | | |

|7) Relate velocity, acceleration, and kinetic energy to mass, |Do physical “unsen” forces affect my everyday life? What is that |Chapter 11, 12 |Draw freebody diagrams, | |

|distance, force, and time. A) Interpret graphs of velocity vs. |effect? | |calculation of acceleration | |

|time and distance vs. time. B) Solve problems for velocity, |What is a simple machine? Describe these machines around you. | |due to gravity lab, chapter | |

|acceleration, momentum, and terms of Newtons Three |How can a force be an action and a reaction? | |11/12 assessment | |

|Laws.C) Calculate collinear forces acting on a body(tailwind and | | | | |

|headwind on a plane) D) solve for mechanical advantage of simple | | | | |

|machines. | | | | |

|FEBRUARY | | | | |

|8) Relate the Law of Conservation of Energy to transformations of |How does energy move? How is it transferred? What energy transfer|Chapter 15,16 |Investigating elastic | |

|potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy. |systems do you use everyday? Why are there many different types | |potential energy lab, | |

|a) show relationship between thermal energy and temperature. B) |of thermal energy? Why does water cool you down so much? | |conservation of energy lab, | |

|Show flow of thermal energy between two samples. C) Describe | | |chapter 16 assessment | |

|relationship between thermal energy and radiation, conduction, and| | | | |

|convection. D) Show formulas for calculating PE,KE, and work. | | | | |

|March | | | | |

|9) Compare methods of energy transfer by mechanical and |What is sound? Does sound have to have a medium to travel |Chapter 15,17 |Wave maker activity, math | |

|electromagnetic waves. A) show difference between transverse and |through. Are sound and light related? | |practice, diffraction demo, | |

|longitudinal mechanical waves. B) physical properties of sound and| | |chapter 17 assessment | |

|light as related to wave characteristics. (amplitude and loudness,| | | | |

|pitch and frequency) | | | | |

|April/May | | | | |

|10) Explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism. A)|How are electricity and magnetism related? How do we use |Chap 20, 21 |Lemon light lab, project: | |

|methods of creating electricity through mechanical, chemical and |electricity? Why do we use different forms of electricity? How is| |milk carton village, | |

|magnetic means. B)describe electrical circuits using Ohm’s law. |the earth affected by magnetism? | |observing magnetic field | |

| | | |lines lab, chapter 20/21 | |

| | | |assessment | |

| | | | | |


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