Agawa Canyon Disaster

Historical Sources of Law Presentations

In groups of two or three, students will be expected to make a presentation on one of the following historical sources of law:

• Hebrew (Mosaic Law - Ten Commandments)

• Hammurabi’s Code (Babylonian Code)

• Ancient Greece (Law Code of Gortyn)

• Ancient Rome (Twelve Tables Corpus Juris Civilis)

• Islamic law (Sharia)

• Medieval Europe (Magna Carta, feudalism)

• French Revolution (Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen)

• Napoleonic Code (French Civil Code)

• Adversarial and inquisitorial trial systems

• Methods of adjudication (trial by ordeal, trial by combat, jury trials)


The presentation will be in the form of a electronic (Docs, PowerPoint, Prezi) presentation to the entire class investigating your historical source and its contribution to modern law. Students will be expected to create an informative, visually appealing presentation to engage their peers. All presentations must include the following:

• Images or video that deal with and/or demonstrate a key concept of the issue;

• A detailed analysis of the importance and implications of the issue;

• A hand-out for the class with your information on it.

You will need to submit your handout to me before class so that I can photocopy it, and a digital copy so that I can post in on the website.


Presentations will be beginning February 27th 2012 .


|Criteria |LEVEL 1 |LEVEL 2 |LEVEL 3 |LEVEL 4 |

|Content |The amount of content was |There was a satisfactory |There was adequate content |There was a great deal of |

| |unsatisfactory. |amount of content. |that directly related to |content that addressed the |

| | | |the legal field. |major legal issues of the |

| | | | |week. |

|Analysis |There was limited analysis of|There was some analysis of |The analysis of the content|There was a great deal of |

| |the legal issues. |the legal issues, and how |directly related to the |analysis that contributed |

| | |they related to the legal |legal field and the impact |to a greater under-standing|

| | |field. |on the future. |of the topic and its |

| | | | |implications. |

|Visuals |There was some visual |The visual material was |The visual material was |The visual material was |

| |material present. |interesting and related to |engaging and allowed a |engaging and significantly |

| | |the content. |greater understanding of |contributed to an |

| | | |the content. |understanding of the |

| | | | |content. |

|Professionalism |Students were acting |Students were acting |Students were acting |Students were acting |

| |professional some of the |professional most of the |professional all of the |professional all of the |

| |time. |time. |time. |time and clearly attempted |

| | | | |to engage the audience. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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