Integrating Information Literacy into the Disciplines


Office of the Chancellor

Information Competence Initiative

Integrating Information Competence into the Disciplines


Klos, Sheila M. “Information Literacy for the Next Generation.” Journal of Architectural Education 49:3 (1996), pp. 204-206.


Salisbury, Fiona and Ellis, Jenny. “Online and Face-to-Face: Evaluating Methods for Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Undergraduate Art Students.” Library Review 52:5 (2003), pp. 209-217.

Brown, Jeanne. Library Instruction For Students in Design Disciplines: Scenarios, Exercises, and Techniques. Ontario, Canada: Art Libraries Society of North America, 2002.


Bowden, Teresa S. and Angela Di Benedetto. “Information Literacy in a Biology Laboratory Session: An Example of Librarian-Faculty Collaboration.” Research Strategies 18:2 (2002), pp. 143-149.

Terry, Thomas M. "Weaving the Web Into Biology Teaching." Bioscience 49:9 (September 1999), pp. 733+.

Kiser, Karen M. "Integrating the Internet into Lesson Plans." Clinical Laboratory Science 12: 4 (July/August 1999), pp. 196+.

Souchek, Russell and Marjorie Meier. “Teaching Information Literacy and Scientific Process Skills: An Integrated Approach.” College Teaching 45:4 (Fall 1997), pp. 128-131.


Feast, Vicki. “Integration of Information Literacy Skills into Business Courses.” Reference Services Review 31:1 (2003), pp. 81-95.

Fiegen, Ann M; Cherry, Bennett; Watson, Kathleen. “Reflections on Collaboration: Learning Outcomes and Information Literacy Assessment in the Business Curriculum.” Reference Services Review 30:4 (2002), pp. 307-318.

Mitchlitch, J. F. “Assessing Student Learning Outcomes: A Comparative Study of Techniques Used in Business School Disciplines.” Journal of Education For Business (2002), pp. 125-130.

“The CEO Goes On-Line.” Information Systems Management 18:2 (Spring 2001), pp. 74-79.

Abell., Angela. “Skills For Knowledge Environments.” Information Management Journal 34:3 (July 2000), pp. 33-40.

Webber, S. and B. Johnston. “Conception of Information Literacy: New Perspectives and Implications.” Journal of Information Science 26:6 (2000), pp. 381-397.

Abell, A. and O. Nigel. “Skills For The Knowledge Economy: The Reality of the Market-place.” Business Information Review 16:3 (1999), pp. 115, 165-121.

Fornaciari, Charles J., and Maria F. Loffredo Roca. "The Age of Clutter: Conducting Effective Research Using the Internet." Journal of Management Education 23:6 (December 1999) pp. 732-742.

Bruce, Christine Susan. “Workplace Experiences of Information Literacy.” International Journal of Information Management 19:1 (February 1999), pp. 33-47.

Sterngold, Arthur H., and Janet M. Hurlbert, "Information Literacy and the Marketing Curriculum." Journal of Marketing Education 20:3 (Fall 1998), pp. 244+.

Morrison, J.L. et. al. “Student Preferences For Cybersearch Strategies: Impact on Critical Evaluation of Sources.” Journal of Education For Business 73:5 (1998), pp. 264-269.

Kanter, Jerry. “Guidelines For Attaining Information Literacy.” Information Strategy 12:3 (Spring 1996), pp. 6-12.

Mutch, A. “Information Management: A Challenge For Business Education.” International Journal of Information Management 16:6 (December 1996), 445-455.

Hawes, Douglass K. “Viewpoint: Information Literacy and the Business Schools.” Journal of Education for Business 70:1 (September 1994), pp. 54-61.


Pence, L. E. “Chemical Information Literacy As The Next Step.” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 223: 175-CHED Part 1 (April 7, 2002).

Mabrouk, Patricia Ann. “Research Skills and Ethics—A Graduate Course in Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond.” [Includes chemical information literacy]. Journal of Chemical Education 78:12 (December 2001), pp. 1628+

Ricker, Alison Scott, and Robert Q. Thompson. "Teaching Chemical Information in a Liberal Arts Curriculum," Journal of Chemical Education 76:11 (November 1999) , pp. 1590+

Chicano Studies

Moore, Anne C. and Gary Ivory. “Do Hispanic-Serving Institutions Have What It Takes to Foster Information Literacy? One Case.” Journal of Latinos & Education 2:4 (2003), pp. 217-231.


Livingstone, Sonia. “Media Literacy and the Challenge of New Information and Communication Technologies.” The Communication Review 7:1 (2004), pp. 3-14.

Nagelhout, Ed. "Pre-Professional Practices in the Technical Writing Classroom." [Includes information literacy skills] Technical Communication Quarterly 8: 3 (Summer 1999), pp.285+.

Computer Science

Nishimuro, Taizo. “Information Literacy: How Does It Differ From Traditional or Computer Literacy?” TechKnowLogia 1:1 (September/October 1999), 13-14.

Criminal Justice

Chermak, Steven, and Alexander Weiss. "Activity-Based Learning of Statistics." [Includes information literacy skills] Journal of Criminal Justice Education 10: 2 (Fall 1999),

pp. 361+

Dental Hygiene

Cobban, Sandra J. and Seale, Linda N. “ A Collaborative Approach for Improving Information Literacy Skills of Dental Hygiene Students.” International Journal of Dental Hygiene 1:1 (2003).

Education (K-12)

Davis-Kahl, Stephanie, and Payne, Lisa. “Teaching, Learning, and Research: Linking High School Teachers to Information Literacy.” Reference Services Review 31:4 (2003), pp. 313-319.

Daggett, Willard R. “School Counselors and Information Literacy From the Perspective of Willard Daggett.” Professional School Counseling 6:4 (April 2003), pp. 238-241.

Masuda, Kazuko. Using ‘Children’s Voting’ in Japan to Improve Information Literacy: Children’s Information Use in Learning Activity.” Performance Measurement & Metrics 3:3 (November 1, 2002), pp. 145-149.

Schrock, Kathy. “Tapping the Internet For Classroom Use: Information Literacy Skills Pave the Way.” MultiMedia Schools 8:2 (March-April 2001), pp. 38-43.

Bucher, Katherine T. “The Importance of Information Literacy Skills in the Middle School Curriculum.” The Clearing House 73:4 (March 2000), pp. 217-220.

Scott, Thomas J. and Michael O’Sullivan. “The Internet and Information Literacy: Taking the First Steps Toward Technology Education in the Social Studies.” Social Studies 91:3 (May-June 2000), pp. 121-125.

Nichols, Janet. “Building Bridges: High School and University Partnerships For Information Literacy.” NASSP Bulletin (March 1999), pp. 75-81.

Todd, Ross J. “Transformational Leadership and Transformational Learning: Information Literacy and the World Wide Web.” NASSP Bulletin (March 1999), pp. 4-12.

Bleakley, Ann and Jackie L. Carrigan. “Resource-Based Learning Activities: Information Literacy for High School Students.” Adolescence 31:122 (1996), pp. 499+.

Education (Higher)

Grant, Maria and Berg, Marlowe. “Information Literacy Integration in a Doctoral Program.” Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 22:1 (2004), pp. 115-128.

Lindsay, Elizabeth Blakesley. A Collaborative Approach to Information Literacy in the Freshman Seminar.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 7:3 (Fall 2003), pp. 23-27.

Matoush, Toby Leigh. Information Literacy in a Freshman Learning Community.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 7:3 (Fall 2003), pp. 78-84.

Johnston, Bill and Webber, Sheila. “Information Literacy in Higher Education: A Review and Case Study.” Studies in Higher Education 28:3 (2003), pp. 335-352.

Farmer, Lesley S. J. “Facilitating Faculty Incorporation of Information Literacy Skills into the Curriculum Through the Use of Online Instruction.” Reference Services Review 31:4 (2003), pp. 307-312.

Bagnole, John W. and John W. Miller. “An Interactive Information Literacy Course For International Students: A Practical Blueprint For ESL Learners.” TESL-EJ 6:4 (March 2003), 18 pages.

Whitehead, Martha J. and Catherine A. Quinlan. “Information Literacy in Higher Education.” Feliciter 49:1 (2003), pp. 22-24.

Johnston, Bill and Sheila Webber.. “Information Literacy in Higher Education: A Review and Case Study.” Studies in Higher Education 28:3 (2003), pp. 335-352.

“Information Literacy at Community Colleges.” Community College Journal of Research & Practice 27:8 (2003), pp. 735-739.

Profeta, Pat and Marta Kendrick. “Information Literacy Skills of Community College Freshmen.” Visions: The Journal of Applied Research for the Florida Association of Community Colleges 3:1 (Spring 2002), pp. 35-41.

Sellen, Mary K. “Information Literacy in the General Education: A New Requirement for the 21st Century.” Journal of General Education 51:2 (2002), pp. 115-126.

Bruce, Christine; Paul Chesteron; and Craig Grimison. “Constituting Collective Consciousness: Information Literacy in University Curricula.” The International Journal For Academic Development 7:1 (2002), pp. 31-40.

Templeton, Lolly and Signia Warner. “Incorporating Information Literacy Into Teacher Education.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 6:4 (Winter 2002), pp. 71-76.

Laskin, Miriam. “Bilingual Information Literacy and Academic Readiness: Reading, Writing, and Retention.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 6:4 (Winter 2002), pp. 41-45.

Donaldson, Kelly A. “Library Research Success: Designing an Online Tutorial to Teach Information Literacy Skillls to First-Year Students.” Internet and Higher Education 2:4 (Winter 2002), pp. 237-251.

McDowell, L. “Electronic Information Resources in Undergraduate Education: An Exploratory Study Of Opportunities For Student Learning and Independence.” British Journal of Educational Technology 33:3 (June 2002), pp. 255-266.

Kasowitz-Scheer, Abby and Michael Pasqualoni. “Information Literacy Instruction in

Higher Education: Trends and Issues.” ERIC Digest EDO-IR-2002-01 (June 2002).

Lyman, Peter. “Information Literacy.” Liberal Education 87: 1 (Winter 2001), pp. 28-37.

Yi, Hua. “Information Literacy Program: Achievements and Improvements.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 5:3 (Fall 2001), pp. 199-204.

Breivik, Patricia Senn. “Information Literacy and the Engaged Campus—Giving Students and Community Members the Skills To Take On (And Not Be Taken In By) the Internet."”AAHE Bulletin 53: 3 (November 2000), pp. 3-6.

Jacobson, Trudi E. and Beth L. Mark. “ Separating Wheat From Chaff: Helping First-Year Students Become Information Savvy.” The Journal of General Education 49:4 (2000), pp. 256-278.

Wright, Carol A. “Information Literacy Within the General Education Program; Implications For Distance Education”. The Journal of General Education 49:1 (2000), pp. 23-33.

Goetsch, Lori A. and Paula T. Kaufman. “Readin’, Writin’, Arithmetic, and Information Competency; Adding A Basic Skills Component to a University’s Curriculum.” Campus-Wide Information Systems 15:5 (1998), pp. 158-163.


Popescu, A. and Popescu, R. “Building Research Skills: Course-Integrated Training Methods.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 129:1 (January 2003), pp. 40-43.

Feldmann, L. and Feldmann, J. “Developing Information Literacy Skills in Freshmen Engineering Technology Students” in 30th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 18-21 October 2000, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE TAB Products, 2000.

Nerz, Honora F. and Suzanne T. Weiner. “Information Competencies: A Strategic Approach” in the Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Annual Conference and Exposition, Session 2241, 2001.


Elmborg, James K. “Information Literacy and Writing Across the Curriculum”. Reference Services Review 31:1 (2003), pp. 68-80.

Davidson, Cathy N. “Them Versus Us (and Which One of ‘Them’ Is Me?)”. Profession (2000), pp. 97-108.

Clark, Irene. “Information Literacy and the Writing Center.” Computers and Composition 12:2 (1995), pp. 203-209.


Lemke, Karen A., and Michael E. Ritter. "Virtual Geographies and the Use of the Internet for Learning and Teaching Geography in Higher Education." Journal of Geography in Higher Education 24: 1 (March 2000) , pp. 87+.


Yocum, Patricia and Gretchen S. Almy. “Information Literacy in the Geosciences: Report of a Practical Inquiry.” In Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of the Geoscience Information Society 30 (2000), pp. 15-22.

Barba, Robertta H. “Earth Science Education Update: Information Literacy For Earth and Space Science Teachers.” The Earth Scientist 17:2 (2000), pp. 24-26.

Yocum, Patricia and Gretchen S. Almy. “Information Literacy in the Geosciences: Instructional Methods and Basic Competencies.” In Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (1999), pp. 197.


Bornstein, Jerry. “Journalism Students and Information Competencies.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 7:3 (Fall 2003), pp. 204-208.

Oreskes, Michael. "Navigating a Minefield." American Journalism Review 21: 9

(November 1999) , pp. 20+.


Danner, Richard A. “Focus on Information Literacy; Law Schools Face Challenges Posed By Students’ Reliance on Online Materials For Research.” The National Law Journal 22:47 (July 17, 2000), pp. C1 and C7+.


Scott, C. S. “Information and Informatics Literacy: Skills, Timing, and Estimates of Competence.” Teaching and Learning in Medicine 12:2 (2000), pp. 85-90.


Christensen, Beth. “Warp, Weft, and Waffle: Weaving Information Literacy into an Undergraduate Music Curriculum.” Notes 60:3 (2004), 616-631

Abromeit, Kathleen A. and Vaughan, Victoria. “Info Lit and the Diva: Integrating Information Literacy into the Oberlin Conservatory of Music Opera Theater Department.” Notes 60: 3 (2004), pp. 632-652.

Taranto, Cheryl and Diane VanderPol. “Information Literacy: A New Tune For Library Instruction to Music Students.” Music Reference Services Quarterly 8:2 (2002), pp. 15-24.

Christensen, Beth. “Building on Tonic: Integrating Information Literacy into the Music Curriculum.” College Music Symposium 41 (2001), pp. 1-6.

Thompson, Keith P. "Internet Resources for General Music." Music Educators Journal, 86:3 (November 1999), p. 30+

Maple, Amanda et. al. “Information Literacy for Undergraduate Music Students: A Conceptual Framework.” Notes 52:3 (March 1996), pp. 744-753.


Dorroh, Cynthia. “Information Competency Instruction at a Community College.” Nursing Education Perspectives 24:6 (November-December 2003), pp. 286-287.

Jacobs, S. K.; Rosenfeld, P; and Haber, J. “Information Literacy as the Foundation for

Evidence-Based Practice in Graduate Nursing Education: A Curriculum-Integrated Approach.” Journal of Professional Nursing 19:5 (Sept_Oct 2003), pp. 320-328.

Rosenfeld, Peri; Noraliza Salazar-Riera; and Dorice Vieira.. “Piloting An Information Literacy Program For Staff Nurses: Lessons Learned.” CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 20:6 (November 2002), pp. 236-241.

Kerfoot, K. M. “Out With Computer Literacy, In With Information Literacy: The Nurse Manager’s Challenge for the 21st Century.” Seminars For Nurse Managers 10:2 (June 2003), pp. 114-116.

Schloman, Barbara F. “Information Literacy: The Benefits of Partnership”. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (March 2001).

Shorten, Allison et. al. “Developing Information Literacy: A Key To Evidence-Based Nursing.” International Nursing Review 48:2 (2001), pp. 86-92.

Wallace, Margaret C. et. al. “Teaching Information Literacy Skills: An Evaluation”. Nurse Education Today 20:6 (August 2000), pp. 485-489.

Pravikoff, Diane. "On the Information Highway, or Sitting on the Curb?" Journal of Nursing Education, 39:3 (March 2000), p. 99+

Verhey, Marilyn P. "Information Literacy in an Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation." Journal of Nursing Education, 38:6 (September 1999), p. 252-259.

Wallace, Margaret C. et. al. “Integrating Information Literacies Into An Undergraduate Nursing Programme.” Nurse Education Today 19:2 (February 1999), pp.136-141.

Cheek, Julianne and Irene Doskatch. “Information Literacy: A Resource for Nurses As Lifelong Learners.” Nurse Education Today 18:3 (1998), pp. 243-250.

Fox, Lynn M. et. al. “A Multidimensional; Evaluation of a Nursing Information Literacy Program.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 84:2 (April 1996), pp. 182-190.

Weaver, S. M. “Information Literacy: Educating For Life-long Learning.” Nurse Educator 18:4 (July-August 1993), pp. 30-32.


O’Connell, Suzanne. “Improving Library Research Papers in Undergraduate Science Classes.” American Journal of Physics 64 (April 1996), pp. 448-451.


Daugherty, Timothy K. and Elizabeth W. Carter. “Assessment of Outcome-Focused Library Instruction in Psychology.” Journal of Instructional Psychology 24:1 (1997), pp. 29-34.

Social Work

Lawler, Sally Haines. “Information Literacy Competencies in Social Work.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 7:3 (Fall 2003), pp. 125-131.

Folaron, Gail and Mary Stanley. “Integrating Library Research Skills into the BSW Curriculum via E-Mail.” Journal of Teaching in Social Work 17 (1998), pp 3-14.


Dofgen, Lynda; Naper, Sarah; Palmer, Olia, and others. “Not So SILI: Sociology Information Literacy Infusion as the Focus of Faculty and Librarian Collaboration.” Community & Junior College Libraries 11:4 (2003), pp. 27-33.

Harrington, C. Lee. “Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for Examining the Net.” Contemporary Sociology 29:3 (May 2000), pp. 564-566.


Cerrito, Patricia B. “Teaching Statistical Literacy.” College Teaching 47:1 (Winter 1999), pp. 9+.

Gelman, Andrew et. al. “Student Projects on Statistical Literacy and the Media.” The American Statistician 52:2 (May 1998), pp. 160-166.


Teske, Borris. “Introducing ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards to Graduate Schools of Theology.” Journal of Religious & Theological Information 5:3/4 (2002), pp. 29-57.

Women’s Studies

Golian, Linda Marie and Rita M. Pellen. “Helping Re-Entry Women Develop Library Technical Skills and Research Strategies.” Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources 17:2 (1996), p. 44+.

Also Worth Noting

Breivik, Patricia Senn. Student Learning in the Information Age. American Council on Education Series/Oryx Press Series on Higher Education. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1998.

Dunn, Kathleen. “Assessing Information Literacy Skills in the California State University: A Progress Report.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 28: 1/2 (January/March 2002), pp. 26-35.

Curzon, Susan. “Developing a Program of Information Literacy: How California State University Did It.” College and Research Libraries News 61:6 (June 2000), pp. 483-486, 491.

Rockman, Ilene F. and Associates. Integrating Information Literacy into the Higher Education Curriculum: Practical Models for Transformation. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2004.

Rockman, Ilene F. “Integrating Information Literacy into the Learning Outcomes of Academic Disciplines.” College & Research Libraries News 64:9 (October 2003), 612-615.

Rockman, Ilene F. “Information Literacy Collaboration: A Shared Responsibility.” (with J.A. Carr). American Libraries 34:8 (September 2003), 52-54.

Rockman, Ilene F. “Strengthening Connections Between Information Literacy, General Education, and Assessment Efforts.” Library Trends 51:2 (Fall 2002), 101-132.

Rockman, Ilene F. "The Importance of Information Literacy." Exchanges: The On-Line Journal of Teaching and Learning in the California State University. 2002.

Rockman, Ilene F. “More Than Faculty Training: Integrating Information Competence Into the Disciplines.” College & Research Libraries News 61:3 (March 2000), pp. 192-194.

Roth, Lorie. “Educating the Cut and Paste Generation.” Library Journal 124:18 (November 1, 1999), pp. 42-44.


Compiled by Ilene F. Rockman, Manager of the Information Competence Initiative, The California State University, Office of the Chancellor. Rev 5/04


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