Guided Reading: Classification

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

Guided Reading: Classification

Use the reading document provided or chapter 18 in your text book to answer the following questions

Section 1: The Importance of Classification

1. What is the practice of naming and classifying organisms called?

2. Why do biologists use taxonomic systems?

3. Why is it not desirable to use the common names of organisms in science?

4. Why was using polynomials to name organisms problematic?

5. Who developed the currently used system for naming organisms in the 1750’s?

6. What is this system called?

7. Can two species have the same scientific name?

8. In what language are scientific names written?

9. How is a scientific name written?

10. What are the eight basic levels of modern classification?

11. What bases is each taxon identified on?

12. How many kingdoms are there?

13. How is a species defined?

Section 2: Modern Systematics

14. Scientists traditionally have used similarities in appearances and structure to group organisms; however, this approach has proven to be problematic… how so?*

15. What is phylogeny?

16. By which process could similarities evolve in groups of unrelated organisms?

17. What are the characters called that arise through the process in # 16?

18. What is the definition of cladistics?

19. Cladistics focuses on finding characters that are _______________ between different groups of organisms because of shared ancestry. With respect to two groups, a shared character is defined as _________________ if it is thought to have evolved in a common ancestor of both groups. In contrast, a _________________ character is one that evolved in one group but not in the other.

20. What is a cladogram?

21. What is a clade?

22. What is an outgroup?

23. What does morphology refer to?

24. How can molecular evidence be used to infer phylogenies? *

Section 3: Kingdoms and Domains

25. What change in classifying sponges did the microscope prompt?

26. How many domains do most biologists recognize, and what are their names?

27. What are the major characteristics that define kingdoms?

28. Which kingdoms are prokaryotic?

29. Eukaryotes have highly organized _______. All eukaryotes have cells with a _________ and _______________________________. Also, true multicellularity and __________ ______________ occur only in eukaryotes. True multicellularity means that the activities of individual cells are _________ and the cells themselves are in contact. Sexual reproduction means that genetic material is ____________ when parents mate. Sexual reproduction is an important part of the ______________ of most prokaryotes.

30. What are the four major groups of eukaryotes?

31. How do the organisms from kingdom plantae get food?

32. What are the cell walls of fungi made up of?

31. How do scientists decide which organism belong in the kingdom protista?

A * indicates a more difficult question


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