The Chemistry of Life - Bay High School College Biology

BSC 1020L - Objectives

The Chemistry of Life

1. Describe how life is organized below the cellular level

2. Define the terms: element, compound, molecule, atom, nucleus, neutron, electron, atomic number, atomic mass, and isotope.

3. Describe the different bonds: covalent, ionic and hydrogen bonds that atoms form when making molecules and state how strong these bonds are

4. Explain how chemical reactions occur and describe the role of catalysts

5. Explain how the processes of metabolism that occur within living beings are chemical reactions that involve the same principals as all chemical reactions

6. Describe the general structure and general properties of the following biological molecules: carbohydrates, including monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, starch, and glycogen, lipids including fats, waxes, steroids, and phospholipids, proteins or polypeptides, and nucleotides

Cell Structure and Function

1. describe the cell theory and explain how it unites all living things

2. describe the different levels of organization within the cell

3. state the function of each type of organelle in the cell

4. compare and contrast active and transport

5. describe the process and function of diffusion and osmosis

6. describe the function/process of cellular metabolism

7. describe the process of aerobic cellular respiration and compare to anaerobic respiration

Chromosomal Inheritance

1. describe the cell cycle

2. define mitosis and meiosis and describe the difference between these two processes

3. describe the structure of chromosomes and state the function of the centromere

4. Define cancer

5. Discuss causes and prevention of cancer

Genes and Medical Genetics

1. define the following terms: genes, genotype, phenotype, allele, trait, dominant, recessive, heterozygous, homozygous, and cross.

2. explain how sex is determined and identify sex chromosomes, autosomes, barr bodies, and sex linked traits

3. explain why males more often express X linked traits and list several X linked traits

4. describe the different genetic crosses and causes of mutations

5. describe the different genetic diseases and state how humans are screened for those

DNA and Biotechnology

1. describe the structure of DNA

2. explain how complementary base pairing allows for DNA replication and RNA synthesis

3. compare and contrast the structure of DNA and RNA

4. describe the process of protein synthesis; transcription and translation

5. define mutation, clone, and recombinant DNA

6. explain the use of genetic engineering in medicine and agriculture

Organization and Regulation of Body Systems

1. explain how the body is organized at different levels: tissues, organs, and organ systems and explain how cells are held together in different structures

2. state the importance of skin and explain the role of the skin in protection, communication, and control of body temperature

3. describe the structure of skin including the dermis and epidermis

4. describe the structure, distribution, and function of the different glands of the skin

5. describe the four types of tissues

6. describe the different body cavities

The Skeletal System

1. State the function of connective tissue and give examples of the different kinds of connective tissue in the body

2. Describe the structure of bone and explain, in general terms, how bone is formed

3. Describe some bone disorders and common fractures

4. Identify the major bones that comprise the axial and appendicular skeleton

5. Describe the different joints

The Muscular System

1. Compare the structure and function of the different muscles in the body

2. Describe the structure of muscle and explain how muscles contract according to the sliding filament theory

3. Explain the relationship of energy to muscle contraction

4. Explain how muscle action is controlled by the nervous system

The Digestive System

1. Describe the structure and function of the digestive system: mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, rectum and anus

2. Explain how the pancreas, stomach, and duodenum do not digest themselves

3. State the different functions of the liver

4. Describe the differences between mechanical and chemical digestion and state where these occur

5. Define absorption and digestion

6. Describe the enzymes used in digestion

The Composition and Function of the Blood

1. List and describe the components of blood

2. State characteristics and functions of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes

The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System

1. Describe the structure of the heart and state how its pumping is controlled

2. Describe the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries

3. Trace the path of blood in the systemic, pulmonary, and coronary systems

4. Describe several cardiovascular disorders

5. Describe the structure and function of the lymph system and identify the contents of lymph, the function of lymph nodes, and the role of lymphocytes

6. Describe the differences between specific and nonspecific immunity

7. Explain how natural killer cells work to destroy cancerous and virally infected cells

8. Describe how antibody mediated immunity and cell mediated immunity work. The roles of B-cells, T-cells, macrophages, antigens, and antibodies should be used

The Respiratory System

1. Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system

2. Describe the structure and function of the lungs

3. Define the different pulmonary volumes and explain how the Heimlich maneuver uses residual volume to expel matter

4. Explain how breathing is controlled by the nervous system

5. Describe how oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by the blood and exchanged in the lungs and capillaries of the body

The Urinary and Excretory Systems

1. Describe the structure and function of the urinary system

2. Describe the structure and function of the kidney

3. Explain how the kidney regulates blood composition, blood pressure, and water balance

4. Explain why adequate blood pressure is vital for proper kidney function

The Nervous System

1. Identify the divisions of the nervous system: central versus peripheral, and explain how they work together to effect coordination and homeostasis

2. Describe the structure and function of nervous tissue and define the following terms: neurons, axons, dendrites, cell body, nerve, neuroglia, myelin and synapse

3. Describe the purpose of an impulse pathway and explain how sensory and motor neurons function

4. Explain what reflex arcs are

5. State the function of the different lobes of the brain

6. Describe the function of the peripheral nervous system and discuss the differences between it’s divisions: somatic versus autonomic (including sympathetic and parasympathetic control)


1. List the different senses

2. Describe the structure and function of the eye and ear

3. Describe how humans taste and smell

The Endocrine System

1. Define hormones and describe how hormones work

2. State which endocrine gland produces which hormone and briefly describe the effects of these hormones on their target tissues

3. Compare the function of the endocrine system to that of the nervous system

The Reproductive System

1. Describe the structure and function of the male and female reproductive system

2. Explain how hormones regulate the menstrual cycle

3. Explain how the different types of birth control work

4. Compare the female and male reproductive systems in relation to the “purpose of an organism”

5. Explain the different types of infertility and their alternatives

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

1. State the prevalence, symptoms, and treatments for various sexually transmitted diseases

2. Differentiate between viral and bacterial diseases

Human Development

1. Describe the process of cleavage and gastrulation and state the tissues produced by the three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm

2. Describe the function of the different fetal membranes

3. Describe the different stages of birth

4. Describe the process and theories of aging


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