Healthy school policy - Sandbach College

Healthy School Policy

Our Vison and Values

Our vision at Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College is to provide the opportunity for every young person to reach their full potential. This is achieved through a caring and nurturing environment where our students have the opportunities to stay healthy, safe and become responsible citizens. We also provide them with the skills and knowledge to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Our healthy schools policy is an overarching policy linking to more detailed individual schools policies.

We recognise that a healthy school is one that is successful in helping students to do their best and build on their achievements. It is committed to ongoing improvement and development. It promotes physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information. We equip students with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their own health (both physical and mental) and wellbeing.

A healthy school understands the importance of investing in health to assist in the process of raising levels of students achievement and improving standards. It also recognizes the need to provide both a physical and social environment that is conducive to learning. These processes contribute to the physical and emotional development of all members of the school community, in line with the principles of the National Healthy Schools agenda and the Ofsted Framework.


• To promote a whole school approach to a healthy lifestyle

• To encourage young people and staff to make informed decisions and choices on a healthy lifestyle based on positive attitudes and information

• To promote safe working and healthy relationships and environment; both inside and outside of school

• To provide high quality Physical Education and School Sport. Promoting physical activity as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle

• To increase the students knowledge and understanding of the importance of water in their diet through the provision of water fountains and encouragement to carry a water bottle they can regularly fill up

• To provide students and staff with the opportunities to make informed choices about a healthy lifestyle based on current information and liaison with outside agencies

• To deliver the healthy eating theme through Food Technology so young people are informed about making the right choices

• To help students develop greater confidence, motivation, self-esteem and have the skills, information and understanding to make important life, health and wellbeing choices.

• To achieve better academic results within a setting that supports their health and emotional wellbeing

• For students to learn how to develop healthy relationships, and to have mutual respect and tolerance of one another.

Policy into Practice

The importance of healthy eating and adopting a healthy lifestyle is a common theme across our curriculum. Most notably within Design and Technology, Science, PE and the PSHCE programme.

There are various extra-curricular activities which complement classroom learning e.g. Catering Club and opportunities for senior students to complete the Food Hygiene Certificate.

The four main subjects ensure the teaching, learning and environment develops the physical and

emotional wellbeing of our students.

• Personal, Social, Health & Careers Education (PSHCE): including sex and relationships and drugs and alcohol education, personal hygiene, healthy eating, self-harm, prevention and recognition of diseases and illnesses. These come under PSHCE lessons and alternative curriculum days and can be included in Religious Studies classes. It provides our students with knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their lives. Examples of this within our PSHCE programme include:

1. First Aid training

2. Body Image

3. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

4. Puberty

5. Contraception

6. Personal Safety

7. Drug, alcohol and smoking education

8. Keeping clean

9. Dangers of sugar

10. Smear tests

11. Healthy eating

12. Physical health

13. Periods

14. Being a good friend

We are part of the Emotional Healthy Schools initiative. This initiative promotes wellbeing, including bullying, how to express feelings, build confidence and emotional strength. This initiative is also supported through the work our school counsellors, Nurse Practitioner, School Nurse and staff deliver. They deliver courses on resilience, managing anxiety and anger management. It is the promotion of positive emotional health, well-being and celebrating success that builds confidence and secures positive healthy relationships. Examples of this as provided within our PSHCE programme include:

1. Positive thinking

2. Happiness

3. Dealing with disappointment

4. Emotional intelligence

5. Aspirations

6. Resilience

7. Self-esteem and confidence

8. Mental health

9. Learning to Learn

10. Citizenship modules

11. Learning skills

12. Positive thinking and attribution

13. Self-Harm

14. Dealing with stress

15. Bereavement

16. Child Protection relating to CSE and other issues

Citizenship examples:

1. Electoral Procedures

2. Working with others

3. Enterprise (e.g. Christmas fair planning and production)

4. Discrimination

5. Human Rights

6. Women and voting

7. Child rights

8. Death Penalty and Human Rights

9. Pay inequality

10. Extremism

11. The Laws and You

12. Disability

13. Diversity – values in different societies

14. Raising awareness

• Design and Technology - Food

We are dedicated to providing an environment that promotes healthy eating and drinking. We enable students to make informed choices about what they consume.

The nutritional principles of this policy are based on current DfE standards for school food. We work closely with Caterlink; the schools catering provider, to source as much as possible produce, including our fresh meat and vegetables from local suppliers.

When we are made aware of specific health issues we inform Caterlink and they make sure that appropriate food and drinks are made available. The nutritional information of all the items on sale in the canteen are on display.

Current DfE Food and Nutrient based Standards covering all aspects of school food. These form the basis for all food offered and consumed in school, throughout the school day.


Breakfast is an important meal that should contribute significantly to vitamin and mineral requirements. The school operates a breakfast club that provides a nutritious meal for all students before the school day. The breakfast menu includes cereals, toast and fruit juices/water. We also provide a free breakfast for students taking a morning examination.

Vending Machine

Our vending machine is only available to our Sixth Form students. It is stocked with a range of food and drink that comply with the food based standards.

Break Time Snacks

The school and Caterlink understand that snacks can be an important part of the diet of young person and can contribute positively towards a balanced diet. The school discourages the consumption of snacks high in fat and sugar at break time.

School Lunches

Food prepared by Caterlink meets the National Nutritional Standards for School Lunches. As a school we encourage all students to have a school lunch provided by Caterlink. Free School Meals are provided to all those students who are entitled to them. We do advise on the process for obtaining a Free School Meal.

Healthy options are promoted at lunchtime. Students are consulted about food choices through regular meetings between the Catering Manager, Parent Council and Student Voice. We encourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables as part of the 5 a day initiative as much as is possible eg through the provision of a salad bar and fruit desserts.

Use of Food as a Reward/Special Occasions

The school does not encourage the regular eating of sweets or other foods high in sugar or fat, especially as a reward for good behaviour, academic or other achievements. Other methods of positive reinforcement are used in school. See our behaviour policy for a list of rewards used.

Drinking Water

The National Nutritional Standards for Healthy School Lunches recommend that drinking water should be available to all students, every day, and free of charge. The school agrees with this recommendation and provides a free supply of drinking water and will encourage students to drink at frequent intervals throughout the day. Water is available free for all students via several water fountains around school.

Vegetarian Options

There are always a number of vegetarian options available each day.

Food Safety

Appropriate food safety precautions are taken when food is prepared or stored. These vary depending on the food on offer and include: ensuring that adequate storage and washing facilities are available; that food handlers undergo appropriate food safety and hygiene training; and that suitable equipment and protective clothing are available. Any food safety hazards are identified and controlled. Information is cascaded to everyone who is involved with food related activities in school. We have food safety information displayed in the appropriate areas.

All staff involved in the preparation or handling of food have completed their Food Hygiene Certificates.

There is regular monitoring of the food facilities by the Cheshire East Environmental Health Officer and Caterlink is supported by Navitas, in ensuring they comply with all health and safety regulations.

The Dining Room - Matakula

The school will provide a clean, sociable environment for students to eat their lunch and has developed the healthy/welcoming aspects of the dining room environment. Lunch time supervisors will help to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience at lunchtime and will be encourage healthy eating.

Leading by Example

School staff, caterers, lunchtime supervisors, Nurse Practitioner and School Nurses have a key role in influencing students knowledge, skills and attitudes about food; so it is important that they are familiar with healthy eating guidelines.

It is essential that staff remain committed to setting an example with food in school. Our canteen approach and provision for food within the curriculum, highlights the importance we attach to educating our students and parents/carers of the importance of healthy eating.

• Physical Education encourages our students to do physical activity as well as being given opportunities to be physically active. It helps understanding on how physical activity can make people healthier and can improve emotional wellbeing.

At Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College we provide a high quality physical education curriculum inspiring all students to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It provides opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. The school provides opportunities to compete in sport and other activities which aim to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

Through the National curriculum for Physical Education we aim to ensure that all students

• develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

• are physically active for sustained periods of time such as meditation and relaxation techniques

• engage in competitive sports and activities

• lead healthy, active lives.

• Science

Science will deliver lessons on healthy eating and cover such issues as Sex Education.

• Special Educational Needs

• Where appropriate, modifications are made to enable children with special educational needs to show progression and achievement in all Healthy Schools activity

• Monitoring and Reviewing

This policy The schools approach to health and wellbeing in practice will be monitored by the Headteacher and the SLT. will be monitored by the Deputy Headteacher responsible for pastoral welfare and the school Trustees. It will be reviewed in the light of national and local changes.

This policy outlines the practice and intentions of the school at the present time and will be used as an ongoing document. It will be updated on a regular basis or when new legislation is available.

Useful Addresses:


British allergy foundation

Planwell House

Lefa Business Park

Edgington Way



DA14 5BH

Environmental Health Department

159 Upper Street


N1 1RE

0207 527 3816

British Dental Association

64 Wimpole Street



0207 935 0875

Food Standards Agency

Aviation House

125 Kinsway



0207 7276 8000


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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