
5633085211455005975985-483870Makerspace Lesson PlanProject Title: Project Gameworld [Final Project]Created by: Amanda PerriSetting: School LibraryTarget Audience: Upperclassmen / 11th & 12th grade students in a computer programming class who are working on their final projects.Skills Needed: Basic programming (Python), basic computer skills, and basic mathematics.Difficulty level: 4-5.Content area: Computer programming, gaming.Subject: Programming, creating games.Source: , for Learning – expectations for student learning:Library/Information standards:Essential questions for learning:How is learning and using Python similar to learning how to read and write?How is Python similar or different from other programming languages?How does using Python for creating a game show the universal use of the language?Lesson overview: pyGameBeginner’s Guide to Python ()Materials needed: Computers with Python 2.7 installed.External libraries for making games in Python (e.g.pyGame).Optional: wxPython.Either an integrated development environment (IDE), like PYScripter, IDLE, or PyCharm (educational edition) OR Notepad++.Game resources: sound effects, sprites, graphics (instructor and librarian will gather these resources into a folder).Planning and teaching responsibilities:Librarian: Plans out a space for the makerspace in the computer lab in the library, sets up the coding windows for the students, explains the steps step-by-step, will set up the game resources folder for the students.Volunteer/Teacher: Helps to set up the computers in the beginning and also assist students one-on-one with questions and issues that might arise.Lesson activities (state specific details and timeframe):This would most likely take more than one day, but I am not entire sure how many days it would take to get to the final product. There would undoubtedly be Brainstorm an idea for a game & make a storyboard (10 minutes): Students are put into individual groups to come up with ideas for their games and then they make a storyboard for their games.Select Game Resources (15 minutes): The different groups will go into the game resources folder and will select their sprites, images, and audio for their games.Begin coding (30 minutes): Students will first import the PyGame library, which will allow them to use functions from the library within their coding. They will initialize PyGame and set up the display window for their game within their code and they will then load the images that they are going to use for their character(s). They will loop the image(s) for the character(s). They will initially fill the screen for the display window black. Students will save this file into a common game folder among their group members, using the format of “____.py”. Coding the setting/scenery, part II (30 minutes): Now it’s time to create the scenery/setting for the game. One student in each group will create the code for scenery, and then the students will add the code to their “_____.py” files. The first image example shown is what brings up the images and puts them into certain variables. Students will continue to code, working together to tile the images and make them loop.Coding the movements and making the character turn, part III (30 minutes): Students are going to now make their characters be able to move. To do this, they will put into their coding key arrays. One student in each group will be in charge of the coding movements and then they will add the code to their “______.py” files. Once the movements have been coded, then the students will insert the coding that makes their characters able to rotate, rather than just going in one particular direction or facing just in one direction. Students will have to use math to figure out how to rotate their characters. Coding more action and characters, part IV (35 minutes): Students will begin to code more complex actions. For example, they might type into their codes actions that will make their character do more complex things, such as shooting weapons. Students will also begin to code in more characters in their games (such as enemies and allies), as well as what will happen when the main characters shoot their enemies or what will happen when the enemies attack the main character.Coding a HUD (Heads Up Display) and win/lose scenarios, part V (40 minutes): Next, students will add a HUD into their code. A HUD is a health bar that will show the health of the protagonist in the game. If students want, they can also code in a clock or a timer of some sort (but this is optional, of course). At this time, students will also code in win/lose scenarios so that their games will not just keep going infinitely.Finishing touches, part VI (30 minutes): This is when students will add sound effects, perhaps music, and other various finishing touches to their games.Testing period, part VII (1 hour): Students would now get to test out other groups’ games, along with their own. They would look for any errors or anything that doesn’t look correct and then those errors would be fixed. Over all, this should be a time where everyone gets a chance to show off their games and their coding.Assessments (formative and summative):How do you plan assess the success of the makerspace activity? ................

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