SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct SAMPLE

SIT07 Tourism, Hospitality and Events Training Package V3.0

SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships

LE Learner guide SAMP Version 2

Training and Education Support Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank

Product Code: 5646

SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships V2


TAFE NSW Training and Education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank would like to acknowledge the support and assistance of the following people in the production of this learner guide.


Johanna Visser Teacher, Travel and Tourism TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute


Karin Rule

A/Manager Industry Teams TAFE NSW Training and Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank

Project Manager

E Margaret Heathcote

A/Education Programs Manager,

L TAFE NSW Training and Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank

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? TAFE NSW (Training and Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank) 2012

Copyright of this material is reserved to TAFE NSW Training and Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank. Reproduction or transmittal in whole or in part, other than subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act, is prohibited without the written authority of TAFE NSW Training and Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank.

ISBN 978-1-74236-360-8

? TAFE NSW (Training & Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank) 2012

SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships V2

Table of contents

Introduction .................................................................................. 7 Topic 1 Business relationships.................................................. 11

1.1 Defining a business relationship ........................................................ 13 1.2 Establishing business relationships .................................................... 13 1.3 Communication skills and techniques ................................................. 19 1.4 Maintaining industry contacts............................................................ 20 1.5 Developing business relationships...................................................... 20 1.6 Utilising social occasions................................................................... 21 1.7 Gifts and other inducements ............................................................. 22

Topic 2 Negotiation skills ......................................................... 27

2.1 Conducting negotiations ................................................................... 27 2.2 Factors affecting negotiations ........................................................... 30

E 2.3 Preparing for negotiations ................................................................ 37 L 2.4 Outcomes of negotiations ................................................................. 37

Topic 3 Make formal business agreements ............................... 43

P 3.1 Contracts ....................................................................................... 43

Topic 4 Fostering and maintaining relationships ...................... 49

M 4.1 Proactively seek, review and act........................................................ 49

4.2 Honouring agreements ..................................................................... 49

A 4.3 Adjustments to agreements .............................................................. 50 S 4.4 Nurturing relationships..................................................................... 50

Unit summary .............................................................................. 53 Glossary of terms ........................................................................ 54 Reference list .............................................................................. 55 Resource evaluation form............................................................ 57

? TAFE NSW (Training & Education Support, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank) 2012

SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships V2

Topic 1 Business relationships

No business can survive without the goodwill that is developed through establishing mutually beneficial relationships between the organisation, customers and suppliers. It is impossible to work in the tourism, hospitality and events industry without possessing the ability to effectively establish a wide variety of business relationships in a variety of contexts, including our contemporary cultural environment.

In this topic we will examine and discuss the building of trust and respect with the use of effective communication skills and how to identify and use the opportunities that arise to maintain regular contact with your customers and suppliers, thus ensuring the maintenance of business relationships.

Business relationships

LE What do you understand to be the meaning of the term `business SAMP relationship'?

? TAFE NSW (TES, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank) 2012

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SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships V2

Business relationships (continued)

Now consider this term in the following ways. (a) Imagine yourself as a customer dealing with a retail travel agency ? what

does it mean to you to have a good business relationship with this company?

(b) You are the manager of a large hotel in the city. What does it mean for you to have a good business relationship with your various suppliers? What does it mean to have a good relationship with your distribution

E companies i.e. travel agents, tour wholesalers? AMPL (c) You are an events coordinator organising large events in regional areas. S What does it mean to you to have good relationships with your suppliers

and venues?

Page 12 of 60

? TAFE NSW (TES, Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank) 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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