AP Calculus - Weebly

AP Calculus

Gull Lake High School

Instructor: Mr. Reggie Walters

PHONE: (269) 377-3025

(269) 488-5020 ext. 1671 (School and Voice Mail)

FAX: (269) 488-5031 (school)

e-mail: rwalters@

Textbook: Calculus, Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (Third edition) by Finney, Demana, Waits, Kennedy. Pearson, Prentice Hall, Boston Massachusetts, ISBN: 0-13-201408-4, 2007.

Course Description:

Calculus is the study of change. Students will explore change by utilizing differentiation and integration. This course is designed to prepare students for the taking of the AP Calculus test offered in May of each year and to earn college credit. The goal of the course is to develop an understanding and appreciation of Calculus, which is a rich and diverse topic. Students will be expected to complete in class investigations along with out of class investigations to aid in the learning process. Calculus is FUN!

Course Objectives

1. Students should able to take either the AB or BC Calculus AP test with confidence.

2. Students will understand what the AP Calculus topics are.

3. Students will be prepared for a college curriculum of calculus.

4. Students will pass the AP test with at least a 3

Grading Scale

93 – 100 A

90 - 92 A-

87 - 89 B+

83 - 86 B

80 – 82 B-

77 - 79 C+

73 - 76 C

70 - 72 C-

67 - 69 D+

63 - 66 D

60 - 62 D-

0 - 59 E

Grading Policy:

To determine a final letter grade, the following weighted grade system will be used:

Marking Period Grade:

• Test/Quizzes 80%

• Homework/Class work 20%

The Trimester grade will be composed of the marking period grade worth 80%, and a final exam worth 20%. A student must receive at least a 60% for their trimester grade to receive credit this course.

*Evidence of cheating will result in a zero for the entire project/quiz/test.

Test and Quizzes:

• One to three quizzes per unit will be given.

• A comprehensive test will be given at the end of each unit. Each test will be weighted the same.

• In order to ensure conceptual understanding, there will be test and quizzes where a calculator will not be allowed.

• Term Project will count as a test grade when assigned in a Trimester.

Homework policy:

• It will be graded on Mondays

• It is graded on correctness

• I will drop the lowest homework score each trimester

• No late assignments will be accepted unless you have an IEP.

Term Report:

The term report is a five (5) to ten (10) page research report on different topics. Each student team must pick his topic from the list of topics provided by the instructor. There are NO more than two students to a team. The report should be in the APA format with the following sections:

1. Title – accurate and not too long

2. Introduction – a brief statement of the idea, the principle or problem and the reason for your interest in it.

3. Discussion of the problem, idea or principle being investigated.

4. Details of materials, equipment methods and steps used in solving the problem.

5. Summary of the results and conclusion

6. New questions, possible application, future plans.

7. Appendix – graphs, table, photographs, drawings, computer programs.

8. Bibliography and acknowledgments.

Each paper should include the approve outline of the instructor. For the first paper, it is an historical paper that should include some of the problems that the mathematician is famous for doing.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be in your seat when the tardy bell begins to ring -- otherwise tardy. Consequence: School's Tardy policy as found on page 33 of the Student Handbook

2. When the teacher is talking/giving instructions, the student is NOT talking, walking around the room, sharpening a pencil, etc. In summary the student is NOT disturbing the class. Be Respectful of others.

3. When given study time or group time, the student will use that time for study and/or use it for group discussion of the assigned task. That is the time is used for constructive purpose and not socializing and/or "goofing around". Students may lose credit for the days works if too much socialization.

4. No one may leave the classroom without the “HALL PASS” or a note. Attendance rule: if a person misses 10 minutes of a class period, he/she is absent for that class period. (Page 32 of the Student Handbook).


| |√ |

|Function, Graphs, and Limits | |

| | |

|Analysis of graphs. With the aid of technology, graphs of functions are often easy to produce. The emphasis is on the interplay between| |

|the geometric and analytic information and on the use of calculus both to predict and to explain the observed local and global behavior | |

|of a function. | |

| | |

|Limits of functions (including one-sided limits.) | |

|An intuitive understanding of the limiting process | |

|Calculating limits using algebra. | |

|Estimating limits from graphs or tables of data. | |

| | |

|Asymptotic and unbounded behavior. | |

|Understanding asymptotes in terms of graphical behavior. | |

|Describing asymptotic behavior in terms of limits involving infinity. | |

|Comparing relative magnitudes of functions and their rates of change. (For example, contrasting exponential growth, polynomial growth, | |

|and logarithmic growth.) | |

| | |

|Continuity as a property of functions. | |

|An intuitive understanding of continuity (Close values of the domain lead to close values of the range.) | |

|Understanding continuity in terms of limits. | |

|Geometric understanding of graphs of continuous functions (Intermediate Value Theorem and Extreme Value Theorem). | |

| | |

|Derivatives | |

| | |

|Concept of the derivative. | |

|Derivative presented geometrically, numerically, and analytically | |

|Derivative interpreted as an instantaneous rate of change | |

|Derivative defined as the limit of the difference quotient. | |

|Relationship between differentiability and continuity. | |

| | |

|Derivative at a point. | |

|Slope of a curve at a point. Examples are emphasized, including points at which there are vertical tangents and points at which there | |

|are no tangents. | |

|Tangent line to a curve at a point and local linear approximation. | |

|Instantaneous rate of change as the limit of average rate of change. | |

|Approximate rate of change from graphs and tables of values. | |

| | |

|Derivative as a function. | |

|Corresponding characteristics of graphs of [pic] and [pic]. | |

|Relationship between the increasing and decreasing behavior of [pic] and the sign of [pic]. | |

|The Mean Value Theorem and its geometric consequences. | |

|Equations involving derivatives. Verbal descriptions are translated into equations involving derivatives and vice versa. | |

| | |

|Second derivatives. | |

|Corresponding characteristics of the graphs of [pic], [pic], and [pic]. | |

|Relationship between the concavity of [pic] and the sign of [pic]. | |

|Points of infection as places where concavity changes. | |

| | |

| Applications of derivatives. | |

|Analysis of curves, including the notions of monotonicity and concavity. | |

|Optimization, both absolute (global) and relative (local) extrema. | |

|Modeling rates of change, including related rates problems. | |

|Use of implicit differentiation to find the derivative of an inverse function. | |

|Interpretation of the derivative as a rate of change in varied applied contexts, including velocity, speed, and acceleration. | |

|Geometric interpretation of differential equations via slope fields and the relationship between slope fields and solution curves for | |

|differential equations. | |

| | |

| Computation of derivatives | |

|Knowledge of derivatives of basic functions, including power, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric | |

|functions. | |

|Basic rules for the derivative of sums, products, and quotients of functions. | |

|Chain rule and implicit differentiation. | |

| | |

|Integrals | |

| | |

|Interpretations and properties of definite integrals. | |

|Computation of Riemann sums using left, right and midpoint evaluation points. | |

|Definite integral as a limit of Riemann sums over equal subdivisions | |

|Definite integral of the rate of change of a quantity over an interval interpreted as the change of the quantity over the interval: | |

|[pic]. | |

|Basic properties of definite integrals. (For example, additivity and linearity) | |

| | |

|Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. | |

|Use of the Fundamental Theorem to evaluate definite integrals. | |

|Use of the Fundamental Theorem to represent a particular antiderivative and the analytical and graphical analysis of functions so | |

|defined. | |

| | |

|Techniques of antidifferentiation. | |

|Antiderivatives following directly from derivatives of basic functions. | |

|Antiderivatives by substitution of variables (including change of limits for definite integrals). | |

| | |

|Applications of antidifferentiation. | |

|Finding specific antiderivatives using initial conditions, including applications to motion along a line. | |

|Solving separable differential equations and using them in modeling. In particular, studying the equation [pic] and exponential growth. | |

|Numerical approximations to definite integrals. Use of Riemann sums (using left, right and midpoint evaluation points) and trapezoidal | |

|sums to approximate definite integrals of function represented algebraically, geometrically, and by tables of values. | |

| | |

|Applications of integrals. Appropriate integrals are used in a variety of applications to model physical, biological, or economic | |

|situations. Although only a sampling of applications can be included in any specific course, students should be able to adapt their | |

|knowledge and techniques to solve other similar application problems, whatever applications are chosen, the emphasis is on using the | |

|integral of a rate of change to give accumulated change or using the method of setting up an approximating Riemann sum and representing | |

|its limit as a definite integral. To provide a common foundation, specific applications should include finding the area of a region, the| |

|volume of a solid with known cross sections, the average value of a function, the distance traveled by a particle along a line and | |

|accumulated change from a rate of change. | |

Calculator Policy

To achieve an equitable level of technology, the committee develops examinations based on the assumption that the only requirements regarding a calculator are that it has the capability to:

• Plot the graph of a function within an arbitrary viewing window,

• Find the zeros of functions (solve equations numerically),

• Numerically calculate the derivative of a function, and

• Numerically calculate the value of a definite integral.

For solutions obtained using one of these four required calculator capabilities, students are required to write only the setup (a definite integral, an equation, or a derivative) that leads to the solution, along with the result produced by the calculator. For solutions obtained using a calculator capability other than one of the four required ones, students must also show the mathematical steps that lead to the answer. Students are expected to use calculus and show the mathematical steps that lead to the answer to find relative maximum (or minimum) value of a function or the equation of the tangent line to the graph of a function.

The Preferred Calculator recommended by instructor of this class is TI-83 plus silver, TI-84plus silver, TI-89.or TI-n-spire CAS or TI-n-spire CX

The Examination

DATE: May?, 2014 at 7:30 in the morning!

COST: $87, with $20 non-refundable registration fee due in February

Both the AB and BC examinations are divided into two sections, which are taken in 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Section I is a multiple-choice section testing proficiency in wide variety of topics. It has two parts. Part A consists of 28 questions (55 minutes) and does not allow calculators to be used. Part B consists of 17 questions (50 minutes) in which some questions require a graphic calculator.

Section II is a free-response section requiring the students to demonstrate the ability to solve problems involving a more extended chain of reasoning. It also has two parts.

Part A is 3 questions (45 minutes) in which some portions require a graphing calculator. Part B is 3 questions (45 minutes) and does not allow calculators to be used.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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