-Aditya Roy (V-J M.S)

Importance of music especially in today's humdrum life cannot be overstated. Today man is surrounded by innumerable worries and listening to music soothes his nerves. Music acts as a stimulant and soothes the nerves. It is a fine art and groups of all ages get attracted to its sweet sound. A person, gifted with aesthetic capabilities, finds music as a food for his soul. Some of the great musicians of the world are held in high esteem irrespective of the kind of music they produce ? Western, Oriental, Classical, Pop or Light. These musicians organize concerts which attract people from all walks of life. So it will be of great benefit to children who are interested in pursuing music as a hobby or a career to receive music training at the school level itself. The children will thus learn basics of music at the school level. As the times grow, they will be great musician later. Therefore, I suggest that each school must have facilities for music training. If people are exposed to balming music they will definitely find life a rich and healthy experience. The importance of music is really immense.


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