Export html table to excel pdf


Export html table to excel pdf

By Andrew McClain i Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images In addition to enabling you to keep track of financial data, Excel also can import a wide variety of file types. This is useful if you need to extract specific data from information like a vCard. You can export contacts from your Mac Contacts application as a vCard, which you can then import into

Excel after using the built-in conversion tools in the Text Import Wizard. After you have the data in a spreadsheet, you can extract the data you need from the card. Open the Contacts app and select the contact you want to export. Right-click on the contact and select "Export vCard." To export multiple contacts, press and hold the "Apple" key while

clicking on the contacts you want to export and then right-click and select "Export vCard." Open Excel for Mac, and select "File," then "Import" to open the Import dialog box. Select "All Files" from the Enable drop-down list, and browse to the location of the saved vCard. Click on it and then click "Open" to start the Text Import Wizard. Select the

"Delimited" option, which will automatically separate the data into columns based on the commas or tabs within the vCard file. Click "Next" to select the delimiters to use. Click on the different delimiters, such as "Tab" or "Semicolon." Check the data layout in the "Data preview" window to make sure it separates correctly. Click "Finish" to complete

the import. By Ken Burnside i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images Excel handles table lookups very cleanly and quickly, and the =VLOOKUP() and =MATCH() functions allow you to move through data tables easily. One common example of how to use =VLOOKUP() and =MATCH() is pulling information out of an IRS tax table. The VLOOKUP() function

is used to find the row of the table, and the =MATCH() function is used to determine which column is used. Between them, you get a dynamically readable table lookup. Enter the tax tables in Excel, or copy and paste them from the PDF file from . The IRS usually releases the tax schedules in Excel format in early February of each year.

Open Excel normally. You should see a table with six columns ¨C At Least, But Less than, Single, Married Filing Jointly, Married Filing Separately, and Head of Household, with the requisite tax data under each. Select cell H1 and click on the Data tab, and select Data Validation. In the dialog box that comes up, select List for the type of validation, and

enter the following formula for the source: "=$C$1:$F$1". This will create a drop-down for the filing status types. Enter your net adjusted income into cell J1. Enter the following formula in cell K1: "=VLOOKUP(J1,A2:F2063,MATCH(H1,A1:F1,0),FALSE)". This formula takes your income (cell J1) and finds the row that corresponds to it, then matches

the filing status (from the drop down in cell H1), to find the exact column, and then returns the data that's at that point. When you want to turn that giant spreadsheet into an HTML table without wrangling too many TD's and TR's by hand, you can use a formula to generate the HTML tags for you. The Design Intellection blog describes how to use the

=CONCATENATE("text", cell, "text") spreadsheet formula to turn a row of data into an HTML table row. On Friday, Kevin pointed out a web-based HTML table generator that's a simple, fast solution for small tables; but if your data's already in a spreadsheet and the word "concatenate" doesn't make you want to run screaming, this may be a better

way to go.If you're one of those folks who handwrites HTML, you know how laborious it can be to type out all¡­Read moreUsing Spreadsheets to Easily Create HTML Tables and Forms [Design Intellection] Windows: Markdown is an awesome formatting language that lets you create rich documents using plain text syntax, and MarkdownPad puts it to

great use Windows.I've heard a lot about using Markdown for writing and editing text, especially in the case of¡­Read moreThe app is a dual pane affair, with a preview panel on the right to show you exactly how your Markdown is formatting. You don't even need to click over to the panel to update it, since it updates live with every keystroke - a very

nice touch. Once you're done writing, you can export your document as plain text, as a markdown file, or as HTML if you're building web pages. If you aren't happy with how some elements render within the app, you can even add custom CSS to the app to change how they display.The free version of MarkdownPad is incredibly powerful, but a $14.95

upgrade to the pro version gets you a ton of extra options, including a horizontal panel arrangement, PDF exporting, and the ability to use a few different forks of Markdown if vanilla doesn't cut it for you. If you have any interest in Markdown, and you're a Windows user, this is definitely worth a download.MarkdownPad (Free/$14.95)G/O Media may

get a commission Would you like to export some or all of your notes from Evernote so you can view them in another program or use the data elsewhere? Here¡¯s how you can export everything stored in Evernote in HTML or MHT format. Evernote is a great tool for taking notes and syncing them to all your devices. But, what if there¡¯s not an Evernote

app for one of your devices, or you want to move your notes to another application? Thankfully, Evernote supports exporting your notes to other formats. Even if you¡¯ve added PDFs, images, or other files to your notes, you can export the original files as well so you don¡¯t lose anything. Let¡¯s see you you can export all of your notes so you can easily

use them however you want. Export Your Evernote Notes Evernote makes it easy to export a note. Simply select the notes you want to export, click File, then select Export. Alternately, right-click on a note¡¯s name and select Export. You can select as many notes as you want and export them together. Or, you could export all of your notes from at

once. Select All notes on the left, then select a note and press Ctrl-A to highlight all of them. Right-click, and select Export notes. Browse to where you want to save the exported file, enter a name for your export, and then select Web Page (*.html) from the Save as type box. Evernote lets you export your notes in HTML or MHT format. HTML is

usually the best option, as you can open it in any browser, whereas MHT format only works in Internet Explorer. Once your notes are exported, you can see the files in Explorer. If your notes contained any images, PDFs, or other files, they¡¯ll be saved in a yourNotes_files folder. Individual notes will be rather simple, and just contain the text from your

note, including links and formatting. If your note contains images, you¡¯ll see them in the note, but if it contains PDFs or other files, you¡¯ll see a link to the file in the page. Or, as mentioned before, you can see the exported files in the folder that was created with your HTML export file. The images may have odd names given automatically by Evernote,

but PDFs and other files you manually added should have their original name. Exporting Evernote Notes with Tags When you¡¯re selecting where to save your exported files, you can also check to export tags. However, this did not work in our tests, and it did not seem to add the tags to our file whether or not it was checked. If you¡¯d like to keep your

tags when you export your files, here¡¯s one way to easily export them. Select one of your tags on the left, and then select all of the notes with that tag. Right-click, and select to Export the notes. Now you¡¯ll see all the notes with that tag in the HTML page. Then you can easily copy all of them into another program to keep the notes with the same tag

together. You could also export a whole notebook together this way. Select the notebook name instead of a tag, and then select all the notes for export. Conclusion Evernote is a great tool for taking notes and keeping up with your information on all your devices, but sometimes you¡¯ll want to use your data elsewhere. Whether you want to move to

another note taking application or just import some of your data into another program and keep using Evernote, it¡¯s great to know you can export your data to use like you want. This way you¡¯re not locked into Evernote and use your data however you want. If you want to keep using Evernote, here¡¯s how you can use it as a great bookmark solution

with the new Chrome extension. Download Evernote This article explains how to add internal lines to cells with CSS table styles. When you create a CSS table border, it only adds the border around the outside of the table. Lifewire / Derek Abella When you use CSS to add borders to tables, it only adds the border around the outside of the table. If you

want to add internal lines to the individual cells of that table, you need to add borders to the interior CSS elements. You can use the HR tag to add lines inside individual cells. To apply the styles covered in this tutorial, you need a table on a webpage. Then, you create a style sheet as an internal style sheet in the head of your document (if you are

dealing with only a single page) or attached to the document as an external style sheet (if the site has multiple pages). You put the styles to add interior lines into the style sheet. Decide where you want the lines to appear in the table. You have several options, including: Surrounding all the cells to form a grid Positioning the lines between just the

columns Just between the rows Between specific columns or rows. You can also position the lines around individual cells or inside individual cells. You're also going to need to add the border-collapse property to your CSS for your table. This will collapse the borders to a single line between each cell and allow table row borders to function properly.

Before you do anything, add the following block to your CSS. table { border-collapse: collapse;} To add lines around all cells in your table, creating a grid effect, add the following to your stylesheet: To add lines between the columns to create vertical lines that run from top to bottom on the table's columns, add the following to your stylesheet: If you

don't want vertical lines to appear on the first column, you can use the first-child pseudo-class to target only those elements that appear first in their row and remove the border. td:first-child, th:first-child { border-left: none;} As with adding lines between the columns, you can add horizontal lines between rows with one simple style added to the style

sheet, as follows: To remove the border from the bottom of the table, you would once again rely on a pseudo-class. In this case, you'd use last-child to target only the final row. tr:last-child { border-bottom: none;} If you only want lines between specific rows or columns, you can use a class on those cells or rows. If you'd prefer a little cleaner markup,

you can use the nth-child pseudo-class to select specific rows and columns based on their position. For example, if you only want to target the second column in each row, you can use nth-child(2) to apply CSS to only the second element in every row. td:nth-child(2), th:nth-child(2) { border-left: solid 2px red;} The same applies to the rows. You can

target a specific row using nth-child. tr:nth-child(4) { border-bottom: solid 2px green;} While you certainly can use pseudo-classes to target individual cells, the easiest way to handle a situation like this is with a CSS class. To add lines around individual cells, you add a class to the cells you want a border around: Then add the following CSS to your

stylesheet: If you want to add lines inside the contents of a cell, the easiest way to do this is with the horizontal rule tag ( If you'd prefer to control the gaps between your table's cells manually, remove the following line from before: This attribute is great for standard tables, but it is significantly less flexible than CSS, as you can only define the width

of the border and can only have it around all cells of the table or none. You may have heard that CSS and HTML tables do not mix. This is not the case. Yes, using HTML tables for layout is no longer a web design best practice because they have been replaced by CSS layout styles, but tables are still the correct markup to use to add tabular data to a

webpage. Because so many web professionals shy away from tables thinking they are nothing but trouble, many of those professionals have little experience working with this common HTML element, and they struggle when they have to add internal lines to table cells on a webpage. Tables have long gotten a bad rap in web design. Many years ago,

HTML tables were used for layout, which was obviously not what they were intended for. As CSS rose to popular usage for website layouts, the idea that "tables are bad" took hold. Unfortunately, many people misunderstood this to mean that HTML tables are all bad, all the time. That is not the case at all. The reality is that HTML tables are bad when

they used for something other than their true purpose, which is to display tabular data (spreadsheets, calendars, etc.). If you are building a website and have a page with this kind of tabular data, you should not hesitate to use an HTML table on your page. The tag, or "table data" tag, creates table cells within a table row in an HTML table. This is the

HTML tag that contains any text and images. Basically, this is the workhorse tag of your table. The tags will contain the content of the HTML table. The tag, or "table header," is similar to the in many ways. It can contain the same kind of information (although you wouldn't put an image in a ), but it defines that specific cell as a table header. Most

web browsers change the font-weight to bold and center the content in a cell. Of course, you can use CSS styles to make those table headers, as well as the contents of your tags, look any way that you would like them to look on the rendered webpage. The tag should be used when you want to designate the content in the cell as a header for that

column or row. The table header cells are typically found at the top of the table or along the side ¡ª basically, the headings at the top of columns or the headings to the very left or the start of a row. These headers are used to define what the content below or beside them is, making the table and its contents much easier to review and process quickly.

Do not use to style your cells. Because browsers tend to display table header cells differently, some lazy web designers may try to take advantage of this and use the tag when they want the contents to be bold and centered. This is bad for several reasons: You can't rely on web browsers always displaying the content that way. Future browsers might

change the color by default, or make no visual changes at all to content. You should never rely solely on default browser styles and should never use an HTML element because of how it "looks" by default. It's semantically incorrect. User agents that read the text may add audible formatting such as "row header: your text" to indicate that it's in a cell.

Additionally, some web applications print the table headers across the top of each page, which would result in problems if the cell is not actually a header but is instead being used for stylistic reasons only. Bottom line ¡ª using tags in this way can cause accessibility issues for many users, especially those using assisted devices to access your site

content. You should use CSS to define how the cells look. The separation of style (CSS) and structure (HTML) has been a best practice in web design for many years. Once again, use a because the content of that cell is a header, not because you like the way the browser is likely to render that content by default.

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